The Five Senses | Joe and Jil...

By celticandcapri

3.7K 98 48

Dive into the fascinating realm of the five senses - touch, taste, smell, hear, and sight - in the company of... More



181 10 5
By celticandcapri

Author's Note: Hello everyone,

This is the final installation of "The Five Senses". Thanks for coming along for the ride. As always, you can find me on Instagram under the same name or join us on Discord (link in my Wattpad and Instagram bios).


Setting: 1997

Jill nervously wrung her hands together as she contemplated attending the lingerie party. She wasn't a prude and was open to discussions about sex with her closest friends, but the idea of revealing too much about herself in front of the other women in the group made her uneasy. With Joe being a senator, the thought of potential judgment and gossip added to her anxiety. The last thing they needed was for The Enquirer to write some seedy story about the Senator from Delaware's raunchy sex life.

"Thanks for making the drive, Jillybean," she heard from behind her.

"Are we really doing this?" she asked Bonny, her sister, who simply laughed in response as she flicked a blonde, stray hair out of her eyes.

"Jill, you're not a delicate flower. Relax and enjoy some champagne," Bonny encouraged, handing her a flute. Jill took a deep breath and gulped down the drink. "It's just a gathering with familiar faces. You don't have to divulge anything if you don't want to. I just needed another seat filler to get a discount."

"Why me? There are 3 other sisters you could have chosen."

"Because," she said with a smirk. "You're the least judgemental."

Jill smiled at the revelation, knowing that she was the more experienced and less judgmental older sister made her feel a little proud of herself. It turns out that competition between sisters never truly dies, they just get better at being more subtle about it.

As she looked around the room, her anxiety started to lessen. These were safe people, and she was far enough from Wilmington, so the host might not even recognize her. Her eyes continued to scan the room and she practically choked when they landed on another familiar face. A far too familiar face, in fact.

"Val," Jill whispered to Bonny before smacking her in the arm, "I can't believe my own sister-in-law is here."

Bonny just grinned. "Oh, come on, I know you two talk about everything."

"Not everything," Jill whined.

Bonny shook her head and walked towards the group of women with Jill trailing half a step behind her.

"How did you even manage to get her number to invite her?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Bonny shrugged nonchalantly. "I asked her at Ashley's party. She seemed pretty cool about it."

"You really enjoy making me uncomfortable, don't you?" Jill quipped with a playful smile.

Bonny chuckled and her lips formed the classic Jacobs smirk, "Kinda."

Jill grabbed another flute of champagne from the table and made her way over to Val. As she approached, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about the long night ahead of them.

She found it amusing to see Val's obvious discomfort. At that moment, Val seemed to be even more insecure about the situation than Jill herself, which strangely bought Jill some comfort.

"I don't know why I agreed to come here. Your sister is almost as convincing as you. The Jacobs women definitely have some influence over the Bidens," Val joked, laughing.

Jill tried to reassure her, suggesting that it might be good for Val to step out of her comfort zone.

"I'm well-acquainted with Catholic guilt. It's where I feel most at home," Val quipped.

In Bonny's living room, a tall, brunette woman stood in the front of the room and introduced herself as Francesca. Jill wasn't entirely sure who she was expecting; maybe a young woman in her 20's who threw these parties to make some extra money for college. But she was taken aback by the presence of someone who resembled the mothers she knew from her time as a PTO mom at Wilmington Friends. Unlike the younger, more casually dressed women in the room, Francesca exuded a mature, almost maternal aura that was unexpected but intriguing.

As the evening progressed, games were enjoyed, champagne flowed freely, and the women began to relax and let their hair down - some of them literally.

Francesca introduced a game similar to "Spin The Bottle", which mildly concerned Jill at first but her concerns were soon squashed once the rules were established. When the bottle landed on you, you had to answer the question.

Memories flooded back as Jill recalled a similar drinking game they'd played in the late 70's. Jill, always the protective older sister, whispered in Bonnie's ear, "Be careful not to give away too much."

"I remember when you disappeared at your own New Year's Eve party," Jill recalled, fixing her gaze on Bonnie. "We were all looking for you."

Wearing a mischievous grin, Bonnie responded, "That's because I got to experience what you do every night."

Confused, Jill raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

Bonnie clarified with a chuckle, "Having a romantic encounter with someone from the Biden family."

Jill's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, you and Frankie?"

Bonnie continued to chuckle. "Actually, it was Jimmy."

"For god's sake," Jill shook her head, "promise me that information will never leave this room."

It was the only secret she'd ever kept from Joe.

To her disappointment, Bonny dismissed her concerns and waved her off. Fortunately, the game proceeded smoothly and stayed on a superficial level. She was thankful that Francesca hadn't joined them to uncover their deepest and dirtiest secrets, but instead had created a comfortable atmosphere for discussing sex and making selections in the catalog later.

By the time the catalog was in their hands, the women were no longer apprehensive about making their purchases. Jill peeked over at Val's book, pointing out product A347.

"That one is intense," Jill blurted out. "The vibrating head tickles me too much sometimes! I think it's why it's Joe's favorite."

Bonny bit the inside of her cheek and chose not to reply.

"Goodness gracious, that's way more information than I needed," Val sighed.

"Oh, come on," Bonny chuckled. "I already know what's on that shopping list that you take over when I can't go."

"Yes, I just throw the items in the cart and try to forget about it. I am merely a servant, nothing more," Val vowed. "I truly amaze myself with my selective memory skills."

"You are not so innocent yourself. You do spill some good gossip after a few glasses of wine," Jill teased.

"Not my fault, blame it on the wine," Val defended. "You're the one who plies me with chardonnay to loosen my tongue."

"Yeah, and that tongue has a wild side, if I recall correctly," Jill laughed.

Bonny gave Val a sly look, "I always knew you were a secret dominatrix!" she declared, before slyly clinking her glass with Val's in a toast.

"They don't call me Hurricane Val for nothing," she conceded with a shake of her head before tossing the flute of champagne back.

The product that caught her attention the most was a perfume infused with pheromones designed to attract others. "What exactly does this perfume do?" she asked Francesca. With great enthusiasm, Francesca explained that it was meant to enhance natural pheromones and make the wearer irresistible to others.

Noting the wedding ring on her finger, she raised an eyebrow and remarked, "I see you're married."

Jill nodded.

"Marriages can hit rough patches where spicing things up is necessary," she continued, seemingly unaware of Jill's situation.

Jill was tempted to interject and explain that things were fine in her relationship, but she decided to listen instead.

"These perfumes bring out a natural pheromone that will truly make you irresistible. Your husband won't be able to keep his hands off of you," Francesca declared confidently, holding the crimson colored, heart shaped bottle up for display.

"He can barely keep them off of you now," Val mumbled.

As Jill pondered over the idea, she couldn't help but find it a bit ridiculous. Nonetheless, she decided to give it a try. Her trusty Cristalle perfume had served her well, and she had no doubt that she would return to it, but she was curious to see if this perfume could affect Joe.

"I'll take one," she finally declared, intrigued by the idea of adding a little excitement to her marriage.

"Me too," Val piped up before adding, "It's for science... You need a control tester."

"You guys are going to tell me everything, right?" Bonny made them promise.

the following weekend

Jill applied the perfume to her wrists and then spritzed some on her neck. As she took in the scent, she found it intriguing. The fragrance was sweet and fruity, but there was a faint chemical undertone. It didn't repel her, but it didn't captivate her enough to choose it from a selection of luxurious perfumes either.

She straightened her dress and turned to the side, deciding on a timeless black dress with a backless design and sleeves. She was aware that it was one of Joe's preferred dresses. Whenever she wore it, he would go out of his way to find excuses to touch her back, lingering just a bit longer than necessary whenever she passed by him.

"Are you ready?" he inquired as he entered the bedroom, coming to a halt as his gaze scanned her figure. "Good God, I must have done something right in a past life to be rewarded like this."

He approached her from behind, enveloping her in his arms and planting a gentle kiss on her spine.

She teasingly rolled her eyes. "Hold on, slow down, mister. You promised to wine and dine me."

Raising his hand, he admitted, "You're right. Your carriage awaits you, m'lady."

He pretended to tip an imaginary hat as she walked past him.

Their regular Bed and Breakfast was closed for renovations, so they opted for a resort near Rehoboth instead. Jill insisted that her toes must touch the sand at least once over the weekend, and he was determined to make sure that happened.

Their dinner reservation was timed directly after check-in, ensuring a seamless transition from the dining room to their room. While Joe handled the check-in process, she picked up a pamphlet and started reading, eventually turning it over to examine images of the rooms. Her attention was immediately drawn to the bathroom, specifically the garden tub, which she was eager to take advantage of during their stay.

"Have I mentioned how stunning you look tonight?" Joe inquired.

"Only about every other sentence," Jill replied wittily.

"You smell amazing," he remarked, leaning in towards her neck. He observed that she was not wearing her usual Cristalle perfume, a scent he associated so strongly with her. He wasn't sure what the scent notes were of this particular perfume, but he couldn't deny that there was something alluring - even arousing - about whatever she was wearing tonight. Deciding not to dwell on it too much, he simply placed another kiss on her neck.

"Thank you," she said with a smirk, contemplating if there was indeed something to this pheromone perfume.

"Sorry to interrupt," the host interjected, prompting them to break away from each other like a magnet from a metal surface, "your table is ready, but feel free to take your time."

As they strolled towards their table, Joe nestled close to her ear, whispering, "I plan to take my time with you tonight," before gently placing a soft kiss on her jawline and brushing his finger under her chin.

"Behave yourself," she playfully scolded, to which he responded with a knowing smirk.

"I can't resist when you look this tempting," he confessed, his hand lingering on her exposed back as she glided ahead of him. "How hungry are you?"

"Joe-" she warned and he shot back a million dollar smile.

Chivalrously, he pulled out her chair as they both took their seats and settled in for the evening.

To her surprise, Joe managed to control himself throughout dinner, despite the frequent interruptions from the over-eager waitstaff who seemed determined to ensure their every need was met. While Joe remained polite, she could sense his growing frustration.

There was one particular waiter who seemed to have a penchant for hovering by Jill's side of the table, a boldness that caught her off guard, especially with her husband sitting directly opposite. Just as Joe began to speak up, she shot him a warning look that conveyed, "Don't ruin this evening by losing your cool in public." She couldn't help but wonder if her perfume was having an unintended effect on the wrong person.

She couldn't help but quietly chuckle at the thought of her perfume seducing a 25-year-old waiter while seemingly having no impact on her husband. She had always been skeptical of such things, though, so she still wasn't sure that she believed it was anything more than placebo.

"What's amusing?" Joe inquired curiously.

Suppressing her laughter with a sip of wine, she replied, "Oh, nothing."

"I really don't trust that guy," Joe grumbled as the waiter flashed a smile at Jill while passing by their table.

Rolling her eyes, she assured Joe, "I'm not going to elope with the waiter, Joe."

"I know that, but I don't like the way he's eyeing you. It reminds me of how I look at you," he objected.

"How do you look at me, Joe?"

"Like I want to peel off your clothes and devour you right on this table," he declared, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Is that what you want, Joe? To make a show of who I belong to?"

"I'm not that misogynistic, Jill."

"No, Joe, be honest with me. Is that what you desire? To have me in plain view so everyone knows I'm yours and yours alone? To be the only one who can make me scream?"

"Jill -"

"It is, isn't it?" She probed with a smirk. "You're so easy to read, sweetheart." She lowered her voice once more. "You're dying to mark your territory."

As he was on the verge of replying, the waiter showed up again, prompting Joe to groan in frustration. He rubbed his face with his hand before reclining in his seat.

"Mrs. Biden, Mr. Biden mentioned your love for wine; we have an excellent variety for you to try. I'll leave the menu here, but as a budding sommelier, I have plenty of recommendations," the waiter informed.

Jill glanced at the menu, unfazed.

"I'm not sure which wine to choose," she pondered out loud. "Perhaps I should call our wonderful waiter back and seek his guidance."

Joe shifted in his seat, willing his body to cooperate with him as her words kept replaying in his mind.

"I'm certain he'd be happy to help," she observed.

"Jill," he cautioned.

She decided that she'd teased him enough.

She leaned closer to his side of the table, ensuring he caught a hint of her pheromone perfume. "I am sure that the wine selection is great, but I'm leaning towards a nightcap in our room. How does that sound to you?"

"Hold that smile back, Jilly, it's a lethal weapon," he cautioned, as she gazed up at him with a sweet blink, waiting for him to give in to her.

Finally, she stood up.

"Are you coming?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder.

Placing a hand on each armrest of the chair, he groaned softly and rose to his feet. "If a strong breeze comes along, I'd say it's highly probable."

Upon closing the door of their hotel room, Joe's hands gently caressed Jill's body as their lips met in a passionate kiss. He drew her nearer, relishing in the sensation of her tender curves against him.

Simultaneously, Jill's hands ventured beneath Joe's clothing, discovering and grasping his growing arousal. She began to stroke him gently at first, then with growing intensity as their kiss deepened.

Joe let out a soft moan as she rid him of the barriers of his clothing. His mind brimmed with thoughts of the many wonderful ways he planned to indulge her in that very instant. Desperate to gain a little control over the situation, Joe dipped his head down and nipped at Jill's neck, seeking her pulse point and then sucking lightly, knowing it would elicit a moan from her. The sensation traveled directly to Jill's core, causing her to pause momentarily as her mouth fell open.

Breathing heavily, Joe inhaled deeply, groaning in pleasure at the intoxicating scent of Jill. "Whatever you're wearing tonight is driving me absolutely insane," he whispered passionately and she smirked.

"My secret."

As Joe continued to savor the intoxicating scent of Jill, he sought the neckline of her dress. As the dress slid off her shoulders and down her body, revealing that she had been completely nude the entire evening, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her uncovered beauty.

With utmost care, he traced her ribcage, his fingers brushing against her bare skin, before crashing his lips into hers again until she was left breathless and panting.

Escaping Joe's loving grasp, Jill gracefully knelt before him. With skilled fingers, she hooked the waistband of his underwear and pants, gently guiding them down to his ankles.

Standing there exposed, Joe felt a mix of vulnerability and intense arousal. He gazed down at Jill, whose eyes gleamed with desire.

"You don't have to," he reminded her but she shook her head. She wanted to, more than anything. She needed to.

She declared, "We both know how much you enjoy it when I show you that I belong to you. And what better way for me to do that than to kneel before the man I love."

Joe struggled to maintain composure as her words washed over him, so he cleared his throat and willed his body to not erupt at the first flick of Jill's tongue.

Jill encircled the base of Joe's erection with one hand, while the other tenderly caressed his intimate area. With deliberate movements, she traced her tongue along the length of his shaft, savoring the taste of his pre-cum on her palate.

Joe, consumed by the intense sensation, let out a moan as he leaned against the nightstand for support. In response, Jill engulfed him with her mouth, masterfully swirling her tongue around the sensitive head of his cock. Gradually, she took him deeper, her hand stroking him in perfect harmony as he teetered between pleasure and the edge of release. He was held captive in a world of ecstasy, and he was not complaining.

As Jill continued her expert touch, Joe's hips involuntarily bucked, each movement pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Surrendering, he found himself at the mercy of his wife's skilled hands and mouth.

"Enough," he said, pushing her away, watching as she licked her bottom lip. Joe's gaze locked with Jill's, his voice husky as he uttered, "I need to taste you." The declaration sent a shiver down Jill's spine, prompting her to nod in agreement.

Joe guided Jill to the bed and gently dragged a pillow from the top, sliding it beneath her head to ensure her comfort.

As Joe drew nearer, the intoxicating aroma of Jill filled the room, he could hardly wait to touch her again, to get his mouth on any part of her body.

Jill's center glistened with her passion, and she parted her legs as an invitation for his touch. With reverence, Joe traced the length of her folds with his finger, collecting her wetness and bringing it to his lips. He savored the taste - a delightful blend of sweetness, tanginess, and a hint of salt. All her.

Joe eagerly explored Jill's intimate depths, hungrily lapping up her juices. Their moans intertwined, creating a symphony of passion as Jill ground herself against his face, surrendering to the exquisite sensations he provided.

It didn't take long before Jill's body tensed as a wave of pleasure washed over her. She moaned loudly, the sound echoing through the hotel room as Joe continued to work his magic on her.

She could feel her orgasm building deep within her core, threatening to consume her completely. Her legs trembled uncontrollably as she neared the point of no return.

With a primal cry, Jill's body convulsed as the first waves of orgasm crashed over her. Joe held on tight, keeping his mouth firmly planted on her clit as he rode out each subsequent surge of pleasure.

She collapsed onto the bed in a state of pure ecstasy and Joe crawled up beside her and pulled her into his arms, relishing in the feel of their naked bodies pressed together.

"We're not done yet," she informed him after regaining control of her legs. With newfound strength, she gracefully positioned herself atop him, their bodies connecting with a soft groan.

She began to move slowly at first, teasingly provoking Joe's hips to buck upwards. When they did, she pushed him back down into the mattress with a hand on his chest. His hands found purchase on her thighs, gently digging in lightly.

As their rhythm deepened and the pace picked up, Joe couldn't help but growl, "Fuck, that feels amazing."

She continued, occasionally swirling her hips and flexing her muscles around him, causing him to throw his head back into the pillows.

"God, woman, you're going to be the death of me," he panted.

"Oh, but what a way to go," she joked and he laughed in agreement. He can't say he'd be that upset if this was the end for him.


The following morning, she woke up at 11 AM.

"Joe," she nudged him and untangled herself from his embrace. "It's almost lunch time."

It was uncharacteristic for them to sleep so late, but they'd indulged in what Joe referred to as a 'sex marathon' that left every muscle in their bodies pleasantly sore.

"Mmm, there's a spa downstairs. I thought we could treat ourselves to massages after our long night," he murmured as he nuzzled into her hair.

"Sounds heavenly. I just need to quickly check my emails and call the kids," she replied, lulling her head from side to side in an attempt to stretch out her neck muscles.

She made her way over to the computer that sat in the corner of their room and logged into her email. Her curiosity was piqued when she saw an email from Val, with Bonny also copied in.

When she opened the email, her face flushed crimson.

It simply stated, "The perfume is effective. - Control Tester #1."

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