Probing Visions 2

By DanielDabble

1.6K 1.3K 36

Armed with his visionary powers, Jean Hidesine-Podeshire, a student and a resolute son, embarks on a treacher... More

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: An Unassuming School Life
Chapter 1 (Part 1)
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Chapter 1 (Part 3)
Chapter 1 (Part 4)
Chapter 1 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 2: Deteriorating Health
Chapter 2 (Part 1)
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
Chapter 2 (Part 3)
Chapter 2 (Part 4)
Chapter 2 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 3: The Curse Behind It
Chapter 3 (Part 2)
Chapter 3 (Part 3)
Chapter 3 (Part 4)
Chapter 3 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 4: To Be, Only To Be Stealthy
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 4 (Part 3)
Chapter 4 (Part 4)
Chapter 4 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 5: The Son's Progress
Chapter 5 (Part 1)
Chapter 5 (Part 2)
Chapter 5 (Part 3)
Chapter 5 (Part 4)
Chapter 5 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 6: The Father's Reflection
Chapter 6 (Part 1)
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
Chapter 6 (Part 3)
Chapter 6 (Part 4)
Chapter 6 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 7: Face To Face
Chapter 7 (Part 1)
Chapter 7 (Part 2)
Chapter 7 (Part 3)
Chapter 7 (Part 4)
Chapter 7 (Part 5)
CHAPTER 8: The Threshold To The End
Chapter 8 (Part 1)
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
Chapter 8 (Part 3)
Chapter 8 (Part 4)
Chapter 8 (Part 5)
Plot Summary

Chapter 3 (Part 1)

29 24 0
By DanielDabble

     Jean, Bertie, and George head to the dormitory, their heads low. There, they encounter Kevin and Gabriel, awaiting their return. Jean, Kevin, Gabriel, Bertie, and George lock eyes, peering at each other in the pupils, the silence lingering. As Kevin and Gabriel stare at their friends' glistening orbs, they realize something is wrong.

"What happened?" Kevin asked, his voice laden with worry.

"Dad..." Jean disclosed.

"How's he doing?" Gabriel inquired, concerned.

"He is critically sick. And our parents are calling us to return home..." Bertie replied.

"You're going back home?" Kevin's eyes widened.

"Mhm," George nodded, knitting his eyebrows together.

"Yes," Jean answered.

     A faint gasp escapes Kevin and Gabriel's mouths as they turn to look at each other in the eyes. The concern for their friends' emotions and their father's health gets the better of them, causing their bodies to feel numb. Their jaws quiver with worry and apprehension, and their brows furrow with anxiety.

     Afterwards, Jean, Kevin, Gabriel, Bertie, and George gather in front of the school's lawn, standing on the sidewalk, waiting for a carriage. And there, under the blazing sun, they exchange worried glances that speak of their unsaid feelings. They turn to each other, seeking comfort and support from one another. With their lips tightened, they lower their heads, burdened by the thought of the situation.

     As life in school is put aside for the day, Jean switches his uniform to a more comfortable attire. He dons an unbuttoned cloud-grey tailcoat that cascades to his thighs, matching his white trousers and contrasting against his black shoes. Beneath the overcoat is a taupe waistcoat that hugs his lean frame and a black ascot tie that wraps around his collar.

     Like Jean, Bertie changes his clothes, choosing a snug knee-length coat above a dark bluish-green vest. Harmonizing with his coat, he sports coal-black trousers and polished shoes. Finishing his ensemble, he adorns a black ribbon with loose ends around his neck, giving him a refined appearance.

     In the meantime, George wears a salmon-red plaid vest, highlighting the blackness of his waist-length overcoat. Black trousers harmonize harmoniously with his black shoes, embracing his figure. Around his neck, a stiff ribbon wraps, completing his outfit.

     As time passes, a carriage comes to a long-awaited halt before Jean, Kevin, Gabriel, Bertie, and George. Jean offers a silent nod to his friends, conveying his inevitable departure. Then, alongside his brothers, he strides towards the vehicle and opens its door for them to pass.

"I guess this is a goodbye for now," Kevin contemplated as he placed his hands on his hips.

Jean turned around to face his friends. "I'll see you guys again," he said, bidding his farewell.

     The carriage door slams shut with a resounding thud that echoes through the air. With a loud grunt, the coachman sinks into his seat and swiftly slashes the reins, prompting the horse to stand on its hind legs and pull the carriage onward. Soon, the vehicle blends in with the other carts on the street, venturing into the bustling city. Meanwhile, Kevin and Gabriel stand side by side and watch their friends depart from the school, squeezing their eyes against the bright sun.

     As the carriage moves forward across the aisle of towering buildings, men and women stroll along the sidewalks. Merchants traverse the road, showcasing their gleaming wares. Above, hot air balloons glide across the sky, guided by the massive wings of fearless dragons.

     Hours pass by, and the sun begins to plummet into the horizon, casting a dim, fiery glow to the atmosphere. The cold breeze sings eerily across the neighbourhood brimming with mansions, a sign of the impending dusk. Leaves fall from the trees, carried away by the wind.

     A carriage comes to a highly anticipated stop before the grand estate where Jean and his brothers reside—the Alcadee Residence. The right-side door of the vehicle flings open, and Jean, Bertie, and George hops down. As Jean's shoes meet the concrete sidewalk, he feels goosebumps hastening down his spine. Breathing in, Jean steps forward and unlocks the tall iron gate, passing through with his siblings.

     Jean, Bertie, and George march down the path across the front yard, where plants, flowers and hedges greet them with graceful waves. Stepping onto the porch, Jean unlocks the front door and swings it open, the hinges groaning in protest. As he and his brothers enter and cross the threshold, the jaw-dropping sight of the majestic lobby rushes to shock his senses.

"Oh, Jean. Bertie. George," a maid called, approaching the three brothers in the doorway.

"Hello," Jean responded.

The maid took a deep breath. "Your father, Mr Podeshire, is looking for you all. He wants to see you by his bedside," she told them. "He surely misses you three."

"We know," Jean nodded kindly. "Where is he?" he asked.

"He is in his bedroom, surrounded by Mr Gregory and Mrs Josephine, alongside your sisters. They've arrived earlier. And they're all awaiting your arrival," the maid informed. "You must make haste now."

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