
由 Dreamer13338

154K 4.9K 1.8K

There is a rare, valuable type of male that can carry children. There type of males are known as Carriers. At... 更多

Prologue/ Summary (MUST READ!)
Who To Trust?
Too Curious
Doesn't Effect Us So Why Care?
Always Mine
A Night In Thailand
A Stalker and A Friend
Extraordinary Goodbye
I Won't Mind
Always or Never
Cookies and Strawberries
Double Surprise
To Heal A Wound
Birthday Surprise
Friendly Fire
Late Night Visitors
Sleeping Beauty
Baby Showers Bring Dark Hours
Blizzard Babies
Little Cabin In the Woods
Sweet Oblivion
Parting Ways
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Dazed and Confused
Life Altering
Open Arms
A Close Call
Mama Payne
An Unusual Wedding
You Can't Save Everyone Part 1
Can't Let You Out of My Sight
Innocent Loves
Carrier Flu
Bright Birthday
After Shock
Sudden Delivery
Good News
Safety or Freedom
Ripped Away
Louis' Mistake
Dr. Winchester and Heather
Reasons Why
The Next Step
A Chaotic Morning
Poor Nialler
A Final Goodbye
Modest Mistakes
Beginning Great & Ending Bad
Long Night
A Turn of Events
Mysterious Isabella
Druids and Loopy
Horan House
A Simple B-Day
Going to See the Witches
Goodbye Niall
Fate's Hands
Starting A New Life
The Break of a New Dawn
Silent Carrier
One Hell of A Mountain
Epilogue: An Epic Family

Another Baby

2.6K 67 4
由 Dreamer13338

Liam's POV

I may be eager to have another baby, but it seems the past seven months have allowed me to forget what a chore it can be to be pregnant.

I am kneeled in front of the toilet for the third time this morning throwing up violently into the toilet. Between my sickness and an ill baby I have gotten no sleep for the past two days. My poor Jeremiah seems to have come down with a cold and keeps waking up at night crying for one reason or another which wakes his twin. Dr. Ada assures me that he'll be fine in a couple of days with the medicine she gave me to give him each night but a couple of days just seems too far away.

I may have also forgot to mention to her that I may be pregnant and experiencing horrible morning sickness. I didn't say anything knowing that she would tell the lads and I don't want them to know until I know for sure. Maybe wait a week or two.

"Liam James, if you weren't feeling miserable right now I would be yelling at you," I hear Harry's voice sounding unusually angry from behind me. I don't bother looking up though, the feeling of the cool porcelain against my forehead feels too good and I don't think I even have the energy to do it.

"Mm sorry..." I mumble blinking a couple times trying to keep my eyes open. I hear him sigh loudly as I hear cabinets opening and the sound of the faucet running. I feel his arms wrap around me pulling me into his arms, having me rest my head against his chest. I can feel a cool cloth against my sweaty skin and feel his hand on my back gently rubbing.

"Morning sickness?" he asks in a hushed tone as he washes away the vomit and sweat that covers my skin.

"I think so," I mumble rubbing my stomach as I feel a cramp hit, but the sudden cry from Jeremiah allows me to forget my own discomfort. I try to get to my feet, but I am just too shaky and Harry's arm around me stops me from going much of anywhere, "Jeremiah, he needs me," I protest in a hushed tone.

"Louis is taking care of him. Both of the twins are fine. Liam, why didn't you tell one of us that you aren't feeling well and don't try to bull shit me saying it just started today. I noted you weren't feeling well three days ago, but I said nothing figuring you would come to us on your own," he continues as I relax into his embrace trying to keep my eyes open.

"I-I wanted to know for sure...not that bad," I mumble unintelligently. The sigh that follows makes it clear he isn't pleased with the answer.

I don't get the chance to hear his response if there had been any for sleep finally takes me and I couldn't be more pleased.

Harry's POV

"What was he thinking?" Louis hisses at me in the bathroom of our hotel room.

"He was being Liam. You know how he can be. He's stubborn, hates asking for help, and likes to not worry everybody," I patiently remind him as I flush the toilet and clean up the bathroom a little.

"Well he does rely on other people now and he is always worrying us. No wonder Zayn about lost his mind trying to protect him, I'm about to lose my trying to protect him from himself," Louis grumbles clicking a pen anxiously.

"Relax, I'll take care of it. I already let Dr. Ada know, she'll be over in the morning. You just take care of the twins. I'll take care of Liam," I assure Louis grabbing his hand forcing him to stop clicking the pen.

"Okay, you're the health guru. I'll just take care of the twins, keep things reasonable, and make sure everybody still has fun," Louis grins kissing my cheek before merrily going back out the door like he had not been anxious just two seconds ago.

I chuckle shaking my head, use to Louis' odd behavior by now. Heading out I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge and sit down on the bed beside Liam kissing his forehead gently making him stir. He blinks a couple of times looking up at me with tired puppy dog brown eyes. The bags under his eyes and loss of water through sweat and vomit worrying me.

"Love, please drink this. We have to keep you hydrated," I whisper helping him sit up and start to sip at the water. I gently keep my hold on him not wanting him to flop back down. I keep him close my fingers running through his hair at the back of his head.

When he has managed to drink the entire bottle I let him lay back down and snuggle into my side beneath the sheets.

"I'm sorry, Hazza. I didn't mean to worry you guys. I just didn't think the morning sickness was that big of a deal, but I suppose between staying up all night with the twins and the breast feeding it is draining me a little more than expected," he apologizes the feeling of his tears hitting my bare skin making my heart shatter.

"It's okay, Li. Just close your eyes and get some sleep. Dr. Ada will be here soon and she'll give you everything you're going to need," I promise him resting my cheek on the top of his fluffy head as he snuggles in closer. Unable to help myself I find myself drifting to sleep as well.


"Wakey wakey! Dr. Ada is here!" Louis' cheerful voice greets me like usual in the morning. I blink a couple of times trying to get the sleep from my eyes. Deciding to at least put some pants on before she actually comes into our room I get out of bed stretching knowing that Louis is enjoying the view and based on the reddened cheeks of Liam when I turn around he most defiantly had as well. 

Liam is sitting up, his skin less clammy than yesterday, the bags under his eyes starting to disappear and looking much better over all. He is holding Luke close and is breastfeeding him like usual in the morning. This makes me pout, but I choose to say nothing. I just hope we can take one more feeding off the twins' schedule soon.

By the time my pants are on there is a light knock on our hotel room door. I go over to open the door for Dr. Ada.

Like usual she looks totally professional, her jet black hair pulled back into a bun, her clothes appearing to never wrinkle and a smile that lights up her face that makes it seem she has never had a tiring day in her life. I must admit I envy her for that.

"Good morning gentlemen. Now where is my patient?" she greets us giving both Louis and I quick hugs.

"He's laying down in bed feeding Luke. He should be finished soon," Louis replies leading the way further into the hotel room. 

"Just finished actually. Louis can you take him?" Liam asks handing Luke over to Louis, who Louis greets with funny noises and a tickling session making the little boys squeals echo throughout the room.

"I think the people next door and below us hate us," Louis laughs as he places Luke in the play crib with a bunch of his favorite toys.

"Aw, who could hate that little giggle though?" Dr. Ada laughs as she gets some of her equipment ready to examine Liam.

"Maybe, but I doubt they love Jeremiah's crying," Liam sighs glancing over at his sleeping oldest who still isn't feeling that great.

"I'll check up on him again if it'll make you feel better, but I'm sure that in another day or two he'll be once again his happy, curious self," Dr. Ada assures him making Liam visibly relax a little, "Now I have heard rumor you might be pregnant again and that it might be some rough morning sickness that you're experiencing."

At her words Liam nods a little suddenly looking a little green. Knowing he will be about to be sick again I hurry into the bathroom grabbing the trashcan. I put the trashcan in his lap and as soon as I do he starts to get sick. I rub his back soothingly while also holding the bucket steady. He stops and takes the time to breath before once again painfully gagging tears filling his eyes running down his cheeks.

Once he finishes he flops back into the pillows exhausted. Dr. Ada takes the trash disappearing into the bathroom with it. Louis hands me a wet wash cloth and I wipe Liam's face clean for him cleaning away any signs of vomit and the tears that cascade down his cheeks.

"This sucks," he grumbles nuzzling into my lap.

"I know babe. I'm sorry," I whisper kissing the top of his head as he snuggles into me.

"Alright Liam, I want to confirm if you're pregnant or not. Can I have you roll lay flat on your back, please?"  Dr. Ada asks as she gets her portable ultrasound machine ready with the help of Melissa, who had snuck in behind her.

Liam sighs and rolls onto his back, but when I try to get up he grabs my hand.

"You and Louis stay with me, right here?" he asks looking up at me with his big brown eyes a glisten of hope in his eyes.

"I'm staying right here," Louis confirms taking Liam's other side kissing Liam gently on the cheek.

"Alright Liam, you know the routine. Like before when you were early in your first pregnancy we can't do an ultrasound on your tummy, because the baby is too little. So we'll have to see it through the same way it was produced," she smiles at him as he visibly cringes.

"Do we have to? Can we just do a test? I don't know if I want to see the baby if it means having to see it that way," he mumbles pouting which makes her just smile.

"Liam, it would be better if we could get a visual and do you really want to take away Harry and Louis' chance at seeing the baby?" Dr. Ada asks already pulling the blankets away  from around him. He tries to pull his blanket back but Louis slaps his hand away.

"I thought you were fighting for my freedom?" Liam pouts at Louis glaring at him.

"I want to see if there is a baby in there. Screw some test I like visuals better. Now lay back and relax we're right here and it's not like it's something we have never seen before," Louis reminds Liam as he pulls the blankets away from him and puts them safely at the end of the bed.

"Liam, I need you to pull your pants down," Dr. Ada orders him. He does as she says rather reluctantly.

Dr. Ada goes on with what she needs to do with the help of Melissa. 15 minutes after fussing and arguments we finally have an image up on the screen of a small little blob with a heartbeat.

I feel Liam's hand wrap around mine and I can feel tears falling down my cheeks. I glance over at Louis and he as well is crying. There is a baby in there. Our baby is in the man I love.

After checking everything Dr. Ada turns the machine off and takes it out of Liam much to his visible relief. Once she does that he is snuggled into my side trembling. That is defiantly something he does not enjoy.

"Don't worry Liam the next one will be just an ultrasound we can do on your tummy," she assures him as she packs up her stuff.

"Good, I do not want to do that again," Liam mumbles into my chest, but he has tears fall down his cheeks, tears of joy based on the goofy smile on his face.

"Is it just one?" Liam asks wiping away his tears to face Dr. Ada.

"It's too early to tell so we don't know for sure, but based on the looks I would say so. I should also congratulate you guys on the relationship you're all in. It's obvious it centers around a certain Carrier," Dr. Ada smiles at Liam making him blush.

"It's common you know for Carriers to be in relationships with more than one person. It's easier to keep them safe that way and keep each other in line so nobody gets to controlling over the Carrier. I am actually relieved because I have noticed Zayn being a little too possessive," Melissa speaks up smiling at us like she has just announced the weather or something.

"Anyway here are some vitamins. Have him take it easy for the next couple of months. Carrier morning sickness as you know can be brutal. Now I would recommend for him to start getting the twins off breast feeding. It will be brutal for his body to provide enough nourishment for himself, two growing babies, and another unborn child inside him. Other than that I don't think I have anything else. Another check up in a month or so. Any complications feel free to come to me. Could I have a word with you two outside real quick?" Dr. Ada asks motioning to Louis and I, "Melissa will help you clean up and get ready for the morning Liam. Based on your facial expression I would say you're still not feeling well," Dr. Ada smiles at him before motioning for us to follow her.

Louis and I follow her out the hotel room door. I give Liam one last lingering glance before closing the door behind me.

"I need to let you know,I have already told Paddy to be more on alert than usual, there are some doctors that have shown an interest in Liam. They're not really even doctors they're more scientist that specialize in Carriers, only they're not the same as me. They're dangerous. They do experiments that are quite questionable. Some say they work for the government others say they work for some mad man and some question the difference. Either way we don't want Liam in their hands. He's a Clover Carrier which makes him rare and they believe Clover Carriers can gain more abilities with their experiments including immortality, mind reading, telekinesis, and anything else they can think would be useful. All I know is we have to keep Liam away from them. Please be more on your guard and let Zayn know as well. I know what little I have been able to learn from research and talking to collogues but there isn't much and all say they are dangerous and just use Carriers. Please be on your guard. I'll keep you informed," she gives one last smile before disappearing down the hallway and Melissa appears from the room taking the equipment with her. She gives us one last smile before disappearing down the hall with her mother.

"Why can't people just leave Liam alone?" Louis sighs from beside me worry in his bright blue eyes.

"Because people are cruel and don't understand," I sigh walking into the hotel room. Liam is up out of bed holding Jeremiah close as Jeremiah cries. Liam lays Jeremiah down on the bed and begins changing his diaper. Jeremiah stays quiet and looks up at his daddy with his eyes that are identical to his daddy's. He gets him dressed in a little onesie with a puppy dog on it before laying him down in the play pen with his brother kissing the top of his brunette head.

"He looks like you," I say wrapping my arms around Liam's waist resting my hands on his still flat tummy.

"He has Zayn's skin tone. He is far darker than what I ever was, but other than that you're right. He looks like me. I think he will have his Baba's cheekbones though," Liam smiles at me leaning into my arms.

"What did Dr. Ada have to say to you?" Liam asks his puppy eyes meeting Louis' sassy blue.

"Um just about the pregnancy and stuff. Nothing to really worry about," I reply rubbing his back trying to comfort him and get him to not worry about it.

"I never said I was worried. Is there something I should be worried about?" Liam asks earning me a very dirty look from Louis.

"No, she just wanted to make sure our four way love wasn't going to turn into a battlefield and pretty much gave us the speech to be good to you or else," Louis quickly covers for me.

Liam's only response is a whimper.

"What's wrong, Li?" Louis asks coming over to Liam as I turn Liam so I can look him in the eyes.

"Stomach...ugh...cramp," he gasps out as Louis and I grab him helping him over to the bed where we lay him down.

"How long did the cramps last when you were pregnant with the twins?" Louis asks rubbing the cramping muscles there.

"For the first three months. I hate this, hopefully  I'll be okay in two months or so," Liam assures us as he relaxes into the pillows tears of pain stinging his eyes.

"Niall and I will go to the interview today. It's just a radio show so it won't be huge. Louis stay here and take care of Liam and the twins," I say untangling myself from Liam as I get up running my fingers through my hair trying to tidy it up.

I kiss Liam and Louis and then peck the top of the twins' heads before slipping out the hotel room door with one last lingering smile at my two boyfriends. 

With the door closed I let my worry cease me.

Something tells me this pregnancy will be just as eventful as the last if not more.


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