♡ The Ruins of Dawn ♡


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Since forever it's always just been 13 year old Amelie and her Mum. They may not have been rich in money but... Еще

~intro + characters~
~Amelie's playlist~
1|| Secrets & Lies
2|| A Punch To The Gut
3|| Snow white and his 5 little dwarfs
4|| Selfish
5|| Here Comes The Bride
6|| Home Sweet Home?
7|| Dinner
* A/N
8|| Sundae Secrets
9|| Deal
11|| Is it Broken?
12|| None of your beeswax
~aesthetics pt 2~
13|| Fancy Academy
14 || A New Wound
15 || London Boy
16 || chugging my problems
17|| someone's in trouble..
18|| I Think He Knows
19|| Eat Grass
20|| Nicknames & Memories
21|| Miss Piggy 2.0
౨ৎ instagram posts ౨ৎ

10|| Don't Cry, Don't Cry, Don't Cry

530 16 5

another chapter! *gasp* this is a good one!


After a 15 minute car ride of singing my heart out and pissing off Cooper, we arrived at the mall. It was a really big one, indoor and outdoor I assumed. I looked around as we pulled into a parking space, it was barely 10am so it wasn't too busy yet. Or so I thought. We stepped out of the car and walked towards the mall and it was already crowded. People were everywhere. My eyes couldn't even focus on a single person before I lost sight of them. God I hated busy places, it made me way too anxious about getting lost, especially with this new family. I started to fidget with my rings again, just a habit. So I wouldn't lose my mind. Cooper then put his hand on my shoulder, making me jump.

He laughed, "So, where do you want to go first? We can pick up your uniform on the way back." Ugh uniforms I forgot about that. At least every Friday we could wear whatever clothes we wanted. That was the only good thing about this school so far.

"Is there a Brandy here?" I asked. It was easily my favourite store ever. I loved all the basic items and matching them up, it was so cute.

"A what?" Cooper questioned.

"Brandy Melville, it's a clothing store. " I stated, then realized that was kinda rude, oh well too late now.

"Well I got that, I've just never heard of it before smart ass." Cooper pulled out his phone from his baggy jean pocket. "Let me look."

"Yup there is." he said after a couple minutes. My face began to light up. I didn't dare leave Cooper's side. I couldn't afford to get lost.

Once we got to Brandy, Cooper told me to go crazy. So what does a teenage girl do when she is given that opportunity? Take it before he takes it back and go crazy of course!

And I did. I got 1 pair of cute dark gray cargos, a couple baby tees, more tank tops (to sleep in too!), a knit oversized sweater, some oversized tees, 2 pairs of sweatpants, some more hearts and other cute socks because you can never have too many, a lot of jewelry and of course the free stickers!!

After we'd finished brandy we went to Aritzia to get some long sleeves and hoodies. We also went to a few other stores like Lululemon to get a few running things because I planned to pick that up again soon. I was so tired after all the shopping but Cooper told me I needed new shoes after looking at my converse. I quite liked them but I agreed and picked out some new balance 550s and I was obsessed.

It was almost 3 in the afternoon by the time we finished and exited the mall. I was exhausted. I really wanted to just go back and sleep.

"You tired baby?" Cooper laughed at his own joke from earlier. I rolled my eyes and was about to say no when I suddenly yawned.

"Here I'll take your bags for you."

"It's okay I can carry them!" I smiled. 

Millie why do you have to be such a stubborn ass?

My legs felt so dead I could hardly stand, I'd been on my feet all day. I hated this part of shopping. I walked side by side with Cooper in the parking lot on our way back to the car, I almost toppled over several times.

"Need me to carry you?" Cooper chuckled.

"Absolutely not," I slapped his hands away. "I can manage walking back to the car, it's only up there." I pointed up ahead. 100 meters seemed way too far away right now though. I kept walking then trod on my shoelace which was untied-again.

Are you kidding me??

I knelt down to quickly tie my converse and Cooper kept walking towards the car. It took me a while since I was being lazy and when I looked up Cooper was now pretty far ahead. I decided to use my track skills to sprint and catch up but since my legs were half dead, my ankle twisted weirdly in my shoe when I sprinted and I swear I heard a crack. I landed on it and was on the ground within seconds. I felt a stabbing pain shoot through my ankle and foot.

Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry

Were the only thoughts going through my brain. After the wedding and panic attack yesterday I had made myself a promise.

I clung to my ankle and took a shaky breath in and tried to get up off the parking lot ground before someone ran me over. But as soon as I tried to get up and put even the tiniest bit of wait on it, more pain shot up my leg sending a sharp achy feeling through my ankle like a million tiny knives cutting through my bones and I let out a scream without even giving my lips permission. My ankle felt so weak and tender like if I even put it on the ground for a second longer it would've crumbled and I'd scream in pain again.

That got Cooper's attention. He turned around and ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. What kind of idiotic question was that, I'd just screamed hadn't I? I shook my head violently because I couldn't even form words. This was the worst physical pain I'd ever been in. I was biting my lip so hard so I wouldn't cry but I could feel a few tears soak my cheeks anyways.

"Do you think you could hop on my back, so I can give you a piggyback to the car?" Cooper's expression had softened, I think he had realized the extent of the pain I was in. I sucked in a big shaky breath and I grabbed his hand to help pull me up and made sure that I didn't put any weight on it at all otherwise the pain would be even worse than it already was. I then managed to hop with one foot onto his back successfully and we walked back to the car.

Cooper sat me down in the passenger seat sideways so my legs were outside of the car and pulled my shoe off gently but even the slight contact with my ankle sent more agony. I winced and bit my lip to stop myself from screaming again.

"I need to look at your ankle okay?" He said as he knelt down in front of me outside the car.

I shook my head.

"Amelie, I have to see how bad it is, I promise I'll be careful."

I nodded eventually because I couldn't fight the pain anymore and I needed it to get better. He then took off my sock and the fabric brushed against my ankle even if he was being careful the pain still didn't stop.

Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry

"Wow, it's bruising pretty fast, that doesn't look good," He said as he examined my ankle "What happened?"

I couldn't answer him because if I did I'd cry and never stop. I looked down at my ankle and he was right, it already looked swollen.

Why did I have to be so clumsy and stubborn? if I'd let Cooper carry me in the first place this never would've happened. Then he touched my ankle without warning and I was sure that it couldn't get any worse but boy was I wrong. It was like the tiny knives came back again. Since he caught me off guard I bit down on my lip so hard that the metal irony taste now filled my mouth.

"Amelie stop, you're gonna hurt yourself more." Cooper said as he looked up at me. 

Who knew that one line could cut so deep. 

I looked away from him because I couldn't meet his eyes anymore. "You can cry, it doesn't make you weak. I know you're in pain." And that seemed to be all my mind needed to hear before it all came flooding out, I couldn't even stop them anymore if I tried and I didn't. I allowed it.

"I'm going to call Evan, he's training to be a doctor," of course he was, this family had everything. 

"And he'll check it out, but I'd say it looks broken to me."

Nope nope nope. I would make sense, but why did this have to happen now? School was tomorrow and I was going to start running again too. That just made me cry harder.

Nice one Millie

"How am I gonna wear my new shoes now." I cried. Okay I say stupid things when I'm tired and sad, I know that, but just wearing and breaking in one new shoe seemed dumb because the other one would be behind! Yeah I'm aware I make no sense.

"People are dying Amelie and you're worried about not being able to wear shoes? You're really something else, huh?" Cooper teased as he wiped my eyes. I then started laughing and crying at the same time again but mainly crying.

He shut the car door, put my bags in the back and opened the driver's seat.

Cooper pulled his phone out of his pocket and I'm assuming called Evan, while I cried silently. I was at the silent crying stage because after a while you get used to the pain a little even if it is unbearable.

"Hey Ev," Cooper put the phone to his ear so I couldn't hear Evan's response. I could only guess.

"So, we were at the mall.... What no, I didn't lose her, how irresponsible do you think I am?" If only he was asking me that question I'd have the perfect answer.

"Anyways, Amelie tripped or something on the way back to the car. I'm not exactly sure, she hasn't told me, but she hurt her ankle and I think it might be broken." He sounded a little worried, surprisingly, it's not like he knew me, I'd only lived with them for not even a full day.

A long painful silence

"Mhmm sounds good, yeah see you in 10." And then he hung up. That was all I'd caught of the conversation.

"How are you holding up?" Cooper asked as he rubbed circles on my knee. It relaxed me a little bit.

"I'm okay it hurts though" I replied as I rubbed my eyes.

"I know, Evan said he'll meet us at home and if he thinks it's bad he'll take you to the hospital." I really hoped that I'd be fine because the last thing I needed was having to hobble or be piggybacked around and up stairs, I wanted to run again. To distract my mind and escape my thoughts. I wanted to feel free.

The car speakers then began to play a song I knew all too well. I looked up at Cooper who had just put on Yoyok. I smiled through the pain. This song had made me cry one too many times but I'm grateful, I know Cooper doesn't like Taylor but it was nice of him to cheer me up.

I kept taking a lot of deep breaths in and out while Cooper rubbed my knee continually. I also let the music from the car speakers fill my ears as it played what I love. I couldn't even get myself to sing though but I made sure I focused on every single word Taylor sang so I'd distract myself from the pain. 

I think that's what Cooper was trying to do too, distract me. And it worked because I knew we were "home". I couldn't and I don't think I'd ever get used to calling this place home. It didn't feel right. My home was back in our tiny apartment in San Diego. It was not here in California and I don't think it will ever feel like home here.

The opening of Cooper's car door brought me back to the present. I was about to open my door when Cooper spoke.

"Don't you dare get out of that car. You can't walk." I rolled my eyes then he sent me a playful glare so I just sat back in my seat and nodded. Yes I was stubborn but I also knew that if I tried to stand I would 100 percent crumble. And before I knew it Cooper opened my car door wrapped his arms around my waist and carried me inside. 


word count: 2114

we got to know cooper a little bit more this chapter! what do u think?!

Is it broken or not? 


tysm for reading lovlies<3333 pls dont be shy readers and leave a comment or vote we enjoy reading them!

Love izzy & eves xoxo

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