Elegant (Wolffe)

By Ahsoka-Ashla-Tano

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Negotiations are underway. A new planet may join the Republic. War is rampant. And a woman entangled in a lif... More



82 10 18
By Ahsoka-Ashla-Tano

Tw: Ominous vibes? How do I describe this.

Karina was idly wandering through the hallways when it happened.

She had just finished a shift and Wolffe wasn't quite done with training the cadets, so she didn't know what to do. She had decided to just take a walk when it happened.

"How did you get here?" Karina questioned, tilting her head at it.

The infant babbled at her before bursting into a fit of giggles.

Karina looked around, searching for someone who might know what to do.

But alas, it was strangely empty. She chalked it up to how it was a hallway in the part of Kamino furthest from the busy parts.

"Hey, little guy. Do you have parents around here somewhere?" Karina's crouched next to the baby. "What am I saying? You're a clone. I think. You probably are."

The baby giggle again and drool bubbles out of his mouth.

Karina carefully picked him up. "I should probably give you a name. How about Eddie for now?"

Eddie babbled something and fisted her shirt in his little hands.

"Is there like a lost and found for babies around here?" Karina's wondered, beginning to walk back where she had come from.

"Hey, Karina. What... What do you have there?" Bones stared curiously at the infant in her arms that was starting to fuss.

"A baby. I named him Eddie. Do you know what I should do with him?" Karina's bounced Eddie up and down to soothe him.

"Uh, where did he come from?" Bones poked Eddie.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be in training?" Karina swatted Bones' hand away from Eddie.

"Wolffe was in a good mood so he let us go early," Bones told her. He gestured at Eddie. "Now please tell me where you found him."

"He was just in the hallway." Karina's lifted Eddie higher so he could look Bones in the eyes. She cooed, "And he's the cutest! Yes he is!"

"Yeah. Sure." Bones examined Eddie's face. "How old do you think he is?"

"He looks like he's five months old," Karina guessed.

"So he's probably fresh out of the tube," Bones said. "Weird. What was he doing all the way out there. Shouldn't he be in the nursery or something?"

"So I should take him to the nursery?" Karina's propped Eddie up on her hip, adjusting her grip.

"Probably. I don't know where it is, though. I don't spend a lot of time with babies." Bones frowned. "Fizzle would probably know where it is. He has Kamino's layout practically memorized."

"Where's Fizzle?" Karina asked. Her comm started beeping and she sighed. "Can you hold him for a second?"

Bones awkwardly took Eddie and held him as far as his arms could reach.

"Yes?" Karina spoke into the comm.

Bones waved Mistake over and whispered, "Can you hold this for me?"

"Sure." Mistake grabbed the baby.

"It was Wolffe." Karina tucked the comm away. "He wants to have dinner."

Mistake's grip on the baby loosened as he got distracted by a bird flying past the window and he dropped Eddie.

Karina caught him and held him to her chest. "Mistake! Be careful!"

"Sorry," Mistake sheepishly said.

"Bones, find Fizzle," Karina ordered before turning on Mistake. "Mistake, I need you to try and find the nursery, or a Kaminoans that might know what to do with Eddie."

They both saluted before jogging away.

"Come on, Eddie," Karina cooed, "let's go meet Wolffe."

"The kriff is that?"

"It's a baby!" Karina sat down at the table, placing Eddie in her lap. "Isn't he adorable? I named him Eddie!"

Wolffe crossed his arms. "Did you steal him?"

"I just found him!" Karina exclaimed. "Do you know where the nursery is?"

"Do I look like I know where it is?" Wolffe grumbled.

"So you don't like kids?" Karina questioned, wrapping her arms around Eddie.

"I like them just fine. I just don't understand why you have him." Wolffe narrowed his eyes at Eddie as the infant showed off his toothless grin. "You could've just left him there."

"I'm not going to leave a baby by himself!" Karina covered Eddie's ears to protect him. "You monster!"

Wolffe rolled his eyes, but stood up. "Let's go find the nursery."

"Probably a good idea," Karina said as she lifted Eddie up. "Bones and Mistake are trying their best, but it can't hurt to try it ourselves."

Wolffe put his hands on her shoulders to guide her through the crowd. "I had fun last night."

"Same." Karina smiled at him, glancing over her shoulder. "We should do it again."

"I'll take you to a beach eventually," Wolffe said. "We'll have a picnic and everything."

"Excuse me," Karina said to a passing Kaminoan. "Do you know where the nursery is? I found this child on the ground."

The Kaminoan didn't even bother to look concerned. "You'll find it in the northern part of Kamino."

"Thanks," Karina said before she continued walking. She turned her gaze to Wolffe, whose expression was guarded. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Wolffe glanced at the Kaminoan one last time. "Let's go."

Karina made a note to ask him about it later, but let it slide for now. "How do you think he got separated?"

"I don't know. The Kaminoans are usually so careful of their goods," Wolffe bitterly said.

"Wolffe, you and your brothers aren't goods. You're people, whether the Kaminoans like it or not," Karina firmly said. "I'm sure I don't know the half of what they've done to you, but I can assure you that it's likely horrible when you're ready to talk about it with me, I'm here."

Wolffe nodded, glancing away so she couldn't see his eyes. "Okay."

"Now, let's find the nursery!" Karina said, knowing he'd want to move on. "How far north do we go?"

"Until we find it I guess." Wolffe trailed behind her, checking each door to make sure it wasn't hiding from them behind one. "Or do we let Eddie go and he tracks down the rest of his kind?"

"He's not a dog!" Karina scolded. She bounced Eddie. "He's an adorable baby!"

"Can we just hurry this up?" Wolffe impatiently asked, tapping his foot.

"Is that it?" Karina pointed ahead with her chin.

Wolffe jogged there and inspected the room filled with baskets of babies. "We found it."

"Great!" Karina kissed his cheek and walked inside. A male Kaminoan glided over and opened their mouth to speak, but Karina talked first. "I found this little guy in a hallway! I figured I should return him!"

"Ah, ET-002. Thank you." The Kaminoan clicked a button on the wall and a bassinet floated over. "Place him in here, please."

Karina gave Wolffe wide eyes, clearly attached to the child.

Wolffe sighed and took Eddie from Karina's grasp, placing him in the soft padding. "There. Can we go now?"

The bassinet closed, and floated to a separate room, away from the rest of the children. Karina watched it go, lip trembling.

Wolffe's brow furrowed.

Something wasn't right.


A separate room?

"Thank you for returning him. Please leave. It is time for their naps," the Kaminoan slowly said.

"What's your name?" Karina's inquired.

"Yonu La." He was clearly growing frustrated, staring openly at the door now.

"Goodbye, Yonu La. It's been a pleasure. Tell little Eddie goodbye for me, please!" Karina requested with a smile.

"ET-002 will be taken care of. Do not fret over his wellbeing. In fact, it would be best if you do not return. It would... distract him." Yonu La's words made Karina's smile fade.

After they were back in the hallways, Karina took Wolffe's hand in hers. "Was that weird to you too?"

"It was," Wolffe replied, chest tightening. "But I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Right." Karina pursed her lips. "He'll be fine."

But why did they both have such a bad feeling about what just happened?"

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