Tw: Violence, drugging, language.

Kamino was crowded, no doubt about it.

There were the Kaminoans, the Jedi who visited, the civilians who joined the GAR, and of course the clones. Yes, there was no doubt about it, Kamino was crowded.

That nearly killed Karina.

It all began with Wolffe calling a close friend.

"Rex," Wolffe greeted, letting the tension disappear from his shoulders. "I need some advice."

Rex held up a hand. "One second, please." He turned away and stepped out of view.
Wolffe patiently waited for Rex to return to the holoprojector, drumming his fingers on the helmet in his grasp.

"I'm back," Rex wearily said as he stepped into view again. "So, what did you need?"

Something crashed in the background before Wolffe could respond and Rex cursed.

"What's happening?" Wolffe asked, showing a hint of concern.

"Give me another second," Rex tiredly requested, vanishing again.

Wolffe sighed and examined the visor on his helmet. It was filthy and he needed to clean it soon, but he'd been so busy lately.

"Sorry," Rex apologized, slumping into his chair, back in Wolffe's sight. "It's been so busy lately."

"Are you okay?" Wolffe questioned.

Rex groaned and his shoulders shook as he sobbed. "I can't take this any longer!"

"What is it?" Wolffe craned his neck as if he could see around Rex.

"We captured some general," Rex told him, glancing behind him. "She's escaped a couple times so she always has to be watched. I'm stuck with her."

Wolffe could hear faint shouting in the background and raised an eyebrow. "Is she that bad?"

Rex's jaw clenched. "She's infuriating. But she'll be gone soon." He angrily whispered something to her before turning his attention back to Wolffe. "Anyway, why'd you call?"

"I need some advice," Wolfe admitted.

"What's up?" Rex asked before whipping around and launching himself at her, yelling something about shutting her up.

"Maybe I should go," Wolffe said in amusement.

"No." Rex pulled himself up to the chair, patting. "It's fine."

"What did you do to her?" Wolffe flicked on his datapad to see the time. He had a bit longer until it was time to check on Karina.

"Gagged her. Anyway, why did you call?" Rex looked peaceful, ignoring the muffled screaming behind him.

"I don't think you're the right person to talk to about this," Wolffe decided. "But good luck with her."

Rex chuckled. "Bye. I'll let you know if anything happens with Coda, but feel free to call anytime."

Wolffe grinned. "Bye."

So the connection was severed, and Wolffe went to check in on Karina.

A week later, Karina had fully recovered and was back to work. Deto was long gone, and Karina was hard at work, trying to do her job and his.

It was a stressful time, which would only get worse.

"How's it going?" Warthog asked Karina as he walked over.

Karina tried to wipe the grease from her forehead, only succeeding in smearing it. "Busy. There's a lot to do."

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