The Cursed Bride

By jesminsawda

284 44 0

Sadah is hiding many secrets,thoughts and mysteris in her head.And fortunately she want's nothing to do with... More

Characters & Writer's note


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By jesminsawda


Both of us look like owls caught on red light."Aaron,we have a problem.",Volkov barges in and I quickly hide the tests awya as my first instinct.All eyes snaps to us since Aaron has his jaw dropped, I am washing my hands and they just barged in.

"Silas's right hand man just told us something and I think it will completely  change the plan.",Blaze says excitedly." Good news or bad?",I ask them walking out of the bathroom and giving Aaron's chest a light tap. He snaps out of his trance."Good.But what is it with you two?",Rue points between us.

"Nothing.", I shush Aaron before he has the chance to stammer." We just found out Silas has a entire history of where the ship is going,where they will go and everything's route in his database. ",Tristan says.

" Where is the database?",I ask them."In your city,girl!",Katherine walks in chuckling."California,Texas and Cuba.He has his base set in these three places.",she tells me.

"So,we can just gather the information and attack on them then since we will know all their routes.", I said in awe." But how? The place he kept everything, don't you think it will have the highest form of security?",Rue groans.

"I know that.But where are they?", Aaron asks them." One is in the abandoned part of California called....umm..Gate of -"

"Gold.Yes,it is a goverment property sealed shut for years.", I finish for Volkov." Yes.The other is the Roadhouse -"
"Market of Texas!The abandon  building of Texas! Oh my god,you are making me so happy.Third?"

"The Grand Plaza of Cuba.", Carol says." Meh.I can help with two of them.But I am sure I know someone who can help with the other one.",I shrug.

"You are not kidding,right?You do realzie if we have access we can take down his entire chain within two days isntead of a week.", Victor tells me seriously.

Ok,now I am scared." Well,I can try.Give me twenty minutes.",I tell them."Who are you calling?",Aaron asks me. "Mother dearest.", I sigh and call mom.I take the numbers from her which I am badly in need.

I call the first one and suddenly the introvert self of mine kick in.I bite on my nails while the guys and girls talks on our bed,I walk out in the balcony for privacy.

The phone is picked by thrid call." Hello,Barbosa Francis speaking.",the polished voice comes.

"Hello,Uncle Barbosa.I am Tristiana Mossasuri? Martinez Balthzar's daughter.", I bite my lower lip nibling on it as the line goes quite.

" Ye...yes,sweetheart.How are you?I heard you got married?",he asks me slightly flustered and shocked in his tone.I never...spoke to him in my entire life.

But he is dad's friend and one of the influential man of California although his power is slowly going dull with his age yet he is a politician.

"Yes,uncle.I...uh,want to ask for a favour?", I tell him." What can I possibly give to the Aaron Kingstone's wife?",he lets out a meaningful sentence behind a chuckle.

"I... heard there are men living in the... adandoned stated called uh...  the gate of gold.", the line goes quite.

" That is a fragile case,you don't want to get involved in that little girl.",his tone compeletly changes.Oh,so he knows.

"I need you to help me get inside of it.", I tell him sternly."I will be risking my position of power,Sadah.", he tells me warningly.

" What if I help you get a more powerful position for this little risk?",I said. I can put him in shitty situation.I cannot freaking help him!But my husband is a powerful man,I do think Barbosa will give in.

"I cannot.",my hands are on my neck rubbing so furiously it is now burning." But there is this little file stuck in one of my friend's office lately.

About a...gang making it their abode?As a responsible politician it's my duty to send police to ensure the state is still abandoned.",he tells me.

"Will the police mind having few mafia members disgused as them.... you know for extra help?", I ask him. " Extra help is always welcomed.",he tells me.

"Thank you!Thank you so much!", I chuckle and hear him laugh. " I hope a Blathazar won't forget her promise.",he tells me hintingly.

"Has a balthzar ever?", I said smirking." Never.Take care,child.",he tells me and cuts the call. Yes!

I call the next person."Hello,brother?",I gulp since he actually picked  up my unknwon number.

"Sadah?How are you?", he sighs in relife hearing my voice." I am fine.I am.coming to visit Texas.",I tell him."What!Of course!You have no idea how much we miss you.",his voice starts to shake.Matthew Balthazar.My oldest cousin.

I know...he does.I know,he loves me.If only greed for property hadn't taken over both fo us we coudl have a more beautiful relationship.

"I want you to keep quite about my arrival.And I want you to prepeare for a fight. ", I tell him

" With whom?",he asks in disbelife.",Fake a fight.I need access to Roadhouse market of Texas's abandoned building.",I tell him.

"Sadah,that is a building made of not only two but five politicians involvement.

It's nearly impossible to empty the entie building." he tells me."No,you will create a random.fight in the streets infront of it.Infront of it is Uncle Ted's police station.He will be prepeared to stop the fight.

When accidentally your two men will go isnide the building to hide alongside a police force to take down those two men.It will create a havoc it needs and I will finish my job till then.",I tell him.

"Why does Aaron need access to Texas's market that too in our small town?Because I do know this plan doesn't seem yours.",, he asks me curiously. " I will tell you later.For the record the plan is mine,the problem is his.",I tell him and next I call Uncle Ted.

I explain everything to Uncle Ted who actually cared for me after dad died and treated me like his own daughters.He is my maternal uncle who works in my paternal hometown as the sheriff...the one who had witnessed Asher Kingstone hit me while drunk driving.Uncle Ted can be selfish for what he did  but he loves me, still

It's weird kind of love I have with my family.I know they love me but they love themselves more that's why sometimes they lag behind and harm my life.

Uncle Ted agrees with the plan thankfully. "Umm...Uncle,Do you know who is in charge of the grand plaza of Cuba?", I ask him.

" Yes.Call your minister uncle.He is good friends with the owner who happens to be the head of the state.",Uncel Ted tells me kind of mocking Uncle Harris who is also mom's brother.

I call Uncle Harris and instead of me I give Aaron the phone because handling Uncle Harris's cunning words isn't my speciality.


"We have it all finalized.", I tell everyone. "Good job!", Rue patts Sadah's shoulder. " I did the talking.",I roll my eyes palyfully."She handled everything.So,she gets the point.",Yuvraaj tells us.

"God,if it comes out my grandfather will be doomed.I cannot wait for it.", Yuvraaj smirks."Wait,you hate Indian mafia?", Sadah asks Yuvraaj.

" Why else do you think I joined you guys?My bastard grandfather is the head of it.",he shrugs."Oh.",Sadah nods.

"Yuvraaj and Tristan you will manage Cuba.Victor and Rue you will handle
Texas. Balze you will take care of the base.", I guide them." What will you do?",Tirstan asks me

"California. ", I shrug. " I am coming with you, right?",Sadah asks me."No,you will be staying at the base.Any information given to the database,it is your and Balze's job to fogure out the route's on how to stop the ships. ",I told her.

" Ok.Now...that is a job.",Sadah nods."Ok,we should get ready.It will be a long flight and none is flying by jet.It can stir things up.",I told them and they all nod before going out of the room.

As soon as the last person left I grab my wife. Our eyes meets.

"There is a storm running in my head right now.I don't want your opinion now or your decisions about me being pregnant. ", Sadah tries to walk out of the room. " Mrs.Kingstone.",Rex activates himself.

Sadah frozes in shock."Who is it?",Sadah looks around and looks at me.I quickly wipe my tears."That is my AI.Rex.Rex,say hi.",I clear my throat smiling as she looks around in awe as Rex says,'Hi'

"He just called me.", Sadah says in awe." I wanted to say congratulations.",Rex says to her."Thanks but how does he know it?",Sadah asks me laughing in amazement.

"For the starters, I have been active all the time you were trying to conceive.", Rex says and Sadah frowns narrowing her eyes at me." Rex, that is enough.",I quickly said but Rex says,"I have been recording-Ok,Boss.",he quickly retrives himself.

"No,what did he meant by concieve?Why did you stop him?Why are you smiling like that?", I am shaken by a 5'2 and nearly fall on the couch. My shoulders shaking with laughter.

" Aaron,did you recorded what I think he recorded?",she asks me horrified gripping my collar."Rex is capable of recording anythin g he finds I might find useful in the future.He is programmed that way.",I am laughing because Rex really thought I might need our sex video someday.Smart AI.

"What did he record, Aaron?", Sadah's eyes starts watering.Oh shit." Aaron,you recorded our intimate times?How could you!",Sadah sniffles as tears rolls down her eyes.

"No,Rex didn't re-"

"Don't say that!I love you, don't you understand that?
You are my bubby.I love doing everything with you.I love eating,sleeping,working with you.

I love you.Why don't you understand that?I love you so much,bubby.",Sadah's shaky voice fills the room.My heart skips a beat,a smile creeping over my lips.

Oh,how sweet that night was...the night after a murder never felt so much sweet when she confessed her love...when I confessed I told her I love her.

" I started recording the audio and I also have these one.",Rex says and the room fills with our dirty talks and moans."Ok,you need to look at your AI.It has some of our most cutest moments recorded and our nastiest.",Sadah sighs leaving my collar.

"It's like our lovestory.Dirty and cute.", I peck her lips." We have a lovestory?",Sadah asks amused. I wrap my arms around her waist turning her over. "We have a beautifully nasty love story and this love story is now going to take a littel baby's form.", I peck her lips.She humms wrapping her arms around my neck.

" I love you.",I cannot express how happy and terrified I am.I am so afraid of what is next.I am so afraid of her health,her future.... our future.I am so afraid of her and our new little guest.

But the fear and terrified part should be put on me.Every bad thing should be put on me.I need to take all her worries away and all her fears away.My love needs to relax,be happy and love everything about her experience.

My love deserves everything the world has to offer."Hmm,I love you too.",Sadah sighs leaning against my chest. She sighs proabably hearing my

eartbeat she loves to hear.

"Aaron?",I humm kissing her forhead.Her hands takes mine. She puts my hand on her belly.No words are enough to tell the feelings in our hearts.The storms of worry,the love, the anxiety of the future.

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