•The Step Daddy•

By jjjustherrr

54.7K 2.2K 741

•DISCONTINUED• Y/n is a single mom of a two year old boy,Daniel,she's all about her boy and does everything s... More



932 43 9
By jjjustherrr


I watch my friends talk with y/n as we ate some food together at the bench table,y/n's laugh was contagious I had to laugh or smile myself.it's such a beautiful sound that I can listen to for so long

Mason nudged me before leaning over "dude she's so cool" he lowered his voice.I nodded "and the kid? Kinda looks like you both..you sure you didn't have a one night stand with this girl before?" He joked

I laughed as I shook my head "he's all her but there's times where I see some of my features in him" I stated he sighed

"Only if you were the dad instead of that sick asshole" he commented,I raised my eyebrows sorta agreeing but we both know the world doesn't work like that

"Hey" Mason softly spoke as he tapped my shoulder,i glance at him seeing him nod his head at a direction further from us

I slowly look over seeing some guy eyeing y/n and Daniel,he will look away here and there but his eyes would always end up on y/n

"Who is he" Mason whispered,i slightly shrugged

"I-I don't know.I wanna know what he wants though" I said before turning my attention on y/n


Maddy carefully fed Daniel some of her food,she's such an angel.she was so careful,I heard some taps on the table

I looked up seeing Miguel's hand with a confused expression,i furrowed my eyebrows "hey.who's that?" He speaks while nodding his head over

I turned seeing Leandro with his hands in his pockets of his jacket,I felt like I forgot how to breathe.he had this stupid smug look on his face

My breath hitched as I quickly look back forward "y/n you okay?" Maddy asks while placing her hand on top of mine

Daniel moved his big eyes onto me "y/n?" Miguel softly says,tears formed and blurred my vision feeling like I'm trapped

Miguel immediately jumped up and rushed over to my side of the table "y/n you alright? What's wrong?" He worriedly asks while placing his hands on my shoulders

"We need to go" I breathed out,Miguel's eyebrows knitted "please can we go?"

"..yeah of course.come on let's go" he says now looking up at the group,Maddy carried Daniel as we began leaving the area

Miguel had his arm over my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his torso,I didn't want to be seen so I buried my face into his chest though I already knew Leandro saw us

"You're okay don't worry" he muffled against my head,he looked around his surroundings to make sure we were clear

The cutest thing was he didn't even know why we needed to go but he fight about it,the group also didn't question me

Maddy was sweet enough to have Daniel,we made it to Miguel's car.Miguel took Daniel from maddy's arms

"What happened back there?" Mason spoke,i slightly shook my head

"Okay I really don't like talking about him but Daniel's father was back there and he was just staring at us,I thought he would've never find me-

"What?" Miguel interrupted with a soft gaze "what do you mean never find you?"

"Miguel,I think this is personal so maybe we should just go before anything happens" Maddy says before miguel agreed

I took Daniel as miguel opened the passenger door for me,I stepped in while Daniel sat on my lap.Miguel shut the door before turning and exchanging some words with his friends

I obviously couldn't hear nor did I want to,I kept thinking about him being here.I didn't know what his intentions are but I have a feeling they're not good


"You gotta stay with her throughout the night" Mason suggests,my eyebrows knitted

"I don't know if she would want that,I mean we're getting close but I don't think we're at that step yet" I said

"Mikey don't you see how she is? She's scared for her and her son.She needs someone there and that someone should be you,you care about her don't you?" Maddy spoke before I slowly nodded

"Then be the man that defends her" she demands

"When did you become the boss?" Brady asked,Maddy rolled her eyes "since you guys lost balls to do the bare minimum" maddy snickered

Tristan cackled causing Brady to smack the back of his head,Mason shook his head out of annoyance "okay I'm gonna take her home.thank you guys for tonight I'll text the group chat if anything" I said

They all nodded as I walked to the drivers side


miguel guided me to the steps of my house,Daniel fell asleep so miguel offered to carry him.He's so good with Daniel I couldn't get enough of their bond

"I'm sorry mikey that the night cut short-

"Don't worry about it chula" he says as I bit the inside of my cheek "hey,would you like me to stay with you tonight just in case?"

"Uh I don't know mikey" I say as I make an unsure expression,he raised his eyebrows

"I don't mind at all,I just want to make sure you and Daniel are safe..please?" He begged,I lightly smiled

"Okay maybe I can make room for you" his eyes lit up with his pretty smile


"Hope this is comfortable enough for you" I say while placing the warm blanket over the couch bed,my brother josh couldn't wait to buy the couch that turns into a bed.

"Of course it is,you know I don't mind sleeping in Daniel's room" he says while sliding the hair tie off,letting his hair fall onto his shoulders

"Well Daniel's room is mama's room too" I teased,he nervously chuckled

"Oh sorry.I thought he would have his own room" I slightly shook my head

"Don't worry about it,I can't have daniel away from me too long and he definitely can't sleep without mama's touch" I say while tossing the pillows

"Wow,so mama's touch is irresistible?" He says in a low tone before running his fingers through his hair,I couldn't help but smile as my cheeks gotten hot

"Um I'm gonna put Daniel to bed-

"Oh can I help?" He says as his eyes sparkled,I raised a brow "please?"

"Yeah sure" I smiled,we both made our way upstairs where Daniel was playing with his stuff animal "hey honey"

He looked up and instantly grinned once miguel was in his sight "hey mijo" miguel spoke,Daniel blinked onto me

"Mama we sleep?" Daniel says,I nodded causing him to quickly fall back on the pillow.I giggled as I place the warm blanket over his chubby body

"Miguel is here for the night and he's going to take care of us" I told him while caressing his hair

"Okay" he mumbled,miguel stepped forward and bent down onto one knee so he can be at the same eye level as Daniel's

"Miguel" daniel blurted,miguel eyes slowly widen "yeah that's me" miguel chuckles

I pouted my lips while watching them in awe..

Hope you liked!

Love you mwah

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