The Spanking ABC"S Volume 1.

By VixentheHuntress

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There are 26 letters in the alphabet we speak, 26 scenarios that we are gonna explore a few times each week... More

Episode 1: A is For Asking For Your Spanking. (Amari)
Episode 2: B Is For Buying Your Own Brush (Irena)
Episode 3: C is For Cornertime.
Episode 4: D is For Diaper Position
Episode 5: E is For Example
Episode 6: F is For Flogging (Fiona)
Episode 7: H is for Hard Hand Spanking
Episode 8: G is for Get over my knee. (Giana)
Episode 9: J Is for Journal
Episode 10: K is for Knickers
Episode 11: L is for Long Spanking
Episode 13: M is for Maintenance Spanking
Chapter 14: N is for No Rubbing.

Episode 12: I is for I want( rather or would) a spanking.

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By VixentheHuntress

The only thought on Hezekiah’s face was just how much trouble he was gonna be in when he got home. He didn’t expect to get into so much trouble, it was not his fault that his teacher was sick and gave them the worst substitute in the whole wide world. He made the lesson so boring that he had no choice but to make his class laugh, and have a tiny bit of fun… at the heavyset man’s express. When he called him to the front of the classroom, Hezekiah was expected to maybe just sit in the timeout chair for a bit, or maybe even go to the principal's office. The ten year old boy even thought that maybe because of his actions he would have to go and sit in with the fifth graders. It was not uncommon for younger kids to go sit with the older kids in their classroom, a way to show them how to behave as well as what to expect when they move onto that grade.

However, the boy was very confused when the man handed him the phone. A quiet hello escaped his mouth followed by a very bad flinch as his mother’s voice came from the other end. “Oh so you think that you are a comedian now!” 

“Momma no that isn’t-” 

“Go ahead and tell me a joke while I am here, come on tell me a joke!” 

“Momma I was just trying to.” 

“No I got a really good joke for you when I come and pick your narrow ass up from school today. Here is how it goes, who is gonna have no tv, no xbox, no computer, and can’t go outside for the next three weeks? Hezekiah Williams, that is who.” Hezekiah felt his dark face starting to burn a bit more as the front row of seat could hear his mom’s voice, a few giggles escaping some lips. “Matter of fact, I got another one for you, guess who is not going to that little sleepover this weekend either.” 

“Momma, no that is not-” 

“Not what? Not fair? What is not fair is showing that man all that disrespect. What is not fair is you acting a fool when your teacher is not there, cause we know Mrs. Honey is gonna put up with that nonsense, and neither am I.” Hezekiah looked down at his white sneakers for a moment. “Now I am gonna hang up this phone, you are gonna sit in your seat, keep your mouth closed unless it is to ask a question to help you learn or ask for help, and I expect you to apologize to your teachers now and when I come and get you. Am-I-Understood!” 

“Y-Yes ma’am.” 

Hezekiah was a perfect little angel after that, sending constant glare towards his classmates that teased him every so slightly with words of. “You're in trouble.” Even one little girl in his class had whispered to a friend. “He is probably never gonna sit again.” 

“I wish that was the case.” Hezekiah thought to himself as he slowly wrote down in his notebook for math class. He had been really looking forward to this sleepover, and now he was not gonna be able to go. However, maybe his foolishness was also what he needed to experience something that he had never gotten before in his life. “I want a spanking…” 

He had always wanted to be spanked rather than lose his rights to play video games, or go outside and play in the snow or go and have fun. His friends got it, kids in the neighborhood experienced the sting of a hand, brush, sometimes even a belt. It was a common punishment with african american kids as well, but he had never gotten that from his mother before. All the stories he had read on the subject, all the questions he had asked his friends all lead him to one answer. It would probably be so much better to just get this over with rather than be stuck in his room, or get more chores. His momma sounded very mad, so maybe he could make her see that instead of this usual grounding, maybe he could just have the spanking he had wanted for a very long time instead. 

Hezekiah shivered slightly as he walked back through the snowy winter weather with his mother. Whom he only knew as mom, he couldn’t tell what her real name was, now with her fancy handwriting, cursive as he knew it was called, made it impossible to get the letters to her real name. She was very tall for a woman about 6 '3 in height, she was built much like his favorite female superhero Wonder Woman. Dark brown skin like his own, her hair acting like a hat, she was wearing a heavy coat tan in color, a tanned dress and boots. They lived about three blocks from the school, and instead of picking him up in a car, his momma knew how much he liked walking through the snow. So unless it was truly cold outside, it was a common sight to see the mother and son walking home from the school. They were about a block away from their house when his mother finally finished the scolding that had started inside of the school. “So like I said you can kiss that Xbox, your computer, any hopes of going to that hill you kids like sledging off, and that sleepover, nope not a chance.” 

“M-Momma.” Hezekiah began as he came to a stop on the sidewalk and looked down at his boots. “Can I maybe… make a suggestion instead.” His mother stopped and looked back at him, a curious glimmer appearing in her bright brown eyes. “Can you maybe just… spank me instead?” A word never felt so heavy or so odd leaving his mouth before than the word spank did. It carried off in the wind, heated his face up just a bit more causing any snow flakes that fell on his light brown skinned face to melt instantly. 

His mother looked at him for a few moments before crossing the distance between them in two large strides. She smoothed out her dress before lowering herself down in front of him. A hand coming to rest on his shoulder. “What did you say?” She didn’t seem angry, or mad, just curious about what he had said. 

“I want a spanking instead,” he said a bit quieter. 

“How come?” She asked softly. 

“I don’t want to miss the sleepover this weekend,” he explained, it was gonna be the first time he was gonna go to a ski lodge. His best friend’s mom and dad were gonna take him and a few others for the weekend. They didn’t have school Monday so they would be gone from Friday at 5 and wouldn’t be back till Monday at about 3 o'clock. “So can I maybe have a spanking instead, and just it over with? I know I wasn’t really the best today, but…” Words no longer came from his mouth as he began to kick at the snow building up on the sidewalk. 

His mom titled his head up with a few fingers, not forcing his head up, helping him hold his head up so he could look at her. Her eyes softer than the billion of snowflakes surrounding them, she took one deep breath before actually nodding her head. “Okay, I will give you what you are asking for, but you know that it will hurt right?” 

“Yes ma’am.” 

“And even though it is gonna hurt and sting, I am not gonna stop until I think you have learned your lesson right?” 

“Yes ma’am.” 

“And you know most importantly that I am not mad or angry with you, and that I still, and always will, love you right?” Her lips curled into that kind smile that she was so used to. 

“Yes ma’am,” Hezekiah replied, returning her smile with one of his own. 

“Alright then.” She stood up a bit. “Then when we get home, get your snow gear off and wait in your bedroom for me okay. I am gonna get dinner started and then I will come and handle this.” 

“Yes ma’am.” As he went to walk in front of her he jumped a bit and spun around as his mother had landed a semi hard spank to his pants covered bottom, catching him off guard. 

“That was just a small taste of what you can expect,” she responded before holding her hand out to him. 

“Yes ma’am.” 

It felt like hours had passed since he had gone to his superhero themed room and had been waiting for his momma to come and get this punishment done and over with. That was the point of getting a spanking right? For it to be over with sooner rather than later. He was growing more and more nervous with each passing moment as he waited, the lull of his X-Box that he had left on rest mode was almost calling him over. However, he doubted that if he turned on his X-Box before his spanking his mom might just change her mind and instead of spanking him go back to his originally long punishment. He tried to read a bit, but his mind was unfocused, all he wanted was to get his spanking done. The one smack his momma had landed on his butt as they walked home had long since faded, but he felt like he could still feel it. Eventually his door creaked open as his mom came walking into the room. She was wearing a pair of comfy red pants, and a matching shirt, hanging her apron up on the hooks that hung on his bedroom door. The only other thing there was a jacket, and his housecoat. 

She sat down on his bed helping him up so he was standing in front of her. Even sitting, she still looked so much taller and bigger than him. “Okay, Hezekiah, I think I have already scolded you enough for your actions today, but I am not quite done. After I finish warming that little rear of yours up, I want you to write your substitute an apology letter as best as you can and you are gonna give it to him tomorrow morning.” 

“But-” She raised an eyebrow at his slight protest immediately shutting his mouth. “Yes ma’am.” 

“Good boy,” she hooked her fingers into his blue pants. “And I will let you know that since this is your first spanking, it is gonna be over your underwear, but if you fight me, try to block, or escape my lap. I am gonna take your briefs down as well, am I understood.” 

“Over my underwear?” Hezekiah said, his cheeks darkening just a bit. As he grew older, he had become a bit more self concious about being naked with his mother. He was ten years old now, to old to be given a bath, too old to even have her pick out his clothes each day. His blush only grew darker as his mother lowered his pants down to his ankles and had him step out of them. His red and blue superman briefs on full display, the last line of defense between his backside and his mother’s hand. 

Once Ebony Willians had her only child just in a t-shirt and those cute superman briefs that she had gotten him. She lifted her son up and gentle layed him over her lap, his rump right in the center of her lap. Right layed on his bed, with his legs and upper body resting comfortably on the bed. However, if she had no choice, she could move him every so slightly so his lower half would be hanging off the bed, just in cause she needed to lock his legs into place. Honestly she was sure that she would go her entire motherhood without ever needing to spank her son. She had grown up with bare bottom whoopings, and she was determined to raise her son without them. Not that over the years she had not considered taking him over her lap and spanking his rear end like there was no tomorrow. It had surprised her, when he had asked her for this. His words of I want a spanking, seeming more like he wanted to try one rather than he truly wanted one. Granted maybe she was wrong after all not being able to go to a ski lodge with his friends was also gonna be a very big punishment if he had not suggested this. 

Her son backside had got a bit firmer in years. Losing a lot of it’s adorable babyfat of old and being replaced with a bit more muscle. Years of soccer and little league did wonders for it, as well his learning in hockey recently. (Which still scared her to death whenever he took a big bump) Ebony lifted her hand high and landed the first swat across his undies cover rump, catching him off guard as that sting settling across the surface. She followed that up with another spank, his backside still small enough that she didn’t need to truly alternate cheeks. Her son started to wiggle a bit over her knee, as she was sure a certian realization was starting to hit his mind. 

She knew how to give a spanking, after all she had done this before. 

She was the oldest of her silbings, her mother and father both having to work long hours during the week. Often left her in charge of her younger brother and sister, which also brought the task of punishments onto her. Granted it had been many, many, years since the last spanking she had given. However, it was kinda like riding a bike after going years without it. 

You never truly forgot how to do it. 

Her own brother’s backside was around the same size as her son’s was right now. So she knew just how to spank it, enough force that a growing boy could feel it, but not enough to overwhelm her son with pain. Five spanks in and she could see that her son was starting to greatly regret this choice. He had wanted a spanking, so she would give him just that. In her opionin it should be on his bare bottom after his actions in school today, however she would let him off with a slight warning, and a good warming. 

Hezekiah wiggled his feet a bit with each new swat that landed across hsi rear end. The sting hurt and the afterfeeling stuck on his butt much longer than he orginally thought it was going to. As it was started to fade away it would return and last longer when his momma landed a new spank. It was becoming very obivous that she had done this before, she knew what she was doing, so his slight hopes that maybe he would get off easy started to fade more and more. By swat number ten he was starting to kick his legs, maybe his superman briefs would give him invulanbility like superman had. Cause that was the only hope he had from this spanking hurting any less. “I want a spanking,” his own words came back to haunt him. He was suddently very grateful that his mother had never spanked him up to this point. 

“Can we stop now?!” He asked, gripping the sheets of his bed with two tight fists. 

“Oh no, we are not done yet.” His momma responded as she began to spank a bit faster, finally finding her old ryhtem once more. Her hand coming down firmly but not harshly, about a second in between each spank, starting at the top of his rump and moving her hand slighty to swat a bit lower. Still debating on if she was gonna spare his sitting spots. “No you asked for this young man, and I am more than happy to remind you that your actions have consequeses and in this case, it is a very warm and stinging rump.” 

Hezekiah squirms began to get a bit more wild as that sting started to build more and more in his backside. The warmth now lasting much longer, his mother’s hands doing wonders in spanking a new reason to never be a classclown again into his head. By swat number 25 he felt tears starting to form in his eyes, yet the spanking kept going. Each swat coming down harder and harder as the combined sting was now at the point that it was really starting to hurt. His hands left the blanket he was holding as he reached back to block. 

“Move your hands,” Ebony directed softly. A moment passed as her sons hand stayed in the same place. “Hezekiah, move your hands or I am gonna take down your briefs young man.” There was another moment of hesitation before her son slowly removed his hands. “Thank you, Hezekiah.” She gave her son a few soft pats on his back. Before lifting her hand high and started to spank him once more, five swats in and she could hear a bit of sobbing escaping his mouth. Ten swats later those sobs had turned to full on crying as the spanking seemed to be fully in effect, cries of sorries and words of mercy escaped his mouth. While she was going easy on him for his first spanking, she still wanted it to be memerable. She gave her criyng son ten more swats a tiny bit sharper and a tiny bit harder before finally bringing the chastiement to an end. Gathering her baby boy up into her arms for a much needed hug. 

Hezekiah had wanted a spanking for his actions, and now he had one more statement on his mind as he held his mother resting his head against her chest. “I never want to be spanked, every again!”

A/N: Thank you all for reading as always, I am sorry it took so long for me to come up with an idea for the letter I of this story. I think I was having writers block at the moment cause there were a lot of good ones that I just couldn’t see. I am currently working on a chapter for the other fictional charecter version of this fic. I am gonna be skipping the letter E for a moment, not because I don’t have an idea for it but because I have been sitting on an idea for one that I really wanna like. So if you have ever seen MLP than I think you might like the letter F. 

Again thank you all for just any reviews, likes, follows or even just a simple read and I hope you check out my otehr works. Including two more novel like stories in Crimson Hide and Tarun Island. 

Until next time. 

Stay safe,

Stay behaved, 

Or you might be spanked, 

Bye bye. 

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