Supernatural Oneshots:))

By ahhhhhsupernatural

17K 172 111

just a bunch of reader × supernatural charecter oneshots! Will be including Sam and Dean. (If someone request... More

nightmares - sam winchester
Petty Arguments - Dean
Journal - Sam
Please let me help. - Dean
stood up - Sam pt 1
stood up - Sam Pt2
Bobby knows - Dean
You're so stubborn - Sam
Except you - Sam
Distracted - Dean
Distracted Part 2 - Dean
Sick - Sam
The dream team - Dean
Fkn clairvoyance - Sam
Fkn Clairvoyance pt 2 - Sam
Just roll with it - Dean
Second Best - Sam
Hated - Dean
Runaway - Sam
Envy can be a Virtue - Sam
Shifters. - Dean
Envy can be a Virtue pt2 -Sam
Hated pt2 - Dean
At least You're here. - Dean
Broken Pieces - Dean
Little Update
Blood Junkie - Sam
The Cabin - Sam
One night stand - Dean

Dopamine - Sam

858 7 0
By ahhhhhsupernatural

Sam x Y/n

fluff! not dating

A/N: sorry guys this is a long one (1400 words)

3rd person pov: 

 "Cas we could use some help here" Sam called out while looking up at the ceiling. "See! it's no use he won't answer us. Dean will you please try," y/n turned to Dean already annoyed. "I don't know why you think he'll answer me if you and Sam have both tried already." he complained but tried anyways, he doesn't want to deal with a bitchy Y/n right now. "Cas we're kinda stumped on this case we're working on right now maybe you could do your angel thing and pop down here for a bit?" he said also looking at the ceiling.

"Hello Dean." Cas appeared right behind them, "Jesus christ!" Y/n jumped, "No, I'm Castiel," they all stared at him for a second before Sam spoke up. "I've been calling you Cas?! But Dean reaches out once and you decide to listen to him?" Sam was a bit offended if he was being honest. "Well, me and Dean share a more profound bond..." He was confused, like always. "What??" Dean said with his usual confused expression.

"Okay, guys don't start. Cas there's this demon we need help taking care of, you want a break from heaven?" Y/n budded in before an argument started. "Heaven isn't in current need of me so yes, I'd like to help" Cas said happily. "Well I'm starving how about lunch before ganking this son of a bitch?" Dean said clapping his hands. Sam was to busy staring at Y/ns pretty h/c hair though, "I cannot eat Dean." Cas stated, Y/n couldn't help but chuckle. She was happy Dean had a "friend" like Cas, he has been lonely lately. "I could use something to eat, what about you Sam?" She turned to see him only to realize he was already staring at her, but it was only a coincidence right?

"U-Uh, yeah sure sounds good! Foods good!" he stumbled, looking like an idiot. God dammit Sam you're stuttering just shut up. "Yeah okay lets go then." Y/n didn't really realize, she was more focused on the burger waiting for her. She then made her way to Baby, "Dude, you suck." Dean blurted out followed by a laugh, "Shut up." Sam did not need Deans commentary right now, "Sam what was that?" Cas asked curious, "That Cas, was Sam being an idiot!" Dean patted Sam's back which was immediately swatted at. "Oh." Cas replied.

        At the diner they were patiently waiting for their food, Y/n and Dean ordered burgers and Sam of course, ordered a salad. "So, the case." Dean started on his rant to Cas, maybe they could figure out something useful. Y/n was busy looking out the window, completely in her own head. She spent lot of time there, especially when Sam was visiting her thoughts. She was imagining just the two of them on a road trip in Baby, obviously Dean would never let this happen but it was nice to imagine, and imagine some other things taking place in the backseat...

While she was staring out the window, Sam watched her attentively. He didn't even realize he was doing this. He just can't help it, while they were distracted the good looking waiter came with their food. He was tall and had shaggy blonde hair, probably around the same age as Y/n and Sam, "You two make a cute couple," he said while setting the plates down, "What? No, no, no, we're not a couple, uh just friends," Sam panicked. "Yeah, really good friends, no not in a relationship," Y/n mentioned calmly. Dean chuckled at the two of them, he knew about Sam's big stupid crush on Y/n and found this hilarious. "Oh?" the waiter said making eye contact with Y/n.. "Well in that case here's my number, call me." he slid a napkin past Sam over to her with a smirk, she grinned back at him. What the hell? Is this really happening right now?? Sam thought, I mean he is clearly an asshole, no way she is actually falling for this?  

"Thanks, maybe I will" Y/n said and the hot waiter walked away. "Y/n you sly dog. You actually got someones number!" Dean said slapping the table. "Oh shut up Dean" She said back laughing. "Oh come on he was obviously a jerk," Sam said with clear annoyance tainting his voice, "yeah yeah Sammy I won't actually call the guy don't worry" Y/n said rolling her eyes at him. "Well I think you should, you need to learn to have some fun y/n/n" said Dean knowing it would bother Sam, in return he got a bitch face from Sam.

She was wearing one of Sam's sweaters at the time but was getting hot "jeez what is it 100 degrees in here or something?" She complained, lifting the sweater over her head, her shirt road up along with it only exposing her stomach but that was enough to make Sam go red. His thoughts went to other places... She's just so.... Shut up Sammy. She is your FRIEND. Oh but imagine us.. "Sam are you alright?" Cas questioned, Sam looked up to find the table staring at him, "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He was worried, "Because the dopamine levels in your brain are astronomically high and your temperature keeps rising. Though this only take place when you stare a-" "CAS! YES, yes I'm fine!" Sam frantically stopped Cas from continuing. Dean burst out laughing, "Sam? What's he talking about?" You turned to him sitting next to you and questioned. He couldn't make eye contact, "Nothing it's nothing don't worry Y/n/n" He explained while shooting daggers at Cas "Dean have a done something wrong?" Dean turned to Cas and whispered the explanation in his ear, "Oh I see now, that does explain Sam's symptoms. 'For fuck sake please shut up' Sams thoughts ran rampant again. 

Back the motel Y/n was sitting on deans bed pretty tired while Sam did research at the table across from her. Dean and Cas were at some bar together doing god knows what. She was pretending to read while actually watching Sam. He always looked so funny and focused while doing research, at this point she didn't care if he caught her staring or not she just loved his face. Sam looked up from his research for a second up at her hoping to get a quick look at her perfect features. Quickly he looked back at his computer but then a double take back to her when he noticed she was staring at him attentively. "What?" He grinned at her, "Nothing you just look funny when you're all focused like that." He didn't know what to expect but it definitely wasn't that, "What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned. "I just mean you make a lot of expressions when you read, your eyebrows go up and down, and you get all serious when you read something interesting," she laughed, "Is that a compliment?" he laughed with her. "It's not, not a compliment, but if I was gonna compliment you, I'd have to tell you how pretty your green eyes are. " Y/n even surprised herself when she said that, she is not usually this damn bold. "Oh really?" Sam said playfully, trying to hide how red he knew his face was getting... "Or I would tell you how gorgeous your hair is. It frames your cute ass face perfectly." Well, I guess y/n was going the honesty route. "You must be really  tired right now," Sam said with a raised eyebrow. Y/n got off the bed and walked towards Sam with confidence "look Sam we both know I am no idiot... I know what Cas was talking about earlier," she was standing right over him now. He looked up at her with those flawless puppy dog eyes. "You do?" he said, both scared and excited now. She bent down to whisper in his ear "Well why don't you do something  about it, Sammy?" She grinned and moved back to his eye level. "Maybe I should." he smiled and tipped her jaw toward his lips before slowly starting to kiss her. Well, it started slow. Soon enough they were making out with her back against the wall, clawing at her clothes y/n took the hint and pulled her shirt off as Sam did the same and the two made their way to the bed.

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