Zen Garden: Empire Of Shadows


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A traditional warrior embarks on a world adventure to rescue a handsome King and save Europe from total anarc... More

Season Premiere: Snakeskin
Episode One: Yami
Episode Two: Empire
Episode Four: Dead to Rights (Part 2)
Episode Five - Morning Dew (Part 1)
Episode Six: Archer (Pre-Edit)
Episode Seven: Fresh Air (Pre-Edit)
Episode Eight: Unstoppable (Pre-Edit)
Episode Nine: Heart (Pre-Edit)
Episode Ten: All Is Hell (Pre-Edit)
Episode Eleven: Runnin' My Mouth (Part 1) (Pre-Edit)
Episode Twelve: Runnin' My Mouth (Part 2)(Pre-Edit)
Episode Thirteen: Positive (Pre-Edit)
Episode Fourteen: Setting the Stage (Pre-Edit)
Episode Fifteen: The Mask (Pre-Edit)
Episode Sixteen: Saints & Sinners (Pre-Edit)
Episode Seventeen: The Abyss (Pre-Edit)
Episode Eighteen: Cyan (Pre-Edit)
Episode Nineteen: Dishonest Eyes (Pre-Edit)
Episode Twenty: Titanium (Pre-Edit)
Episode Twenty-One: Sealed (Pre-Edit)
Episode Twenty-Two: Laser Circus (Pre-Edit)
Episode Twenty-Three: The Bath House Episode (Pre-Edit)
Episode Twenty-Four: Don't Come Close
Episode Twenty-Five: Rage
Episode Twenty-Six: Wait & Bleed
Episode Twenty-Seven: Sleazy
Episode Twenty-Eight: 51st Avenue
Episode Twenty-Nine: Obey (Part 1)
Episode Thirty: Obey (Part 2)
Episode Thirty-One: A Fox Kid
Episode Thirty-Two: The Way Of The Samurai
Episode Thirty-Three: Jigga What/Faint
Episode Thirty-Four: Make Me Worse (Part 1)
Episode Thirty-Five: Make Me Worse (Part 2)
Episode Thirty-Six: Tokyo Nights
Episode Thirty-Seven: Gates of Hell
Episode Thirty-Eight: Civil War
Episode Thirty-Nine: Final Curtain (Part 1)
Episode Forty: Final Curtain (Part 2)
Episode Forty-One: Malestrom
Episode Forty-Two: Omega (Part 1)
Episode Forty-Three: Omega (Part 2)
Episode Forty-Four: Adventure of a Lifetime
Season Finale: Dragonheart

Episode Three: Dead to Rights (Part 1)

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Seth Alabaster crashed to the ground, blood oozing from his nose. He struggled to his knees, trying desperately to counter the intruder ahead of him only to be detained by palace guards with golden sparks spilling from their eyes.

"Unhand me!" Alabaster tensed when the barrel of a handgun kissed the back of his head.

The woman holding the firearm smirked, leaning close to the new King's ear, "How's it feel being betrayed by your own guards?"

More palace guards as well as soldiers in red and silver stood at attention while three others remained on the other side of the destroyed chapel.

Hans Von-Seng held the shoulder of Saul Alabaster, the latter battered and bruised as his hands were held behind his back. The old King's glasses lay in front of him, in pieces.

His father was completely helpless.

"Father..." Seth's face was full of confusion and a touch of regret. He had always seen his father as untouchable. Resourceful.


But seeing him on his knees, captive and helpless. It didn't add up.

How could this have happened?

"Samantha, there's no need to goad the boy." Hans stood, addressing the gunner behind Seth, "Besides, we aren't here for him."

Samantha DePaul groaned, "Whatever you say, boss." She took the nozzle off of the new King, gnashing her teeth a bit, "Don't see why we can't just get rid of him. Back me up, Stevenson."

A man with a red and silver helmet folded his arms, resting against what was left of an altar. His voice was robotic and indifferent, "If the boss says we let the kid live, we let the kid live...How I feel about it don't matter none..."

"I appreciate the support, Juggernaut." Jinx began to pace behind Saul, a malicious grin spread upon his lips, "See, Saul? We aren't so bad. We're letting your pipsqueak son live! Far better than you ever gave us!"

What the hell was he talking about?

Seth felt a surge of emotion flow through his body. How did these monsters get in? Why are the guards helping them?

And how did these monsters know his father?

Von-Seng continued, "I'll give you a choice, my liege. Either, you tell us how to get into Edge of Reason, or we kill you here and now."

Saul shivered, "You'll kill me regardless."

Stevenson spat, "You know nothing about us, vermin!"

Jinx raised a hand, signaling for Juggernaut to adjust his navy jacket and stand down. Hans exhaled heavily, "This is how you are. How you've always been." He peered up towards the entranced guards, "This is your King?! This is the one you willingly serve?!"

Von-Seng began to cackle, a hand against his forehead, "It's comical, really! Oh, if you all only knew..."

Seth knew he couldn't just do nothing. As much as his father pissed him off, he was still his father. Electricity surged along his arms and legs, a newfound determination welling within him.

This bastard was going down.

Seth howled, expelling all of his power outward in a clearing formation, knocking several of his foes away, including Samantha. Jinx gasped and watched as Seth charged him, pulling back one of his fists, "Keep your hands off my father!"

Juggernaut tensed but didn't move.

Jinx frowned, taken aback by this sudden assault, "The hell?!"

Seth swung at Jinx, desperately attempting to close the gap, "Stay still and fight me!"

Hans easily dodged the new King, before kicking him in the back of the head. This sent the young monarch into a dismantled pew. This wasn't enough to discourage Seth, as he quickly jumped to his feet and sent several taekwondo kicks flying, barely missing Jinx every time. Von-Seng slid under a final blow before uppercutting the younger Alabaster and watching as he falls back onto his stomach, crying out in pain.

Hans knelt and pulled the King by his hair, a frown on his face, "I think I've about had it with you, King Alabaster..."

Seth spit in his face, "Go to hell!"

Von-Seng nodded, using his free hand to while the phlegm from his cheek, "Oh trust me. With how I've been mangled and twisted, Perdition is the only place I'm allowed. But I'm giving Saul a head start..."

Saul watched the confrontation unfold, "Spare him, Nineteen! The country still needs him!"

"Oh don't worry, I won't kill him..." Hans dug his nails into the side of Seth's head, the latter crying out in pain, "...I have plans for this one!"

Sam and Juggernaut stood by as they watched their Commander work. Seems he's done this before.

Hans released Seth and the new King hung his head, sparks of Corruption sliding down his limbs like small serpents. Von-Seng spotted Samantha and snapped his fingers. She reached into her coat and retrieved a revolver, turning it and tossing it towards her superior.

Juggernaut turned his attention to the windows along the chapel and noticed movement several meters away, "Looks like we may have been found."

"Then we'll have to make this quick..." Jinx pressed the gun into Seth's right hand, sliding an index against the monarch's cheek, "You know what you must do, my liege..."

Saul's eyes widened as he watched his son's body convulse, "What are you...?"

Seth couldn't describe what he was seeing. His sclera began to darken in shade, and his arms held the revolver for dear life, searching upward for its target. The nozzle pressed against Jinx's skull, the latter licking his lips.

"You want to resist...but it is futile, my King..." Von-Seng, "This is what happens...when you cross Sentinel #19!"

In a quick motion, Seth turned on his heel and fired the weapon.

For a moment, all was quiet. Then several bodies fell, one after the other.

Saul Alabaster's was the last, with Seth tossing the handgun to the side and running after his father's body, a scream leaving his lips.

He had just shot his father...

"Sir..." Samantha DePaul cocked her head towards the exit, "We gotta go."

"Yes..." Jinx took one last look at Seth as he shook his father's lifeless body, a pool collecting beneath the old King's body, "I suppose our job is done here..."

Jinx, Sam and Juggernaut left the chapel with several soldiers in red charging after them. The mind controlled palace guards rested in heaps across the sanctuary. Not long after the terrorists had departed, more Liberty officers charged in from the north end, a few breaking the windows in order to secure the area.

Most of the rescue was focused on the other guards, but one of the officials knelt next to Seth, pressing her hand against his shoulder.

Jeanne Black relayed what he had already come to accept, "Sir...We can't stay here. We have to go..."


Zenshi Gardener watched Seth Alabaster from atop the brick building, the monarch laying back in a bench. Although the city had just been invaded by the Neo Sentinels, most of the city was untouched. Citizens went about their days walking their dogs and enjoying the summer breeze.

Hell, Seth didn't even seem like he was in any immediate danger.

Luna scampered behind the samurai and touched her shoulder, "Zenni dear, have you found him?"

Gardener didn't respond. This allowed Luna to answer her own question and locate her sibling herself, "So he parked himself here, yeah? He looks...right bothered."

"Yeah. Looks like it's going to be a chore to get him moving." Zenshi shifted her neck to the side and back again, "Even if it is safe at the moment, we still have no idea how many of those Neo Sentinel shit-birds are still in the city. Maybe I can convince him to at least find a safer area to rest at."

Before Luna could respond again, Zenshi leapt from the tower and fell like an elegant bag of flour, creating a small crack in the sidewalk when she landed. This made Seth jump, his right arm clutching his chest, "The hell are you doing?"

Gardener pat down the back of her gi and spun to face him, winking, "Oh, just making sure you're on alert. It's not exactly safe out here, your majesty."

Seth relaxed and turned to watch the passing traffic, "I don't care about safety...I..." He closed his eyes, the death of his father repeating in his mind, "...I just...don't feel like moving right now..."

Zenshi approached the bench and sat next to him, sliding her fingers into her gi. Seth gazed over towards the "ninja girl," who met his eyes for a moment before shifting her body away teasingly and sticking her tongue out at him. He coughed in his hand, slightly embarrassed at his curiosity.

Gardener retrieved a package of cigarettes, the casing green with silver trim. The brand Old Station dressed the center of the box. Zen-san slid one of the cigars into her mouth and acknowledged the King again, offering some of the tobacco, "Want one?"

Alabaster shook his head, "I'll pass. I have enough problems as it is."

Zen shrugged, "Probably a good call. It's a waste of money."

The King smirked, "And yet you still do it?"

Gardener met his eyes, her expression smug, "Do I look like I have any self-awareness?"

Alabaster couldn't resist and started chuckling, a fist resting in front of his mouth. Zenshi also began to laugh, wintergreen vapors expelling from her nose.

Maybe if this mercenary gig didn't work out, she could take a crack at counseling.

Alabaster rested a couple of fingers against the side of his head, "I don't understand..."

The samurai took a drag of her cigarette, "Join the club."

"No, I don't understand you, ninja girl."

Gardener couldn't help herself, "Samurai. And you can call me Zenshi, your highness. Or Gardener if you want to be more formal. Doesn't make much difference to me."

"Samurai?" The King was dubious, "I thought the samurai were native to Japan."

"We are. It's a long story, but I only really said that to keep things less confusing." Another hit, "Does that help at all?"

Seth shook his head, "That's not what I meant. Just think about all of this for a moment, huh?" He gestures outward to symbolize the state of affairs, "My town gets attacked by terrorists and my Guard decides to hire a mercenary to "protect me.""

Gardener leaned back in the bench, "Let me guess: You can take care of yourself?"

"No...Well yes, but-dammit." The monarch held the bridge of his nose, "What confuses is me is that not only are you alright with being paid after the fact...But now you're going out of your way to try and "cheer me up?""

Gardener studied the end of her roll-up, "I think I understand what you're getting at. You think there's some ulterior motive, huh?"

Zen-san didn't fully understand everything the King was going through. Perhaps he hadn't been shown a lot of kindness growing up. It would explain his attitude.

She'd probably be a bit apprehensive too. Hell, save her brother, Sheru, and her closer friends; she rarely comes across kindness free of strings attached either.

At any rate, the sooner she freed their newfound relationship of tension, the smoother things would go. So, she decided to melt the ice even further.

Zen-san popped her cigarette to the side and stood, holding her arms tightly and feigning a damsel-like voice, "I guess you caught me..."

Alabaster raised an eyebrow, unsure of what was transpiring, "Pardon me?"

"You caught me, my love." She turned and looked longingly into Seth's eyes, the latter frozen in confusion, "I took this job because I want to have your hand in marriage!"

"W-What?!" A million questions ran through Seth's mind, but the only thing he could do was stammer, "What the devil are you talking about, woman?! You can't be serious."

"I could be serious..." Zenshi fluttered her eyes a bit, moving closer to Seth until their faces were centimeters apart. A few seconds of silence followed.

But Gardener had reached her limit and was forced to pull away to keep from spitting in the King's face out of pure hysteria. She wheeze, wiping a tear from her eye as Seth grit his teeth in frustration. The samurai pointed at the King, shaking her head, "You should've seen the look on your face, dude! I actually had you going for a second!"

"Quiet!" Seth stood and brushed off imaginary dust, "Forget this, I'm leaving! Where the hell is Luna?"

"Here!" In a split second, Luna had landed on her tush a couple of meters to the left of Zenshi, "Oops! I guess I still gotta get used to movin' around, yeah?"

Zen-san helped Luna to her feet, "Damn, Lune. You got a chunkier trunk than me with the crater you just made."

"A what?" The sis-bot didn't quite follow Zenshi's statement.

Gardener had no time to answer as Seth was already several steps ahead of them, "Hey Seth, hold up! I'm sorry for teasing you. I just wanted to cheer you up is all."

Seth waved her away, hiding the smirk on his face, "It's fine, don't worry about it. What, you wanted to move somewhere out of the open, right?"

Zenshi held her hip, "It would be a lot easier to protect-err, I mean, watch you "take care of yourself" that way."

Alabaster rolled his eyes at the dig, "Alright. I've got a hotel we can go to. It's not far from here. We can camp there for now."

Gardener held her shoulders again, switching around back and forth, "Oh, I get it! You can't give me a straight answer on marriage, but can take me to a hotel without batting an eye, huh?"

"Oh, shut it!" Seth flipped Zenshi the bird before receiving two in return.

Luna stood by, snickering happily with them before following them down the street towards their next destination.


"What is your status, #19?"

Hans Von-Seng stood before a widescreen, two figures shrouded in darkness addressing him. The man on the left sat back in a corporate chair while the woman on the right leaned against a pristine desk. They were all in different parts of the world, running separate operations at the same time.

The man spoke once more, the glass behind him revealing some sort of military base, equipped with hustling helicopters, "Have you located Edge of Reason yet?"

Jinx bowed to his superior, "Not quite, Sentinel #18. Turns out that the Liberty Palace and Central Security aren't as connected as I'd hoped. The Head of Security wasn't there, and it seems that only he will have the information I seek on where our ace is located."

The woman leaned forward a tad, "Where are you, anyway, Jinx? That's not the Palace. Have you exterminated that filth or not?"

"Patience, Sentinel #20. Not all of us are as bloodthirsty as you." He tapped the side of his head, "There is a process to all this."

The hooded woman turned her head, orange rounds piercing the deep, "I would've found the Head of Security and beat the information out of him long ago."

Sentinel #18 raised his hand, crimson eyes steady, yet headstrong, "Our operation has only begun, but time is not on our side. #20 is right that we don't have forever to pull this off, but I also trust #19's methods. I will give you another week or two to retrieve the information we seek. But, you know the agreement. If you fail, Sentinel #20 will be calling the shots from here."

A sly grin slipped through the dark on #20's side of the screen. Hans cracked his knuckles, annoyed by this, "#20 will not be needed. You can go on back to your little experiments in Germany. It's all the action you'll be getting."

Sentinel #20 lowered her head, only to begin walking off screen, "Talk is cheap, Von-Seng."

Her side of the conference turned to calm static.

Sentinel #18 closed his eyes, "Two weeks, Jinx. Find the labs. Or you'll be benched."

Jinx bowed as the conference call ended, "I will not fail you...my friend..."


Luna flopped down on the hotel bed, dressed in a baby blue tee and pink knickers. The android peered up at the ceiling, filled with glee, "A hotel, eh? I've never been to one of these!"

"Wish I could say the same." Zenshi Gardener chimed in from the bathroom, sliding a comb through her drenched hair. A towel hugged her body as she had just finished showering. The samurai rinsed violet hair dye from the brush and used her hands to slide her locks out of her face, "I'm sick of hotels."

The android leapt from the bed and leaned against the wall to the left of the bathroom door, careful not to peek, "Do you do a lot of travelin', Zenni-dear?"

"Uh, yeah. Let's go with that." Gardener studied her hands, coloring stuck to her palms, "Damn it, I'm gonna need a new coat of dye."

"Dye?" Luna watched as Zenshi walked out of the bathroom, "Do the carpets not match the drapes?"

Gardener pulled a suitcase from under the bed they were sharing and opened it, "Wanna come over here and find out?"

The android shook her head, cheeks now a soft shade of blue, "I think I'll just take your word for it, luv."

"Well the answer is no." Zenshi reached into the suitcase, "Believe it or not, blue violet hair doesn't run in my family."

Something vibrated in Zen-san's hand, causing her to freeze. A second later the buzzing stopped.

Luna approached the samurai, confused, "What was that?"

"Nothing!" Zenshi turned the suitcase away from Luna and slipped a couple of pairs of panties from the luggage, showing them to her roommate, "What do you think?"

The samurai held a pair of black step-ins in her left claw, "Mysterious?"

In her right hand rested a set of blue and white stripes, "Or obligatory?"

The robot shrugged, "You kinda answered your own question, Zenni dear."

The samurai tossed the black pair behind her, "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll do the black ones some other time."

Luna covered her eyes as Zenshi dropped her towel, "Hey! Don't just get naked right in front of me!"

Zenshi slipped her undergarments onto her backside and retrieved a black tee from her suitcase, "What? Feeling self-conscious?"

The doppelgänger droid opened her eyes again, annoyed with her partner, "I just don't wanna see your blooomin' teats!" The robot scratched her cobalt mane, "Though, there ain't that much to look at, I guess."

Zenshi's suitcase found itself smacking against the android's head a moment later.

Gardener brushed her hands together, an annoyed expression on her face, "Rude..."

"Well, I found what was making that buzzing noise." The android spoke from under Zenshi's laundry.

The samurai leaned against the wall and folded her arms, "You know, this is...nice..."

The android began folding Zen-san's clothes and placing them back where they came, "Nice? What is?"

"Well...having a friend." Zenshi chuckled, "Believe it or not, I don't have very many of those. I have a few, but...recently I wonder just how close we are."

"Zenshi..." Luna stood and brought the baggage back to the samurai's side, "Well, hopefully I can be a good friend to you. You'd actually be my first friend since I've only been active a short while now."

The samurai gave Luna a thumbs up, "Then it's a deal. We're friends."

"Beauty mate!" The android ran up and embraced her new buddy, nuzzling into her neck like a cat, "I'll be the bestest friend ever! Just wait and see!"

Zen-san shook her head, smiling as well, "Jeez, is friendship that exciting to you?" Gardener couldn't help but to also feel a rush of joy overtake her. Maybe it was because Luna knew so little, but someone going out of their way to befriend her was rare.

This was a nice change of pace.

A knock to the door ended the embrace. Zenshi held her hip, assuming it was her client knocking, "We're naked!"

Luna partially concurred, "Well, yes but actually no?"

Seth Alabaster's eyeroll was almost audible, "Look, just come out when you're presentable. I have an errand I need run."

The samurai returned to her suitcase and retrieved a green hoodie, slipping that over her head and pulling it onto her torso, just barely reaching her thighs. Luna tilted her head, "Dunno if that's really what he meant, luv."

"Meh. He can't see anything." Zenshi stepped from the bedroom and spotted the King looking out the window, "Hey, what was your name again? Shane? Shamus? Shadow?"

"The hell did you get 'Shadow' from?" Alabaster didn't move an inch, "It's Seth. But you should refer to me as "Your Highness" or "King Alabaster."

Zenshi had been using her hand to mock a speaking motion as the monarch spoke. She slid her hands through her hair and approached him, "What are you looking for, anyway? If you're worried about being followed, we should be fine. I made sure to pay off the clerk in the off chance she was asked if we came through. Though, I'm surprised I even had to do that to begin with."

"My father wasn't exactly popular."

"Yeah, I gathered that. Any idea why?"

"None. I never cared for him, but that's because..." He stopped mid-sentence before turning away from the window, "Anyway, I need you to go gather some sustenance for me."

Gardener gave him a confused look, "You want me to go shopping for you? Are there even any places open this time of night besides these hotels?"

Seth chuckled, "My father made sure of it. Some time ago, he cut taxes for all stores in the country that were open overnight, so several companies were forced to keep their doors open past dusk. More money in the pockets of businesses, but those who couldn't afford it were getting less back from him."

Zen-san was getting the picture, "Talk about a double-edged sword. I can see why a lot of the lower class weren't fans of him. You think the Neo Sentinels are connected to that?"

"That can't be it. Something that petty just doesn't seem like enough reason for a bloody assassination." He pressed his fist against his chin, "There's definitely more to it than that."

Zenshi stretched, forgetting that she wasn't wearing much beneath her sweatshirt, "Well, all this political talk is making me hungry. Maybe I'll go get those snacks after all."

Alabaster's eyes were closed and his cheeks were hot, "Yes, and while you're at it, you can put some pants on."

The door to the guesthouse opened and then closed. Silence followed.

Seth searched the immediate area and deduced that he had been blatantly ignored.


"What do you see?"

A soldier dressed in scarlet and silver miliary gear spotted a young woman walking out of a convenience store, holding a couple of plastic bags, "There's a broad here, sir. I could be wrong, but I'm certain she was spotted going into the Palace a couple of days ago."

A second soldier smacked her baton into her palm, blue electrons coursing through it, "She doesn't look like much. Maybe she's an escort."

"And you're just a Runner." A larger officer stepped from the shadows, goggles concealing part of his face, "We can't be too careful. Even if she is some sort of attendant, you never know what people are capable of these days. Don't lower your guard, Garnier."

The first soldier – who was also a Runner – stood and turned to his team, "Easy for you to say, Leroy. You're a Brute. All you have to do is hide behind that staff."

Leroy approached them both and knelt, using his apparatus to locate the mystery woman, "And that is why you'll never become a higher rank, Auguste. Too fixated on weapons. I swear, the Neo Sentinel Army is full of simple minded men like you. No matter what role we play, what matters is that we are supporting men like Hans. I believe in him. And you should too."

Garnier held her hips, "Yeah, whatever Leroy. Question is, what do we do about this broad? Deadeye told us to send the King a message. But we don't even know where he is."

The Brute stood, "No, but this woman apparently does know. So, we send him a message..." He retrieved his staff and activated the blue static across his armament, lighting the roof in a cobalt hue, "...by roughing this one up a bit..."

Zenshi Gardener approached a fountain – bag of goodies in hand. She cracked open a can of caffeine and inspected the front, "I'm surprised they even sell Weeb Sips in this town. And they have the new flavor in stock." The warrior turned and planted herself on the edge of the well, drinking from the can, "This crap tastes like ass sweat..."

Within moments, Auguste materialized several meters behind the samurai, his movements slow and steady. His goggles identified the Zügon's heat signature, making her easy to sneak up on. The Sentinel Runner grinned, raising his baton in the air, ready to cut Zen-san down.

"Well, I guess a short break is better than no break..." After taking one last sip, Zen tossed the can into the air, turning Auguste's attention away for just a second. In the next moment, the Runner regained his bearings and slashed his electric baton where Zenshi had been sitting.

But that was enough time for the bat to only graze her tail and tear a chunk from the fountain itself, spilling waves onto the stony boulevard. Gardener slid backward, the breeze tossing her hair and hoodie around like scattering petals. Gardener pulled herself upright and slid her hands behind her neck suggestively, "Nice sneak attack, big guy. But I already saw you guys stalking me."

"It matters not." A voice spoke from behind Zenshi to her southeast, Leroy brandishing his Brute staff.

Garnier smacked her baton along the back of her arm, "Whether we sneak you or not, the bottom line is that you're heading back to your client in bandages."

"Bandages, huh?" Zenshi closed her eyes, "Not a bad idea."

Auguste grew impatient, charging the warrior, "Hey, keep your eyes on your opponent!"

"Trust me, they are." Zen-san watched in the darkness as a mass of orange light charged her. The samurai side-stepped him with ease and kicked him towards his allies, "Toro, toro!"

The Brute realized their error, "Dammit, she's a Prowess wielder! They can sense Energy, you fool!"

Zen-san held her wrist, her grasscutter sword sliding from her sleeve and into her hand, "Bingo! Guess this guy is the one who calls the shots around here, eh?"

Garnier pressed the side of her apparatus, "Doesn't matter. She can't take us all, even if she does have some fancy powers!"

Auguste stood up once again, spinning his electric baton, "Let's jump her!"

"No, she's planning something!" Leroy held his weapon in a defensive stance, trying to predict the samurai's next attack, "Don't-!"

The two Runners weren't listening, and both ran at the samurai, swinging their weapons at her. Zenshi tapped in, and swung her blade in quick motions, knocking Garnier to the floor and striking Aguste in the throat with her palm. This send the latter to the ground, but Garnier jumped back to her feet and went for a sweep. Gardener flipped over the female Runner and landed behind her, slicing her sword into the woman's shoulder.

"Shit!" Garnier fell onto her stomach, bleeding onto the pavement.

Zen-san turned to see Auguste watching his comrade's body, clenching his fist, "You killed her! You monster!"

Gardener reassured him, "I didn't. She'll be fine if you get her some medical attention. Don't forget that you picked this fight."

The Sentinel Brute held his hand up, "Auguste, stand down. This swordsman is right. If we want Garnier to keep fighting, we need to get her to the infirmary."

Auguste dropped his baton and fell to his knees, on the verge of tears, "How...How did Garnier lose?! How did we lose?!"

Zenshi didn't really understand her enemies yet. Why stand down? Why not keep throwing themselves at her? It's not like their superiors actually cared about them.


Gardener held the bridge of her nose, "What a fucking chore. Look, you guys bounce and I won't pursue you. It's obvious that you weren't expecting me to start stabbing people."

"Don't get overconfident, Stalker." Leroy spat at Gardener, waiting for Auguste to retrieve Garnier's bleeding body before turning away from her, "We may have lost this fight, but our objective was to never win. It was simply to send a warning."

Gardener shrugged, "Well, I'm listening. What did you wanna tell me?"

"That you need to turn back where you came." The Brute continued, "What Jinx is doing is noble. And it's not in the best interests of King Alabaster to try and get in his way. If you refuse to return to the Palace, then I cannot guarantee you'll get off as easily next time we meet."

"Yeah!" Auguste chimed in, "Deadeye will fill you full of holes. And she hates Stalkers!"

Zen-san lingered on that last part, "Wait...what?"

"Farewell, samurai." Both of the remaining soldiers turned and sprinted into the darkness of the square, a surge of electricity at their feet quickening their pace.

These Sentinels really loved their electricity.


"And you're absolutely positive that you can't reconsider this, my liege?"

Seth stood in the center of the foyer, his phone to his ear, "I'm sure, Jeanne. Nothing will change my stance on this. I can't rest until Jinx is taken down."

Silence followed, then Black spoke up once more, "I just don't want anything to happen to you. First your mother, and now Saul...I just feel so..."

Before Jeanne could continue, Seth heard the door open and looked in said direction, pressing the screen on his device. He meant to mute the call, but accidentally ended it. Zenshi Gardener closed and locked the base behind her, a few bags in her hands.

Alabaster peered back at his phone and realized his error. Suddenly, his senses were bombarded with chicken, onion and mushroom-flavored fists, his train of thought lost, "What is that heavenly aroma?"

"A bunch of stuff I can't pronounce," The samurai placed the boxes of quick meals onto the foyer table. Gardener watched Seth place his phone on the table, "You were you talking to?"

"None of your business." Alabaster opened one of the boxes, revealing fresh Coq au Vin – a traditional, yet simplistic chicken stew. He instantly tore into it, slurping away like a starving animal.

"It actually is my business, vulture." Zen-san opted for a short rib Bourguignon snack, full of beef, carrots and peppers. She took her box of delights and leaned against the wall, "Hell, it's a good thing Jeanne was thinking ahead and threw that signal-scrambling software on there like I asked or the Sentinels would know exactly where we are."

"Like you care." Seth wiped his mouth with a napkin, "All that matters to you is getting paid, right?"

"If you wanted me to care about more than that, you're not doing a great job..." Gardener pressed her hand against her forehead, "Look, it's true that money's important, but..."

Zenshi watched as Seth began stuffing his face again, leading the samurai to simply roll her eyes. There was no point in opening up to this dude. He'd probably just make fun of her.

If he wanted to think of her as nothing more than a weapon, then so be it. There are worst names to be called.

Zenshi approached the King, "Listen, you can keep eating and I have another box of that if you get hungry throughout the rest of the night, but you need to head to your room now."

"What are you, my keeper?" Alabaster scoffed, "I'm not even that tired yet."

"You sound like you're still in diapers." Zenshi's patience was wearing thin, "Look, if we get an assassination attempt or something and you're just hanging out this close to the door, it's gonna be my ass. Now could you please just cooperate with me? Or would you rather I put you to sleep myself?"

Seth chuckled, "Is that a threat, ninja girl?"

"Samurai...And no, just relaying to you the future chain of events. Now I could sing you a lullaby, bake some cookies, or find a way to tire you out. But..." Gardener's tail began to sway mischievously, "I'm kinda in the mood for a headlock."

"You put me in a headlock? Ha!" The King turned and chuckled in disbelief, "With those puny sticks on your torso? You might break a nail trying that."

Obnoxious sexism aside, the samurai peered down at one of her, albeit smaller biceps and lifted an eyebrow ever so slightly, "I wasn't going to use my arms, though."

A nonchalant yawn escaped the monarch's throat, signifying that Zenshi had inadvertently won the debate in the end, "Whatever. All your nagging it putting me to sleep, anyway. You want to stand guard so badly, then be my guest."

"Didn't realize I needed your permission, but alright..." Zenshi watched as Seth stepped down the hall out of sight, before stepping back towards the window and peering out into the night sky once again. It was quiet. Calm.

Perhaps they were safe there.

No matter what happened, they needed to press on afterwards. In all her travels, she had remembered that staying put in one spot was an easy way to die. The only place that she ever stayed for an extended period of time was the Arms Headquarters and even that was located in a ghost town most people on the island didn't know about.

Gardener exhaled and leaned her back against the wall, folding her arms. She'd try to stay awake as long as she could, but knew that she could fall asleep any moment. Zügon ears weren't perfect, but they were light sleepers. The lightest vibration against the doors or walls of the hotel room were sure to stir her again if need be.

She'd probably get little rest because of it, but she was still on the clock. It's as the old saying goes.

There ain't no rest for the wicked.


Leroy and Auguste stood at attention while Garnier knelt atop the old cooling tower. Ahead of them was a woman dressed in a black and red jacket. Sunglasses reflected a flare from the rising sun. The foreboding woman snapped her fingers, an open cooler chilling several cans of alcohol. Leroy was the first to move, rushing over and kneeling by the cooler before reaching in and opening one of the cans. He shakily held the beer out to his supervisor, the latter snatching it from him and taking an uncomfortably long swig. Several drops of lager slid down and stained the red t-shirt that snuggly hugged her torso.

After a hearty sigh, the woman began to swish the can in circles, as if lost in thought. Leroy's face was covered in sweat, but he did his best not to crumple into dust in the presence of his boss.

"So...who's fault was it...?"

Leroy gulped, unsure of how to answer that question.

"Leroy..." The woman's grip on the can tightened, "I won't ask again...Who's fault-?"

"It was mine, Number #14!"

Both Sentinel #14 and Leroy turned towards Garnier, her hands against her knees and water dripping from her face. She continued between sobs, "It was all me! I got careless and the swordsman stabbed me! My team was forced to retreat! Please spare them!"

The bandages against her shoulder were slightly visible as her uniform was partially disheveled. Sentinel #14 fully rotated, her dark blue hair revealing that she was none other than the soldier that offered the smoking gun to Hans Von-Seng not too long ago.

Samantha DePaul – also known as "Deadeye" - scoffed, "Your fault, huh?" She stepped past Leroy, almost knocking him over, "Well, props for accepting the blame."

Aguste froze in place, perspiring just as profusely as his comrades. His mouth filled with cotton, even though he also felt somewhat responsible for not heeding Leroy's warnings.

Garnier met Deadeye's gaze, the beer still in the latter's hand, "Normally in a situation like this...I'd just shoot ya. But..." She eyed the wound in her subordinate's shoulder, "I got something that might end up helpin' ya instead."

The kneeling Runner gasped as Deadeye sent her vacant fist into her stomach, before knocking her onto her back. Before Garnier could react, Deadeye was on top of her, her knee keeping the Runner from moving. Auguste didn't dare watch, but realized that he'd have little choice in a moment.


The other Runner shakily acknowledged Number #14, "Y-Yes?"

"Take this." Samantha handed him the can of lager.

Auguste obeyed, a tad unclear on where she was going with this, "W-What now, Lieutenant?"

"Shut the hell up and wait for me to tell you." Sam ripped the Runner's suit open completely, causing Garnier to yelp in surprise and embarrassment. Nothing but a few bandages shielded her bosom from the elements.

"Number #14, ma'am...?" Garnier began to cry, "What are you...?"

DePaul pulled the bandages that were covering the wound free, blooding running from where the blade entered, "Damn, that still looks fresh. Bet you wish you could get the bastard back that did this, huh?"

Deadeye snapped her fingers, "Auguste. Let's get Garnier refocused on the mission, yeah?"

"I don't...know what you mean...?" The male Runner gripped the can tightly, beads running down the side of his face, "How do I-?"

The Captain swore and snatched the can away, "Forget it. Can't rely on sniveling men like you to get anything done....But you, Garnier...Let's see if a little bit of pain can get your ass in gear!"

"Captain, please!" Auguste could only get out a couple of words before searing heat cut into her exposed flesh like red ants. She shivered and convulsed, trying to pull free from her superior, but the force from DePaul's leg was too strong. Sam finished her application quickly, tossing the can away and letting her subordinate up. Auguste was about to aide her, but the soldier froze once he met Deadeye's gaze.

She had aimed a silver pistol right above his nose, "Nuh uh. This is her punishment. She can get all cleaned up after the King is taken care of."

Leroy shivered from behind Sentinel #14, "My lady...with all due respect, Sentinel #19 said that we cannot harm the King."

"Idiot!" Samantha turned her head slightly, barely glancing at him, "We aren't going to kill the brat. We're simply going to beat him enough so that he can't try to follow us anymore. A broken leg here, and fractured rib or two there – he'll be fine..."

DePaul shrugged her lime eyes were like that of a murky bog, devoid of all sympathy for the coming squabble, "Probably..."

Garnier finally stopped her wailing and was now sucking her teeth, the pain still present but numb now. If she didn't receive medical attention soon, her wound was bound to grow a forest worth of infections, "That damn...samurai..."

"Hmm?" Sam considered Garnier once more, "Samurai? Is that how you got that nasty wound?"

The female runner nodded, her head shaking ever so slightly as if she might collapse at any moment, "It was a swordsman who stabbed me. I think it was his bodyguard."

"That don't surprise me." Sentinel #14 twirled her pistol in her right hand, "If they insist on following us, it only makes sense that they'd have somebody guarding him. What's he look like?"

Leroy treaded carefully, "It was a woman, Captain. Some snake-creature with green eyes and sickly, purple hair..."

Auguste jumped when Sam's pistol hit the ground, "What the hell?"

The Brute stepped back, "Captain...?"

DePaul's eyes twitched, "Did you say...snake...?"

Auguste nodded, "Yes. It was a she-Beast. I believe the snake ones are called...Zu-something."

The Captain closed her eyes in frustration, "Who cares about what they call themselves? We normal people only got one name for those disgusting creatures: Stalkers."

DePaul continued as Garnier shakily rose to her feet, "Repulsive vermin with long tails, sharp nails, hard skin and demonic ass eyes. Those fucks have no right to be walking this Earth."

Leroy nodded, "Of course. Let us go and fight her again, Captain. This time we won't fail."

"You're right, you won't..." Deadeye spun on her heel, a serious, almost manic expression on her face as her subordinates braced themselves for the peril that was sure to follow, ...Because I'm coming with you. This shit...is personal..."


Damn you...why do you hate me...?

Put down...knife...

Who do...? I'm the heir...to the Soothsayer Tribe...


Voices crashed inside of Zenshi's mind like her brain was a dryer filled with cinderblocks. Her shut eyes twitched, her teeth gnashed behind her lips and her tail smacked against the ground as if trying to dig a hole. In an instant, her lime spheres cut into the morning haze, sunlight cutting through the shut blinds. Zenshi secured the area, confirming that she was still on duty.

"France...still in...France..." The samurai pulled herself steadily to her feet, something warm and heavy against her shoulders. Zen-san had been graced a black comforter during her slumber, though she was unsure who had left it. It was most likely Luna, though...she supposed it might've been...

Nah, there was no way he gave it to her.

Zenshi walked over to the couch and tossed the blanket onto the sofa, stretching and curling her toes. She didn't mean to fall asleep, but the coast seemed clear enough. As long as the King didn't find out, she'd be alright.

Speaking of the devil, Seth Alabaster peeked into the living room, water sliding down the side of his face, "There you are, Ninja Girl. I need you to run an errand for me."

"If it's powdering your ass, I'll need a raise first." Gardener was only half-joking.

"Very funny, but you're on the right track." The monarch sounded like he was on the brink of crocodile tears, "You must fetch me proper shampoo and conditioner from the market. What's here simply will not do."

"Is there no soap in there?"

"That's the problem, you half-wit! That's all there is in here!"

Zen-san groaned loudly, "Dude, if you don't get your whiny, prima donna behind back in that tub and dry off, so help me-!"

Before she could finish, Luna stepped out from the other bedroom, giving her a good view of Seth's south end, "Morning, big brother. Morning Zenshi."

Seth lifted an eyebrow, "Zenshi? Who is that? Sounds like a videogame character."

If Gardener's eyes rolled any harder, they'd fall out of her skull.

Luna dodged his stupid question and giggled, pointing at him from behind, "I see London, I see France! Big bro has no underpants!"

Zenshi hadn't realized the King was naked behind that wall and felt her cheeks flare, "Why the hell are you naked out here!"

Alabaster followed suit, stammering, "I-I didn't know you were going to fight me on my request! I thought you would just do as you were told, so I didn't bother with a towel! Besides, its not like you can see anything from there!"

The samurai stomped her foot once, "Just get back in there and finish! Soap won't fucking kill you!"

"Fine! But if my skin breaks out, the ointment will be coming out of your pay!" With that, Seth disappeared back down the hall.

Zenshi picked up the blanket, fuming. And here she was thinking for a second Seth had the capacity to be a nice person. That was honestly on her. She approached the fully-charged android and smiled, "Before I forget, Lune, thanks for the blanket."

Luna scratched her cheek, a bit lost, "Wait, what are you-!"

Before she could finish her sentence, the robot received a face full of polyester. Gardener stepped past her, holding her hands behind her back, "At least one person in this place has my back."

Luna continued to stand there, a bit unsure what to do next.


Everything was quiet within the Restaurant District. Wind ruffled the red parasols and banners smacked against the brick road. Zenshi, Seth and Luna entered underneath a welcoming arch with a few advertisements posted on both sides. The samurai knelt in front of a small chalkboard sign, offering a stew as the soup of the day. But something licked against the wooden frame and slid farther within the storefront.

Seth Alabaster brushed past her and slid his hand against a toppled table, more electric webs scratching the surface, "You saw them head in this direction, yeah?"

Zenshi confirmed this, standing and scanning the immediate area for hostile, "Yeah. With all the Electric Prowess lingering around, they had to be in a hurry."

"That's not the only thing, cobbers." Luna chimed in, her irises taking the shape of two, rotating spirals. Seems she was searching for more data, "The Carrefour de la Liberté is the most popular restaurant district in the Capitol."

Seth forced the toppled table upright, "What are you getting at, Luna?"

"What I mean is that it just makes no bloody sense that no one is here!" She smacked the side of her head once, blue globes back where they belong, "Usually this place is hustlin' and bustlin' around the clock, yeah?"

Zen-san considered the android's logic, "You're right. If no one is here, there's a chance the Neo Sentinels have been here more than once."

The King didn't quite get it, turning away from Zenshi and noticing a few vehicles in the distance approaching from the southern side, "Looks like the place isn't as deserted as you thought."

Gardener spotted the convoy and pulled forward, holding her hand to the right. Seth and Luna followed the direction of the gesture and stepped back as plates and glasses were tossed into the air. Zenshi's grasscutter sword glided into her hand and the samurai unsheathed it ever so slightly. Solar rays struck the hot, titanium ore and a vibrant strike of the metal whistled past their ears.

Was she being unnecessary? Perhaps.

"Look, I get you're going for some mysterious warrior trope..." Seth cracked his knuckles, ready to aid the swordsman if things got hairy, "But wouldn't it be easier to leave your sword on your back or something?"

Zenshi ignored the King and tossed her sheath behind her, the wooden holster burning into several Ignition petals until nothing remained. After one quick movement, Zenshi readied herself for a fight, "This looks like trouble."

Several Neo Sentinel soldiers piled out of the cars, standing in a formation around the trio. They didn't attack, but made it so retreat was no longer a viable option.

Three familiar soldiers took point. Leroy and Auguste stood at the sides of Garnier, the latter now holding a rifle as opposed to her original baton. She squinted, her battle damaged torso on display for all to see. Only bloody bandages covered her chest.

Zenshi's eyes widened ever so slightly, "You three are still alive?"

Luna held her right arm, plasma materializing in the form of a shield. In a split second, a small barricade hummed to life, "Zenni-dear, do you know these wankers?"

"Unfortunately, I do. Got into a bit of a scrap while out buying snacks for me and Seth."

"You were attacked?!" Seth almost sounded concerned. He grunted, as if trying to correct himself, "W-Why didn't you tell me? As your superior, you should've informed me of this!"

"And you should've told me about your conversation on the phone." Zen-san focused up, "It's neither here nor there. All that matters is that these goons are obviously going to be a problem unless we put them down."

Garnier aimed her gun right at the Zügon, "The only one being put down today is you, hussy."

"Good one. Haven't been called that in a month or two." Zen-san slid two fingers against her blade, "How's that wound, by the way?"

Something snapped within Garnier and she began shooting into the air, "Shut it, tramp! The only reason I don't start mowing all three of you down is because we need the King alive. So I suggest you do us all a favor, King Alabaster, and move aside. We have business with her."

Seth shook his head, hopping on one foot as if he was waiting for an excuse to break a few skulls, "Sorry. Can't do that. I already told the Ninja Girl that I can take care of myself. So I'll be fighting as well."

Gardener shrugged, blushing, "I think he just doesn't wanna see me get hurt."

Alabaster closed his eyes, rethinking his decision, "On second thought, perhaps I should leave you for dead."

Leroy and Garnier hid their faces, an unsettling omen overtaking the arena.

Something wasn't right.

Zenshi began to panic, surveying the immediate area. Something had to be out of place here. The soldier behind her had begun to equip riot shields. As strange as that was, if they were planning a sneak attack, wouldn't they use firearms or blades? No, they wanted to keep them there. Or at the very least, keep her there.

The samurai considered the soldiers ahead of them. Garnier lowered her rifle and...tossed it away. Why did she throw her gun away? Was she going to sneak attack them? No, she obviously wanted to kill Zenshi personally. She made that clear. So it made no sense to try and sneak her after the fact. Especially while the samurai could still see it coming.

Something was about to happen that Zenshi might not be able to catch. She had to act fast.

The Brute soldier known as Leroy quickly peered to the east and nodded.


Gardener followed his gaze and spotted something gleam within one of the shops. Someone was hiding in there. But why? Was it yet another goon? Why was there so many here to challenge her but one lying in wait for a signal? I thought they wanted Seth alive.

Then who...?

Oh no...

"Luna!" Zenshi turned and held her hand out to move her, but she wasn't fast enough. In a matter of seconds, air was severed into ribbons by a thin round. It had moved so fast that Zenshi didn't even see it. But she did see the android's body shake.

She heard the android's confused gasp.

She saw Seth's fearful face as he also realize what had transpired.

And Luna's blue oil that burst from the microscopic gash in the side of her head?

Zenshi felt that...

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