That Kind of Cowboy (Ford Bro...


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Madison- I am always running from my past. The past of my childhood, the past of my abusive ex-husband. ... More

Chapter One: Madison
Chapter Two: Lucas
Chapter Three: Madison
Chapter Four: Lucas
Chapter Five: Madison
Chapter Six: Lucas
Chapter Seven: Madison
Chapter Eight: Lucas
Chapter Nine: Madison
Chapter Ten: Lucas
Chapter Eleven: Madison
Chapter Twelve: Lucas
Chapter Thirteen: Madison
Chapter Fourteen: Lucas
Chapter Fifteen: Madison
Chapter Sixteen: Lucas
Chapter Seventeen: Madison
Chapter Eighteen: Lucas
Chapter Nineteen: Madison
Epilogue: Madison

Chapter Twenty: Lucas

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  It has been a week since we had that situation with Ethan. Everyone is still healing from all the trauma that he has caused. The kids have been happier than ever. Seeing their momma happy has made an impact on them.

It is nice not seeing them worried and in pain. I have seen a different side to all four of them. They are free of all the stuff Ethan has put them through. No more running away or looking over their shoulders. They were safe now.

I have a surprise for Maddie and our children tonight. My family is going to set up a cookout at our house with help from the children. Only Gramps knows what is really going to happen. What we are really going to celebrate.

We had a long talk this morning, Gramps, and me. We talked about everything, from Gramps' childhood to the present and future. He opened my eyes to a lot of things this morning. He is also going to help me with the parts that nobody else knows.

Mom should be here soon to keep an eye on the children. She is going to watch them while Maddie and I get the rest of their belongings from her mom's house. She said there was not much left to get.

"Make sure momma gets all my dresses." Sofia said from her spot beside me. She is a daddy's girl; she must always be near me.

"Don't forget my purple headphones." Emma reminded me from my other side. Texting away on her phone, hopefully a friend and not a boy. I am not ready for that yet.

"And my books!" Noah exclaimed from my chair. He is not only going to be a cowboy, but a writer like his momma. We had to get him, his own notebooks, and pencils.

I will make sure that we get everything. Do y'all remember our plan?" I asked, looking at the children around me.

"I will make sure everything is perfect tonight." Emma replied with a huge smile. She has been smiling more since she moved in here.

"Thanks, Emma. I can always depend on you."

"What about me?" Sofia demanded, crossing her little arms.

"I can depend on all three of you." I told them, as I tugged her ponytail.

"Hey! Stop that." she laughed, smacking my hand away from her. "You are going to mess up my hair."

"Gma, is here." Emma said, as she jumped up and ran out the front door to meet her. They have grown close, and she wants to do everything with mom.

"Go out and help them with the bags." I told them. "I am going to see if momma is ready to go."

"Okay!" They exclaimed, running out the door to help carry the bags in.

Standing up I headed for our bedroom, when I got to the doorframe, I leaned up against it. A smile on my face as I watched her scribbling away on her paper. Her hair falling around her face and biting down on her bottom lip. This girl distracts me from the world, it falls away whenever she is around.

She is lost in her own thoughts. I gently knocked my knuckles against the frame and cleared my throat. She jumped from the bed, throwing the paper and pencil across the room, and placing her hand over her heart.

"Don't do that! You scared the daylight out of me."

"Sorry, Darlin. I didn't mean to scare you." I said, trying to cover up my laugh with a cough. From the look on her face, I know I failed.

"What are you laughing about?" Maddie questioned, hand on her hips with her head tilted to the side.

"Nothing." I told her, hands up as I entered the room. "I came to see if you are ready to go? Mom is here and the kids are going to help her." I moved my eyes over her outfit, jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers and my favorite, no make-up. Her hair loose around her shoulders, she has been wearing it down more and said it helped with her headaches. She gets fewer of them now. With her hair always pulled up and with all the stress she had in her life, no wonder she had so many of them.

"I am ready. I had an idea hit me and I had to get it all out before I lost it. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget, and I am still mad at you."

"How long are you going to be mad at me?" I asked, trying to keep the smile off my face. I love how we are together; we can joke around without one of us getting angry. We never take it too far; we know the boundaries.

"For a very long time if I cannot find my pencil."

"Don't you have more of them? I have seen hundreds of them lying around the house." I am not lying either; she has tons of them everywhere.

"They are not all the same. That one was my favorite blue one." She huffed looking under our bed.

"We will look for it when we get back. If we cannot find it, I will buy you more just like it."

"I will not forget you said that." she told me as she stood up and dusted off her jeans.

"I have no doubts about you forgetting that promise."

"Don't get smart with me." Maddie laughed, elbowing me in the stomach.

"You have been hanging around Bella way too much." I laughed; she knows that I am joking.

"She is the best role model around and I love her like a sister. So, you better be nice." Failing to keep the smile off her pretty face.

"I agree with you."

"It is a good thing I love you."

"I love you too, Darlin." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her close to me. Looking down into her eyes as I leaned down to kiss her. When I pulled away from her, I took her hand and led her down the hallway.


"Promise me that if my mom says anything, you won't let it get to you." Maddie said, when we pulled into Margret's driveway.

"Honey, I took a bullet for you, and I have heard some of the things your mother has said. I am not going anywhere. You are stuck with me now." I told her, taking the keys out of the ignition. I need to show her that I am not that kind of cowboy. I am no John Wayne, and I am not leaving her. I will not run from the way I feel. The only place I am running is straight into it.

"I know, it's just difficult sometimes."

"Remember that I got your back, and I will be here through it all. The good, and the bad, no matter what life throws at us." I told her as I shifted in my seat, placing my hand on her cheek. "I love you, Madison."

"I love you more." She moved where our foreheads touched. Staring lovingly into my eyes.

"Forever." I whispered, leaning in, and kissing her. When our lips met, I could still feel the sparks. Every time they are there. I fall more in love with her every second of the day. With each day that passes, I fall a little harder than the last.

"We better go in there and get this over with." Maddie huffed, reaching for the handle on the door.

"I am here for you." I will keep telling her until she believes it. Even if I must tell her multiple times a day.

"Let's go." Maddie replied, climbing out of the truck.

"It will be okay." I told her, taking her hand in mine and led the way.

"Hey, mom. We are here." Maddie called out when we stepped into the house. There was no noise throughout the place. Either she was gone or ignoring us. The kitchen was empty, her mom was not here. Glancing around the empty room, I noticed the dirty dishes piled up and the trash overflowing. What happened here? It was spotless the last time I was here.

"I guess she is not here." Maddie said, moving to the table and picking up a piece of paper. Scanning her face, as she read it.

"What does it say?" I asked, taking a few steps, and placing my hands on hips.

"Maddie." I said, pulling her into my chest, and wrapping my arms around her. Holding on tight, giving her what she needs right now, love and care. "Talk to me, Darlin."

"It says she doesn't want to see or talk to me right now She will get ahold of me when she is ready to talk."

"We will get through this together." Reminding her that she is not alone.

"It's not the first time she has done this."

"I don't doubt that. Let's get your things and we will leave." I told her, leading her down the hall to the room she shared with our daughters.

It did not take long to load all their belongings into my truck. Before we left, I wrote a letter to Margret and placed it on her table. If she does not show up tonight, it will be a long time before I can forgive her. Madison deserves the world, and I will do everything I can to make sure she gets it.


"What is going on? It's beautiful out here." Maddie asked when we got back to our house and out back.

Gramps must have told them to go all out. There were lights hanging up around the cover of the patio. Some were in the trees and fence, but it is not over the top. The was music and laughter all around us.

"It is our family cookout; we will have them two Saturdays a month. I remember you talking about it. So, I thought we could kick off the first of many."

"I love it. Your mom and the kids went all out." Maddie replied with a bright smile.

"We wanted to make it special for you."

"There y'all are! We have been waiting forever." Nate said, walking up to us.

"Is everything ready? And where is Gramps at, I need to talk to him." I asked.

"Over there." he said pointing to a table set up in the yard.

"I am going to find Bella." Maddie said, raising up on her tiptoes giving me a kiss before she walked away. Leaving me alone with Nate, great.

"What is Gramps hiding? He won't spill but I know he is up to something." Nate asked, following me as I made my way to Gramps.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You are a bad lair, big brother." Nate laughed walking away from me. I am glad he did not ask a thousand questions. This is the biggest secret I have ever kept. It is difficult not to tell anyone.

"Glad I caught you alone." I said sitting down beside him.

"Do you want it all now or just the first one?"

"The first one." I replied. Gramps pulled an envelope that was hidden in the basket on the table. The basket had random items in it. No wonder Nate thought he was up to something.

"I am so proud of you, Lucas. Your father would be proud of you."

"Thanks, Gramps. By the way, how did you get this so quickly?" I asked, holding the envelope up.

"I have my ways, don't question it. You better get this show on the road."

"Is it getting difficult to keep this to yourself?" I asked him with a smile.

"You better get on with it, or I will announce to everybody what is really going on." Gramps threatened, glaring at me.

"You wouldn't do that."

"Watch me." He huffed, moving to get out of his chair.

"I'm going, I'm going." I said, hands raised and slowly backing away from him. "I got this."

These next few minutes mean everything to me. My destiny is on the line. These next few moments determine our future. Lord, give me strength right now. I could use all that I can get.

As I glance around the yard looking for Maddie. When I finally got to her, she was in a deep conversation with mom and Bella. While my brothers were a few feet away from them playing with the children.

My family are all together in one place, I have always had this this. Maddie has never had a big family and I am glad that I can give her that. Even if we have to adopt kids, if that is what she wants. I will do anything for her. She has me wrapped around her little finger.

Thoughts and nerves took over me as I made my way to the speakers. I turned down the music and looked around at the people who mean the most to me. Gathering my courage, taking a deep breath, and clearing my throat. Here goes nothing.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please." They all stopped talking and turned to face me. There was confusion on most of their faces. Gramps had a big smile on his.

"Kids can y'all come here. I have something to give you." I said, watching as they ran up to me.

"What is it?" Emma asked, stopping before she knocked me down.

"Here, look for yourself." I replied, handing her the envelope. She took it and turned it over in her hands.

"Lisa, you might want to video this, or whatever it's." Gramps called out to her. I did not even think about that.

"I knew you were lying!" Nate yelled out.

"Ready." mom said ignoring him.

"Go on, see what is inside." I told her.

She opened it up and pulled out the papers. Glancing over the first page while shaking her head. A bright smile with her eyes wide with excitement as she kept reading.

"What does it say?" Maddie asked, as she walked over to us.

"Dad wants to adopt us. He wants us, he wants to be our dad." Emma tried to say through her tears, happy tears.

"Really?" Sofia yelled, running, and jumping into my arms.

"Really. If that is what you and your momma want, we can have it done on Monday. Do y'all want me to adopt you?"

"Yes!" They screamed with excitement as the older two tackled me and Sofia into a hug.

"Gramps has something to tell y'all. Go over there, it's a secret." I told them, setting Sofia down on her feet.

They took off running over to Gramps, yelling the whole way. That went well, but I knew it would. This next part on the other hand, has my stomach tangled up in knots.

"Thank you." Maddie said, walking over and stopping in front of me. Taking her hips and pulling her in, wrapping my arms around her, and holding her close.

"Here, dad." Emma said, holding out her hand, her fist closed around the object. Hiding it away from our family's sight.

"Thanks." I told her, reaching out my hand, palm up. She placed it into my hand.

"Good luck, dad." she replied, walking back over to Gramps.

"What is going on?" Maddie asked, stepping out of my arms to get a better look at my face. Staring into hypnotizing hazel eyes, I took her hand in mine, and bent down on one knee.

"Wait Lucas, let me get my camera ready." mom rushed out trying to get her phone ready for a video. "Okay, go ahead."

Clearing my throat again and moving my eyes over Maddie's face. Her eyes shining bright with a small smile playing on her lips. She is the rest of my life, my destiny. Here goes nothing, taking a couple of deep breaths.

"I love you with everything in me. I am not the kind of cowboy that is going to leave you behind in the sunset. I am the one who rides in to save the day. The one that wants you, Emma, Noah, and Sofia to be in my life forever. I want us to be a family. I want to be the one who stands beside you for the rest of your life. Me and you sitting on the porch swing watching sunrises and sunsets together. I want to be with you every second of the day. Maddie, I want to be your husband and I want you to be my wife." I told her, taking a moment to get my emotions in check. "Madison Kay, will you be my forever? Will you marry me?"

Tears in her eyes, speechless, and nodding her head. Placing my grandmother's ring on that special finger. The ring shining in the lights as gazed at it.

Standing up and pulling her into my arms. Leaning her back, I gave her a passionate kiss. Our family cheering and clapping in the background. My life finally falling into place with the woman I love beside me. She has my heart and always will.

"I love you, Maddie." I whispered, after pulling her back up into my arms.

"I love you more."

"Time to party!" Nate yelled, causing laughter around our group as they gathered around us to congratulate us. This will be a day I will always remember. I have my family now and it is complete.

"We have a wedding to plan." Bella said, dragging Maddie and mom to get food and go plan.

"Let's go make a plate." I told the kids as I led them to the table on the patio.

The night had been loud and long as we celebrated mine and Maddie's engagement. Sofia was passed out in Nate's arms. Emma and Noah were playing cards with me and my brothers. Maddie and Bella are still deep in conversation. Most likely talking about the wedding. Gramps and mom went home about an hour ago.

This night has felt right. Everything has felt right since she walked into my life. I have my other half, the one who makes me whole. We took a big step forward in our relationship today. I could not have asked for a better day. A day I will never forget. 

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