Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

368K 8.3K 769

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc

Bonus: Archie Leclerc

1.4K 38 12
By tonysnarky

Archie Maximillian Leclerc absolutely despised being the oldest sibling.

Not only was he burdened with the status of being the firstborn, but he also bore the distinction of being the eldest son of two of the most renowned names in motorsports history: Alexandra Heroux and Charles Leclerc.

Throughout his upbringing, Archie's parents had shielded him from the spotlight, and hadn't pressured him in any way. In fact, in terms of parental support, he considered himself exceptionally fortunate. They were flawless.

But, alas, he was the eldest child—a perfect embodiment of the stereotype. He was a stickler for perfection, a natural leader. He could be bossy and controlling towards his siblings, firmly believing that he always knew what was best.

As his younger sister Aurelie was fond of pointing out, Archie believed he was the smartest person in the room.

Unfortunately for Aurelie, it was one of the few things she happened to be correct about.

When it came to his siblings, Archie truly was the smartest in the room.

Mastering four languages—French, Italian, German, and English—by the age of 23, and presently delving into Spanish and Russian (the latter purely out of boredom), Archie was undeniably gifted.

Juggling his academic pursuits in aeronautical engineering alongside his career in Formula Two for three years, he stood on the brink of his inaugural season in Formula One, poised to race for his father's revered former team—Ferrari.

The weight of expectation upon his shoulders was staggering. Not only was he piloting for the most storied and illustrious team in motorsport history, but he also followed in the footsteps of his father, Charles Leclerc. It was akin to stepping into colossal shoes.

The indelible legacy carved by Charles and Alexandra cast a formidable shadow over Archie's every move, a burden that he bore daily. So overwhelming was this pressure that, at the tender age of seventeen, Alexandra had sought therapy for her son.

His relentless self-criticism and pervasive self-doubt were traits his mother attributed to Charles, the very traits that had necessitated her comforting embrace during his formative years, soothing his tears and guiding him through the labyrinth of terror and self-loathing that ensued whenever he perceived himself as falling short of expectations.

Following a particularly disheartening race at the tender age of 14, Archie vividly recalled the tears cascading down his cheeks as he poured out his fears to his parents during the ride home. Convinced he would amount to nothing but an embarrassment, his anguish overflowed.

In that moment of vulnerability, his father silently guided the car to a halt, while his mother, sensing his distress, practically threw herself into the back seat of the car and enveloped him in her comforting embrace.

With his head nestled against her shoulder, she whispered reassurances, affirming, "Oh Archie, you are most definitely your father's son."

Now, amidst the bustling throng of the Formula One paddock, the cacophony of voices surrounding him, Archie's reverie was abruptly interrupted by the approach of a familiar figure clad in a crisp white suit, his face radiant with warmth.

"Archie!" the man called out enthusiastically.

Startled back to the present, Archie turned to behold his cousin Theo, his trademark Mercedes overalls tied around his waist. As Theo enveloped him in a fraternal embrace, his unruly brown locks formed a playful crown atop his head.

"How are you feeling?" Theo inquired.

Swallowing his nerves, Archie confessed, "I'm shitting myself." Archie admitted. "What if I fuck up?"

A mischievous grin tugged at Theo's lips. "You won't."

"But what if—"

"Archie, trust me. You've got this," Theo interjected, his tone resolute with conviction.

Archie released a heavy sigh, his acknowledgment evident as he nodded in agreement. Sensing the weight of his cousin's apprehension, Theo enveloped him in another comforting embrace.

"You know," Theo began softly, his voice laced with empathy, "on my debut race, I was a nervous wreck too. Terrified I'd make a mess of it all. That I'd bring shame upon your Mum and Charles. That I'd be the laughing stock of the Paddock. You know what your Mum told me?"

"What?" Archie prompted, intrigued by the impending revelation.

"She said, 'If you're going to crash, at least make it look cool,'" Theo recounted with a chuckle. "Seriously, Archie, your parents adore you, no matter what. They see the incredible person you are, through and through. And hey, look at AJ—"

At the mention of his sister Aurelie, known by her nickname AJ, Archie couldn't help but shiver involuntarily. "Yeah, AJ," he muttered bitterly.

"She's causing all kinds of trouble, but your Dad's ready to go to war for her," Theo remarked with a lighthearted grin.

"Sure, Dad's little princess can do no wrong," Archie retorted with a hint of resentment.

"Let's be real, Archie, she's a fucking psycho," Theo teased, eliciting a wry nod of agreement from Archie. "But hey, that's what makes her AJ, right? Twenty-two years in, and she's still in a rebellious phase."

Indeed, Aurelie's penchant for rebellion seemed unwavering, a perpetual source of both exasperation and amusement for her older brother.

"There's my boys!" A voice exclaimed with boundless excitement. Archie found himself nearly tackled to the floor as his mother enveloped him in a tight hug, pulling Theo in for a squeeze as well.

As they parted, Charles approached, pulling each of his boys into a brief hug, his enthusiasm tempered compared to Alexandra's, yet a radiant smile still gracing his features.

"Argh, Ally, give it a rest. I'm not seven anymore," Theo protested with a playful grin.

"Ah, but in my eyes, you'll always be my little angel," Alexandra countered, affectionately pinching his cheeks.

Despite being in her fifties, Alexandra's youthful appearance never failed to turn heads. With her lustrous brown hair, now adorned with subtle hints of grey cleverly concealed by hair dye, cascading in perfect waves around her shoulders, she seemed to defy the passage of time.

Her brown eyes still twinkled with the same mischief and vitality that had characterized her youth, a testament to her enduring spirit and dedication to maintaining her health through years of rigorous training.

Charles, on the other hand, sported a distinguished salt-and-pepper look that suited him well. Though his hair had begun to grey, it only added to his charm, a fact Alexandra couldn't help but tease him about, particularly regarding his greying stubble, which had become a playful subject of banter within the Leclerc household in recent months.

In the end, the Leclercs had indeed aged like fine wine, their enduring vitality and warmth a testament to the love and laughter that filled their home.

"Where's Louis and AJ?" Archie inquired, his gaze scanning the bustling paddock. Alexandra sighed, her expression tinged with concern.

"Louis is off somewhere, trying to avoid the crowds," she explained with a hint of resignation. It was no secret that Louis Leclerc harbored a deep aversion to the paddock, his surname, and the burdens it imposed. Instead, the youngest Leclerc found solace in music, a passion reminiscent of their father's youth. "And Aurelie..." Alexandra's voice trailed off, a touch of frustration seeping into her tone.

"Jules is with Seb and Lewis," Charles interjected, a knowing smile gracing his lips. "They're giving her a lecture."

"Why? What mischief has she gotten into now?" Theo inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"You're better off not knowing," Alexandra replied tersely, her expression darkening at the mention of her daughter's antics.

"Actually, I'm rather curious-," Theo began, only to be cut off by Charles.

"I'll fill you in later," he interjected swiftly, shooting a meaningful glance at Theo. "Penelope's been looking for you."

"Oh, has she now?"

"Yep, she's with Max and Hugo. We just saw them heading to hospitality for lunch."

"In that case, I suddenly find myself famished," Theo remarked with a mischievous grin.

"Hungry for food? Or for something else?" Archie teased, earning a playful swat from his mother.

"Both," Theo quipped with a chuckle, before turning to leave. Alexandra and Charles exchanged amused glances as they watched him go.

"Get her, tiger," Alexandra called after him, a smile playing on her lips. She turned to Charles expectantly, holding her palm out, as Charles sighed, handing her a 20 Euro bill. "I win." She grinned.

"I'll catch you guys later," Theo called back over his shoulder, receiving farewell wishes from his family.

"What did you bet on?"

"That he'd go running to find P." Charles sighed. "Your mother said he'd ditch us straight away. I thought it would take him a bit longer."

"Amor, I've told you over and over again, that boy is head over heels in love with her."

Alexandra cast a concerned glance at Archie, her lips pressed together in a display of maternal worry. "Feeling nervous?"

"Absolutely," Archie admitted with a nervous chuckle.

Charles, ever the supportive father, placed a comforting hand on Archie's back. "Listen, Archie... No matter what happens out there, remember that we're always proud of you. We love you, son."

"I know, Dad... It's just... I don't want to disappoint anyone. Not the team, not the tifosi, not you guys..."

"Honey, remember when the team went through that 15-year championship drought? And let's not forget the year when your father managed to rack up a DNF, a DNS, and a DSQ all in one season..." Alexandra interjected, a wry smile playing on her lips. "I don't think you could possibly let them down more than they've already experienced."

"Now, that's a bit harsh," Charles objected, a hint of playful indignation in his voice. "I did bring home three championships for them."

"Fair point," Alexandra conceded with a roll of her eyes. "But my point is, every team has its off days. Every team faces setbacks and losses. Except maybe Red Bull in 2025, but that's just because me and Max were fucking incredible and -"

"Maman, please," Archie interrupted, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Alright, fine. What I'm trying to say, Archie, is that at some point in your career, you're going to face challenges. You will crash, you will encounter car troubles... It's inevitable," Alexandra continued, her tone softening with maternal reassurance. "But what truly matters is how you respond. You pick yourself up, you dust yourself off, and you get back in that car. You keep fighting. Not just for the team and the Tifosi, but for yourself."

A warm smile spread across Charles's face. "Your mother's right, you know."

"I'm always right," Alexandra interjected with a playful grin.

Both Charles and Archie rolled their eyes in unison.

"There were countless moments in my career when I felt like I didn't deserve to be in that seat – like it didn't belong to me," Charles confessed, his voice tinged with empathy. "There were days when I just wanted to walk away and never face the cameras or the fans again. I know exactly what you're going through right now, son. And it terrifies me. But you deserve to be in the moment. Don't let overthinking consume you. Don't allow your own mind to become your worst enemy. You've earned this seat, Archie. You belong here. And no matter what happens, always remember that you are loved – by the team, by the fans, and by your family."

"Plus, you've already earned yourself a cool nickname from the Tifosi," Alexandra chimed in, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

"What's that?" Archie asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, haven't you heard?" Alexandra teased. "You've got two, technically. L'uomo Nato Dal Fuoco – The man born from fire. Or simply, The Fire."

Archie's expression shifted to one of surprise. "Really?"

"And that's not all," Alexandra continued with a smirk. "Some of the Italian press are also calling you the Redeemer - they think you're going to bring Ferrari back to its glory after your father's win streak."

Charles chuckled. "Well, it's not as good as my nickname, but-"

"Mine was better," Alexandra interjected, a playful glint in her eyes. "Queen of Hearts is far superior to the Predestined."

"Amour, I adore you, but you're mistaken on this one," Charles retorted with a grin. 

Alexandra playfully poked her tongue out at her husband, who reciprocated with a grin. Archie couldn't help but roll his eyes; his parents had always been like this, even as they grew older. Their childlike playfulness never seemed to fade.

"Leclerc!" A familiar voice interrupted their moment, prompting the trio to turn towards the source. Carlos Sainz approached with a smile, his smooth voice carrying warmth as they exchanged greetings. "I can't believe we've got three Leclercs in the paddock now!"

Carlos enveloped Charles in a warm hug before turning to Alexandra, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around, the two sharing hearty laughs like old friends.

Finally, he directed his attention to Archie, his expression shifting to a more serious tone. "We've been looking for you. You need to get back to the garage; the race starts soon."

Archie grinned in response and nodded, then turned back to his parents, wrapping them in another hug. "I'll see you guys later, okay?" he said softly.

"Take care, and remember what we talked about," Alexandra whispered as she embraced him tightly. "We love you."

"Go out there and show them what you're made of," Charles added with an encouraging grin.

"Oh, he'll be just fine," Carlos chuckled. "He's already surpassing our old lap times from our rookie years in Ferrari." He smiled, giving Archie a friendly pat on the back. "Go on, kid. I'll catch up."

As they watched Archie jog away towards the Ferrari garage, Alexandra turned to Carlos and swatted him on the arm, eliciting a fake yelp of pain from him.

"What was that for?" Carlos protested, feigning hurt.

"You could have signed him sooner, you know?" Alexandra retorted, her tone half-joking.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Carlos teased back. "Look at him now, Ally. He's hungry for this. He's earned it. He's got that fire burning inside him," Carlos shrugged. "Plus, I'm the team principal. It's my prerogative," he added with a playful grin. "I was actually debating offering the contract to Pierre's daughter instead—"

"I would've fucking murdered you," Alexandra groaned, her expression turning serious. "No offence to Daphne, but..."

"Archie's always dreamt of this, I know," Carlos said warmly. "He was destined to drive for Ferrari sooner or later. I just had to wait until his times were undeniably good enough, so the board couldn't accuse us of nepotism. This is business, and we had to wait until Archie's talent could speak for itself."

"Good," Charles interjected, nodding approvingly. "Although, while we're on the topic—how the fuck did you become team principal?" he added with a smirk. "I didn't even know the job was vacant—"

"Because you've been too engrossed with Red Bull, amigo," Carlos teased. "You and little AJ have been running circles around the FIA, completely oblivious to the gossip from the rest of the paddock."

"Wait, what do you mean, the FIA?" Alexandra inquired.

"Nothing, amor," Charles interjected quickly.



"What has she done now?"

"It's nothing, I—"

"Carlos, what has my daughter done?" Alexandra's tone turned stern, making Charles wince and shoot his best friend an apologetic glance.

"I need to head to the garage and—"

"Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro," Alexandra's voice carried authority, and Charles winced again, signalling to Carlos to come clean. "What has Aurelie done?"

Carlos glanced at Charles, silently pleading for assistance. "Well... she, uh..."

"She tampered with a car to try and improve her own lap time during F2 qualifying," Charles blurted out.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Alexandra's voice rose sharply in shock.

"It was nothing," Charles hurriedly added. "If anything, she discovered a security flaw and—"

"Yeah, that Red Bull kid, Levisham, told her she'd never make it to F1... so she tampered with his car and told him if she couldn't make it to F1, neither could he," Carlos explained in a hushed tone, almost as if trying to shield Alexandra from the severity of the situation.

Alexandra turned to face Charles, her face red and blotchy in anger. "When were you going to tell me?"

"Now?" he offered sheepishly.

"Charles! When did this happen?!"

"A month ago?" he said it uncertainly, looking to Carlos for confirmation, who nodded before stepping back, prepared to leave the couple to their conversation. Alexandra grabbed Carlos by the arm.

"Oh no you don't," she scolded. "You're not going anywhere either. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, well..." Carlos scratched the back of his head. "AJ asked me not to."

"What?" Alexandra practically snarled. "So, not only does my daughter have my husband wrapped around her little finger, but she's also got you too?"

"And half the paddock," Carlos admitted sheepishly.

"And half the press," Charles chimed in.

"Basically, everyone except Max—he'd tell you as soon as he knew, so she asked us not to tell him," Carlos explained.

"Enough," Alexandra snapped. "I'll deal with her later." She sighed. "You two are in the doghouse. I can't believe it. Mijn eigen dochter heeft mijn familie tot idioten gemaakt!" she huffed.

"You know I hate it when you speak Dutch!" Charles whined. "I can't understand you! Why did Max teach you it?"

"So we can complain about you are without you understanding us! Don't look at me like that, you two talk about me in Italian sometimes!" Alexandra retorted. "I can't believe Aurelie's been hiding this, and you've been helping her!"

"Amor, we know how much you two struggle to get along, so I thought I'd handle the situation and—"

"How did you handle it, Charles?" Alexandra's voice lowered, her tone turning serious.

Charles suddenly realized his mistake. It was no secret that his daughter was quite literally his favorite person in the whole world. She could do no wrong in his eyes. She could murder ten people, and Charles would find a way to blame anyone but her.

"Well, you see..." he paused, feeling a knot of guilt forming in his stomach. "I bribed them," he admitted sheepishly.

Alexandra scoffed. "You're unbelievable."

"I'm putting our daughter's career first," Charles defended.

"She shouldn't have a career after the way she's behaved!"

"Guys!" a new voice intervened. They turned to find Louis, their youngest son, looking sheepishly at them. "The race starts in ten minutes, and we promised Archie we'd watch it from the garage. Can this wait?"

Alexandra sucked in a deep breath and sighed. Charles nodded, and Carlos looked undecided on whether Louis' intervention was a good thing or not. As they walked, Louis turned to Alexandra with a soft smile. "So, you finally found out about AJ, huh?"

"You knew too?"

"Sorry, I wanted to tell you, but she said if I did, she'd leak my new music," he smiled sadly. Alexandra wrapped an arm around her son and shot Charles and Carlos a glare that said 'See? She's evil!'

"It's okay, mon garçon," she whispered. She reached into her bag, and pulled out a small plastic pouch, handing it to Louis with a small smile. 

It was no secret that despite his love of music, Louis despised the sound of the F1 cars. It irritated him beyond belief and caused many tantrums in his childhood, something that took a long time for Charles to accept.

The pouch that Alexandra handed him contained a small pair of earbuds designed to block out the loud noises, which would be further aided by the headset he'd soon put on in the garage. He gripped his mother's arm.

"Thank you, maman," he whispered. "You're the best." With a nod of gratitude, he walked ahead as a friend called him, leaving Charles to slip his hand into Alexandra's.

"You really are, you know?" Charles whispered, his eyes filled with affection. She raised an eyebrow in response.

"The best?" she sighed. "If I was, I'd be able to keep Aurelie under control."

Charles sighed softly. "Amor... Jules is just... difficult. It's not you. It's her. Trust me, we're all very aware of that. But she's a troubled kid—"

"Charles, please," Alexandra interrupted gently. "Not now. Let's just focus on Archie. This is important to him. I want to be present in this moment for him. I don't want to let Jules ruin it with whatever drama she's trying to brew."

Charles bit his lip, debating whether to argue or not, but as they arrived in the garage, he quickly decided against it. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too," she smiled, kissing him gently. "Now, let's watch our boy show them what he's made of."


Archie sat in the cockpit of his Ferrari, the anticipation mounting with each passing second as he awaited the start of the race. The roar of the engines reverberated through his body, sending adrenaline coursing through his veins. He felt the weight of his dreams resting on his shoulders, a lifetime of preparation culminating in this singular moment.

As he glanced at the array of lights illuminating above him, Archie felt his heart pounding in his chest, each beat echoing the rhythm of his excitement and apprehension. His parents' words echoed in his mind, reassuring him that once the lights went out, his fears would dissipate, replaced by a singular focus on the task at hand.

And they were right.

With a deep breath, Archie calmed his nerves, channeling his anticipation into a steely determination. As the lights began to illuminate one by one, his senses sharpened, his mind laser-focused on the imminent start. When the final red light blinked out, signaling the beginning of the race, Archie's instincts kicked in, and he launched forward with precision timing.

In an instant, he was one with his Ferrari, the powerful machine responding to his every command as if an extension of his own body. With a swift motion, he slammed his foot down on the accelerator, unleashing the full might of the car's engine as he surged forward, determined to carve his way through the pack and make up precious positions.

The rush of adrenaline flooded his senses, the wind whipping past him as he navigated the twists and turns of the track with unwavering focus. Each corner approached with lightning speed, but Archie met them head-on, his reflexes honed to perfection as he expertly maneuvered the Ferrari with precision and finesse.

As he weaved through the field, his confidence soared, fueled by the thrill of the chase and the knowledge that he was living out his childhood dream. With each passing lap, Archie pushed himself to the limit, his determination unwavering as he fought for every inch of track, refusing to yield to the relentless competition.

In that moment, as he raced wheel to wheel with the best drivers in the world, Archie knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be. The thrill of the race coursed through his veins, igniting a fire within him that burned brighter with each passing moment. As he continued to chase his dreams with unwavering determination, Archie Leclerc emerged as a force to be reckoned with on the Formula One circuit.

"Okay, Little Leclerc, that's P8, P8. You've got Rudovic in front, and Costello is 2.3 behind," his engineer's voice crackled over the radio, her instructions delivered with precision and efficiency. Luna, the junior engineer assigned to Archie, had quickly become a familiar presence in his ear during races, a constant companion guiding him through the highs and lows of each circuit.

In the past three months, Archie Leclerc had developed a fondness for the woman on the other end of the radio. Her calm demeanor and unwavering support had endeared her to him, and he found himself looking forward to her voice amidst the chaos of the race.

"Luna, please stop calling me that," he sighed, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Calling you what, Little Leclerc?" she teased, her voice light and playful. "Your mum agrees with me, by the way. She thinks it's a cute name."

"Stop talking to my mum," Archie replied, though there was a fondness in his voice that betrayed his protest.

"Focus on the race, Little Leclerc," Luna reminded him, her tone shifting back to business as she guided him through the challenges of the track.

Archie listened to Luna's instructions, his focus sharpening as he honed in on the car ahead of him. With each passing lap, he closed the gap with precision, his skill behind the wheel evident as he maneuvered through the twists and turns of the circuit.

As the race progressed, Archie found himself in a rhythm, his movements fluid and deliberate as he navigated the track with finesse. A smooth pit stop further bolstered his position, propelling him back onto the track in P4 and igniting a surge of excitement within him.

This was it. This was the moment he had been training for, the opportunity to prove himself on the world stage. As he pushed the Ferrari to its limits, he felt a swell of pride wash over him, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

And amidst the roar of the engines and the cheers of the crowd, Archie caught sight of flashes of red in the stands – the devoted Tifosi, their unwavering support fueling his drive to succeed. With each passing lap, he drew strength from their encouragement, his eyes fixed on the finish line as he raced towards his dreams.

"Who's ahead?"

"So, we've got Wolff ahead—"

"No, who's 1st?"

"Okay, calm down," Luna teased, her voice laced with amusement. "Jenkins P1, Verstappen P2, Wolff P3, and currently, you're P4," she explained, her tone steady and reassuring.

"How far ahead is Wolff?"

"Jack is 1.2 ahead. You can catch him."


"By the way, your mum's invited me around for dinner."

"Luna, stop."

"Copy." The banter between Archie and Luna flowed effortlessly, their easy camaraderie evident even in the midst of the race. As they exchanged updates and strategies, back in the paddock, Alexandra and Carlos shared a knowing look.

Carlos had intentionally paired the young engineer with Archie, recognizing the potential for their friendship to ease some of the pressure on Archie during races. Luna's presence seemed to be having the desired effect, her calm demeanour and quick wit helping to alleviate some of Archie's anxiety.

It was a strategy that appeared to be working, as Archie's confidence behind the wheel continued to grow with each passing lap. And as he focused on closing the gap with Wolff ahead, he drew strength from Luna's guidance, their shared rapport creating a sense of camaraderie that extended beyond the confines of the track.

With skill and determination, Archie managed to close the gap to Toto Wolff's son, Jack, on the very last lap. The two engaged in a heated duel for 3rd place, pushing their cars to the limit as they fought for position. In a thrilling display of racing prowess, Archie executed a daring move to overtake Jack, securing his place in the history books with a podium finish in his first race for Ferrari. 

He had achieved what he set out to do.

"Archie! That was incredible!" Luna's voice rang out excitedly over the radio. "Well done, Little Leclerc!"

"Archie, ah, l'uomo in fiamme! Ben fatto! Questo è il terzo posto!" Carlos's voice chimed in, his pride evident in his tone.

"Archie! C'était incroyable! Tu étais formidable! Bien joué!" Alexandra's voice followed, filled with emotion that even cracked slightly over the radio before Charles's voice cut in.

"Nous sommes si fiers de vous!" Charles cheered proudly. "Your mother is crying! Well done, Archie! The man on fire! You've done the Tifosi proud!"

Amidst the swirling chaos of celebration and cheers from his team and family, Archie found himself in a surreal daze as he pulled the car into the designated 3rd place spot. Stepping out of the car, he removed his helmet with trembling hands, the rush of adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Everything felt like a blur, like a dream he couldn't quite grasp. Surely, this couldn't be real. It was his first race in Formula One, after all. How could he have possibly clinched third place?

A hearty slap on his back jolted him out of his reverie, and he turned to see Theo grinning at him with unbridled excitement. "I told you!" his cousin exclaimed jubilantly. "Third place?" He pulled Archie into a tight hug, the joy of the moment radiating between them. "Damn, that's better than my first race!" Archie couldn't help but return the grin, the weight of his accomplishment slowly sinking in.

As they separated, Hugo Verstappen joined them, wrapping Archie in another congratulatory hug. The two best friends exchanged a knowing look before launching into a secret handshake they had perfected since childhood. "Congrats, dude," Hugo beamed, genuine pride shining in his eyes. "I told you, didn't I? I said you'd eat the rest of the grid for breakfast."

"It's in his blood," Theo teased, tossing Archie a bottle of water. The camaraderie and support from his cousin and best friend only added to the surreal atmosphere, reminding Archie that he wasn't alone in this moment of triumph.

"I can't believe it," Theo muttered in disbelief, his voice tinged with awe and excitement. "I can't fucking believe it."

"Well, you better get used to it," Hugo chimed in with a playful grin, nudging Theo towards the nearby microphone. "You've got an interview to do."

With a mixture of nerves and exhilaration coursing through him, Archie stepped up to the microphone, ready to share his thoughts with the world. The retired F1 driver and family friend, Fernando Alonso, stood ready to conduct the interview, offering a warm smile and hearty congratulations.

Fernando commended Archie on his excellent drive, remarking that his overtake on Jack Wolff looked like a move straight out of his mother's playbook. Archie couldn't help but chuckle at the comparison, admitting with a cheeky grin that it was indeed one of Alexandra's signature moves. Fernando's grin widened mischievously, suggesting that Ferrari might just have a future champion on their hands. The thought sent a thrill through Archie, fueling his determination to prove himself even further in the races to come.

After his interview, Archie slipped away to the cool-down room, seeking a moment of respite from the whirlwind of emotions and adrenaline that had consumed him during the race. There, he found himself reunited with Theo and Hugo, the familiar camaraderie between them providing a comforting anchor amidst the chaos of the day. They exchanged lighthearted banter about their plans for the evening, with Hugo announcing, "AJ's booked us a table at Murphy's - that little bar down on the strip?"

As Hugo spoke, the camera panned to the Ferrari group gathered below the podium, capturing the tension between Alexandra and her daughter, who seemed to be engaging in a playful yet exasperating exchange. The scene painted a picture of familial dynamics, capturing the essence of their relationships in fleeting glances and subtle gestures. As they realised the camera was on them, the argument stopped, and while Alexandra glared at her daughter, Aurelie blew kisses to the camera. 

Back in the cool-down room, Archie couldn't help but chuckle as he remarked, "I think my mum knows what AJ did." The group shared a laugh, their bond strengthened by shared experiences and inside jokes before they were called up for the podium ceremony.

Stepping onto the podium, Archie's gaze swept over the crowd below, but amidst the sea of faces, there was only one he truly sought. 

His eyes met Luna's, and in that moment, everything else faded into the background. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched her blush, her presence a source of comfort and reassurance amidst the overwhelming magnitude of the moment.

As the anthems began to fill the air, each note resonated with significance, representing the diverse backgrounds and journeys of the drivers and teams gathered on the podium. For Theo, it was the British anthem, a proud reminder of his heritage and the support of his home country. Meanwhile, the German anthem echoed for Mercedes, symbolizing their triumphs and legacy in the world of motorsport.

Down in the crowd, amidst a sea of cheering fans and proud team principals, Lewis Hamilton stood tall, his presence commanding respect as he cheered for his driver and beloved nephew, Theo. Nearby, in the Red Bull section, Max Verstappen, accompanied by his wife Kelly and their daughter Penelope, stood alongside Alexandra's brother James. James, a figure of experience and wisdom in the sport, cheered not only for his son but also for Hugo, his colleague at Red Bull who was now embarking on a new chapter in his life.

Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, Archie Leclerc stood on the podium, his heart swelling with gratitude and determination. As he looked down at the crowd, witnessing the support and camaraderie among the old and new faces of Formula One, he couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose wash over him. With the trophy in hand, he realized that this was just the beginning of his journey—a journey fueled by ambition, dedication, and the unwavering support of his family and fans.

At that moment, Archie made a silent vow to himself: he would make his parents proud, he would honour their legacy, and he would leave his mark on the world of motorsport, one race at a time.

A decade from now, his name would stand proudly among the greats, immortalized on the walls of motorsport history for generations to come. 

Archie Maximillian Leclerc: Ferrari World Champion


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