My Man...Or Is He Not? (Book...


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Kyle Anderson had an uneventful life that had fallen into a perfect routine of work, friends, and video games... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

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"Shit! Fuck! Fuck! fuck Noooo!!! Help me Kyle? Kyle! Are you even hearing me? Help me man. Shit! I'm gonna die...."

It had been nearly thirty minutes since the pleas for life had started, making my ears almost bleed. And it looked like they were in no way of stopping any time soon.

I sighed taking a glance at the source of the chaos. As much as it got on my nerves to see Prem sprawled out on the floor screaming on top of his lungs cursing a mile a minute at the screen, it also spread a bit of warmth in my heart on seeing that all it required was just one goof to be his goofy self to bring back the spirit of another goof. Even if it was for one afternoon.

Seeing Jason laughing his ass off while trying to kill Prem's character in the game, temporarily forgetting about his broken heart made me smile as well. It had been three days since Jason's arrival in Thailand and this was the first time I saw him laugh out loud.

"Quick cover for me" Prem shouted, throwing a short urgent glare my way before gluing his eyes back to the screen and assaulting the game controller like a mad monkey. Before I could even pick up the controller in my hand which had been laying useless for sometime now, I heard a blood curdling cry with a loud explosion filling the screen before us.

"Great I am dead now. From the looks of it you are too. Nice job watching my back man" he said throwing away the controller and going as far as to fold his arms across his chest and pout. Now the big baby is officially sulking. I shook my head with a smile but not letting the moron see it, else he will make it a habit to sulk when he wants me to go along with his stupid plans.

"Don't I do enough of it in real life?" I said grouching at my so-called boss who never shies away from using his 'I-pay-your-bills-so-you-listen-to-me-card' just when he feels like it. That's the reason, when we are on a "sudden-unplanned-vacation" at a beautiful sea-facing resort at Krabi, we have our asses stapled to the living room playing video games, when we could very well be enjoying the beautiful seashore basking in the sunlight.

"That's how you do it lads. Now cough up the money", Jason beamed mimicking the explosion with his hands.

"Ughhh. Did we really bet on money I don't remember. Also, I don't think gambling is a right example to set for Nong Chaew", Prem said trying to escape from paying Jason when he was the who was so hyped about playing for money at the start and even doubled the stakes. Just shows how bad of a businessman he still is. Or just a stupid gambler as Arthit would say.

Speaking of my beautiful love dazed friend, I am yet to see him since we arrived. He was the one who proposed this sudden vacation. He called me the day before, just as i was about to start back home from the office and said we should go out on a trip since Jason is in Thailand. Honestly from the looks of how Kongpob and Arthit had yet to emerge from their bedroom since we arrived, I am starting to firmly believe that the guy was using it as another excuse for his never ending honeymoon phase with his 'crazy-in-love' boyfriend. They even left little Chaew with the boisterous bunch of us unattended.

"Says the guy who was cursing like a sailor a while ago forgetting there was a kid in the room" Jason threw back flipping the back of Prem's head.

"Ow. Where is Nong Chaew?" asked Prem looking around him and even checking under the cushions on the sofa. See, this is why I say they should never, I repeat NEVER, entrust anything with Prem let alone a little kid like Chaew. He would lose him in an instant and would be searching him at all the wrong places like his non-existant wits. Before I could whack him again on the back of his head with the cushion on my lap, Wad emerged from one of the rooms giving an exasperated sigh on seeing his husband climbing on top of the sofa. As soon as he saw Wad, a wide grin split Prem's face like he was entranced by the beautiful human before him. He almost fell off the sofa if not for Jason and I to catch his fall.

Wad rushed to his husband who gave him a heart attack with that fall. He threw him an unamused glare once we steadied the baboon on the ground.

"Where is Chaew?" I asked Wad getting back to the original question we had instead of the lost man beside me with a silly grin.

"He was with Arthit and I when we were unpacking, then Kongpob came" he answered. However, the cheeky smirk that he was trying to control with his pursed lips didn't go unnoticed.

"So he is with the nanny now" I concluded knowing a little too well what my friend must be occupied with.

"Right. Do you even have to ask? Arthit has a grown up kid to please as soon as he enters our poor friend's vicinity" Jason answered from my side. By now it was no surprise for any of us on the bunny behaviour of the couple.

"Ugh. Do we have to know the details?" I groaned in annoyance.

"So I think we should leave as well. Since Arthit is busy with his family" Prem started, getting near Wad and trying to pull his husband closer to him by his waist with a suggestive smirk.

"Didn't Kongpob call you here to discuss about business. How in the world did you start playing video games?" Wad questioned pushing his husband off him who was leering at him like a piece of candy.

"That was because of Jason and Kyle. They are a bad influence" he said trying to cajole his lover. Jason threw a pillow at Prem that hit right in his face. "You right away threw me under the bus huh" he said, which then gave way to another bantering session.

I muted their conversation and got back to my old position on the sofa. I rested my head on the cushion overlooking the windows where I could see the sea at the distance. Looking out the window dazing into a stretch of nothingness has become a habit of me recently. But today was different.

As I gazed out the open window for the salty breeze to billow over my cheeks making eyes glaze, I was welcomed by a breathtaking sight. The beautiful turquoise drape that stretched over the white sandy shore, with the sun perfectly reflecting off the water, making it sparkle like a thousand fireflies dancing over the silent waves, led me almost believe it was a mirage. Again as someone who was finding it difficult to grapple what is reality anymore, what with unannounced revelations and dubious behaviour from a certain tall handsome lawyer, the scepticism that came with every little thing around me is no surprise.

At first, when Arthit invited me, I wasn't too sure on tagging along in this trip. Prem had ordered me to accompany him as he wanted to discuss the investment plan that Kongpob agreed to at the party and get it signed off. Even then, I wasn't prepared enough for a face off with the lawyer brother of Kongpob. As everyone knows by now the reason I was avoiding him most definitely is to save my ass. Literally.

I was brought back to the present when I heard Wad say with an irritated growl at Prem, "You did not even get the contract that Kongpob asked for". But Prem did not get how irritated his husband looked. Seriously, the guy couldn't read the room for shit with the two brain cells he has. He raised his hands in surrender with an unapologetic look.

"That was the job of my legal advisor I believe" he said throwing the blame on me. I did not even acknowledge the accusation with a response. Instead I was still looking out the window at the distant boat dancing on the water.

"Are you even listening to us? You seem to have your mind up in the clouds these days man. You sure you are alright?" he asked with a bit of concern in his voice. I did not give enough time for that thought to register in anyone's mind, as I did not want to spend this vacation with anymore prodding from my so-called best friends.

"Says the guy who forgets to bring the one thing that I asked him to bring. What are you even doing in that office all day cooped up in your posh M.D. room?" I threw back without turning around.

"Not playing video games atleast. Otherwise he wouldn't suck so bad" Jason inserted a jab earning a chuckle from me.

"So you're ganging up on me with your homeboy as soon as he is in town huh?" said Prem with his hands on his hips. He sounded more like a kid abandoned by his friends during play time rather than a grown ass businessman.

"Wouldn't have to. Just seeing your stupid face every day is enough to turn me bitchy" I said finally turning around to face him.

Knowing that Jason and I had teamed up to pull his legs, he started whining to Wad who was still throwing an unimpressed droll stare at his husband's childlike antics. Yet the small streak of smile that he was trying to hide was blatantly making it obvious that he was enjoying it more than he let on.

"See this is what I am saying. He is not the good friendly lawyer like you think. In fact P'Mew is far more kinder I believe" he said making me freeze on hearing the name that I had been trying with all my might to run away from.

"Heard my name in the mix. Hope no one is planning for my demise" I heard a voice say making me turn my head around to the source.

"Hi Mr. Anderson. What a pleasant surprise" said the voice that belonged to the one male who has been recently promoted to my personal nightmare from my sworn archenemy. Mew sauntered slowly towards us, his lazy steps somehow screaming predatory vibes no matter how charming the smile on him or how casual his attire was. He was looking devilishly handsome even in a white Hawaiian shirt and a slack with green printed floral patterns on it. His shirt was left open with the exception of one last button at the end, that I had no idea what purpose it served, as the impeccable pecs and the seductive six packs were left bare for the eyes of the world to feast on.

No. Not my eyes of course. The thought made me avert my eyes immediately so that I was not caught ogling. I closed my eyes shut, trying to control myself while my subconscious was swooning with a whine 'Seriously though it a sin to be this good looking'. I let out a breath through my lips before returning back to reality so that I could hold a decent social conversation instead of making a fool of myself.

But the sight that greeted me made me blush all over, that almost made goosebumps rise on my skin. He still had his eyes trained on me, greedily looking over my black mesh tank top and the white shorts. If looks could eat you up, his fiery gaze would have gobbled me up like a starved lion in a second. I gulped involuntarily averting my eyes once again from the hungry once over that I received.

If it was a cartoon I would have yeeted out of the room like the road runner show leaving a cloud of smoke behind. But I had no such luck. Instead I put on my bitchy mask again, trying to subdue the raising heat along my neck from reaching my traitorous ears that might immediately turn red if I keep looking at the guy before me.

"You seriously want me to believe that it's going to be anywhere near bearable, let alone a pleasant meeting, when you are Kong's lawyer and I am Prem's, and we have a meeting scheduled to review the investment terms?" I said with a scoff and an eye roll as big as the guy's ego. Or should I say perversity?

"Doesn't matter. It's always a pleasant surprise for me to see how ravishing you would look that day" he said taking a seat beside me on the sofa.

"So we are wearing the flirty pants today then?" I asked trying to sound bored, even though my heart had started to race like a sprinter on Olympic training camp with just his mere closeness.

"Yeah perfect to go with the cheeky shirt. Don't you like it? Or you really hate it enough to rip them off of me?" he said draping his hand behind me on the sofa.

"Easy there cowboy. I might really hate it and might drown you in the sea. Anyway, shall we get down to business then?" I asked. It's better for me if I change the topic now, as I knew from experience so well how this conversation might go, if I don't stop him.

"I am always ready to get down to business with you" he whispered the words in my ears, as his face got closer than necessary. Startled by his action, I instantly jerked back from the sofa making three confused looks to be thrown my way before travelling to Mew. As expected the jerk was not even a bit bothered. I glared at him before making my way towards the TV cabinet to stash away the gaming controller, refusing to answer any questioning looks in the room. I heard Mew follow me behind when I walked out to the patio and lean on the railing looking at the sea again. The waves had gotten stronger now making the boats teeter for finding balance and I could not help thinking how analogous my heart was behaving at the moment.

"Fine. I will get to the point. I think Kongpob is busy. Should we take a walk along the shore in the meantime and enjoy the beach?" I heard Mew ask after a minute of silence.

"Enlighten me. Why would I put myself at a disadvantage by going anywhere alone with you?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Because you have always been quite enthusiastic about the idea, if I am not wrong" he said with a smirk followed by a hearty laugh when he received only a glare from me. Sensing I wasn't planning on playing his game he said, "Relax I am not going to jump your bones every time we meet."

"Despite how unconvincing that may sound" he added.

I wasn't sure what spell I was possessed by because in the next five minutes I was walking along the shore with Mew on my side, as the sea breeze embraced us in a slightly cold hug. There was not just a foot distance between us as the guy walked by my side but also a comfortable silence that surprisingly felt good. For a second there, I felt losing myself to the moment enjoying the beach and breathing in the perfect view. And by perfect I meant the tantalising sun before me which was about to set. Definitely not the beautiful man that looked ethereal as the sunlight hit his eyes making them twinkle. It spread a very familiar tickle in my belly and I found myself drawn to the shine in them again. I felt Mew close the one foot distance between us and slide his fingers down my arm slowly interlocking them with mine.

My mind had become half mush with the sight, that it took me a second to understand that we were holding hands. The moment froze as I looked back to him. There it was again. The soft smiles that I rarely see on him. It was almost like he had unknowingly withered his walls for a bit of his true self to be peeking out. To be real though I was more scared of these soft smiles than the seductive smirks from him. Because I pretty much know the agenda that the latter held. While the former only haunted my mind with all the unknown feelings that it accompanied with.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said pulling back my hand and folding it across my chest before continuing to walk. I heard Mew sigh by my side before jogging behind me until he caught up with me.

"Way to ruin my attempt to be romantic" he said coming to a halt.

"Since when are you romantic?" I threw back ignoring the stupid butterflies in my stomach. Honestly though why is he trying to be romantic with me who was his agreed bed partner and nothing more.

"Since always?" he said squinting his eyebrows with a smile before that Mew-smirk made its way. "Or have you forgotten how I charmed you off your feet? Or should I say surfed you off the sea?"

The words might sound as yet another cheesy line from the Adonis impersonate but it took me back to the time that I ended up in a compromising situation with the man for the second time.

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