The Princess of the House of...

By valeryon_floid

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The 1980s were the worst time. Tom Marvolo Riddle, who imagined himself the most powerful wizard, wanted to... More

Act 1 chapter 1
Act 1 chapter 2
Act 1 chapter 3
Act 1 chapter 4
Act 1 chapter 5
act 1 chapter 6
Act 1 chapter 7
act 1 chapter 8
Act 1 chapter 9
act 1 chapter 11

act 1 chapter 10

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By valeryon_floid

Unfortunately, when the girl came down the steps, she saw Harry and Hermione standing in front of Filch.

There was nothing to do. He had to walk away with bated breath.

Harry and Hermione were taken to the same office. And Alsafi the quiet one returned to her living room.

The next morning, when the girl walked through the corridors, she noticed how students from different faculties looked at Harry strangely.

- What happened? - she asked her friends.

- Gryffindor was fined one hundred and fifty points - Blaze said.

- How much

- And we Slytherin are back in the first place. And Gryffindor is on the last one, Theo said happily.

God. One hundred and fifty points. That's a lot.

- Oh, why are they like that? - she asked.

- They say they were in the astronomical tower. And what a shock it was for their dean to fine his own students for such a thing.

Alsafi looked sadly at Harry and Ron.

Harry went around sullen, Hermione became quiet. And Neville's eyes were streaming with tears.

At recess, when Ron and Harry were walking through the corridors, the girl followed them. When she was behind them, she patted Harry lightly on the shoulder. He turned around and saw her and looked sullenly.

- I'm sorry - she whispered. - I didn't know what happened to we.

- But why weren't you around? - asked Ron irritably.

The girl pulled out a neatly folded robe from her briefcase.

- I remembered that you forgot him and went after him. And when it came back, Filch had already caught you.

Harry took the robe and quickly pushed the bag towards him.

- Thank you - he replied coldly and turned around.

Alsafi watched them leave and felt kind of sad.

Day after day, the girl was preparing for exams in the library. And every day I thought about how to make amends. There was no better solution to this problem than to do something.

One night she pulled out a cat.

- Forgive the Arite. But, I need your help. Please run.

At the beginning, the cat looked at her with indignation. But he did what was asked of him. He ran away with all his might.

Alsafi smiled. I waited a few minutes and followed him. Walking slowly, with a light gait, holding a wand, she walked along the corridor.

As she wanted, Filch appeared in front of her. She pretended to be scared of him and wanted to run away.

- Stop! - he shouted and dragged her by the uniform into Professor Snape's office.

In the office, she guiltily lowered her eyes. Professor Snape looked at her with disappointment.

- What are you forgetting at this hour of the night, Miss Black? - he asked.

- My cat ran away. And I went to look for him.

- That's it. If your cat runs away every day, will you always look for her?- he asked.

The girl looked up and looked straight into the Professor's eyes.

- It doesn't matter. I'm willing to take a risk for him.

He hadn't expected such audacity.

- Well. Minus 20 Slytherin points, - said the professor.

Is that really all?

- And you will be punished. Mr. Filch. I'm entrusting her to you. And now, Miss Black, you will come with me to the living room. Forget about the cat. Hagrid will take care of him.

- But, I'd like to find him now. What if some monsters tear it apart?

- Forget it. Let's go.

He pointed to the door. Humbly, she followed the professor.


In the evening, at eleven o'clock, she and Draco stood at the exits of the school. At first, Draco was surprised to see her, but she shook her head violently.

Harry, Hermione and Neville soon appeared. They looked at her strangely, and she just waved at them in greeting.

- Follow me,- Filch commanded, lighting a lamp and leading them outside, and then grinned angrily. Neville groaned when he heard that, and Malfoy stopped dead in his tracks.

- Into the woods? What is it? - he asked, and his voice was not as confident as usual. - But you can't go there at night! It's dangerous out there. I've heard there are even werewolves there.

Neville grabbed Harry's sleeve tightly and gasped for air.

- Well, that's how reasonable you've become. There was joy in Filch's voice. - You should have thought about werewolves before breaking the rules.

Hagrid came out of the darkness towards them, Fang spinning at his feet. Hagrid was holding a huge bow in his hand, and a quiver of arrows hung from his shoulder.

- Finally,- he said. - I've been waiting here for half an hour. Harry, Hermione, how are you doing?

- I wouldn't be so friendly with them if I were you, Hagrid - Filch said coldly. - After all, they're here to serve their sentence.

- Oh, is that why you're so late? Hagrid gave Filch a stern look. - I've been lecturing them all, haven't I? It's not for you to do this, okay? Now go, there's nothing for you to do here.

- I'll be back by dawn... And I'll take what's left of them. Filch grinned unpleasantly and walked back to the castle, waving the lamp.

Harry and Hermione stared at Alsafi in silence. She, in turn, stood silently on the sidelines.

- Alsafi. Good to see you - said Hagrid.

Draco was looking at her strangely.

- I'm not going into the woods - he said, and Harry was glad to hear the fear in his voice.

- You'll go if you don't want to get kicked out of school - Hagrid snapped sternly. - You've been naughty, so now pay for it.

- But you can't punish like that... We're not servants, we're schoolchildren," Malfoy continued to protest.- I thought we would be forced to write some text a hundred times or something like that. If my father had known, he would have...

- He would have told you that at Hogwarts you have to do what you're told, - Hagrid finished for him - he's going to write the texts, you know! And who benefits from that? You have to do something useful now, or get out of here. If you think your father will be happy when he sees you tomorrow, then go back and pack your things. Come on, what are you standing for?

Draco didn't move. He shot Hagrid a furious look, but immediately looked away.

- So we're done with this - Hagrid summed up. - Now listen carefully, because this is a dangerous job - what we need to do today. And I don't want anything to happen to any of you. They followed me.

Hagrid led them almost directly to the forest and, holding the lamp high above his head, pointed to a narrow path that was lost among thick black trunks.

- Look at that... Do you see the spots on the ground? Hagrid asked. - Are they silver, glowing? It's unicorn blood, so that's it. There's a unicorn out there that's been seriously injured by someone. This is the second time this has happened in a week. I found one on Wednesday, already dead. But this one is still alive, and you and I need to find him, poor guy. To help or finish off, if it is impossible to cure.

- What if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us? - Malfoy asked, unable to hide his horror.

- No, there's no one in the forest who would harm you if you came here with me and Fang - Hagrid assured. - Don't leave the path - then everything will be fine. Now we'll split into two groups and follow the tracks... in different directions, because there are... well... There's a whole bunch of footprints. And there's blood everywhere. He must have been hanging around here since last night, the unicorn... or maybe since the day before yesterday.

- I want to lead the dog! Malfoy quickly declared, looking at the impressive canine fangs.

- Okay, but I'll warn you: the dog is a coward - Hagrid shrugged. - So, Harry and Hermione will go with me, and you, Malfoy, and you, Neville, and Alsafi and Fang will be there. If someone finds a unicorn, they send green sparks, do you understand? Get out your chopsticks and practice right now... Yeah, that's it, and if someone gets into trouble, then let them send red sparks, we'll come to the rescue right away. All right, be careful... Now let's go, it's time for us.

The forest was dark and silent. They went deeper into it, and soon the path split.

The trio walked along the path in silence and looked around. Draco complained about everything he could. Neville cowardly walked ahead. And Alsafi walked in silence.

- I'm afraid the light of the wand won't help me see a lot of things.

Walking along the path, she looked around, but could not see anything.

-I'm scared - Neville whispered.

The girl went to the tree and closed her eyes. Did she think what to do?

Before she could raise her head, Neville was waving the shelves. Sparks appeared in the sky. And Draco stood there smiling.

The girl came up to Neville and comforted him. That's when Hagrid appeared.

- What happened?"What is it?" he asked, startled

- Draco. He scared me," Neville said.

- What's wrong with you, Alsafi?Hagrid asked.

- Nothing. It's all good.

- Okay, you all follow me.

Under the cover of night, they walked along the path in silence. Hagrid was evil and when they met Harry and Hermione, Hagrid separated them anew. This time it was Harry instead of Neville.

They went deeper and deeper into the forest, and after about half an hour the trees finally blocked their path. There are a lot more bloodstains here. All the roots of the trees were splattered with blood, as if the unfortunate creature was rushing here, distraught with pain. A clearing showed through the thick branches of an ancient oak tree in front of them.

-Look,- said Harry, holding out his hand and pointing at the glitter coming from the ground.

They crawled through the branches of the oak and came out into the clearing. A few meters away from them lay a unicorn, it was dead. The unicorn had long slender legs and a pearl-colored mane

Harry took another step forward and suddenly froze when he heard a rustle. The bushes at the other end of the clearing stirred, and a long-robed figure with a hood thrown over his head stepped out of the shadows. Someone was stalking them like a hunting animal. Harry, Malfoy, Alsafi and Fang were unable to move. However, the figure in the hoodie did not notice them. Someone approached the dead animal, knelt down and bent over the huge laceration in the unicorn's side. And... began to drink blood.

- А-А-А-А-А!

Malfoy, uttering a wild scream, rushed to run, and the cowardly Fang rushed after him. The hooded figure raised its head and stared at Harry.

Alsafi pulled out her wand and pointed it directly at the figure. The figure was approaching Harry. Alsafi stood in front of him and covered him with herself.

Suddenly, Harry fell holding onto the scar. Before Alsafi could turn around, a Centaur appeared and scared the figure away.

- Harry, are you okay? - The girl asked. She was looking at him and holding his forehead with her palm.

- Are you all right? The centaur asked, helping Harry to his feet.

-Yes, thank you,- Harry muttered uncertainly. - What was that?

The centaur did not answer and silently looked at Harry with his strikingly blue eyes that resembled pale sapphires. The centaur's eyes lingered on Harry's scar, which seemed to have turned bloodshot and increased in size.

- You're the Potter's son. - The centaur did not ask, he knew who was in front of him. -You'd better get back to Hagrid. It's dangerous in the woods right now, especially for you. Do you know how to ride? It will be faster this way. By the way, my name is Florenz.

The centaur lowered himself onto his front legs so that Harry could climb onto his back. And then he looked at the girl. Alsafi carefully sat down behind Harry and grabbed his back. And then they heard the sound of hooves. Two other centaurs flew into the clearing. They were breathing heavily, and their bodies were glistening with sweat.

-Florenz!- one of them thundered. - What are you doing? There's a man on your back! Aren't you ashamed? Are you a riding horse?

- Didn't you realize who it was? - Florenz asked calmly - Is this the Potter's son? The sooner he leaves the forest, the better for him.

- What did you tell him? - He growled. -Remember, Florenz, we have sworn not to interfere with what heaven wills should happen. Didn't the movement of the planets show us what was going to happen in the near future?

-The other was nervously digging the ground with his hoof. I think Florenz thought it would be best,- he said grimly.

- Is it better? Everything that is happening has nothing to do with us! Centaurs should not interfere with what is predicted by the stars! And it is not our business, like donkeys, to run through the forest in search of lost people!

Florenz reared up in a fit of anger, and it happened so suddenly that Harry had to grab onto his shoulders to stay on top of him.

-Don't you see that unicorn? - He shouted furiously. -Don't you understand why he was killed? Or have the planets not revealed this secret to you? Personally, I am against someone who prowls the forest, and I am ready to help people in the fight against him.

Florenz turned abruptly and galloped into the bowl, leaving two behind. The children had difficulty staying on the centaur.

- Why is Bane so angry? - Harry whispered as the centaur slowed down. - And by the way... Who did you save me from?

Florenz slowed to a walk, asking them to duck so as not to hit their heads on low-growing branches. He was in no hurry to answer the question. They walked in complete silence for so long. But as they were making their way through an almost impenetrable patch of forest, Florenz suddenly stopped.

- Harry Potter, do you know why unicorn blood is needed?

-No - Harry replied in surprise -we didn't do that in potions lessons.

-I know - the girl said.

The centaur looked at her as if giving her the right to answer.

- Killing a unicorn is considered a monstrous crime. Only someone who has nothing to lose and who strives for complete victory is capable of committing such a crime. Unicorn blood saves a life, even if a person is on the verge of death... But a person will pay dearly for this. If he kills such a beautiful and defenseless creature for his own salvation, then from the moment the unicorn's blood touches his lips, he will be cursed.

The centaur smiled.

- But who decided to do this? - Harry asked. -If you're going to be damned forever, it's better to die than kill a unicorn, isn't it?

-True - Florenz agreed, - but he does it in order to gain strength and take possession of a drink that will completely restore his strength and make him immortal... Mr. Potter, do you know what's hidden in the school right now?

-The Philosopher's Stone,- Harry blurted out without thinking.- Oh, yes, of course, he not only turns everything into gold, he is also the elixir of life! But I don't understand who...

- Don't you know someone who has been waiting for many years to regain his strength, someone who has been clinging to life all these years, waiting for his chance?..

-You mean,- Harry began hoarsely. - You mean it's a Volde...

- Harry! Harry, are you okay?

Hermione was running towards them as fast as she could, followed by Hagrid, breathing heavily.

- I'm fine. The unicorn is dead, Hagrid, it lies in a clearing deep in the forest.

-I'll leave you here- Florenz whispered as Hagrid hurriedly left to see the unicorn in person. -You're safe now.

Harry slid off his back.

- Good luck to you, Harry Potter,- said the centaur. - It has happened before that the movement of planets has been misinterpreted, even by centaurs. I hope this case is just one of those.

He turned and disappeared into the forest.

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