Neurotic (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

4.9M 105K 122K

Neurotic:[noo-rot-ik] Suffering from, caused by, or relating to neurosis. Synonyms: mentally ill, mentally... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 57

51.6K 1K 1.3K
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Malarie's POV

"Are you both positive on adopting Natasha Russo? As you know, it is a big responsibility to do so." The nice lady, named Ms. Pierson spoke to Jason and I. As she typed away on her computer.

"We're sure." I rested my hand on my tummy, as I kept getting small kicks upon it. "What about you sir?" She eyed Jason, who was actually dressed nicely today.

He was wearing a nice black button down shirt, with dark blue jeans, paired with some black Vans. An amazing approach, to win over his and my adopted daughter. I decided on my own that we should adopt her as our child. I know what it feels like to be put in a foster home- it's no fun.

There were many individuals who didn't want me to help adopt her... my family. Then there were others telling me to go for it. As better known as, my tutor, Cal, my conscience, Jason, and my brother Jaden. I went along, doing what Jesus would do. That is helping out someone in need. Natasha was in need.

With many ground rules for Jason, he agreed to them all. Meaning, he can't put his hands on me anymore- I highly doubt he will listen. But we'll just have to see. He's also agreed, not to curse in front of Tasha, argue with me- in front of her, and just be kind to others. I also grew a pair of boobies, and told him off about his threatening to take our son away from me. He says he was kidding around, but it felt so real. It scared me to think he would take our boy.

"I am most certainly sure about our adopting Natasha. I am ready for her to be my daughter- to care for her, to the best of my abilities." Jason spoke with so much intelligence, even if he had his Ray Bans on.

"Well okay then, let's get this process going. Mr. And Mrs. McCann I need your signatures." Jason signed his messy signature, passing the paper to me.

This is so against the court of law, because we're not even married. But somehow Jason got a hookup, on a fake marital license for us. I quickly signed my signature, handing the paperwork back to Ms. Pierson.

"After two very long agonizing weeks, you both get to take your little girl home. You two are one of the luckier ones." I frowned, so did Jason. She laughed at both of our confused expressions.

"Usually, some of the adoptions take way longer. Some being the longest of years and so on. Natasha is such a lucky little girl, to have you both." We both smiled, replying a "thank you" in unison.

- End of Flashback -

"Daddy Jase Jase?" I heard Natasha call out. "Hm?" Jason answered, too engrossed with the drawing he was doing on one side of my belly. "Can I put a rainbow here?" She poked a spot on my tummy, as I read my book.

"Oh yeah, make a big one there. Make sure it's really pretty, okay?" She giggled cutely, mumbling a "mhm".

It's been a three weeks since we adopted Natasha, and she's been such a good girl. She's respectful, smart, goofy, and adorably cute. I am now twenty seven weeks, that's seven months- only two more months to go. I finally graduated high school... a bit later than most, but I got my diploma. Since I received my diploma in July, I couldn't walk the stage in June. It's all good, at least I made it.

It's now the second week of August, and it's so very hot out. I am so grateful, for air conditioning, and glorious fans. I would probably be super hot and complaining, all the time. I can't wait until our little boy comes out. Jason and Tasha can't wait either. They're always talking, singing, and reading, to my belly. Let's not forget the constant poking.

Jason and I also got a place of our own, during the two week wait for Natasha. It's a really nice house- well mansion if you want to be all technical about it. Jason just had to have a huge home, with electronic, and remote control everything. It's an ten bedroom, ten bathroom house, with a pool, Jacuzzi, six car garage, and a playground in the backyard. There's other things included but I can't remember them all. I'll just ask Jason, or look at the house map.

We're in a nice quiet community- well it's really only us and a few other people who can afford million dollar mansions. We're such lazy people, because there's boxes and furniture everywhere. Along with Natasha's toys thrown all over the floor. We were supposed to put everything up in there rightful places, but time and laziness got to all of us. The only rooms that's are actually put together, is the baby's room, the kitchen, and two of the ten bathrooms. Other than those rooms, the house is a wreck.

My family was extremely sad about my moving out. But they understood I have a family to tend to now. It's actually quite weird to think like that way. I mean, I'm eighteen, pregnant, newly adopted a child, and I'm living with my boyfriend, slash ex-kidnapper. It's actually a really nice feeling. The best part about all this, is that I'm oddly happy. I'm extremely happy even, just to wake up to see Jason's face- now Natasha's, it's wonderful.

"Daddy Jase Ja- oh my chicken nuggets!" Natasha gasped, holding her little mouth. "The baby moved in there Daddy Jase Jase, look, look, look." She tapped my tummy multiple times.

"Tash, where at, where at? Tell me, tiny legs." He jumped up, smiling like a little loser. "Here, right here, look at it." She pointed, to the baby in fact moving around. You woke him up, big mouths.

"Oh I see. Let's poke him." Jason childishly suggested, beginning to poke my belly- especially the baby. "You're making him move around weirdo." I softly smacked his hand away.

"Hey, I put him in there." He pouted, beginning to laugh. "Where does little baby's come from? Was I in a tummy, like yours?" Tasha asked so innocently, as I tensed.

"Well you know Tash, when a man and woman love each other so much... they take off all their clo-" I slapped my hand over Jason's big mouth, shaking my head rapidly. "Jason no! We're not discussing this topic with a four year old." I scolded, removing my hand from his mouth.

"Fine. Tash, Mommy Malarie sucked on way too many of my s-" I cut him off once more. "Jason NO!" I pointed a warning finger at him.

"Well what did she suck on, Daddy Jase Jase?" She widened her big green eyes in amazement. "Oh, just my sp-" I interrupted him once more.

"Uh, Natasha let's finish making my pretty rainbows, okay?" She clapped her hands, going back to work on my tummy. "Hey, how did you do that? And I was going to say my Spaghetti Sauce, baby." Jason asked, almost envious like.

"Don't be jealous babe. But you can change a child's mind so easily. I just took her mind off the subject, quickly bringing up another. It's really easy. 'Spaghetti Sauce', really?" I shrugged, going back to reading my book.

Within ten minutes or so, my belly was all done. With graffiti art and pretty rainbows drawn all over it. Of course in nontoxic markers. Jason kept taking selfies of himself by his masterpiece he calls art. He even made Tash stand by my tummy, as she smiled widely.

"Ow. You're pressing up against my ribs, son." I tapped my swollen tummy, causing the baby to move away quickly." I laughed at his ability of being a scary cat. He gets that from me. Although I love watching horror movies or going on extremely scary rollercoaster's. I'm weird, what can I say?

"Can I have a lots of kisses from you, Tasha?" Jason rubbed my thigh, asking Natasha. "Mhm, you can." She stood up, puckering her little lips.

Jason kissed her all over her face, even through her fits of giggles. It was the most cutest sight I have ever seen. Placing one single peck on her nose, he motioned for me with his finger. I playfully rolled my eyes, struggling to sit up. Thankfully I got a helping hand, from them both of them.

"My dearest Malarie Jane, the woman of my children. Can I have lots of your kisses too?" He faked a cry, making kissy noises. Natasha fell onto the couch, due to her silliness, and her giggles. "Of course you can." I giggled too. Only because Tasha was still having a laugh attack, face down.

Silly little girl. Thank God she's laughing, I can't take no more of her tears. It's way too painful to watch.

I got the same amount of treatment, with the kisses. I just received most of mine, on my lips and neck. Jason has been so extremely nice lately, he hasn't ticked me off... or put his hands on me. Well in a aggressive manner that is. I think him being called 'daddy', has changed his mindset on things.

"Daddy Jase Jase?" Miss. Giggle butt peaked through my hair, which was a curtain for my and Jason's make out session. "Yes Princess Natasha?" Pulling away, Jason set on the couch next to me.

"Are you my daddy now?" I moved a piece of hair out my face, waiting for Jason's answer. "Heck yeah I'm your daddy now." He kissed her nose.

"Can I call you my daddy? Or do I still call you Daddy Jase Jase?" A confused look made its way on her little face.

"You can call me anything you want, just not bad words. That would hurt my feelings." She gasped dramatically, wiggling her finger. "I will not call you bad words, I don't think you are those bad words." She uttered with a slight attitude.

I couldn't help but laugh at her little pouty face. The way her bottom lip is poked out, how her eyebrows are scrunched up, and the way she's standing with her small hands on her hips. She's adorable.

"Well thanks kiddo, at least you don't think I'm bad names." I quickly understood the double meaning of his sentence. He's talking about me. "Hm, well you are bad words most of the time. Don't try to act innocent, mister I'm taking our baby." I scoffed.

"You know I was kidding, I wouldn't be able to breastfeed him. Plus I would miss you way too much." He tickled my still exposed tummy, causing me to giggle. "Uh huh, it was still a scary thing to say." He chastely pecked my lips, making me smile. Soon enough, I found myself wincing at a sharp pain in my lower tummy.

"Baby are you alright? You never made that face before." Jason asked with concern. I slightly nodded, though I winced once more, due to the pain I was feeling. "I don't know, it's like a cramp or something. Maybe I should take a warm bubble bath." I struggled to get up, walking slowly up to my and Jason's bedroom.

"Daddy, daddy can we finish painting my room? I'm feeling a bit sad." I felt bad, because I could be the cause of her sadness. But it also can be her thinking about her family. She has her moments, when she just cries and cries about them.

"Of course we can, I can draw those bunnies you wanted." I heard their footsteps ascending the steps behind me. Before I knew it, I was being lift and carried the rest of the way up the stairs. "I'll carry you until the earth stops, baby." A warm feeling heated my cheeks, causing Jason to smile down at me.

"And there goes the blushing I was waiting for." He opened the bathroom door, sitting me on the toilet. "I blush so easily, huh?" I watched as he ran my bath water, nodding his head to my question.

"Can I get in the bath with you?" Tasha brought her rubber duckie and washing cloth. "Not this time, boo?" She weakly nodded, hugging my belly. "It's okay, maybe we can tomorrow. I'm just not feeling too well" Rubbing her back, I placed a kiss on both of her cheeks.

The reason as to why Natasha is so disappointed about not bathing together, is being to us bathing all the time. I usually get in the tub with a big shirt, or my bra and some shorts. It's only because I'm not really comfortable bathing together naked. She thinks it's funny how I get inside the the water, just in my clothes. That's our little thing. After I'm done bathing her, I just take a shower of my own.

"Your bath is ready lover. Come on my Tasha star, let's go paint those bunny rabbits." They closed the door, giving me my privacy. "Ooh can we make a fat one, named Fluffy Puff?" I giggled at her little enthusiasm.

"We can make a whole family of those Fluffy Puffs." Jason chuckled, as their footsteps descended down the hall.


Two days later

"Okay now speed up on the gas a bit, Mal. Whoa babe, damn–I'm mean dang it Malarie that's way too fast, shit!" Jason yells at me for the hundredth time today. "I didn't even go that fast, and stop screaming me at me!" I argue back, tired of him stepping all over me.

He has been trying to teach me how to drive a car, for the longest. Meaning, we've been out here for hours. I know if I'm tired, he has to be. But he's such a stubborn person, he wouldn't say he is. Which I hate- he gets all difficult and frustrating to work with. Natasha ate all her snacks, and Jason refuses to get her anymore. So she's actually cranky too, we all are.

"I'm not even yelling at you! I'm just trying to help you learn how to drive a fu-freaking car." He rubbed his throbbing temples viciously, repeating something over and over again.

"I'm hungry." Natasha whined for the millionth time. "Tash we're going to eat in a minute. Just wait a little bit longer." Jason turned around to speak with her. I kept driving, slowly down the road.

"But I want food now!" She kicked his chair, whining. "Natasha! I said not now! Be patient, and stop being a little brat. Damn." He shouted at her, saying his curse word under his breath. She soon began to cry... that was it for me.

"I'm not driving anymore, I'll ask my dad to teach me. You're pushy, and mean." I stopped the car, getting out of the drivers side. "Where the hell are you going, then?" He stupidly asked, getting out the car as well.

I walk over to the other side, opening up the back door. Cries and tears everywhere. I picked Tasha up, settling her on top of my baby bump. "Shh. No more tears my sweet girl, he didn't mean it." Cooing into her ear, I roll my eyes at Jason's widened mouth.

"D-Daddy J-Jase Jase hurt m-my feelings." She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, revealing her red puffy orbs. "I know, he hurt my feelings too. Maybe he just needs a nap, huh?" She giggled, nodding her head.

"Mhm. He's a really fussy boy, huh Malarie?" Laughing I kissed her rosy cheeks, nodding my head. "Don't you ever cry like that again, I don't like it when you cry." I faked a pouty face, only to receive a tight hug from behind.

"It's daddy." Tasha whispered the obvious, loudly. "Mhm, it sure is." I nonchalantly murmured, but giving off a smile to Natasha. She doesn't need to be more upset.

"Daddy you need a nap, you are too fussy, boy." He kissed my cheek, taking Tasha from me. "I am fussy. I think I might need a little nap." She nodded her head, sniffling still.

"I think you need a time out too. You hurt both of our feelings, you bad, bad boy." I reminded him, not liking him being mean. Tasha of course started her giggling. "I'm sorry, I was wrong, and I overreacted." He faced me. I only turned the other way. I'm not in the mood for his stupid, I'm sorry's'.

"Do you want me to get on my knees and beg? I will... only for you." I huffed, turning to him. Yet he wasn't there, I felt firm hands, wrap around my legs.

"I'm sorry for being the biggest-" He covered Natasha's ears. "The biggest dick of all time. I know I'm a jerk, and mean to you... I just want you to learn how to drive. Please forgive me baby girl?" He stared up at me, with his honey brown eyes, perfecting in the sun light.

"Jason you're stressing me out. I accept your apology, but if you want to yell at someone, yell at me instead of the cutie." He released his hold on her ears, kissing all over her face. "I don't want to yell or shout at either of you. I would rather do other things, but you would be so disappointed if I touched a blade. Or anything that is remotely sharp." Giving him a stern look, I checked his wrist intensively.

Pew, nothing there.

"I'll check the rest of your body later, you have gotten wiser with hiding the marks from me. Remember Jason, I can tell when your being dishonest to me." I squeezed his chubby cheeks, putting Natasha back inside the car.

"And I know almost everything about you, young lady. Oh, and of course you can check me my body over... as long as you so badly want." He whispered in my ear, blowing air against it. "Oh Mr. McCann, you are the biggest tease I know." I gently pushed pass him, getting in the car.


"Tasha, do you like your chocolate chip pancakes, with the silly faces on them?" I asked while I ate my yummy omelette. "Oh yes, I like them so much." She mumbled with a mouth full of food.

"Babe don't talk with your mouth full of food." I pointed to my mouth, so she would get the idea. She swallowed, opening her mouth. "What about you love, do you like your chocolate Fondue and waffles?" I bumped my elbow into Jason's side.

"Hell yeah I like my Fondue, Flower Child." He smiles widely, eating the last piece of his bacon. "You are so weird with the nicknames for me. I can't eat anymore food, I'm stuffed. So don't try to force me to eat the rest of yours, or order more." He nods, digging in his pocket, throwing down a crisp hundred dollar bill. "Let's go on home then ladies." He grabs a napkin, wiping off Tasha's messy little face. I popped a minty gum in my mouth, wanting to get rid of my onion breath.

"Let me have on one of those minty gums, please?" Jason opened his mouth, waiting for me to place the extra minty gum inside. "Here you go bubble butt." I smacked his butt, only for him to do the same to me. Harder- in front of lots of people.

"Do you both want to clean up the house today. All those boxes, toys and bubble wrap has to go." Tiredly speaking, I heard their prolonged groans. "Oh come on, the house can't stay messy. We have to keep it clean, so none of us will fall and hurt ourselves."

"She's right Tash, we have to clean up our house. I would cry like a little baby, if Malarie or you fell down." He began fake crying, making heads turn outside. "No, don't cry. We will clean up." She kissed his nose, rubbing his hair with her tiny hands.

"Yay, let's go home so we ca-" He was cut off by his phone ringing. By the way he looked at the screen, I knew right then and there he was mighty pissed.

I decided to get in the car, to give him some space. Plus, he would definitely be throwing out profanities like nothing. Not being a hypocrite, but I don't want Tasha to hear nothing like that. If she hasn't already. I grabbed the keys out his pocket, unlocking the doors for me and Tasha. Making sure she was secured in her chair, I sat up front.

"Mommy Malarie, can I please have that Snicker in your purse?" She pointed her little finger, to my snack I haven't even ate yet. "We just ate lunch, Miss Thing." She poked out her lip, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Please? I will be a good girl, if you give me some." Inwardly groaning, I broke it in half. Even though I wanted the whole thing.

When you have kids, you don't really have things for yourself. You can't be stubborn- whatever's yours is there's.

I don't know how long we set in the car waiting on Jason, but I know I'm all talked out. I love Natasha, I do... it's just the little cutie asks so many questions. I don't know whether my annoyance is because I'm pregnant, or the fact Jason's taking a long time, on his heated phone call. Luckily for me, after Tasha ate her piece of chocolate, she colored for a little while. Soon enough she was fast asleep.

Within another twenty minutes of Jason's muffled yells, he got inside the car- speeding off onto the highway. I kept quiet, not saying a single word to him. I felt as if he needed some silence. It worked, he didn't say anything the whole car ride. The only thing that made me suddenly speak out, is when he pulled into my parents driveway.

Frowning I glanced at his clenched jaw. "What are we doing at my parents house?" I questioned confusingly.

"I um- I have to go on a very... very, important mission. So I need you to stay here for a couple of days, and watch Tash for me." He clutched his hands around the steering wheel, causing his knuckles to turn white.

"Jason I understand this is how you get your money, but I'm way too stressed out. I am seven months pregnant, I can't take care of her, right now. Let alone take care of myself." He let out a low growl, breathing heavily.

"I'm not going to argue, Malarie. This is life or death- my dad has Cal, and Ryan." Once he said that, my ears perked up. "He has my best friend, and yours? Oh my gosh, no... no." I started hyperventilating. He quickly handed me some water, trying to calm my nerves.

"Listen to me, I'm going to save our friends... because if I don't, my father will try to kill you and your family. As well as me. He will do it babe- every single one of you. Your little brother Albert, too. He doesn't care about age, you see that's why we have Tasha with us." He spoke with so much remorse and anger. I knew right then and there, that this whole situation was serious.

"Alright go ahead, I'll be fine. Natasha will be as well. I don't condone fighting or killing... but your dad has to go. He has to be taken out of this world. He's to much of a danger." I spoke weakly, hating I'm telling him to kill someone.

But his dad has to leave... like now.

"I love you, I will take care all three of you. Try thinking of some names for our son, he needs one." I nodded sadly, letting my tears fall down my face. He kissed my lips, mumbling he loved me several times.

After Jason made sure me and Tasha was safe, he kissed her multiple times, explaining to her he had to go to "work". She didn't understand, so it was water works all over again. He had somehow managed to calm her down. Telling her that I would take great care of her, and to mind her manners. I was also aware of him whispering he would buy her a pony, if she was a good girl.

Right there... that's exactly why she's already spoiled. We've only had her for three weeks, and Jason has already have created a little monster.

I was sad to see him go, but he has to go kick some major ass. I refused to take his obnoxious amount of money he was offering, but he stuff it in my bra instead. When I say the amount was way over the top, I mean he gave me hundred thousands worth of money. He said had something about being prepared for any thing.


"When's Daddy Jase Jase going to be home, I miss him?" Tasha asked sadly, climbing into my lap. "I don't really know boo, but he will be back soon enough." My parents looked at me sympathetically.

I told them about Jason going to work for his father. I purposely left out the the part where Jason's father would kill our family. They don't need to know that, they already have a lot on their plates now. We all were in the living room watching frozen- since my Tash ha never seen it before.

"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore..." Natasha and Albert, sang along to the movie.

I suddenly felt that pain in my tummy once again. This time it was a bit stronger, than what I've been feeling. My mom saw I was in pain, so she got up coming over to me.

"Sweet pea, what's the matter? Are you okay?" She cooed rubbing my belly. "I've been getting these really bad cramp, things. They hurt so much, to the point I can't walk." I lean back in the recliner, as my mom rubbed my belly in circular motions.

"Malarie, how long has this pain been going on?" She worriedly asks, still continuing her oh so gentle, rubbing movements. "About a week. I had an appointment on Tuesday, and Dr. Allen just said that it was normal to have pain. She said it was due to my stomach being stretched out by the baby. I do admit my blood pressure was high, again."

"Mal babe, you have a lot of stuff going on... you can't keep stressing out. I've told you it was a generous act of kindness, to help out Jason with little Natasha. But you're pregnant with your own baby. You have to take it easy honey. Overworking yourself, will make you sick. Stress has killed people, dear." Tears rolled down my face, because she's right.

"I know mama, I just couldn't let her be in a foster home- I know what it feels like to be in one." She nodded in understanding. "I know what you mean, but you having having constant high blood pressure, will make you and your baby ill."

"Here you go sis." My sister Emmy handed me a glass of water. "Thanks Em." I smiled taking the glass of water, immediately drinking some. "Have you two been having sex? Be honest with me Malarie, that can be the cause of your pain." Setting my glass of water down, I shook my head.

"Er- it's too painful. We've tried like a month ago, but we agreed on no sex until after the baby comes. And of when I'm all healed up." She nodded, rubbing my knees. "Are you lying to me?"

"Mommy I know I've lied before, but I'm telling the truth. We're not having any sex... ask Jason. His crankiness reflects it all." She laughed, so did I.

"Okay then. Do you want to keep me company, as I prepare dinner, chubby butt?" I faked a gasp, getting up from my seat. "Sure, mama slow poke." We both headed inside the kitchen. Talking amongst one another, as my mom prepared dinner.


Jason's POV

"You think he killed them already, bruh?" Za asked me, while we set on the jet plane back to Canada.

My dad would have my friends as prisoners in his home town. Damn it dad! Now I have to save their asses, and leave my woman and children all alone.

"Nah, he haven't killed them yet. He would had called or texted me- like he did earlier today." I assured, looking out the window of the plane. "Man I can't have anyone else dying bruh." Za sniffled, blowing out a hard breath.

"Me either man. We're going to get our squad back, and recruit more." He murmured a "hell yeah", giving me a handshake.

Dad you better be prepared to die, once we've landed. And any of your drug addict, bastard friends as well.

- Sorry for the wait, but my poor laptop isn't working, whatsoever. I literally had to ask my neighbor- who is so freaking cute, if I could use his laptop. He made me feel so, awkward, because he legit watched me write and edit this chapter! :3

- Alexis -

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