A Different Type of Love (smu...

By Alie2520

14.6K 184 163

RadioApple Fanfic This story is based off the animated musical Hazbin Hotel and will be following the ship of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

1.6K 23 8
By Alie2520

A/N: sorry for the late post, I was busy yesterday! Anyways enjoy!!

Lucifer's POV:

He walked into the kitchen, catching up to Alastor "using powers is cheating!" he accused when he saw him. "I didn't know we needed rules to walk to a kitchen" Alastor had said back as he opened the freezer. He went to take a seat at the island "well, no but..." he was cut off. "Which do you want?" Alastor asked as he held two types of ice creams. One was a mint chocolate chip, and the other was a cookie monster "Hmm... cookie monster" he said as he swung his legs waiting for a bowl.

Alastor handed him the bowl and started to make one for himself with the mint chocolate chip. "You know, you have really cute deer ears," he pointed out. Alastor instantly pinned them back and glared at him. "Noooo there cute" he said pouting as he hugged Alastor, which caused him to put his hands up, very surprised "Are you still drunk?!" he asked, baffled. "Uhh no, just... happy" he said back smiling, and hugging him tighter. "Yes well..." he looked up at him and said "cause I saw Charlie.. And you got my ice cream!! I may as well say something nice to you." Alastor pushed him off "yes well hugging, is not a compliment." he stepped back "oh... sorry" he went back to eating the ice cream.

He pulled the duck out of his pocket and held it under the table so that Alastor wouldn't see it (he did but pretended not to) and looked it over. He looked back up and realized Alastor was staring right at him "oh umm... you didn't see anything did you?" he asked. "See what" he asked, sounding confused. "N-nothing... nevermind" he shoved the duck back into his pocket and looked away. "Hmm, I wonder what everybody's doing..." Alastor said, breaking the silence. "Either sleeping, having sex... Charlie mentioned something about Cannibal Town so probably there too" he said not looking up. "Cannibal Town hmm? Haven't been there in a while" he said before taking another bite.

He went quiet again and hugged his knees to his chest. He began to think, getting lost in thought. "What's wrong now?" Alastor asked, looking at him again. "Hm?" he looked up snapping out of his train of thought "oh uh, nothing, just thinking." Alastor had set his spoon down "you also look like a lost child, what's really wrong" he flinched. His voice seemed to have no trace of radio in it. A shiver went down his spine "holy shit that's weird-" he said when he heard his voice. Alastor seemed surprised at Lucifer's shock "what? Did you really think that was my actual voice?" he asked. "Well uh... no but it's weird without it" he said, still looking surprised. He sighed "Anyways, you're acting weird, what's up with you?" he asked again. "It's nothing, drop it Al" he said shifting again. "Sure..." he seemed to watch him a little longer before looking away.

He stuck his tongue out, but that only made Alastor grab his bowl and take it away "no more for you" his voice seeming to go back to normal. "Didn't want it anyways" which was a lie but he wanted the upper hand. He watched as Alastor walked around the corner. He never came back out. "Al?" he called from his seat. When there was no answer he got up and looked into the kitchen "Al this isn't funny..."

He looked all around the kitchen and started to panic when he couldn't find him. He looked out into the hallway. "Al? ... Alastor!?" He frantically looked around but then jumped when suddenly he heard Alastor's voice behind him. "For heaven's sake WHAT?!" He fell back, scared of the sudden appearance. "Where, why..." he fumbled with his words before he stood up. "N-nevermind...." He started to quickly walk down the Hallway. "Where are you going?.... Lucifer?" Alastor called after him.


Alastor's POV:

While in the kitchen he noticed Lucifer was messing with something in his pocket. He pretended not to notice, but he used his shadow to look at what it was. To no one's surprise, it was a rubber duck... but it was created to look like a stress toy. He began to think back and remembered finding one on the couch in his radio tower. He decided to go grab it and see if it was Lucifer's. While gone, he heard Lucifer constantly repeating his name, almost like he was a scared puppy. And when he got back, he saw how worried Lucifer was after he snapped at him. "Lucifer?" Lucifer looked away "I'm going on a walk..." he said as he ran off. He sighed and sat back at the table. Setting the duck on the counter. "Every fucking time..." he muttered.

He examined the duck looking it over. It had a small top hat and a little bow tie. On the Bottom, there was a fancy "L" indicating Lucifer owned it. He debated going after Lucifer, not sure what was wrong with him. 'He's so vulnerable... so easy to manipulate... something isn't right' he thought as he rubbed a thumb over it. He smiled slightly and stood up, putting the duck into his pocket. He walked towards the window. Outside you can see the red sunset, slowly turning to night. You can see the palace from far off as well as the clock tower. 360 days left till the next extermination. He sighed and walked to the door. He decided to go find Lucifer.

He found him outside of the Hotel. He was sitting alone on a bench hidden on the pathway. He teleported himself onto the bench, one leg over the other. He stayed silent. Lucifer had his knees to his chest, head buried in them. "What do you want now..." he mumbled to him not looking up. He looked over at Lucifer "Nothing, just wanted to check on you." there was no trace of radio in his voice. This had Lucifer looking up at him "Why do you do that... change your voice and talk nicely.... It's not as if you care about me" he said. He laughed "do I need a reason to change my voice?" he asked as he fidgeted with his cane. "And... Charlie would be upset with me if I left you like this" he pointed out. Lucifer scoffed and hid his face again.

He sighed "It's quite a nice evening isn't it?" he looked out at the horizon. "I guess..." Lucifer mumbled peaking up. He pulled the duck out of his pocket and handed it to him. "You left this in the tower" Lucifer quickly snatched it from him "Of all people, it had to be you..." he mumbled. He laughed "You act as if it's a secret." Lucifer rolled his eyes and shoved it in his own pocket. "God you're so annoying," he said shifting away from him and looking away. "What has you so upset?" he asked looking down at him. "Nothing, I'm fine..." Lucifer didn't meet his gaze. "Oh but you're not," he said and put a finger on his chin, turning it to face him "What's going on...?" Lucifer's face pinkened slightly "I-I... was scared," he said the last part quietly. "Of what?" he asked releasing his grasp on him.

Lucifer bit his lip "I... I have separation anxiety..." he admitted. "Oh?" Alastor set his cane down against the bench. "You know how drunk and high I was... you helped me then, and I suppose I, well-" "got attached?" he cut in. Lucifer looked away and nodded embarrassed. He looked back at the sunset. "Well then... I suppose we should head back inside, it's getting dark." he stood up and offered a hand to Lucifer. He looked up at him and gently placed a hand in his, slowly standing up. He smiled down at him and walked back toward the hotel, hands behind his back.


Third Person POV:

They walked up to the top floor. Lucifer had been holding himself and looking at the ground since they got inside. Everyone seemed to have headed back to their rooms, leaving Alastor and Lucifer alone as they walked. They stayed silent until they reached Alastor's room. "I don't have a room to stay in," Lucifer told him, still not looking up. "That's quite alright, I have a pull-out couch in my room," Alastor said opening his room door and walking in. Lucifer stood by the door "You sure?" Alastor nodded "Take the bed," he said as he walked towards his bathroom. "I'll sleep on the couch." he snapped his finger starting the fire. Lucifer smiled slightly at him "Thank you..." he watched Alastor disappear into the bathroom.

About an hour later, Lucifer was changed into his pajamas and laid in the bed. Alastor had set up the couch for himself and looked over at him. "Good night Lucifer" he looked over at him from the bed "Good night..." Alastor nodded and laid down facing away from him, covering himself in the blanket. Lucifer pulled a pillow close to his chest, struggling to fall asleep. It was 8:00 pm when he looked over at the clock. He looked over at Alastor who had fallen asleep almost immediately. He sighed, he felt alone... 'What am I even doing here? I should be back at the palace' he thought as he pulled the blanket over his head. He didn't fall asleep until 9:00.

Around midnight, Alastor woke up from the noise of someone crying. He looked over at Lucifer who was still asleep. Tears were falling down his face. He sat up and yawned. Lucifer was holding onto the pillow tightly, he was clearly having a nightmare. "L-Lilith no.. wait, don't go" he mumbled in his sleep. That was when Alastor got up and walked over to him, laying a hand on him. "Wake up dear..." he said. Lucifer was startled awake, he looked up at Alastor, his heart pounding. "W-what..." he struggled for words. "You were having a nightmare, woke me up" Alastor explained. "O-oh... sorry," Lucifer said curling up feeling bad. "I just... sorry" he repeated. Alastor sighed "Try to get some sleep, and keep it down," he asked turning to go back to the couch.

"Wait..." Lucifer grabbed onto him, stopping him. "C-can you stay?" he asked. He needed someone, and he felt embarrassed asking, especially Alastor of all people, but that's all he had. Alastor looked down at him and studied Lucifer's face. "You don't have to," he said letting go, feeling awkward. Alastor sighed "Move over," he said moving the blanket, shocking Lucifer. "R-really?" he asked as he started to move. "As long as you are quiet and let me sleep" he answered as he climbed into the bed and laid down facing away from him. Lucifer smiled "Thank you..." he didn't respond. They both fell asleep not long after.


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