Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse...

By Michellechill66

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Omega Rey Kanata just needed to keep the leaky roof over her children's head and enough cash to pay the elec... More

Just another day in the trenches
An unstoppable force
A disturbing dream
Go to him
A feeling Impossible to ignore
Confused but comfortable
Cinder Solo
Surrender to your Alpha
Butterflies and Moonbeams
Forged by Fate
Tenderness and Tragedy
Cut to the bone
Puppet on a string
Renaissance Man
One single golden thread tied me to you
Surfs up

The truth comes out

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By Michellechill66

                                             'I'll never forget the day you chose to walk through the door to my soul ,
                                                  and wrapped my delicate pieces within the strength of yours.
                                                     Our closeness was instant . A bond so sure.'   Words by Jen

      She knew the worst was coming.

   Rey closed her eyes as she saw  the approaching traffic cop.  Maybe if she didn't see him, he would just go away.

     But no.  She knew that this wasn't going to end well. Somehow he knew what she had done .  The horrible, unforgivable crime she had committed.
Justice had come for her and she was going to get arrested for sure.  Then she'd be thrown in jail and left to rot for a thousand years.

But she'd be damned if they even looked  crossed eyed at Maz.  She was innocent of any wrong doing . It was all Rey's fault.

      The shadow of the police man fell on her and she reluctantly opened her eyes.   Rolling down the car window was one of the most difficult tasks she had ever done.  Rey took a deep breath and readied herself for the inevitable.

   "Your license and registration , if you please Ma'm'."

     Ben was quietly sitting in the passenger side and opened the glove box and rifled through it until he pulled out the  correct document.

     Something else fell out and landed on his lap. It was heavy and in an envelope. While Rey was preoccupied with the policeman, he opened the envelope and out fell a man's wrist watch.

      Ben turned it over in his hands. It was of fine craftsmanship and expensive looking. On closer inspection, the back had letters etched in the metal...K.R.

Could they be someone's initials ?

         Where had this come from and why was it hidden in the truck he wondered.

   "Um, Rey , where did this come from?" He asked perplexed. It took a moment for Rey to give him her full attention. The cop was explaining to her that he had seen her turn left without signaling.

When the cop walked away she turned to look at what Ben was holding, and felt her world collapse.

She had totally forgotten about the watch. This was happening way too soon. Seeing the watch again had taken her off guard and she was not prepared to give him an explanation.

      Suddenly, her fear of being hauled off to jail was eclipsed by mind numbing panic. 
How could she have forgotten to remove the evidence of his true life?  What could she possibly say now? She felt like a tiny cornered rabbit waiting for the hungry wolf to slash and rip and devour.

"I didn't steal it if that's what your thinking." She said defensively. If she had stolen such an expensive object and tried to sell it at a pawn shop she could have made a great deal of money. Money they desperately needed . But she didn't.

"Then where did it come from?" Ben's own anger was rising to meet hers. The mood was changing fast in the truck and Maz wisely slipped out of the back to let Rey handle this argument on her own.
"I'm going  to go check on the boys." Maz grumbled.

Rey hadn't imagined having this conversation here in the truck. But it had come all to soon.
She braced herself for his reaction to her confession.

"Rey, where did this expensive watch come from?" He repeated his question.

Her voice trembled, her hands shook and she felt her face burn with mortification. Just say it and get it over with. Her mouth went dry and she had to force the horrible words out.

"It's your watch." The words rushed out of her mouth like sour bile. Bitter and sick.
"And the initials on the back is your name. Your real name. Your not Ben Solo, your Kylo Ren. I'm not really your wife and you have millions of dollars."  By then the tears of shame were falling fast, dripping onto her lap.

    " That yacht we just saw ... that was your yacht."

"What?" He laughed in amusement, then bewilderment. "What are you talking about,Rey?"

This was ludicrous. What twisted game was she playing? What was she saying? It took a few  minutes to sink in.
Had she been lying to him all this time? Why would she do that?  Didn't she love him? What benefit did she get from all of this?

Too many questions ping ponged in his brain. Endless questions that would never see an answer.

She dared to look at him directly in the eye. What she saw broke her heart. He looked more lost and alone then when she first saw him at the hospital all those weeks ago.

It was time to set things straight. And if he wanted to leave.... She would have to accept it. She would never recover but that was not what fate had planned for her. She was doomed to always be unhappy and alone.

"It's true. I was a cocktail waitress at your party. On the yacht. That watch as a present from your real wife. I saw the whole thing. She made a big production out of it. To impress your rich ass friends."

   The flashes of memory played back in his mind again.   Her face flickered and swam  in swirling  vibrant colors.

     He remembered her shy smile, the tilting corners of her lips. Those pretty eyes as she looked over her shoulder at him as she served drinks to his already drunk friends.

      Oh god , her scent!

Now he remembered the mouthwatering, tantalizing  scent of her Omega.  It was so familiar and now he knew why.

She was always just out of reach, teasing and tempting him until he couldn't stand it any longer.

  He had followed her into the bathroom after one of Bazine's horny friends pinched her too hard.

    Then he had tried to do the unthinkable.  But she had defended herself and fled. 

   What happened after that was hazy and undefined.  Someone had pulled him from the ocean . But how he got there was still a mystery.

Ben had so many questions, but could he trust her to give him a honest answer?

   "You came to get me from the hospital. Why? If I'm not your real husband why go to such lengths to convince me otherwise." He asked angrily.

She just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide from this conversation. But she had to finish it. He deserved the truth.

"I was so scared when you cornered me in the bathroom. I was lucky to get away from you, really. I mean look at you . Your enormous."

In an alternate universe, they might be holding hands while having such a soul crushing conversation. But not now.
The trucks cab, where they were sitting felt cold and empty, echoing the cold, empty place in her heart that was being carved out as he glared resentfully at her.

" I ran . I ran so fast that I didn't think to stop and get my pay. I just had to get out of there."

"I got home and told Maz what had happened. Then the next day I saw your face on the news and they said you had amnesia and she got this crazy idea for me to get you out of there and bring you home."

"I pretended that we were married and make you clean and fix things and be my slave." Rey sobbed, then had to stop to regain her composure. The next words were the hardest she ever said in her life...

"I never expected to fall in love with you. You were so amazing with the kids. They love you too. Even Maz grew to love you."

At the mention of the children, Kylo's eyes became moist. That one put the knife in his chest more deeply.

"I don't believe you. Why should I believe anything you say. All this time I've been living a lie. Your a good little actress Rey, I'll give you that."

Could this get any worse?

"No, it's true. I should have told you along time ago, but I couldn't. You would have left me sooner. I never thought it would go this far.
But I did honestly fall in love with you. I pushed it away at first. I was terrified. But I felt something with you I've never felt with anyone else. We have a connection, I know you've felt it too."

Yes he had, but now he knew it was just his Alpha playing tricks on him. God this hurt him more than he thought possible.

"So you brought me into your home and used me. Then you tricked me into your bed. That was supposed to be a sacred union Rey. What we did was supposed to be forever. Now what am I to think? Where am I supposed to go?"

She had no idea. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore." She sobbed. " I'm sorry....I'm so sorry."

"Let's just go home. Wait... that's not my home anymore, isn't it Rey." Kylo said bitterly. It never was.
He turned away from her and looked out the window to the sunset.

The sun was fading fast, just like his happy , contented life. His life , up to this point was just an illusion.
A scam .
A lie.

And just like the sun, it was going down into the depths of a dark reality.

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