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By hoeforjoonie7

14K 1.2K 352

"๐˜ž๐˜ข๐˜ช๐˜ต...๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ ๐˜บ๐˜ถ๐˜ฉ ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต....๐˜ต๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ข ๐˜ฉ๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ?" "๐˜œ๐˜ฎ, ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด....๐˜š๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ฆ?"... More

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421 44 9
By hoeforjoonie7

Hie Barbies

Jungkook sat perched on a kitchen stool, a carton of strawberry milk in one hand and a straw in the other. He had just poured himself a glass, but his attention was elsewhere. Lost in thought, he absentmindedly stirred the pink liquid, his gaze fixed on the doorway.

Moments later, Tae stepped into the kitchen, dressed in a sharp suit that accentuated his features and added a touch of sophistication to his appearance. Jungkook's breath caught in his throat as he watched Tae, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of the older man.

"Hey, bunny, what's up!"... Tae greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners..

Jungkook blinked, snapping out of his reverie, and realized he had been staring. Quickly, he tried to compose himself, but the image of Tae in his suit was too captivating to ignore.

"Uh, nothing much, enjoying some milk''...Jungkook replied, trying to sound casual as he took a sip of his strawberry milk. Tae chuckled, crossing the kitchen to stand in front of Jungkook.

"Mind if I join you?"... he asked, gesturing to the empty stool beside Jungkook.

"Of course not''...he replied, scooting over to make room for Taehyung.

As Tae settled onto the stool beside him, Jungkook couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring the way the soft light from the window danced across his features. Tae caught his gaze and raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You seem a little distracted, bunny''... Tae teased, reaching for the carton of strawberry milk. Jungkook felt his cheeks flush at being caught, but he couldn't deny the truth.

"Just... admiring the view''...he admitted sheepishly, his gaze flickering to Tae's face. Tae's smirk softened into a fond smile, and he nudged Jungkook playfully.

"Well, I'm flattered''.. he replied chuckling, pouring himself a glass of milk..

With a chuckle, Jungkook took another sip of his milk, his eyes lingering on Tae as they shared a quiet moment in the warmth of the kitchen.

As Tae mentioned his impending return, Jungkook nodded in understanding, recalling Tae's occupation as a chartered accountant working for a government agency. He had grown accustomed to Tae's busy schedule, but the prospect of his return still brought a sense of anticipation.

"Sounds good, I'll be here, waiting for you''.. Jungkook replied, offering Tae a reassuring smile, He returned the smile, a flicker of warmth in his eyes.

"Thanks bunny, I'll try to make it back as soon as I can'' ...he said appreciatively, his voice tinged with affection.

As Tae ruffled Jungkook's hair affectionately before leaving, Jungkook couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, his heart fluttering with warmth at the simple gesture of affection. Watching Tae disappear out the door, a smile lingered on Jungkook's lips as he felt a sense of contentment wash over him.

Left alone in the kitchen, Jungkook's thoughts drifted to the anticipation of Tae's return later in the day. With a happy sigh, he took another sip of his strawberry milk, the taste sweet on his tongue as he savored the moment. As he sat there, a smiley bunny, Jungkook couldn't help but feel grateful for the presence of someone who brought so much joy and warmth into his life.

Tae came home in the afternoon, he was greeted not by Jungkook but by a cute furry ball bounding towards him. His heart swelled with affection, and he immediately reached out to hug the adorable creature. However, his joy was short-lived as the bunny's nose twitched continuously

Confused by the bunny's sudden change in behavior, Tae watched as it hopped down from his hold, its ears twitching. Tae furrowed his brow, wondering what had caused the bunny's reaction. Unable to shake off the feeling of confusion, Tae resolved to investigate further and find out what had happened to make the bunny behave so strangely.

After shrugging off the bunny's unexpected reaction, Tae decided to take a quick shower to freshen up. Emerging from the bathroom wearing comfortable sweatpants and a crop top that revealed his toned midriff, Tae made his way to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

To his dismay, Tae discovered that his beloved stash of strawberries had been depleted once again, courtesy of the mischievous bunny. Letting out a resigned sigh, Tae reached for a banana instead, deciding to make do with what he had..

As he sat down to eat, Tae couldn't help but notice the bunny eyeing his banana with interest. With a small smile, he broke off a piece and offered it to the furry creature, who eagerly accepted the treat and began munching on it happily. Despite the minor inconvenience of the missing strawberries, Tae found himself enjoying the simple pleasure of sharing a snack with his adorable companion, grateful for the warmth and companionship the bunny brought into his life.

As Tae reclined on the couch, exhaustion washing over him from the day's events, he couldn't shake off the nagging question that lingered in his mind regarding the bunny's earlier behavior. With a heavy sigh, he called out to the bunny, who obediently hopped over and settled on his chest, looking up at him with innocent eyes.

"Bunny, would you mind shifting back into your human form? I can't help but feel restless with you like this''...Taehyung began, his voice tinged with concern...

The bunny blinked up at him, seemingly understanding Tae's words. After a moment of hesitation, it nodded and hopped off Tae's chest, its form shimmering and changing until Jungkook stood before him, now in his human form.

Tae felt a wave of relief wash over him as he gazed at Jungkook, grateful for his compliance. With a soft smile, he reached out to ruffle Jungkook's hair affectionately, the weight of his earlier worries easing from his shoulders. As Jungkook settled beside him on the couch, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him..;

As Taehyung questioned Jungkook about his earlier behavior, the neutral expression on Jungkook's face caught him off guard. Nevertheless, Taehyung pressed on, curious to understand what had caused the bunny's sudden departure.

"Bunny has chosen you as its favorite person. It's a sign of affection when he rubs his chin on you, marking you as his. So, when he detected another man's scent on you, he felt uncomfortable''... jungkook explained looking down with a frown on his forehead

Tae's eyes widened in realization as Jungkook's words sunk in. He couldn't help but make an 'o' shape with his mouth, surprised by the bunny's territorial behavior and its attachment to him. Reflecting on the bunny's actions, Tae couldn't deny feeling touched by the gesture, albeit slightly bemused by the possessiveness displayed by his furry companion.

As the realization dawned on Taehyung that the bunny's discomfort stemmed from the scent of another man, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. He understood that his recent interaction with a colleague must have transferred that scent onto him, inadvertently causing the bunny distress.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's mind raced with insecurities, his thoughts spiraling as he considered the possibility that Taehyung might be in a relationship with someone else. Despite his attempts to rationalize the situation, Jungkook couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within.

Feeling the tension between them, Taehyung reached out to reassure Jungkook, his voice gentle as he explained the misunderstanding.

"The scent you detected was from a colleague''...tae couldn't help but felt a need to tell him that

Jungkook's eyes widened in relief, his shoulders visibly relaxing at Tae's words. A weight lifted off his chest as he realized that his fears were unfounded, and a sense of reassurance washed over him. With a grateful smile, Jungkook nodded, his trust in Tae reaffirmed as they shared a moment of understanding and clarity. Tae glanced at Jungkook, his expression softening as he sensed the relief wash over him.

"Yeah, just a colleague''...he said casually, unaware of the profound impact his words had on Jungkook...

Jungkook nodded, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The tension that had been simmering between them dissipated, replaced by a sense of ease and understanding. With a newfound sense of reassurance, Jungkook settled back, feeling grateful for Tae's honesty...

As they sat in comfortable silence, the weight of uncertainty lifted from Jungkook's shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of trust and connection with Taehyung...

As evening descended, Tae realized that his fridge was nearly empty, thanks to the bunny's voracious appetite for veggies and fruits throughout the day. While he didn't mind the bunny's healthy diet, he knew he needed to restock their supplies.

Putting on his shoes, Tae made a decision to take the bunny with him to the grocery store. The furry creature hopped onto the car seat, its tail wagging slightly with excitement as Tae engaged in a one-sided conversation, chatting with the bunny...

With the bunny by his side, Tae set off for the grocery store, the warmth of their companionship filling the car as they embarked on their shopping adventure together. As they journeyed through the streets, Tae couldn't help but smile at the thought of the adorable bunny keeping him company every step of the way.

As Tae stood in line at the billing counter, a small crowd gathered around him, cooing at the bunny he was holding. Some reached out to touch it, but Tae was quick to protect his furry companion, gently guiding their hands away.

Just as Tae was about to pay, he noticed a man in his 30s reaching out to pet the bunny that too a little harshly. Without a second thought, Tae slapped the man's hand away, his expression turning stern.

"What do you think you're doing?"... Taehyung demanded, his voice sharp with irritation. The man scoffed, oblivious to Tae's discomfort.

"It's just an animal''... he retorted dismissively.

''Show some respect, he isn't just an animal''...Tae's eyes narrowed as he responded firmly..

''or what it is?... a human?''....the man laughed mockingly..

''what if he is? plus shut up''...tae rolled his eyes at him

The man fell silent, chastened by Tae's defense of the bunny, he backed away, leaving Taehyung to comfort his furry friend with soothing strokes..

As they left the store, Tae felt a sense of pride in standing up for his bunny, determined to always protect it from harm.

After safely securing the bunny in the trolley and returning it to its designated spot in the parking area, Tae loaded the groceries into the trunk of the car. Once everything was stowed away, they began the journey back home.

Upon arriving home, Tae couldn't help but mutter curses under his breath about the man who had upset him at the store. However, his frustrations melted away as the bunny snuggled up to him, offering comfort with its presence.

Tae couldn't help but smile at the bunny's soothing actions, feeling grateful for its unwavering companionship. With the bunny by his side, Tae's frustrations dissipated, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment.


Thanks for reading ✨

I love their bunny-human bond so much😭💕

Well don't forget to vote and comment

I love you all<3

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