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By hoeforjoonie7

13.6K 1.2K 351

"๐˜ž๐˜ข๐˜ช๐˜ต...๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ ๐˜บ๐˜ถ๐˜ฉ ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต....๐˜ต๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ข ๐˜ฉ๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ?" "๐˜œ๐˜ฎ, ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด....๐˜š๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ฆ?"... More

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By hoeforjoonie7

Hie Barbies

As Tae stood outside his apartment door, he realized he had forgotten his spare keys and couldn't unlock the door from the inside. His knuckles rapped against the wood, but there was no response from within.

Meanwhile, inside the apartment, Jimin slept deeply on the couch, oblivious to the world around him. Bunny, sensing his favorite human nearby, stirred from his slumber in Tae's room. With a burst of energy, the bunny bounded out of the room and into the living room, where he found Jimin sound asleep.

Excited to see tae, bunny hopped onto his stomach, causing Jimin to groan and clutch his abdomen in discomfort. Jimin's eyes fluttered open in confusion, his sleep-addled mind struggling to make sense of the situation.

As bunny continued to hop up and down, Jimin's groans turned into annoyed grumbles. He glared at the mischievous bunny, trying to comprehend what was happening.

At the same time, the incessant knocking on the door and the ringing of Jimin's phone finally penetrated Jimin's sleepy consciousness. With a jolt, he realized someone was trying to get his attention.

Groaning again, this time with frustration, Jimin pushed bunny off his stomach and staggered to his feet, stumbling towards the door. With each step, he tried to shake off the lingering effects of sleep, determined to address the commotion at the door.

As Jimin opened the door, he was met with Tae's glaring gaze, which instantly made him snap out of his sleepy stupor. He casually yawned, trying to shake off the drowsiness before responding...

"Were you dead inside?"....Tae asked, his tone a mix of concern and irritation.Jimin rubbed his eyes, trying to fully wake up....

"No, just caught up in a deep sleep''...he replied with a sheepish grin, realizing he must have looked quite out of it, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"Well, you had me worried. I couldn't get in, and your phone was ringing nonstop''... he explained, his voice tinged with relief now that Jimin was awake and safe. Jimin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized the extent of Tae's concern.

"Sorry about that. I guess I was more tired than I thought''... he apologized sincerely. Tae nodded, accepting the apology.

''ofcourse you would be tired, after doing that stuff for like seven times a day''..tae rolled his eyes

''bitch, imma wait till you get your men, you won't be saying these things then, watch it''...Jimin scoffed...

''oh please, i ain't horny like you all the time, things have limits''...tae sassed

''let's see''...Jimin said with an unimpressed face...

''whatever, let me in''...tae said

Jimin stepped aside to let Tae enter the apartment, feeling grateful for his friend's understanding. As he closed the door behind them, Jimin couldn't help but feel relieved that Tae was back and that everything had turned out alright in the end

As Tae stepped inside, bunny came bounding towards him, his earlier restlessness seemingly forgotten in the joy of Tae's return. Tae couldn't help but smile as he watched the bunny approach, his heart warming at the sight of bunny's enthusiasm.

"Hey baby''... Tae cooed softly, crouching down to bunny's level. With a gentle hand, he scooped up the bunny into his arms, feeling the warmth of bunny's soft fur against his skin.

Bunny nestled against Tae's chest, emitting a contented sigh as if to say that everything was alright now that Tae was back home. Tae couldn't help but chuckle at the bunny's antics, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in bunny's comforting presence.

With bunny in his arms, Tae stood up and made his way further into the apartment, feeling grateful to be reunited with his beloved companion. As he settled onto the couch, bunny curled up in his lap, his soft purrs filling the room with a sense of tranquility.

Tae couldn't imagine a better way to end the day than with bunny by his side, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always find comfort and joy in each other's company. Jimin, now fully awake and curious, turned to Tae with concern etched on his face.

"Hey, Tae, what did the vet say about bunny? Is he okay?"...he inquired. Tae nodded, gently stroking bunny's fur as he recounted the vet's diagnosis.

"Well, it turns out that bunny's diet change caused him to vomit. The vet recommended some changes to his diet and suggested we keep an eye on him for the next few days''.... he explained, his voice tinged with relief that bunny's condition wasn't more serious. Jimin listened attentively, nodding in understanding.

"I'm glad it's nothing too serious, make sure to take good care of bunny and follow the vet's advice''... he said, reaching out to give bunny a reassuring pat. Tae smiled gratefully at Jimin, appreciating his friend's concern for their furry companion.

"Thanks, Jimin''... he said sincerely, feeling a sense of reassurance knowing that they could rely on each other to care for bunny...

With bunny nestled contentedly in Tae's arms, the three of them settled in for a quiet evening together, Jimin felt a pang of responsibility tug at him.

"Tae, I think I should head out now''...he said, looking at Tae with a hint of regret in his eyes. Tae's expression softened, a flicker of disappointment crossing his face.

"But Jimin, why don't you stay a little longer? We could spend some time together''... he suggested, not ready to let Jimin go just yet...

Jimin hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to stay and the other responsibilities tugging at him.

" Tae, but I have some other things I need to take care of''... he explained gently, knowing that he couldn't stay indefinitely. Tae nodded understandingly, though a hint of sadness lingered in his eyes.

''i hope that responsibility isn't getting fucked again''...tae mocked

''nah, bitch it's about the college''...Jimin rolled his eyes

"Alright, I understand. Take care''... he said, giving him smile, Jimin smiled back with a thumbs up

"Of course, Tae. I'll be back before you know it, and would steal your fury ball''...he assured, stepping forward to give Tae a quick hug....

''fuck off Jimin, don't even think to take my baby away from me''...tae hugged him tight than normal causing him to wiggle in discomfort

''chill, i am kidding''...Jimin said with hands up

''i know right but don't even say it as joke''...tae said pouted and nuzzled to bunny's fur

''okay tae bae, well bye, see you''...Jimin said while tae waved him back

With a final wave and a heartfelt goodbye to both Tae and bunny, Jimin made his way out the door, feeling grateful for the time spent with his friend and his beloved bunny. As he disappeared into the evening, Tae turned his attention back to bunny, knowing that it was time for the bunny's medicine. With gentle hands, Tae carefully prepared the medication, hoping that bunny would cooperate without fuss.

Approaching bunny with the syringe in hand, Tae held his breath, unsure of how the bunny would react. To his relief, bunny sniffed the medicine curiously before opening his mouth willingly, allowing Tae to administer the dose without any protest.

A smile spread across Tae's face as he watched bunny swallow the medicine without hesitation.

"Good boy, bunny"... he praised, feeling grateful for the bunny's cooperation...

With the medicine successfully administered, Tae leaned down to shower bunny with affectionate smooches, his heart overflowing with love for the furry little creature.

"You're such a good bunny''...he whispered lovingly, feeling a sense of gratitude for bunny's presence in his life.

As bunny nuzzled against Tae's hand, the two shared a moment of quiet bonding, their connection strengthened by the mutual trust and love they shared. Tae sat with bunny nestled on his chest, he found comfort in the bunny's presence as he began to share his thoughts aloud.

"You know, bunny. Tae began softly, his voice carrying a hint of weariness..

"today was quite exhausting. Work was busy, and then rushing to the vet''...he sighed closing his eyes all tired from the exhausting day. Bunny tilted his head, listening intently as Tae continued to speak.

"And don't even get me started on the traffic''... Tae sighed, shaking his head in frustration..

"Some people just have no sense while driving on the roads. It's like they're in their own little world, completely oblivious to everyone else around them''...bunny let out a small chirp, as if in agreement, his ears twitching in response to Tae's words.

"But you know what, bunny?"... Tae said, a hint of determination creeping into his voice.

"Despite all the chaos and exhaustion, having you here with me makes it all worthwhile. Your presence brings me so much comfort and joy, even on the toughest of days''...he smiled opening his eyes..

As Tae spoke, he gently stroked bunny's fur, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. With bunny by his side, Tae knew that no matter what challenges he faced, he would always have a loyal companion to listen and offer silent support.

With a contented sigh, Tae leaned back against the couch, bunny still perched on his chest, their bond strengthened by the simple act of sharing a quiet moment together. In the warmth of their shared companionship, Tae found solace, knowing that he was never truly alone as long as bunny was by his side.

As Tae's exhaustion finally caught up with him, he let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes, settling into a peaceful slumber. Bunny, ever the vigilant companion, remained wide awake, his gaze fixed on Tae's sleeping form.

The soft rhythm of Tae's breathing filled the room as bunny watched over him, his small body radiating warmth and comfort. With each gentle rise and fall of Tae's chest, he felt a sense of reassurance, knowing that his beloved human was safe and sound.

As the minutes turned into hours, bunny remained vigilant, never once wavering from his watchful stance. In the quiet of the night, the bond between Tae and bunny grew stronger, their silent companionship a testament to the unbreakable connection they shared.

And as the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Tae stirred from his slumber, greeted by the sight of bunny still watching over him with unwavering devotion. With a soft smile, Tae reached out to stroke bunny's fur, grateful for the love and companionship of his faithful bunny...


Thanks for reading ✨

You know guyz, i actually choosen 'Mochi' name for bunny but it didn't settled with me plus, can't give this name to someone else, when we have our human mochi in the story itself, so I dropped the idea and sticked up to 'Bunny'

It's cute too, isn't?

Welp, do vote and comment barbiessss

I love yuh all<3

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