The World Tour Turnabout

By DreamersWriters

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Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Se... More

Chapter 1: Before Departure!
Chapter 2: Reunions and Reveals
Chapter 3: Time to Leave!
Chapter 4: Kon'nichiwa Japan!
Chapter 5: Crashing Concert
Chapter 6: Undercover with the International Police
Chapter 7: Saluti Italy
Chapter 8: The Wrong Deductions to the Right Conclusions
Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!
Author's Note

Chapter 9: Hello Again, England!

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By DreamersWriters

(Ok, one more chapter then this is done. Also, this particular title has a few meanings. I actually write about England more than I thought. Also, I do enjoy a Tale of Two Cities. I don't know why since I am Scottish. Either way, I did enjoy my trip to London, England back in 2014. Also, if you know anything about me, there is another reason why this chapter is titled like that. Enjoy!)

(Apollo's POV)

Big Ben, Top Floor

May 14th, 8:00 AM

            Right on cue, Daryran Cross exited the elevator with that smug expression of his. I knew he was the one behind this! I knew it!

"It was you!" Al and I shouted with all our might and frustration.

Daryran only shrugged before answering, "Hey, what can I do? My so-called best friend betrayed me and you were the one who put me behind bars!"

"You murdered someone and had a smuggling ring!" I shouted in utter disbelief at this until I felt myself fall!

Yuta and I let out a scream as we fell and then the air was knocked out of when we stopped! What just happened?!

"Time is against us!" Al snarled as I noticed he and Lucy moved as well!

Ah! A minute passed! We are in serious trouble if we don't get ourselves out of this mess!

"Are you truly that upset with my brother for what he did?" Yuta spoke in that calm tone that I wished I had, "He only followed the law and brought you to justice. That is the job of a defense attorney. You were a police officer. You were supposed to ensure the safety of others. You broke that rule the moment you took someone else's life and were prepared to have a prosecutor take the fall. The only one at fault here is you"

Dang, thanks Yuta. That means a lot. It would mean a lot more if we weren't in impending danger, but the thought does count!

"Tch!" Daryan scoffed as he roughly turned away from us, "As if you can even understand that. Whatever! After I finish you off, I'll take care of Klavier and then go after that little, annoying magician who also had a hand in my plans"

Ok, that's it! How dare he! I will make sure he is going to be put away for good this time! You can mess with me, but you cannot mess with Trucy! We let out another scream before falling and stopped again.

"Hehe, as much as I want to see you cut to pieces, I have a final gig to play!" Daryran spoke with a smirk, "How fun with your demise! I am sure it will be painful!"

Just like the villain he is, he left us to our fate. That means we will find a way out of here! We heard the elevator buzz again. This time those same guards arrived with that camera!

"Hey! What are you doing to do with that?!" Al snarled as he tried to lunge forward only to be stopped when he couldn't.

One of the guards set up the camera as the other turned their attention to us. He laughed at us while we were on guard even though we could fall to our death at any moment.

"Daryran does want you to meet your timely fate, but he believes it would be best if you were to see Klavier's death first!" he spoke as my eyes were wide!

They're going to kill him! How are we supposed to stop them when we are tied up?! There has to be something we can do! I don't know what that is, but it has to be something! Klavier! Get away from the stage! Don't die!

(Klavier's POV)

Buckingham Palace, Grand Stage

May 14th, 8:25 AM

The stage was set, and everyone was in place! You know, even though I am in danger and could potentially die or get hurt, I am so excited for this! How can you not be?! It is not every day that something like this happens in a person's life! You know, Ema was right. I am going to suffer a fate worse than death at the rate I am going!

"Klavier!" Seb shouted to gain my attention as he stood behind his drums, "Are you ready?!"

I glanced around to see the crowd cheering in an excited manner and shouting to their hearts' content! I cannot wait to sing for them as well as give them the performance of a lifetime!

"Ja!" I answered as I flashed a smile at him and then a smirk at Daryran.

As much as I wanted to taunt him, I knew it would be pointless for him to realize what I was doing! We are about to go head-to-head, and no one is going to stop me from winning! With a swift turn of my feet, I faced the crowd and grabbed the microphone to take a deep breath.

"Are you ready to rock, UK?!" I yelled with all my might as the crowd roared to life and cheered.

Well, who am I to disappoint the crowd?! Not me! Especially when I have my friends here to back me up and ensure everything goes according to plan! Here I go!

(Apollo's POV)

Big Ben, Top Floor

May 14th, 8:30 AM

We could hear the loud, horrible, insane, and rock music being played. Klavier! Please tell me you've got a plan! Please tell me you're not in danger! I can't stand it if anything were to happen to you!

"Almost time" one of the guards spoke as I stared helplessly with him aiming the camera towards the stage.

Klavier sang his song with his guitar loudly playing over the crowd. Of course, he chose to sing "Love Love Guilty". Can't he sing anything else?! Anything?! Regardless, I am not sure how we are going to stop the guard now. He took aim and pulled the trigger. I looked away and felt Yuta do the same. We expected to hear Klavier cry out in pain and fall to his death, but nothing happened. Wait, why is nothing happening? I opened my eyes and gasped to see Klavier still standing and singing his song! He's ok! Why is he ok?!

"What happened?!" the other guard yelled as he shoved the other away.

"I don't know!" he replied confused before calming down to reply, "But it doesn't matter! We have another plan!"

"Another one?!" I asked surprised and impressed for they were thorough.

The two guards turned to me and snickered amongst themselves with Al starring daggers at them. I am sure Al is struggling to do something. Being restrained by the ropes and tied with your partner cannot be easy at all.

"We snuck a bomb onto the stage!" the guard said in a devious manner, "So, when he finishes his song, he will explode!"

The heck is wrong with them?! How did they find a bomb?! How did they plant one so quickly?! This is insane! The guards left us alone as I tried to do something. I swung myself forward with Yuta yelling in a panic as we heard something snapping above us. Wait, a snap? We gazed up and saw the rope holding us beginning to snap! Wait, this could work!

I shouted to gain his attention, "Yuta! You thinking what I am thinking of?!"

"Certainly! Together!" he replied with a determined expression as we swung together back and forth!

Al and Lucy simply stared at us in a bewildered manner until Al realized what we were doing. He was soon laughing like the manic detective he is and encouraged us!

"Do it! Do it, you fool! Do this!" Al shouted as Lucy soon understood what was happening and even agreed!

They were shouting together, encouraging us to keep going. We swung back and forth and back and forth until the rope finally snapped! We let out a scream as we fall and hit the metal floor with a thud!

"We did it!" I shouted as I pumped my fist up in the air until I recalled Al and Lucy, "Hey! We have to get you out of there!"

I rushed to help them, but I stopped when I realized that I couldn't do anything to help. How am I supposed to save them?

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Al snapped as I looked up at him in a surprised manner, "You need to get out of here and save Klavier! Stop Daryran before he goes through with the murder! Go, you idiot!"

I didn't want to leave as Lucy reassured, "Don't worry! We will be ok! Get going, you lot! We've got a case ta finish!"

Well, if they were sure about this, I turned to Yuta who agreed. We turned to leave, but we didn't move yet.

"We better see you again!" I shouted to them with a determined expression.

"Naturally!" Al answered with confidence as we finally ran to leave them and help Klavier.

We ran down the stairs and exited to find the busy streets of London filled with cars and people! I grabbed my head and tried to think of a way to get out of here! Yuta pulled my arm to get me to see a small car! Well, I know you have to drive on the other side of the road here, but that's it! Alright! Road safety laws prepared to be broken the American way! That sounds too patriotic, especially after the nutjob of a detective I worked with. Doesn't matter! We jumped onto the car. I took the driver's seat with Yuta in the passenger's seat. I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and drove straight to the stage!

(Lucy's POV)

Well, I am glad Apollo and Prince Yuta were able to get out of here! Now, the prof and I need to find a way out of here!

"So, what is the plan, Prof Potty?!" I asked, eagerly awaiting his response.

"Oh, no, we're probably going to die painfully" he reasoned without hesitation.

"Wot?! Are you serious' Prof Potty?!" I yelled at him in frustration, "Are you kiddin' me?! Why do you say that so easily?!"

Al answered with a shrug, "Because it would be delightful to die in a gruesome way at the very least! Honestly, you should know me well by now, my dear Lucy! Did all this time with us mean nothing to you?"

Time... Hang on, time... I looked around and gasped in delight as I saw the generator that kept the clock running still here! Ok, with that here, I am sure I can figure this out! I just need somethin' else to help us.

"You know, the more you struggle, the more it will be painful! Surely, you know that?" Prof Potty spoke annoyed.

I shrugged him off and noticed the newspapers in his coat's pocket! I know Placid is gonna be furious with me, but I think he'll thank me later! I grabbed one in me hands, crushed it into a ball, and then dropped it before me feet.

"What are you doing back there, Baker?" Potty asked with suspicion in his voice as I tuned him out easily.

"Shut it, Potty! I need to concentrate here if I'm gonna be the one ta save us again!" I snapped before drawing me feet back and doing a practice kick.

Once I was sure, I drew me feet back and kicked the ball of paper with me might! It flew across the room and struck the generator to make it malfunction! I cheered as the clock stopped moving! Wonderful! I rubbed the ropes against the metal edges of the gears to cut us free! I let out another cheer as Prof Potty was stunned and staring at me as if I got three heads!

"What do ya think of that, Prof?!" I exclaimed with pride.

He smirked before shaking his head and shoving his hands into the coat's pockets. He approached me before taking a bow.

"Alright, you win this round, Baker" he spoke with honesty and kindness, "Next round, I win. Oh, wait, I did. Behind you, my dear Lucy"

Wot? How did he do that already?! I turned to see the camera! Wot about it? We approached the camera and examined it. That is strange. It is on. Why didn't it kill Klavier? Prof Potty examined it closely before staring on the stage where Klavier was still singing from.

"Wait! Don't tell me! The stage! We've got a friend there to help us lot?!" I exclaimed in realization.

Prof Potty shook his head again before tapping the side of his head. Prof Placid took his place when their hair changed and held out a chip! Wait a minute! When did they get that?!

"I made a phone call" Prof Placid spoke simply, "Father was able to come in and help us. He did inform Klavier about what was happening with us. He's safe for now. I am grateful Al kept it calm. I do know he detests plans like this"

He chuckled as if Prof Potty chatted in agreement with Prof Placid's sentence. Well, that's works fer me! I turned to the camera and noticed something was trigger the blasted thing.

"Hey! Is this thing supposed to be warm then?" I asked as I took Prof Placid's hands to place on it.

This definitely surprised him as he closed his eyes to talk with his brother. Once he opened his eyes, he nodded in an agreeing tone.

"Yes, something isn't right about this. I would rather not see a dear friend of ours die in a fiery explosion" Prof Placid commented before laughing again, "And this is a rare instance of us agreeing on this matter. My dear Lucy, please break the device"

I never thought I would ever get me chance! Yahoo! I drew me leg back and delivered a kick to knock it over! I picked it up without a second thought and slammed it on the ground again! I delivered one more kick and saw the sparks fly from it! Prof Placid examined the device in question before holding the chip out.

"Father, it is me, Fendi" Prof Placid spoke calmly, "Yes, my dear Lucy and I were safe. Oh, along with Apollo and Prince Nahyuta. There was nothing to worry about. Now, we need an vehicle and mechanics to examine the device and escort us to Buckingham Palace. Also, do be aware that Apollo and Prince Nahyuta are making their way to the palace as well. Thank you again"

He turned off the microchip and then nodded to me. We each picked up the broken device and exited the tower. Oh, I should've mentioned that I sort of stopped Big Ben from ringing. I hope they don't mind! Well, I can save that fer later! Sure, they won't mind it since I am on the case!

(Apollo's POV)

Buckingham Palace, Grand Stage

May 14th, 10:15 AM

I drove as fast as I could with everyone shouting every British curse they could muster or know which is a lot and impressive. Anyway, I could see the palace approaching us and heard the loud rock music playing! He's still alive! With a sharp turn and my Chords of Steel, everyone got out of our way as we arrived at the stage!

"KLAVIER GAVIN!" I shouted with those Chords of Steel of mine that I was so proud of.

To be honest, I was surprised with how loud I was too, but that could wait! He was alive and standing there! Thank the gods! Yuta and I bolted from the cart and ran onto the stage with Klavier ceased playing his song.

"Herr Forehead!/Apollo!" Klavier and Seb shouted in relief as they ran towards us for a group hug!

Everyone is ok! Oh thank gods! No one is dead! I was so worried someone was going to die! Wait, this is fair too easy. I feel like something terrible should happen. I heard something click with Seb letting out a surprised squeal. We turned to the source and yep, there it is. The guards were standing there with some holding pistols while Daryran was glaring at us.

"So, question, did you know?" I asked as I realized the pistols were pointed at either Klavier or me.

"Figured it out as we went along the concert. I knew someone wanted me dead, but I didn't expect it to be him of all people" Klavier confessed, "That and some help from a few friends"

Great, so at least that part was figured out! Now, how do we get out of this and live because I have no idea how that is going to work! How are we supposed to survive this?! Gods, I wonder what the news is reporting on this.... I am suddenly grateful I don't work for Mr. Wright. This would surely get me fried.

"Should've known that wouldn't finish you off" Daryran spoke annoyed with a glare, "You can't seem to die at all!"

"It isn't so much that my brother cannot die, it is that he still has things to do before death can rightfully claim him" Yuta spoke bravely, "And as do the rest of us here. We have no reason to fall so easily when we are needed"

Daryran spat at that as I stood up to be in front of my friends and against Daryran with everything I have. This isn't a lot, but it is enough at least.

"Do you really think you can stop me by yourself?!" Daryran mocked with a smirk as he gazed down at me, "What can you possibly do when you're outnumbered and a small, pathetic little defense attorney?!"

You know, I thought he and I were alike in some way. We both wanted to be there for Klavier after all. At least, that is what I thought. Now, it is clear to me that is not the case anymore. He's here to bring an end to us, and I won't let that happen!

Taking a deep breath, I pointed and shouted with all my might, "OBJECTION!" 

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