~ᴱⁿᵉᵐʸˢ ᵗᵒ ᴸᵒᵛᵉʳˢ~ (Vox x Ala...


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~Enemys to lovers~ ■□■□■□ ♡Vox and Alastor Ship!♡ □■□■□■ 《Warning: includes 18+ themes and language!》 ■□■□■□ ... More

[0] Introduction
[1] Accident
[2] Beat
[3] Obsessed (💫)
[4] Dreams (⚠️)
[5] Flashbacks
[6] Plan
[7] Date
[8] Aftermath
[9] Self
[10] Sleep
[11] Time
[12] Normal
[13] Food
[14] Diner
[16] Park
[17] Cabin
[18] Room
[19] Talk
[20] Fun (⚠️) (FULL)
[21] Morning
[22] Schedule
[23] Answer
[24] Reflect
[25] Clock
[26] Tell
[27] Us
[28] Accept
[29] Wake
[30] Stay away, It's like that ( Season 1 Finale)
S2 [0] Introduction
S2 [1] Found Origin
S2 [2] Alone Again
S2 [3] Time Again (⚠️)
S2 [4] Fallen again [Part 1]
S2 [5] Fallen Again [Part 2]
S2 [6] Your Friends are Calling Your Name (Incomplete)
A/N Tragedy

[15] Mine

173 3 3

A/N this chapter will kinda be experimental to improve my writing.

So i guess bully my writing by telling me i'll hear you out.

i'll even hear you out your crazy ideas below here

> Your ideas here <

Anyway let's get this party started!!


The sun is coming up and the skies turn to a spectrum of colors filling the skies. The birds chirp as the bullet of a gun shoots them bringing a new day in hell. People screaming, building on fire, glowing lights everywhere theres no other place like hell other than LA. The camera is moved to the front of the hotel and we hear a yawn from a room on the first floor. Th camera moves to the room vrooming in from the window where we see Al cuddling with Vx like everyday in hell these days.

They both lay in the bed as the sun rises and like all days these days Vx is the one to get up. He gets up from the bed sitting up from the bed looking tired like all of us waking up. He sits there looking at the closet in front of him as he looks at Al for a second. Then he gets up pushing himself off the bed getting upstanding in the room. He walks to the closet looking down as he gets his clothes in his hands.

He looks over at Al who is laying down on the bed in silence. He puts his clothes on taking off his shirt first. He takes off his clothes only leaving his boxers on. He puts on his clothes putting on his pants, shirt, then his suit over it. He looks at Al with his suit a bit dirty with a little bits on carpet hairs. He speaks to Al as Al gets up from his sleep sitting on the bed with the sheets on his legs hands on the blanket. Vx opens his mouth to speak words.

"Do you think we would ever be more than friends?" Vx says looking at Vx from a side.

"What?" Al says rubbing his eyes.

"Do you think we would ever be more than friends?" Vx says repeating his words now more facing Al.

"No i wouldn't think so i think we would be good friends!" He says in a happy way.

"Oh ok..." Vx lays looking away with his head down.

"Anyway friend of mine, what activities are you doing today?" Al says getting up from the bed pushing himself off standing on his feet.

"Im going to go and work on my company, that fucking... Val put me on a tight schedule!" Vx says looking a bit mad but then turns to a normal state after looking at Al.

"Okay i hope you don't fall from grace!" Al says walking behind him laughing.

"Eh whatever i gotta go now Al!" Vx says going to the window putting both hands on the window stool looking back at Al.

"Okay good friend, see you again darling!" Al says looking at him from the closet.

Vx jumps out the window going to the cab he called in the hotel after dressing up. He runs over to the cab going in quick opening the door going in quick and closing the door shut. The driver looks up from the mirror to see Vx an overlord in his car. His eyes get shorten a bit scared calming down before speaking.

"You're going to the V's tower right?" He says looking straight with nothing theres just getting no eye contact with Vx.

"Ha! you already know freak! Hit the wheel!"Vx says keeping his ego.

The driver didn't take care just off taking off from the hotel at a fast speed for a hell driver. The camera cuts to the V's tower and the camera appears infront of the cab as it stops. The cab stops infront of the building 15 minutes after taking off from the hotel. The car jerked Vx a bit, but he got out safe the camera moving with Vx as he enters the tower. The camera goes behind him as he enter the door putting him in the middle of the camera. As he enters we get a look of how the Tower looks like. It's a lobby with elevators and a desk with an employee. He goes to an elevator looking stern getting in pressing the button to the highest floor. He looks down at the tiled floor in the elevator a the door closes getting a last look of the lobby. He looks up as the elevator goes up looking around to see a poster with Angel on it. It reads "Orgy show at 10pm today!" He looks at it a bit shamed that Val would set up something like that. The elevator stops out of know where and Vx gets ready to fake his awakening from his bed. The door opens a bit slow as he sees Vel sitting on the couch with her phone watching whatever. She looks up at Vx before looking back down at her phone like it's whatever. Vx goes to his room opening the door looking down. He looks up to see Val in his room standing infront of him. He gets a bit frightened before getting back to his natural state. Val gives Vx a disappointed stare as Vx looks up at him.

"I need to talk to you about something." He says looking down at Vx with his hands on his hips

"Something important."

"O-okay." He says looking a bit down.

Vel looks out from her phone with a wide expression looking at the both of them. She turns back to her phone like she doesn't care but she does.

Val Grabs Vx hands but Vx moves his hand so that Val is holding his arm. Val takes him to his offic as Vx looks down with shame. He enters the room of Vals office being a room with the desk facing the door with a seat facing behind the door. Vx sits down on the small chair in the office as Val sits on a big office chair. The table has a pink lightsaber on the corner of the desk with his other "projects" on the table. Vx looks at Val as Val puts his elbows on the table with his hands connected as if it's like an investigation. Val open his mouth to give a speech.

"So you have been leaving this tower for reasons..." Val says looking down.

"We'll i've been trying to clear my mind by-" Vx says barely finishing his sentence.

"Shut up i know what you have been doing!' Val says putting his hands on the table slamming it.

"You have been leaving to go to that deer of yours!"

"Is that your problem!" Vx says.

"YES I-" Val says

"NO ITS NOT!" Vx says.


"YOU LEFT ME FOR HIM!" Val says.


"WE HAD A LIFE together..." Val says calming down.

"We had a life together as lovers..."

"What did you have to leave me..."

"IT WAS FAKE VAL!" Vx says still angry.


"IT WASN'T FAKE!" Val says.




The room turns silent for a moment before Val opens his mouth.

"I have one thing to tell you Vx...." Val says with a bit of tears

"What!" Vx says i bit mad.

Val turns on a switch under the table which turns the room dim and a microphone comes out from the table. Val stand up and a blue light comes from the left side of the room and Vx realises whats going on.

"Oh my god please don't sing..." Vx says but it's too late.

🎵 Music Time! 🎵


(Anyway lets get this party started!)


♡Don't go sleeping with the enemy♡

♡ I know we said we'd be true♡

♡ I know you're stranded in the forest if you don't Abandoned if you do ♡

♡So don't go sleeping with the enemy If my imagination is getting ahead of me ♡

♡Then let it be known that I can't make it alone♡

♡So get down and stay perfectly still ♡

♡Bite down on your cyanide pill♡

♡There's things that you swore you'd never do ♡

♡But you will with the enemy♡

♡Don't go sleeping with the enemy ♡

♡Then everybody gets to be a hero♡

♡Can ya hear me, are you alive? ♡

♡Do you know that there's a war? ♡

♡Don't go sleeping with the enemy ♡

♡Don't forget that we were comrades till the end ♡

♡They only wanna make love but this is war ♡

♡And the good guys always win ♡

♡So don't kick while we're dragging you home ♡

♡Quietly reciting your loyalty oath ♡

♡knife at your throat ♡

♡Uncomfortably close to the enemy♡

The scene stops and Vx gets up from the chair looking at him still filled with anger. Val was in the moment but soon turned angry too.

"You know i'll still won't love you..." Vx says walking to the door.

"WELL FUCK YOU! YOU HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED HIM!" Val says putting his hand on the table slamming it.


"Watch me..." Vx says before shutting the door on Val as he runs to the elevator.

Val stands there in the room in silence after hearing him say "Watch me...". After a few moments he goes into Vx room to go to his camera after hearing the elevator go down. H goes to the camera to watch Vx on the camera wheres he's on the road in a cab. The camera moves to Vx who is straight face in the car. He's nervous but he knows he has to prove Val wrong. He thinks of Vel and what she's doing.

Th camera moves to Vel who is entering Vx room also after hearing the conversation. She walks through as Val watched the cameras on Vx chair with his hands together looking stern. Vel introduces herself by opening her mouth.

"You're a good singer." Vel says putting her elbow on Val shoulder.

"Shut up we got a important thing to to watch!" Val says pushing her arm off going to back to being stern.

"Wonder what Al's doing right now?" Vel says before the camera goes to the hotel.

The camera moves into the radio station Al in there walking around the room. He think of what he going to make today. He walks around with his hand on his chin in a fist looking down. Then before he can think he feels a little shock that tells him Vx is here. Al didn't think of it and walked around the room again.

But Vx was outside he drove all they way from the tower to the hotel. He stands infront of the door gulping the hump in his throat. He Counts to 5 before he plays his plan. He was ready to kiss him only one door away from love.






Vx pushes through the door and spots Al in the room. He quickly pushes Al to the wall pinning him to the wall. Al stand there a bit red with his ears back and his eyes widen. Al opens his mouth first.

"What are you doing Vx?" AL says looking up at Vx who is pinning him.

Vx looks down taking a breath looking down before putting his finger in Al's mouth so he can get an entrance to his mouth. Vx opens his mouth speaking words.

"I have loved you for a long time and i'm obsessed with you."

"Im crazy for you Al and it happens now!" Vx says with no hesitation.

"Wha-" Al says but its to late for him to say anything.

(Romantic music starts to play as the scene pieces itself ^)

The surroundings get red the room is filled with pink clouds. Vx opens his mouth pushing it against AL's mouth. The hole he made with his finger in Al's mouth comes to use as he sticks his tongue into Al. Al quickly turn hot red as he can't think and can only feel. Al feels the electric shock of Vx in his mouth th sensation he's been begging for a long, long time. Al feels every single electron going through his mouth.

Al closes his eyes bracing the moment with Vx. Vx wraps his hands on Al's waist tightly as he gives his love to Al making out. Al doesn't know how to feel except love and wraps his arms around Vx shoulder and scene puzzle solves itself. They make out with each other in Al's radio station as Val watches.

At the tower Val stands up and hits the table before walking out of the room with anger. He walks to the door punching the wall saying nothing. Vel takes Vx seat and watches Vx and Al make out with a grin on her face.

Speaking of Vx and AL they finally stop making out Vx getting his tongue out of AL. They both stand there with their arms wrapped around each other as they both breathe heavenly Vx with his tongue out. Al opens his mouth in that moment to say something.

"How come you suddenly had these feeling for me? How come you would make out with me out of spite?" Al says still heavenly breathing.

"I always did love you, dear..." Vx says before Al jumps into action.

Al suddenly pushes his mouth again Vx as they make-out again. They both give each other the love that they deserve. Vx picks up AL bride style while they still make out and takes him out of the Radio Shack. They make-out until they get to their room as Vx places Al on the bed. Vx dresses up while Al says something.

"So you have loved me for a long time?" Al says still red.

"As long as you can remember!" Vx says before you both burst a laugh.

Vx smiles more with Al now and he dresses up putting his boxers on only feeling more comfortable with AL now. Al turns red seeing Vx with no shirt on but he resides it and goes to dress up taking off his clothes. Vx lays down on the bed AL dresses up and they go to bed. Al turns off the lights They both lay down on the bed and AL is wearing a T-shirt while Vx is shirtless. Al still cuddles Vx despite his appearance. Vx gets his hands under Al's waist and hold him tightly.


Making their love...


They both sleep that night as every night but they love each other more than ever.

♡ ♡ ♡

Val sits in his office and he writes about Vx. He looks at the paper his writing and he looks at it.

"Perfect!" he says feeling evil as ever.

The camera zooms into the paper and the paper reads "Break up Code 1"

The camera fades to black showing Val looking at the papers title...

Their love is perfect for now...


A/N I finally made it official =)

This took a long time because of writers block but i got through it.

This is my favorite chapter and i hope you like it!

I changed my name from XL_9MR5 to XL9_DIAL GIRL because i hated the other one.

Anyway thanks for reading, follow me for more recent updates and have a better chance to have your ideas implemented into the story!

Anyway it's late...



■March 22 (Midnight), 2024■

Polished: March 22, 2024

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