
By simpforholytrinity

838 86 76

Edith's luck seems to be looking up when she meets Diane in her mom's weekly class at the community center. H... More

Numbers & Nerves
Starting Over
Starry Nights
Walk in the Park
When will I see you again
Tell me what to do
Happy Anniversary

Round and round we go

67 8 11
By simpforholytrinity

Both women are preparing for their meet up. Edith rushed through her routine so she would have even more time to sit and mentally prepare. Diane on the other hand chose the method of distraction, sorting through her meal plan for the week and getting that all done before getting ready about two hours before she had to leave.

Edith waited until the last minute to leave the house, mostly being held up by Cate asking her a million questions. "Where are you going?" she asks her daughter, "to get tea" Edith answers. "With whom? If I may ask" Cate inquires funnily and it causes a smile to break out on the younger girl's face. "With Diane" she answered truthfully and Cate smirks internally but doesn't mention it, sending her off.

The pair arrive almost simultaneously and Edith spots Diane first. The younger woman takes a deep breath before getting out her car and waiting for the brunette. They greet each other briefly before walking up, Diane holding the door for the other woman. Upon entering, Edith is hit with the delectable smells of various brews and pastries that make her mouth water.

She hears laughing and glances over to see a group of women who she instantly recognizes to be lesbians. Her gaydar as they call it is rather spot on and her assumption is proven as one of them locks eyes with her. The brunette stranger, who looks oddly familiar, looks her up and down before smiling warmly which causes Edith to look away shyly. Diane picks up on the interaction but keeps her thoughts to herself, trying not to make a big deal of it.

The pair are third in line, which gives them both time to browse the expansive menu. Edith feels overwhelmed with all the choices, seeing so many intriguing options. Some of the items she's heard of, or has been wanting to try, and others just sound appealing. Diane's eyes scan the menu but she already knows what she's going to get as she's been here plenty of times; she just didn't want to intimidate the younger woman.

Her hand finds itself on Edith's lower back to usher the woman forward after realizing she didn't notice the line moving. Edie smiles softly at Diane before turning her attention back to the menu, nibbling on her bottom lip. Finally they've arrived to the counter and Diane orders first, the younger woman still being unsure of her choice. It's now her turn and she still struggles to make a decision.

"A lot of options, hm?" the woman at the counter prompts and the younger woman simply nods, feeling embarrassed. "What do you usually like? I could recommend you something" she offers, Edith glances at her name tag which reads Marina and she tilts her head. She thinks it's a pretty name and then realizes she has yet to reply. "Umm I typically go for chai or matcha? I'm don't really drink coffee" she mumbles and Marina nods as she thinks, squinting her eyes a bit and subtly checking the younger woman out.

It's clearly not subtle enough as Diane picks up on it. She wants to wrap her arm around your waist, let them all know that you're hers, expect she remembers that you're not. "I think I have the perfect thing for you. I make an amazing cinnamon toast flavored coffee—I know you say you don't drink it but I promise you... you'll like it when I make it" Marina smirks and Edith swallows a lump in her throat.

Something about the woman's voice and mannerisms are so sultry it takes the younger off guard. "O-ok" she stutters and though she thinks it's stupid, both Marina and Diane find it adorable. "Are you sure? You explicitly said you don't drink coffee" Diane speaks up, afraid that the younger woman is just agreeing to be polite. "No it's fine... I'll try it" Edith says, her eyes never leaving Marina's as the woman stares her down intensely.

The younger woman has never felt anything like this before and it's confusing her. It's not that she's attracted to the other brunette per se, more so how a moth is attracted to a flame. Marina has a luring quality that Edith finds to be almost dangerous yet exciting. "You know what? Just in case you don't like it, it's on the house" Marina says, clearing the order before the other woman can protest.

Diane scoffs internally, the woman openly flirting as she stands right there. It gets her thinking about the brunette from when they first walked in. She wasn't flirting with Edith but still, the fact that she looked at her that way sparked jealousy. Marina could definitely tell the two were there together. However, she also picked up on the way Diane didn't claim her when she was obviously flirting with the younger girl.

The pair take a seat at a table while they wait for their orders and Diane eyes Edie curiously. "So, do you like it here?" she asks quietly, "umm... yeah. It's nice" Edith replies shyly with a small smile. "I love coming here, it's so beautifully decorated" Diane prompts, "that's certainly true. It feels very cozy and safe" the younger woman smiles wider and the brunette across from her narrows her eyes a little.

Edith's pov
"For you, pretty girl" I look up to see the woman from behind the counter, placing my drink in front of me before Diane's. I also notice a little croissant and as I go to tell her I didn't order it, she places a hand on her chest which redirects my attention. "Just a little something I thought you might like" her eyes burn into mine as her soft accented voice pleasures my ears.

In a way I feel defenseless to her tactics so I 'accidentally' brush my foot against Diane's for a little help. "Thank you" she responds quickly and I smile softly, "Of course. If you need anything else, I'm Marina. I own the place" she smirks. "Oh? We were just saying how much we love the decorations, it's beautiful what you've done here" I praise. Normally I wouldn't be so forward or talkative but again, Marina just has some disarming quality.

"Well... thank you both" she says with a different look in her eyes than before, I feel less of a pull so whatever happened—I'm thankful for it. She leaves and I turn to Diane who follows the woman with her eyes. "What have you been up to?" I ask timidly to get her attention, "oh, me? Nothing really. Just... working, sleeping... repeat" she chuckles nervously.

"Nice, nice... meet any new people?" I mentally slap myself because what was that for me to ask? "Haha... no. I don't really... do that" she sighs, "me either" I chuckle hesitantly. It's silent between us for a while and I slide the croissant over to her to see if she'd like some and she takes a bite, nodding to say it's good. "Have I... done something—again?" I ask softly and she quickly shakes her head, "no... you're perfect" she mumbles before biting her lip.

"Umm r-remember that lady—well I don't if you saw her but—from when we first came in... the brunette?" I question and she simply nods. "I'm really into art and she's... the creative director of the California Art Center. She did this brilliant collaboration with the Peggy Peabody collection to show Provocations which is legendary. I mean the CAC is such a quaint little gallery that it's almost a miracle that we're able to snag such an acclaimed piece" I ramble and Diane listens intently as she smiles.

"I was... well I was thinking about approaching her, you know? Just because I really enjoy her work and I've never met a celebrity before. Plus, her fight for radical pieces is what really sparked my interest in art in the first place. I mean she's so talented and very pretty too, of course, but so intelligent and... I saw her in the newspaper one day and I was like—wow—it inspired me" I blabber on with a grin.

I see Diane swallow a lump in her throat and I eye her curiously as she opens her mouth to speak. "Edith..." she whispers, "yes?" I prompt with trepidation. "I love you" she mumbles but I hear her clear as the glass-pane window. I stare at her with my jaw slacked, not knowing how to respond to her bold statement. She looks just as shocked as me but with one major difference, the tears making her eyes glisten.

She blinks but they never seem to fall, permanently suspended like the silence between us. My mouth moves but I can't form words, my brain frozen and refusing to thaw. I blink rapidly as I look away from her, pleading with myself to come up with something. "I'm sorry, I-" she whispers but can't even bring herself to finish before standing up.

"Diane wait..." I blurt out softly and she turns back to me, her gaze holding expectation, but I couldn't think any further than wanting her to stay. A few seconds are shared between us where I just look between her eyes, before she eventually turns and walks out. Unbeknownst to me, a few select people saw our interaction and even heard bits and pieces.

I look down to my hands grasping the cup tightly in order to stop myself from shaking. I stare deeply into the table, willing myself not to cry. "Honey?" I don't even have to look up to know who it is but I do anyway, needing someone to cling to. "Hi..." she whispers with an empathetic smile, I can't bring myself to say anything but I smile half-heartedly. "Are you ok?" she asks as she sits in the seat Diane once occupied, "I've certainly been better" I chuckle humorlessly.

"I'm Bette" she says as her hand slowly reaches out to rest on mine which I've let fall lazily on the table. "I know who you are. We were just talking about you actually and your success with Provocations..." I mumble, "oh really now?" she smirks which makes me smile a bit as I nod. "You really inspired me. It was badass what you did and it paid off I mean, you're one of the best curators in the country now" I say and I see her blush a little as she shakes her head.

"Is that Tina?" I ask as I glance behind her and she looks back too, I see the blonde smile warmly at her and I know she's the one. "It certainly is..." the brunette answers as she turns back to face me, "she's beautiful, you both are" I say and she smiles widely in response. "I will be sure to tell her you said that. In fact, why don't you sit with us? That way you can tell her yourself" she offers but my smile quickly drops and I shake my head.

"I couldn't... I'm not uhhh really too good with people" I warn her, "oh please, they won't bite. I promise they're nice and I think you'll like Dana a lot, you two might relate to each other" she says confidently. I can't really refuse an offer to hang out with one of my biggest idols and her friends, can I? The situation still lingers in my mind and I think it's best I distract myself with this for now, so I can have a clear head later on.

She places her hand on my shoulder as she guides me over and a woman with black hair lets me have her seat; pulling up another and making a blonde with a similar haircut move to make space for her. "Well go on, don't be shy" Bette says, "hi... I'm Edith" I mumble without making eye contact. "Hey Edith, I'm Alice" I look up to see the blonde that had to move and she smiles kindly at me, it puts me more at ease.

"I'm Dana" the woman on the other side of me says with a shy smile, "what is this AA? Kidding, I'm Shane" the raven-haired woman says. "Shane?" I ask, "oh don't tell me you know her" Alice sighs dramatically and Shane simply smirks. "N-not really, I've only heard about her" I clarify and Shane's smirk only grows but I narrow my eyes at her. "I heard you're a whore" I ascertain and she places a hand to her chest, "using such a derogatory term to describe women is... horrible. I prefer slut" she smiles and I giggle.

"I'm Tina" Bette's wife says and I then to her with a soft smile, "I know" I reply looking directly into her eyes. "Ouuuhhh someone has a crush" Shane teases and I roll my eyes playfully. I don't know what makes me so comfortable around older women but it just makes me feel safe to be in their presence. Of course that all goes out the window if I'm attracted to them but luckily that isn't the case right now.

"I understand that you have to jump on every woman you see but some of us possess what's called self control, Shane" I tease, "rawr, feisty... I like her" everyone turns to Dana for a minute and eyes her funnily while I just giggle and she shrugs. "Actually... we were just talking about how beautiful you are. She has good taste" Bette says before placing a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips that makes her blush profusely.

"You guys are so cute..." I mumble before looking down to my cup and it's like I can hear the glances they share. "You really like her, don't you?" Dana inquires, "Diane? Yeah, I do. I'm just..." "scared?" Dana finishes for me and I nod. "A woman confesses her love for you and you're scared? Of what?" Alice chimes in with makes me sigh as I haven't quite answered that for myself. "Stop badgering the girl" Bette argues but I shake my head saying it's ok.

"I don't really know. I mean I like her too but... it's complicated. We've only just recently gotten to know each other and things have been rocky—this is the first time I've seen her in weeks. Not to mention that I've said some... unhinged things which makes me question her intentions a bit. She's an amazing person, don't get me wrong, I'm just not sure if we're in the same place with things" I think aloud.

"Well, take it from me. You have to test it out to see if it works. Throw shit on the wall and see if it sticks, you know? We've all done it" Alice advises, "some of us more than others" Shane mumbles which causes the blonde to nudge her. "I agree, Edith. I mean take me and Bette for example. Things weren't always smooth sailing for us either. That's what makes it magical though, that you weather the storm together and come out on the other side" Tina says, turning to smile at Bette.

"I know it's hard and scary... but you'll never know if you never try. Me and my girlfriend Lara were that way too. I wasn't out at the time and it was a big discussion we had to have but we worked through it. Diane seems sweet, I'm sure she'll be able to understand that you were just nervous" Dana pitches in. "I wish I too could impart some words of wisdom but unfortunately I have an appointment" Shane says funnily before bidding her goodbyes and leaving.

"I have to go" I sigh, "do you need a ride, sweetie?" Tina offers but I tell them I drove and they nod. "Here. Call me anytime" Bette says as she hands me her business card with her personal cell phone number written on the back. "Thank you, truly" I accept graciously and she winks before they all send me off. "Knock 'em dead, girl" Alice yells after me and I turn around to give her two thumbs up as I chuckle heartily.

I head out to my car, my steps slow as I mainly watch my feet and push little pebbles I find along my way. They may be right, I just have to go for it and trust that it'll all go well. However, I feel that I'm in over my head and maybe I should take some time to think about it. I still have to be mindful that Diane is probably overthinking everything right now and I need to get to her as soon as possible.

The mere thought of all this gives me further anxiety as I drive home. I can't forget the look in her eyes when she said it, she looked so nervous. Then it's like I confirmed everything she had been thinking leading up to that moment by freezing. On the other hand, we haven't know each other that long for her to say that and we'd also been separated for weeks before this little date.

There's so many things to consider and I can't make sense of any of it. I get out my car as I reach home and go to unlock the door. I kick off my shoes and put them in the line, heading straight for my room but I end up making a detour. I knock on my mom's door since it's closed and I wait for her to tell me I can come in. It's really a formality and matter of privacy because her door is always open, figuratively anyway.

"Mama... I need help"

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