Neel X Malang

By BtsArmy1935

4.9K 353 624

Season-1.... "In the bustling halls of MAD University, this story is about neel and Malang where neel bullies... More

The Battle Begins
Random Update
Bully ?
Principal's office
There's no solution in fighting
Assault or Protection?
Jealousy ? Pt-1
Jealousy Pt-2
Past secret ?

Part of it

428 25 59
By BtsArmy1935

Previous Chapter :

"How, how can he say the same line with exact words and the same is that even possible. It must have been a coincidence but is it really a coincidence.....or is there something more to it? Neel thought to himself, his eyes furrowed.

The question lingered in the air, unanswered.

The Next Day :

Neel, Ishaan, Rihaana, Sam, and Figo strolled down the hallway, making their way to the dance room. There was a sense of curiosity in the air as they chatted among themselves, unaware of the reason behind being summoned by their teacher.

Neel, glancing at the others, couldn't help but voice the shared confusion, "Hey, anyone got a clue why we're heading to the dance room?"

Ishaan shrugged, "Not a clue. Maybe a surprise dance-off or something?"

Rihaana chimed in, "I hope it's not another surprise test. I didn't even study this time."

Sam added with a laugh, "Well, whatever it is, I hope it's not too serious."

As they approached the dance room, the anticipation grew. When they entered, the sight of all the freshers standing there, alongside their teachers at the front, left the group visibly surprised.

Neel whispered, "What's going on? Did we miss a memo?"

Figo replied, "I have no idea, but this looks important."

The group exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity turning into a shared sense of bewilderment as they awaited an explanation.

Their dance teacher, Vishal, called them to the center of the room.

"So, I can see you're all wondering why you're here all of a sudden. Well, let me clear that up. The principal had a chat with me and filled me in on what went down during your audition. This time around, I'll be the one leading the auditions and selecting the students. Your job is simple: stay put and jot down the names of the students I call out. Got it?" Vishal explained calmly.

Neel and the others exchanged glances, a sense of unease settling over them as Vishal's words sank in.

"But sir," Neel began, his voice tinged with frustration, "we were hoping to conduct the auditions ourselves and choose the students based on our judgment."

Vishal nodded, understanding their concerns. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the principal specifically asked me to oversee this process. It's important for the school's reputation."

Ishaan stepped forward, his voice calm and steady. "Let's trust Vishal sir's judgment. We can still guide the process and ensure fairness."

Reluctantly, Neel and the others acquiesced with a sense of disappointment. They took their positions, ready to assist Vishal in the auditions, though their initial plans had been dashed by the principal's directive.

Neel exchanged a glance with Ishaan, both nodding in understanding. Rihaana's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she remained composed. Sam leaned over to Figo, whispering something in his ear, and he nodded nervously.

Vishal scanned the room, noting the varying reactions. "Alright, let's get started then," he said, a hint of authority in his tone.

The students shuffled into position, their attention focused on Vishal as he began calling out names. Each time a name was called, the designated student stepped forward, some with confident strides, others with hesitant ones.

"Sulekha", Vishal sir called.

Sulekha's name echoed through the room, causing her heart to race. She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as all eyes turned to her.

"You've got this, Sulekha," Malang whispered, his voice filled with reassurance.

Netra nodded in agreement. "Just be yourself and dance like no one's watching."

With a deep breath, Sulekha stepped forward, her hands slightly trembling. She exchanged a quick glance with Netra and Malang before moving towards the center of the room. As she prepared to begin her audition, her nerves threatened to overwhelm her, but she pushed them aside, focusing on the music and letting her passion for dance guide her movements.

As Sulekha stepped forward to begin her audition, Ri, Neel, and Figo exchanged amused glances.

"Watch her trip over her own feet," Figo whispered with a smirk.

Ri stifled a giggle. "Or forget the steps altogether."

Neel chuckled, shaking his head. "There's no way she's going to pass."

Just as Neel finished his sentence, Vishal sir's voice cut through the room. "Paas."

The group's amusement turned to surprise as Sulekha's name was announced as a pass, leaving them momentarily speechless.

"But sir-" Neel tried to oppose the decision.

"No buts. I said what I said," Vishal sir said sternly, shutting down any further argument.

Sulekha, still surprised by the decision, smiled when Netra hugged her.

"Told you that you can do it," Malang said, smiling warmly.

"Yes, you passed!" Netra exclaimed loudly with enthusiasm.

"Thank you so much, guys," Sulekha said, grateful for their support.

"Netra Lokhande, you're next," the coach announced.

"Guys, It's my turn to shine now. Watch me," Netra said confidently.

"Go for it, Netra!" Su encouraged, giving her a supportive smile.

"Malang and I are rooting for you!" Su added, echoing her sentiments.

With their words of encouragement, Netra stepped forward confidently, ready to showcase her talent.

As soon as the music started, Netra's body moved with grace and fluidity, giving her all to the dance.

"Amazing. You pass," the coach declared with a warm smile.

Rihaana eyed Netra from top to bottom, then observed her dance closely then exclaimed,"She was actually good".

"Can't argue with that," Figo said.

"Yeah, she was good," Ishaan chimed in, smiling.

Neel looked at Rihaana with amusement. "Am I seeing right, or are you actually appreciating someone?" he chuckled.

"Shut up," Ri said, rolling her eyes.

After a few more students, Vishal sir finally called out, "Malang, please come forward and show us what you have."

As soon as my name was called, my heart started pounding loudly. Nervousness crept in. What if I can't make it? What if I fail? Su and Netra both passed... what if I don't? Will they leave me? I don't know anyone else in this campus except them. Lost in my thoughts, Netra's voice calling me snapped me out of my inner turmoil.

"Malang, where are you lost?" Netra asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Malang, you got this," Netra reassured, her voice filled with encouragement. "Just go out there and give it your all. We're all rooting for you."

Su nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting sincerity. "Exactly. Don't worry about the outcome. Whether you pass or not, we'll always be here for you."

Malang felt a surge of gratitude wash over him at their words. "Thanks, guys. I'll do my best."

With their support boosting his confidence, Malang took a deep breath, ready to step onto the dance floor and give it his all.

As the music filled the room, Malang took a deep breath, letting the rhythm guide his movements. With each step, he poured his heart and soul into the dance, losing himself in the melody and the moment. The worries that had plagued him earlier faded away as he danced, his body moving effortlessly to the beat.

Neel watched Malang's performance with a mixture of surprise and admiration. As Malang danced, Neel couldn't help but notice the gracefulness of his movements, each step executed with a fluidity that seemed almost effortless. He was particularly impressed when Malang effortlessly dropped into a split, a move that was not only difficult but also uncommon for boys to pull off.

Seeing Malang's agility and skill, Neel couldn't ignore the bandage wrapped around his hand, a stark reminder of the altercation from the previous day. Despite the injury, Malang danced with conviction, using it as a foundation for his performance. Neel found himself marveling at Malang's resilience and determination, admiring how he turned adversity into strength.

As Malang continued to dance, Neel couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about him today. It was as if he carried no burden, both physically and emotionally, moving with a lightness that contradicted his usual demeanor. Neel couldn't suppress a chuckle as he observed Malang, realizing that in that moment, he truly seemed weightless, both in body and spirit.

Ishaan noticed Neel's change in expression and raised an eyebrow curiously. "What are you laughing about? Why are you looking at him like that?" he inquired.

Neel furrowed his eyebrows. "Like what?" he asked, confused.

Ishaan teased with a playful smirk, "Like you're in love with him or something?"

Neel scoffed, dismissing the notion. "Stop spouting nonsense. Me, in love with this shorty? This guy will fly miles away if I blow him. You think I'd like this guy?"

Ishaan chuckled at Neel's exaggerated reaction. "Chill, I was joking. But are you seriously going to blow him?" he teased, smirking mischievously.

Neel rolled his eyes, trying to hide a smirk. "Very funny, Ishaan. You know what I mean. Just because he's slender and graceful doesn't mean I'm going to... you know," he replied, dismissing Ishaan's teasing with a wave of his hand.

"So u accept that he is beautiful than a girl", ishaan said with amused eyes.

Neel chuckled, shaking his head. "Ishaan, come on. You're twisting my words. I didn't say that. I'm just saying he's got some moves, that's all," he clarified, trying to steer the conversation away from teasing about Malang's appearance.

Ishaan grinned mischievously. "Sure, sure, whatever you say, Neel. But hey, if you ever change your mind, I'm not judging," he teased, earning a playful shove from Neel.

The banter continued as they watched Malang's audition unfold, with neel secretly impressed by his performance but unwilling to admit it openly.

"Amazing, I am impressed by the way you performed and the fluidity in your movements and the split you did was phenomenal, you obviously paas, "Vishal sir praised him" .

"Thank you, sir," Malang replied with a grateful smile, feeling a wave of relief wash over him at Vishal's praise. He exchanged a quick glance with Netra and Su, who grinned at him encouragingly.

As Malang made his way back to his friends, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride mixed with gratitude for their unwavering support. Despite his initial nerves, he had managed to impress Vishal and secure his spot in the dance team, a feat that filled him with a sense of accomplishment.

After 15 minutes, the audition concluded, and everyone began to filter out of the dance room, discussing the outcome of the auditions. Some were elated, celebrating their selection, while others appeared crestfallen, disappointed by their results. As they made their way towards the canteen, the air buzzed with a mixture of emotions, ranging from excitement to apprehension.

"Malang, you head to the canteen, grab lunch, and save us a table. Sulekha and I will be back in 5 to 10 minutes," Netra instructed Malang.

"But where are you guys going?" Malang asked innocently.

Netra chuckled, "Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll be back soon. Just girl stuff in the washroom. Now go, or we'll have nowhere to sit." She affectionately touched Malang's chin.

"Okay," Malang replied, blushing slightly as he looked down.


Neel and his group were also making their way to the canteen.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll be back soon. Just girl stuff in the washroom. Now go, or we'll have nowhere to sit," the girl said, affectionately touching Malang's chin.

"Okay," Malang replied, blushing slightly as he looked down.

"Are they in a relationship or something? Why is she being so touchy with him and calling him sweetheart?" Rihaana questioned, narrowing her eyebrows.

"And why does it bother you, Ri? They're just friends," Ishaan replied, shrugging as if it were obvious.

Ri glared at Ishaan. "But still, and why the hell is he blushing so much at this little chin touch? He's a man, for God's sake," she remarked, rolling her eyes.

"I think you need food. Let's go," Ishaan said, dragging Ri inside the canteen, unable to understand why she was getting upset over something that didn't concern her.

Meanwhile, Neel was shooting daggers at the back of Netra with his eyes. He went inside with his crew after Ishaan dragged Ri in.

Inside the canteen, Malang stood in line to get his food. After taking his plate, he started to move towards an available table. However, as always, his luck seemed to be in a coma. Just as he turned around, he bumped into someone, causing his plate to fall and his shirt to be stained yellow.

"Don't you have eyes, you shorty?" someone said with irritation.

Malang flinched a little and looked up to see Figo, a member of Ruthless, standing there towering over him, looking frustrated.

"I-I am so-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. I was just-" Malang apologized timidly, although it wasn't his fault.

"Oh, shut up! Just go to the doctor and get your eyes checked, or maybe buy yourself some specs as you clearly can't seem to see who is standing in front of you," Figo said as he suddenly grabbed Malang's collar. "And if you bump into me again, then remember I will-"

"Figo," Ishaan intervened, pulling Figo away from Malang, who looked extremely terrified in his place.

"Leave him, bro. It wasn't his fault," Ishaan tried to calm the situation, as always.

"But bro-" Figo attempted to argue.

"No buts, let's go," Ishaan insisted, leading Figo away from there.

Malang sighed in relief, grateful to Ishaan for saving him again. He looked down at his plate, his eyes filling with tears. Now he didn't have anything to eat because you couldn't have food twice in this canteen; it was the rule. He hadn't eaten anything in the morning as he was running late, and after all the lectures and dance auditions, he was extremely tired and hungry. He wanted something to eat to fill his stomach, but nonetheless, he went towards the table to save a seat for Su and Netra. He placed his head down on the table, clutching his stomach with one hand as it ached from hunger. Suddenly, he felt the urge to cry.

Neel entered the canteen five minutes after his team, having received a call from his mother. As he walked in, he witnessed Ishaan dragging Figo away from the weightless shorty, who was standing there looking down at his fallen food plate, his eyes shimmering.

"Is he seriously going to cry over a plate of food?" Neel thought in disbelief. He observed the shorty move towards an unoccupied table, where he sat down and rested his head on the table, clutching his stomach.

"Is his stomach hurting or something? Is he that hungry? Don't tell me this weightless shorty hasn't eaten anything since morning. No wonder he doesn't weigh more than a feather.

But wait, I don't give a damn about it. But he definitely needs to eat; otherwise, he'll disappear into thin air."

Neel felt an unusual tug inside him as he observed Malang sitting alone, his head buried in his arms. Without quite understanding why, he found himself moving towards him, his lunch in hand. With a determined yet uncertain resolve, he placed it on the table beside him.

Malang looked up, his eyes shining with tears, and Neel felt a strange sensation in his stomach, like a knot tightening seeing him like this.

Neel's teammates stared at him in disbelief.

"Wait, are you giving your lunch to that guy, Neel? Seriously?" Sam asked, her expression one of shock.

"Are you feeling alright, Neel? Do you have a fever or something?" Rihaana chimed in, her surprise mirroring Sam's.

"Or maybe our tough guy is starting to get a little softer," Ishaan added, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Figo rubbed his eyes as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Oh! Come on, this can't be happening."

Feeling a bit flustered by his teammates' reactions, Neel panicked slightly and grabbed a glass of orange juice and poured it over Malang's head.

"Oh, come on, guys. I haven't gone soft or anything. I just gave him my food because, look at him. It's like he's about to evaporate into thin air if he doesn't eat right now. And then Vishal sir will come after us, saying we killed him because we didn't want a bad omen on our team," Neel explained, trying to defend his actions.

Malang pov :

Malang looked up, surprised to see Neel placing a plate of food in front of him. Their eyes met, and Malang couldn't quite decipher the emotion in Neel's gaze. Was he really offering his food? Maybe he wasn't as bad as Malang had thought. Perhaps there was a glimmer of humanity in him after all. I think I thought wrong about him . Shouldn't have judged him so fast .

Before Malang could express his gratitude, Neel's friends began bombarding him with questions, their shocked expressions adding to Malang's confusion. Then, in a sudden turn of events, Neel grabbed a glass of juice and poured it over Malang's head.

As the warm liquid trickled down his face, Malang felt a fresh wave of tears welling up in his eyes. "I think I had misjudged Neel once again", malang thought to himself feeling humiliated.

Ishaan didn't appreciate Neel's reaction, and he was about to express his disappointment when Netra arrived with Su.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?" Netra demanded furiously as she looked at the state malang was in .....

Was it good or was it bad ?
Actually I know it was bad I am really sorry for it , I tried to make this chapter good but guess it wasn't 😔 and also I apologise for the late update.

What will happen next? Will netra fight for malang ? Or she will back away just Because she is a BG and they are OGs ? So many questions stay tuned to find out...

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dazzling_710 CherryInDaHouze justforyou_- brightyloveswinnie Monstermab750 DeepaKumari4 BeingAReader999 and all those who supported me thank you very much 💝❤️

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