Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 7
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 1
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 3
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 7
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 5
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10
VOLUME 15 Chapter 1

VOLUME 14 Chapter 1

40 4 0
By ArchiveOfStories

The ornate heavy doors of the Castle swing, like a treasure chest being opened and the gold inside blinding those who were looking in. The interior was far grander than anything on the outside, the manicured garden setting the air just from the detailing given to its hedges, and now, the inside of the Castle has opened, and the Nobles bask in the light of the grandeur of mankind's plight to create perfection.

The Mages, in their best robes, wearing necklaces of sapphire and jade inside the main hallway steps aside to let the people of high birth in. Alongside it, the opening of the military band playing the Hymn of the Knights marches to form a line with the Mages of Gareth in their green and blue robes that hide their faces. The Nobles then started to go inside, with the highest ranking ones being first in line as the rest cascaded to the main hallway. It then divides them, parting couples away as they're made to enter separating doors where their hands would join together on the grand stairs leading down to the main ballroom.

Porcelain, polished brass, and marble tiles were everywhere as the huge concrete pillars adorned with the Griffins and King Gareth slaying a Dragon blocked the excess light coming from the outside. The ceiling, full of expensive glistening chandeliers as paintings of an olden King in an expensive blue robe not even fit for war, led an army out of a mansion, the depiction of it, spanning in all corners of the available space. Surrounded by forests and sprawling hills.

And on the opposite side, were the Elves. Wearing their segmented chestplate, the ones on the front having the wings of a Roc on the sides of their shiny helmet, organized, tactical, and in comfort. They showed resilience, a fierce army of a nation far ahead that of Mankind yet the King, in his mer blue robe led his army of Knights and Grunts against them. With the Nobility, being in the front as cavalry.

Written stylishly over the painting of a battleground in the middle section of the room was a single sentence, unknown to him, he just gazed upon its glory as the art shows both splendor and glory, even in the midst of battle. As the second line of Knights Calvary of Gareth charged forward from the beaten peasant grunts and squires under them, dead from the magic and ranged weapons of the Elven Kingdom. Bringing upon the might of their lances and polearms, as wounded warriors looked on with tears in their eyes of their Nobles, taking their divine duty, and protecting their land and the people.

"Chosen By The Gods."

"Hm? Is that what it means, Alana?"

"Yes, M'Lord. The original King of Gareth was a servant of the Elven Empire. It was when the Human God alongside the God of Triumph and Faith was he blessed with great powers, alongside a woman named Avaria. They both stood up against the Curate Empire and brought down a utopia that didn't see them as anything more than useful tools at that time."

"Wow... and in some of these art, they fought in the middle of a forest too. I can only hope it wasn't that hard without modern technology... or that it was quick painless deaths from magic."

"M'Lord, the Kingdom of Rose actually supplied the concrete used in that palace. Getting it there was even a challenge for us." She then lifts her silk gloved finger to point at the Royal Palace of the King. The sprawling white building looked bigger than an Airport terminal and the massive shaved and clean garden around it not having a single space spared to show Humanity's ability to create, imagine and make art. "Why? It looks like it's part of a small valley full of hills."

As more guests arrived, the two were busy looking up to the ceiling, admiring the painting of the palace of Gareth's King. The Nobles just walked around them, smiling as they noticed the two thoughtfully conversing about the painting and the small details only those with a fine artistic eye could spot.

"What they don't show on that painting is the swamp a few hundred meters away from its front gate. The King of Gareth wanted to transform what was originally a hunting lodge, once owned by an Elven Aristocrat as his Stemmed Elk hunting ground, he wanted to erase it all and show the Elves that the Humans could be just as elegant and powerful as them."

"So what? He built over the entire lodge and turned it into a ridiculously large palace with a gigantic garden?" He then looks closer at the painting, his body leaning almost to his imbalance, which made Alana to gently rest her hand on his back as he looked as farther up as he could and noticed there was also a small manmade river inside it. "It's crazy that they'd even source concrete from the Vampires just for this. All this because the God of Man and those other two chose him?"

"Yes, exactly that M'Lord. He was a King chosen by the Gods, no one could say no to him. His power alone bested multiple Elven Nobles. He even hired the Dwarves for the engineering and architecture, captured a Wood Elf Chief as his gardener and hired us, the Vampires, to supply them with our self healing concrete."

"Dang... the logistics of that must've been absolutely horrendous. Multiple species, he hired multiple differing species to work together after the collapse of an Empire. I couldn't imagine the time and wealth it took to build that."

Alana with her hands now together, elegantly parted her fingers from its hold and rested her left hand into Jackson's arm. Already versed in etiquette, he tightly takes her offer. The Countess then walked the man over to the side of the room, where large painted glass doors would look over to the outside. Where the servants of the Castle were hard at work in cleaning the garden.

Outside the terraces was a large garden, full of ornamental grooves and statues with the most colorful flowers that money and power could buy lined up as Elves in suits and robes took to checking and guarding the rare and alluring pieces of nature as some of the guests far from the Region took their time to gander at the estate. The young couples in their lasciviously expensive gowns and uniforms took a painstakingly slow walk through it even with the cold climate till present.

"Seeing all these things in their full glory, not like the ones back on Earth when they're hundreds of years old and been through many wars will never bore me." as they continued to walk, Jackson took it all in. "We've been to so many of these kinds of places, and my eyes never get bored at just... looking and thanking that I am alive right now to witness this." Alana's fingers then tighten on his hands. "You've been through so much, M'Lord. When you say stories of your time in the Earthling Military you served in, you seem to never truly enjoy much about it. Except the camaraderie and brotherhood, you've built."

Jackson then stops and his hand tightens too. "It wasn't only men who fought. I got sisters too as the war prolonged." He sighs, turning to the calming garden. "You know it's bad when even women are being sent to fight in the trenches." He then coughs and looks down on his polished sharp tipped shoes. "Because before the women, it would be the elderly, those in their sixties. After that, it would be the women... and soon, the children." he looked at Alana, deeply breathing in. Directly looking straight into her golden eyes surrounded by her pale porcelain skin.

She wasn't Human, but as he looked into her. His eyes say differently. "I... I never want to return to war. That is why I rejected all efforts for us to be sent to Schon and help in invading the Demon Kingdom." Alana then raises her free hand and cups his chin. Slowly and calmly stroking it. "M'Lord, this is the curse of Mankind that you must bear to carry. Man loves war, even here, their paintings are adorned with the wars they victoriously won. But you aren't like the Nobles here. You were a soldier, you saw how it was." he then takes her hand that was stroking his chin and grips it.

"I just hope we can all go home. I miss my home so much." chatter then began to fill the room more, making them look at the main room.

Turning around, the huge hall was even more full of people of varying types of uniformity. The older ones wearing pompous curled wigs full of ornaments while their tunics and breeches were stylishly weaved into colorful arrays as there shoes had high heels, making them look taller than usual even the ones whose spines were no longer as strong, while the younger ones were more flamboyant in there clothing, rather than wigs, they had oily hair either pulled back or curled like that of the powdered wigs of their elders and wore gold or silver buttons while they had multiple articles of extravagant clothing put on top of one another. Layered and zipped open to show the other jackets inside that are just as good looking as the ones on the exterior.

Those trained carried Sabers and Rapiers while the women with their lavish fans and the clippings on their hair made their faces and long elegant hair stand out, as if there was a shiny angelic aura behind their pretty young expressions. Many even wear thin necklaces around their necks and waists, whilst their gloved hands have rings of jade and sapphires.

And on the pillars, the Knight notices the small statues of women on top of the brass lining on it. With the Countess, he takes her with him as he inspected the painted sculptures, impressed by the beauty of them.

"Ahem. M'Lord, that's sacrilege you're doing right now. That's the Kings' mistresses.' Remember, we can't directly look at paintings of the King and his inner circle of Nobles. So just give it some glances."

"Oh shit." He quickly removes his eyes from the alluring pieces of marble as the clergy had started their entrance. With the Ministers on the front, with an incense burning. Swaying it back and forth as the ones in the middle carried a huge Sword Cross. "He had that many chicks?" as everyone went silent, he lowered his voice and leaned in closer to Alana's head.

"M'Lord, its mistresses and yes. What King Gareth loved more than humanity and chivalry, was women. Though in the end, he died married and loving one woman."

"Sheesh. The perks of being rich and powerful."

Alana then took a glance at him and just smiled and shrugged her head. The Monks on the front of the parade of the Holy See had bigger urns of gold and brass on them, the smoking smelled of lavender while the blue robed Priests behind them held massive sword crosses, chanting verses from their scripture. "Thus, a Man raised to become a God. Oh, great Deus Vrax, bless us that we may become like you. As we live, breathe, eat, and follow your teachings." The Nobles of Gareth bowed as it passed them.

He then sees a familiar face, Bishop Rival with another Bishop. Both of them side by side wearing their large hats with a silver icon of the Sword Cross of the Church as the Duke of Janishaire, the late aged man presented himself as the most lavish and extravagant ensemble out of everyone in the room. He didn't really care for keeping quiet, talking to both the Holy men as they walked to the throne placed in the middle of the room.

No one batted an eye nor said a word and only kept their heads down as they stopped before the large wooden chair.

With a clap of his hands, the hall then stood straight up and a company of dancers came out of the main doors and the main floor was cleared as they entertained the nobles. With white face paintings, color changing clothes of magic, they did complex bodily movements that only those with a body of a ballet dancer could achieve.

Alongside their use of magic, elevating the strips of cloth that was attached to their arms and legs and backs, they seem to be floating and in absolute harmony as they took the Nobles full attention. The troupe's magicians would use their skills to make small translucent griffins and wolves to go around the marble floor. Playing and flying as small tiny fireworks go off around the Duke and the Bishops. "Okay. So Alana, the plan."

"Hm. Acquire as much information as we could about the Holy See and what could be happening underneath it."

"You forgot."

"Ah, yes, M'Lord. To also probe the Nobles."

"Mhm. You saw how some of them looked and acted when they saw you. These people have a deep hatred for anyone not human but they are willing to give Vampires a pass so it seems. Overall, it looks like a mixed bag of people who hate and like."

"You were quite a man back there M'Lord, I must say. Though sad that I had to hold you back. It would've been quite a show to see that man bleed from his nose from your punch."

"What kind of man wouldn't do that after disrespecting a woman you respect in front of you?"

"Ah, M'Lord. It's not the words that affected me. It's your actions." She then leans forward, and smiles at him. "I am guessing in the Human world, this is what you call... A turn on?" She then leaned back and turned around as some of the Nobles that had already been eyeing her started to walk towards them.

Jackson's eyes widened a bit as his cheeks turned beet red whilst Alana's posture changed together with her tone. Though it was more low and respectful, it had a hint of deviousness to it that he couldn't put his finger on as a small smirk was on her mouth.

Suddenly, a young Nobleman comes up from behind them. Bowing down to the Countess. "I knew of Vampire's beauty but nothing could've prepared me for you, Countess Minuit." with a smile and a shocked expression, Alana breathes out and she humbly bows her head. "Even as your carriage entered, I saw your face through the glass window and I knew the stories of the dangerous allure of Vampires weren't only true, but worse." as he opened up more Nobles started coming out from the sides of the pillars.

Even those who were late to the party would point their fingers and whisper to one another as they notice the lone Vampire in the entire room. Even going as far as to ignore the Duke who was shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with the other guests.

One by one, the Men started parting from their Wives as they went to greet the Countess, drawing out Jackson who was now getting pushed further and further back in the forming crowd of people. Their strong perfumes are all mixing up and making it hard to breathe/ "Wha-What the hell?! Where are your wives and finances? Is infidelity this bad amongst you people?!" before he knew it, he was in the back of the crowd while he just sighed. Trying to get around it, there was no way. Some he noticed were using magic to make themselves stronger, giving them the ability to push forward to the Vampire Countess.

Others would instead use bits of freezing magic to stop the person in front of them from advancing further. Jackson could only scratch the back of his head as he continued to perform recon around the gathering crowd.

No one even thought of the Knightly Human with the Vampire as even Viscounts came to attend to the single Vampire in the entire room. All of the men were absolutely smitten by her looks. Jackson tries to interdict but Alana raises an eyebrow and snuck a look at him in between the moving heads of countless handsome and good looking Nobles, all blessed with amazing genes.

He immediately smirks and nods lightly. Walking out of the mess, he notices the women were all gathered on the bottom of the grand staircase, anticipating someone while the Clergy had their own little spot in the extravagant hall. Placing themselves around the throne of the Duke. There, a familiar face notices him.

Meeting each other's gaze, the two promptly went behind one of the pillars, wine glass in hand. Rival leans in a bit, just enough for the Knight to hear him.

"I presume this is the Outworlders attempt to learn of the Holy See's inner machinations?"

"You are absolutely spot on."

"Then, best be on your top behavior. The Cardinal hasn't arrived and the Archbishop is on the tip of his toes awaiting for his Grace's arrival."

"Huh?! The Cardinal and Archship is going to arrive?!"

"Yes. That is why I had to give you the responsibility of taking care of Seiness which seems to have been done amazingly well. So I must thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for taking such good care of her and teaching her things she would need to survive."

"Uh huh. And why isn't this announced?! I am not ready at all."

"It must be done, as the Pope is going to the Elven Empire was an unforeseen event. I believe the Emperor of the Elves wants to know more about our stance. Do not worry, I'll do whatever I can to help. I apologize I only appeared now. But it's been hectic as you can see."

"I understand. Thank you Rival."

"This is the least I could do for helping my little Seiness. Her growth and maturity is the greatest gift Deus Vrax could give me. I wish to further this till she's grown enough to hold a title of her own and become a strong pillar in the Church. What you taught her was the first step of that, again, thank you. Later, we shall talk about giving you access to Church grounds."

"I am surprised though. You seem very caring of her."

"My parents weren't as attentive. I merely want to give to her what I've missed my entire life. If I were to have children with my fiancee when I return to Dragovh, I'd love to care for them the same way I am doing to Seiness."

"I see. And the women, what're they waiting for?"

"An absolute disgrace to the name of Nobility. He's a stain to the Men but an Angel to the women. Though I do not think Lady Minuit is the type to fall for the likes of him. Don't worry, talking to Vampires, I seem to have gotten a... somewhat skewed view of them."

"You just noticed that now? Either way, what makes you think that? Who is this dude?"

"Vampires have lived longer than entire Noble lineages and Human Kingdoms. I am sure she only has her eyes on you..." he then perks his eyes over to the bottom of the Hall where the Noblemen had formed a line, queuing up for an opportunity to talk to her. "And she's a smart one that Vampire. I believe you two will do more great things together. A Minuit and a Human. Strange times we're living in." The Bishop then whirls his drink with magic and then smells the wine.

"You still haven't told me who this guy is." He just rests his hand on the Knight and smiles. "Oh, I'd best reserve it when he arrives fashionably late as usual. It's up to you to judge. Though Deus Vrax teaches us to judge but not to make instant conclusions... well, I don't know how it is for you Outworlders." he giggles and starts drinking, bit by bit.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's been learning a lot from a certain woman." He squints and looks to his shoulder, then looks back at him. "Nonetheless, since you are now fully helping us. Who do you think I should look out for?"

"Best try Regelus. The man is the head of Demented Crusaders."

"What the heck is that?" He first looks around and then walks up to him. Slowly leaning into his left ear. "It's the secret arm of the Holy See. One we use to... nudge and maybe persuade certain organizations, Kingdoms, and individuals to our sway."

"... ... Okay. That came out of left field but the Church has its own secret police?"

"Not police, it's the Church military. One that does the dirty work. There are also the ones we send against the likes of your pretty wife."

"Vampire Hunters?!"

"Beast Hunters. Their expertise does not only stop with Vampires. Werewolves, Demons, summoned or spawned otherwise, Witches and Wizards who lost their damn minds, to even Kings and Nobles that have gotten under the spell of absolute power the creatures in the Cosmos sing to their ears, to Demonic Spawns from the Underworld and there crackling inhuman demeanors."

"And he leads that? How come no one in the UN knows of this? We only know that you have a secret underground unit but not an entire military." He then remembers Elizabeth, commenting about the lack of information, and the missing bits of pieces they've been given and now have to fill it. "Is this... hmmmm... continue."

"Beasts do a lot of damage to the common folk, to us Men, their works of Evil, Forces unknown, Forces Unseen. We're afraid and we tell stories of their power and the fear they install. Even if they're more than what the stories make them out to be. That's what the Demented Crusaders are meant to fight. They fight the things Men have been afraid of since before we started farming."

The two look at Alana, even with her sharp ears and the sharp fangs her mouth occasionally reveals when she laughs or speaks. None of the Nobles had a hard time conversing and entertaining her. Some even dance in front of the Countess while others show a power of their magic alongside it, making elaborate fireworks appear as water and fire danced together alongside their sways and twirls.

While those with swords would use the power of their blades and their Mana to create drawings as they moved with impressive calculation and elegance. Their coats seemingly like heroic capes as they whirl and twirl with extreme accuracy while not sacrificing their movement for a robotic and practiced style. It has essence and character, far from the dance troupe that came before to entertain them in the opening.

"Is this some sort of mating ritual I don't understand?"

"Pfft. This is why we Clergy tend to stay away from them. Nobles... tsk."

"Oh, the Holy See believes in Monogamy, right?"

"And we give an absolute answer to infidelity. Unacceptable. Nobles, no matter in what Kingdom, practice it in one form or another." Rival's face seems to turn into a blank expression as he sighs. "They are so lucky that they have a Noble Birthright. We can't truly touch them even though we technically have power and dominion over them."

"Is the Church that... thoughful?"

"More of the style that we do not wish to lose popular support. As the most unfaithful are usually those who are the most powerful." He then brushes a look at Jackson. "And we, Bishops and Priests aren't free of this as we are also Nobles ourselves." He then takes more sips from his wine glass.

"Well, you aren't doing a good job at keeping close to your scriptures."

"Haaaah... as much as I'd like to punish them. I myself being a Noble do understand the peril of being in boring marriages. A man and woman can grow to love one another but it doesn't beat the feeling of falling for someone at first sight."

"I guess you are not lucky yourself?"

"I wasn't. My family wouldn't accept a commoner even though in James, it's more than acceptable since our original founders, the first King and Queen of the Kingdom, were peasants themselves."

"Sorry for you then."

"Don't be. As I said, people can naturally grow to love one another. That's how me and my Fiancee are now. She is absolutely beautiful, but now that I know her soul is just as good. I do not have any qualms with her." He then sighs and pats his shoulder. "Now, you best get along, Sir Jackson. If you wish to investigate the Crusaders. I recommend the garden, since they also do escorts. The Cardinal is probably late due to him checking the flowers here. He has a big garden in his Cathedral in the Royal Capital. So be sure to check around there."

Jackson smiles and speaks to him in a tone that is that of someone he had known for decades. "Ohhhh, thank you. Bro, I'll be sure to take this into account." The two snuck a handshake and parted ways.

On Top of the grand staircase, the left door swung open and coming out of it was a single royal shoe accompanied by a white stocking that covered the entire leg up to the breecher.

Revealing itself fully, a beautiful flamboyant man in an all black tunic and gold cravat that's full of the design of a golden growing tree. The women started to jeer and scream at the sight of the handsome man, with his silvery hair and finely shaped face; at far, he seemed to be the perfect man, but with a solemn and longing face.

Sharp in his eyes, a single stare could make a woman drop to her knees.

Jackson kept an eye on him as he walked to the middle of the hall to where the Duke of Janishaire sat on a throne with his scepter. Watching the commotion closely as Elven Servants went ahead and prepped tables and chairs. Food was already being laid down, ranging from Cakes to whole Roasted Chicken.

The Knight General then lightly inspected the entire thing, leaning over to the table with his hands behind his back and a curious face as he took a look at how the Humans in Threa made their pastries.

Most of them had cream, alongside it were frozen berries. Unlike the Vampire ones that have a preference with the cream being inside, and usually being strawberries and other sweet fruits. The people of Gareth loved Tarts with a fruit on the top or the side. There was only a single pastry with chocolate, the rest being white cream. The ridges weren't also small and short, they were hill-like and hard.

The Elf near him could see a dangerous talon reaching out from his tunic. He then looked up to the Human, completely oblivious to the fact that a black reptilian like limb is protruding from his ensemble's jacket and with a quick action, punctures the hard frozen blueberry on top of a Vanilla cream cake and slowly edges it into the depths of his pockets.

"Hm? What can I help you with?" the Human in his white nobleman attire smiled and even performed a light bow. The Elf merely returned the gesture and went to what he was doing. "Oh, can I borrow one of the chairs? Would that be fine?" he just nods, still eying the abyss inside his uniform.

As the man passed him to take one of the heavy chairs. The Elf could see something moving inside his coat, crawling suspiciously to his pants where it stopped. Bending down, the Human proceeds to grab onto the chair, at that moment, a sharp beastly tail comes out of his rear and pulls the chicken's leg clean.

Before he stood up, the bone dropped on the floor. "Thank you. I'll be sure to return it." picking it up, the Elf's ears stiffen at the sight. Not a single pint of meat remained on it as the bone was picked to its very essence.

Turning to his left, the Duke was way too engrossed at the late Noble to even dare look down at what just transpired to the right of his huge throne. Even his wife, who had just arrived with their five kids, was busy looking at the commotion below the grand stairs to care.

Jackson then brings over the chair to where Alana was. The line of Nobles wanting to talk to her was still long, though many of them had given up and were drinking wine on the sidelines.

Seeing the man hand over the chair to her, they only gave him sneering looks as he tapped her shoulder lightly, making her smile at him with such an earnest expression and made her sit down. With him, behind her, holding down on the top of the chair.

The Noblemen all then started to whisper whilst others showed a face of anger or jealousy.

"Dear Lady Minuit, may it be that you could tell your Father to lower the taxes on your rivers? Two pense is way too high for the price we pay in traveling to your continent by ship."

She then proceeds to ignore her and looks at Jackson who had bought a chair over to her, she smiles and looks on top of herself as she lightly places her hand on his. Both of there faces are seeing one another. "Oh my, thank you, M'Lord." He then just bows his head. "Of course, My Lady." followed by a quick wink,

This made the Vampire blush. The others caught onto this and the Knight felt a sensing danger from around him. Sitting down with her legs together and her arms on top of her thighs, her back is far from the splat as she leaned forward a bit. Her taintless well defined collarbone and shoulders being highlighted by the light coming through the stained windows.

She didn't let go of Jackson's hands. Merely guiding it to rest on top of her shoulders, prompting him to continue standing up right behind her, as if he was a statue watching over her immaculate frame while she faced the young to middle aged Noble infront of her.

Hearing the whispers and chatter, Jackson closed his eyes and focused on the words he was hearing. As the Countess spoke, he breathed in and dimmed all his senses except for his ears. "But Lord Anvir, may I remind you that we perform the same trip but the penses we pay through your rivers vary from four to even then. Not including the other Kingdoms our ship has to pass through."

Alana's voice was more different, as if it wasn't being filtered anymore. She'd roll her "Ar" and make a deep tone when speaking words with "au" in it while the Noble she was walking to had a more natural accent, as one would when living in an area for their entire life.

"Ah but Lady Minuit, your Father is part of the High Council, with the Calamity coming. The King wants the Kingdom's coffers full in preparation for the repairs afterwards. The price you put up should more than pay for the entire trip, I believe."

"And how do you presume that your country would still be standing after such a Calamity?"

"Oh, please. Do not look down on us just for our mortality. We overthrew the Curates, you Vampires and survived the Calamity that occurred afterwards. Another will just be like any typhoon coming from the ocean below us that reaches over to the desert continent."

"Then, I'd also like to forward an opposing declaration. Lower your penses to my wine ships, by three to four pense and I shall be more than willing to accept this. All prices will be lowered."

"My goodness! We might as well make your passage free. I am already paying so much taxes to the King, let alone to you and your family."

"Ahem." Jackson opens his eyes upon hearing the lighter and younger tone. Cutting in the line was the young Noble in black, the Knight now seeing him upclose drops his jaw a bit at the beautiful sight of his face. Spotless and hairless on the jaw, with thin eyebrows and long wavy silver hair accompanied by a gloomy yet sparkling gray eyes.

He just looks over to the window and his character whose build has a more bulky feel to it and a wide yet magnificent jawline. But in terms of overall looks, he was defeated. Him being more of an handsome ogre in human skin and the man being that of an angel. The Noblewomen were all behind him, scooching over one another as they gave the Vampire girl a rain of devious stares.

"I presume you are Lady Minuit?"

"Good Morning to you. This is also my husband, Sir Paul Minuit."

"Sir Minuit? Is your House weak enough to not overtake the name of a Vampire?" The young beautiful man then walks up to the Knight General. Whose statue is miles different from him. Though he had elegance and tact, around it was also the smell of a hardened man not caring about the dirt they'd not let on their breechers. "It's... not really a particularly great detail I care about."

The Vampire's man had a voice that was crass and heavy, as if he had gotten used to a life where screaming and shouting is the norm. But as his voice was just normally deep, it had a calming effect to it as the Knight breathed in even more. "Then tell me, Outworlder." Alana then turned her head around. "I know of your kind, and your lack of proper respect to authority. Human, like me, yet different." Immediately, the two went to stand at each other's front.

Head to head, it was obvious even from the other Nobles that a fight was about. "Tell me, what makes you so special, that a Lady from the Minuit family would disgrace herself in front of the Vampire Households that she'd go as far as to marry the likes of you?"

Jackson immediately shrugged his head, seeing that even though he had word of his personality and looks, his courage and fealty stands no chance against the rumors. The eyes before him were not the eyes of a mere Noble who had been fed since birth, but a warrior first, everything else second.

The Knight General then looked to his right hand, Alana's lanky hand was holding it tightly. Making him stand one foot back. "I am just a Human. Nothing else. I am like you, and the others here." He scoffs and his hand slowly reaches for his sword. "Like me? I believe you Outworlders are all Peasants, am I not correct? You put me within your level?"

Suddenly, a Magical Staff of glistening white steel and an orb of pearlescent blue on top of it rests on his shoulder. "Young man. That is no mere Commoner. That Outworlder is a distinguished gentleman. I believe it is better for you to leave this battle before your head is left without a body to use." his silvery hair then twirls to his right, the teenager bowing before Bishop Rival. "Lord Minuit, please forgive him. These youngsters as we've spoken before lack any sort of decency nowadays."

The Holy Staff disappeared and Bishop Rival stood next to Jackson. "Now, introduce yourself properly, youngin'. Your parents should be ashamed if it weren't for the fact that they've left for the Lich that's soiling the Great Plains." The Knight General then remembers the Knights Cavalry that passed them when they were about to enter the city, the many flags they held high.

"But Holy Father, it is because of these Outworlders that a Lich King has rolled upon this continent. Something like this hasn't happened for thous-" before he could continue talking, the Bishop grabs his silvery hair and makes him lower his head. "I know of your customs and traditions, Garethienian. Your Nation is beloved for its courtesy and Knightly chivalry. Is this what you want to show to the Vampires?"

Before long, the man properly bowed. "I am Count Lushu Rentsoss of Rentsoss Arsenal and Distribution. Eldest of the eight brothers." Jackson then tilts his head, seeing him alone. "Where are the other seven?" He had to wait for a few seconds before a reply was given. "They've left to stop the Lich. I... I wanted to volunteer in the steed of my younger brothers whom I love as much as the Gods and my parents. But alas, I was sent here as a jib." the women who were on the other side of the room moaned and reacted as if a loved one had died. The Duke and his family just left facepalming at what was happening.

The Bishop then forces the bottom end of his staff onto the tile. "No. You were sent here since you've shown yourself more shrewd in business than with a sword." He then starts walking to Rentsoss, lowering his hand on his shoulder. "I know of your parents, they made the right decision. Respect, and not wallop in your brother's situation. Believe in them as you believe in the Gods."

Rival then turns to Jackson, and lifts his right hand. He'd then lift his index finger then middle and then stopping at his thumbs up. With a smile, the Holy man left the scene, leaving them be. "Though... Outworlder..." still kneeling, he continued to speak. Not making eye contact with the older man. "Do you not know of the stories of when these types of Vampires first came here?"

"Sir Rentsoss, I don't really care about the past." the young man then stood up. Carefully brushing his shoulders. "It's my family that was the first to encounter them and stop them." he starts to look at Jackson, though with a more relaxed expression. "We've long been hunters of creatures, though we make weapons now. That tradition still lives on."

He then proceeds to walk in front of Alana. Butting in the line as the Nobleman who was already there lifts his hand just to get stopped by the person behind him. Shrugging his head. With no choice he lowers his head and lets the man kneel in front of her. "Before the Vampires of Rose came. There were the Stalkers of the Night as we call them. Afraid of the Dawn Bringer's light. They'd hide upon the day, and wreak havoc at the night." he then closes his eyes and slowly kisses the top of her gloved hand. "I apologize, Lady Minuit, for my disrespectful decorum. I am willing to pay whatever you may will. As long as it does not damage my family name."

With his apology, she slowly pulls her hand from his touch and rests it on top of her thigh. "Go on." he lifts his head up. "Tell the story of how the new Vampires came to this land. My kind. My people. The friend of my grand-grand father." He stands up, the line of Nobles leaning left and right to listen in as Lushu turns to Jackson. "It started at the dawn of night. A five deck Man O War anchored itself off the region of Marlto."

On a dark and dooming night, a lone Knight with a troupe of soldiers and five mages behind him crouches behind cover on a rocky beach. The sand was wet, the Garethenian Knight had to constantly reposition his sabatons to keep it from sinking. It then soon hardens, looking back, the helmed man nods at the female mage who had stabilized the surface beneath them as screaming could be heard.

Looking forward, the massive ship that's the length of four to six football fields was anchored off the coast. As a well dressed butler awaited on the shoreline with a floating ball of light next to him. With an extremely pale complexion and sharp ears, the Knight's eyes tightens at the sight.

A group of young men and women were being bought by an armored man. Wearing full plate armor of red and gold alongside grunts that had full chainmail and had back up swords. "Mi'Lord. These are Vampires right?!" He then rests his index finger on his mouth. "Shush. So this is the reason why villages have been going dark for a week now." Wearing just his polished steel plate armor. It wasn't grand or majestical like the ones their enemies were wearing.

If anything, it was practical and normal. Aside from some engravings on the gauntlets and the emerald cape he wore, there wasn't much going on while his grunts only wore a tabard and gambesons. Some not even having proper helmets.

"Mi'Lord, shall we alert the King? There has never been a Vampire Ship before." he shrugs, looking back at the beach as one by one, the young villagers were brought to the large wooden ship. The lights on its back open as silhouettes of people could be seen moving and dancing inside it. "I've heard rumors that in Schon, that blasted Continent where only the most vile can live, exists a Kingdom only to the Bloodsuckers. This might be it."

One of the mages, an older one with a monocle and in a more finer robe of silk and high quality linen walks up to him. "Then this is more reason for us to return, child. The Vampires had figured out how to make a Navy!" he once again shrugs. "No. We have to wait. I want to know how they can survive Dawn Bringer's light."

Behind the group, a silhouette of a darkened shadow looms over to the forest. Not even the Knight notices it as they move from one cover to another.

After reaching close enough, the Butler in his fine suit reveals his wings and elegantly flies back to the ship. Leaving no one else but them in the area.

The group of soldiers and mages then reaches a large rock that's embedded between the sand and the water. He opens his hand and one of the soldiers hands him a monoscope. Popping out of cover, he uses extreme zoom to see right into the windows of the ship.

Inside, there was even space for a ballroom as five fine women in gowns danced while a lone man watched them. On the lower deck room were cabins where the Knights and soldiers were sleeping and on the top, was where the Captain and the highest ranking nobles were. With only some of them there.

Returning back to cover, he hands the monscope back to his soldier. Panting and breathing heavily. "By the Gods, I've never seen such a concentration of Vampires before. I might be the first of my lineage of monster hunters to be graced like this before." but no one else shared his enthusiasm, many actually swallowing their saliva and others, holding their Sword Cross necklace tighter.

"We must make camp nearby and wait for Dawn's saving light. Let us depart." they move out of the beach as they return to the thick forest. One of the younger grunts then approaches the armored knight. "Mi'Lord, what about my village people? Don't you think they won't be alive tomorrow?" he shrugs at the young man.

"Nay. If we attack now. We will all die. Best we wait for lightfall where they must be in lock down so as to not burn. They are like fish trapped in a barrel at that point."

Setting camp nearby, the group of soldiers and the Knight all had a well long rest as the morning came. They didn't waste time as the moment light peered through the treetops, they douse water on the campfire and started to march once again.

"This should be easy. I've hunted Vampires before. When light comes, they are easy prey."

"Hah! I wanna keep their jewelry! I heard these disgusting creatures love to hoard expensive things!"

As the grunts all spoke and jested, one of the Mages in the back approached the old man in the most expensive ensemble out of them all. "Sir Antroch. Could you possibly know why the Vampires are here? And if it's actually true that they hold a Kingdom of their own?" the old man turns to the young lady with long golden hair. "I do not believe such things. Vampires are nocturnal. No nation can run only at night. I best believe that they commandeered that ship from maybe the Kingdom of Meilirous from Dragovh. I've seen their ships before and they can grow to sizes like that and were celebrating last night knowing they crossed the ocean of Sire Jack unscathed."

While people laughed and others theorized, the Knight kept to himself. His hand on top of the pommel of his longsword as his eyes caught onto every little thing that'd move. His vision was so clear and precise that even the movement of a small critter hiding within the bushes, he'd track.

"Then, Sir Antroch. Why would these Vampires go here? Gareth is one of the safest places on this planet. We haven't had a Vampire attack for centuries till now.'' The old man just held his staff tighter as they started to climb a hill, the end of the forest nearing them step by step. "Hmmmm... I do not know. But be warned young one. The stories might have been foretold of their danger. But their true problem lies in their looks. Do not fall for it."

Walking back out again of the forest, their climb made them approach through a rocky ridge where they have a full view of the big wooden ship.

As expected, the entire deck was empty and all the hatches were closed. "Antroch. Fireball magic and burn it to the ground." the old man mage nods and walks towards the edge where he started to chant. "Oh Holy flames of Deus Vrax-" he was then violently dragged into the ridge by the Knight as the soldiers followed. All of them are proning down.

On the main deck, one of the hatches open and a Vampire Noble in his fine suit stretches his arms and yawns. Their eyes widen at the sight as the ship starts its morning routine. The crew was already scrubbing the sides and checking the paint whilst others washed clothes and fished for food.

Crawling to the edge, the Knight's big eyes could be seen through his heavy helmet. Unable to believe what was before him. "Ah, some fine guests we have." a flying blade of bluish light then flies towards the unknown man as it swipes it clean off the air. "RETREAT! GO! GO! GO!" The group of soldiers didn't follow his orders, instead attacking the young pale man with gray hair.

Without even an effort, they start getting cut down one by one. The Mages ran far into the forestline and started chanting whilst the old man didn't have to. Firing blast after blast of fireballs into the person. But it didn't do anything, he was able to not only fend off the grunts around him but also the incoming fire. "I SAID RUN AWAY!" He bulldozes his way through his own men.

Those who got on their feet once again got a good look of the bloody mess that was left, even though their fight hadn't even lasted for two minutes. The Knight on the other hand faced the handsomely beautiful man head on. His magical sword hitting his opponents hands.

"After that engagement, my ancestor died heroically. But the villagers they kidnapped were never retrieved. Last we know of them was... they were... used and discarded." Rentsoss then puts his hand into his jacket pocket. "Over eighty people suffered that fate. All young and wonderful." Alana then lifted a finger. "Ah, ah, ah. Now my turn."

She then turns to her man. "That was due to the fact that they were never supposed to go to Gareth, M'Lord. Their ship actually was supposed to head to Meridia. But as the ocean between Geraldia and Meridia is so aptly named. The Ocean of Dread carried uncertain winds and they ran out of blood." She then stood up, her hands together. "Though I do not want to give an excuse to my fellow Vampires as unlike the Humans and Elves, we do not find remorse in the death of a kin. What I do instead would like you to know is that they were desperate. Vampires do not just randomly celebrate out of the blue as your stories make us out to be."

The woman then sat back down on her seat. "So, what do you think, M'Lord?" he just shrugs. "I mean, that was pretty underwhelming actually. But then again, eighty young people going missing in a span of a week is not something to be laughed at. I guess even at a time like this, something like that could get eyes on you." he then turns to Rentsoss.

"Is that good enough of an answer?" he just shrugs and then turns to Alana.

"I'd like to ask you a question about your family's affairs in the land of man, Lady Minuit."

"Please go to the back of the line, I am already talking to someone before you."

He then turns around to the middle aged noble behind him.

"LUSHU! For the last time! Respect my title and the etiquette-" the man then rudely pushes him out of the line. Angered, the Noble rushed for his pocket and bought out a small wand. "Deus Vrax the almighty-" a woman then came and took the enchanted stick out of his grip. "Wah! My wife! What's the meaning of this?!" as the two were about to argue, Rentsoss tosses his ring at the man. "Later tonight, at the back of the Knight's barracks."

The angered Noble quickly takes it and rushes away to the tables surrounding the Duke. Downing an entire bottle of wine.

"Now that's over, may we?"

"Ah ha... but I sadly cannot talk to you. There's another person behind you."

Jackson didn't even feel a single tremble on Alana after the man's brazen display. Her muscles remained calm and her shoulder merely relaxed even more as he pressed onto it a bit.

He just smiles and walks to the back of the line without trouble. The women followed him like a Bee to a flower. Not breaking eye contact to the beautiful man as the Vampire entertained one person after another.

Their endless queries seem to have no end as the next Noble stepped forward, one who was young and lively. But then the two could hear commotion from the back as the men started to part ways. Back in sight, Rentsoss had his left hand on his silver swords pommel. Even for a non-mage like Jackson, he could feel his overwhelming Mana just oozing out of every pore of his body.

In return, Jackson lets go of his right hand from the Countess' shoulder and rests it on his own sword's grip and his legs automatically switch into a combat stance. Swallowing his saliva as the man reached them once again.

"Now may we talk?" The beautiful man then tilts his head a bit, seeing a veiled woman in a black funeral dress and crown peering over the pillar right behind the two. "Hmmmm? That is interesting." Jackson caught his glance and also turned his face to the direction he was looking.

Catching nothing with his line of sight, he turns back to the alluring man who was still oddly looking at something. Even the crowd of women behind him was unable to spot whatever he was staring at.

"Sir Minuit, may I ask?"

"Uhhhh... go ahead."

"Have you perhaps ever ventured into a tomb of sorts?"

"I have ventured in many."

"Hm. Are you aware a powerful spirit might be accompanying you?"

"No. That'd be preposterous, I'd be able to know instantly. Strong ghosts tend to move physical objects and even hurl sharp things at the thing it's haunting. No way I'd let something like that follow me around." he then looks around him and even sniffs the air. "And I have a Vampire with me. They are like cats and dogs, they can sense what I can't sense."

Floating in her long black funeral gown, the pale gothic woman was seemingly orbiting around the man in white and soon, resting behind the Knight General. Her ghostly arms warmly hugged him as she continued to fly in place. Jackson was following the eyes of the Rentsoss, he watched seeing it go from his side to right above his head made him also turn around just to be met with the well shined pillar.

"Hm. She could be some powerful Witch of Old. Maybe a former member of the Damned Trinity?"

"Uhhh... what's that?"

"It's a local myth about three powerful witches that tried to build an army of ghosts and undead."

"How is everyone just accepting that what he might be saying is true? Like, Ladies, is this dude actually for real?" The women then looked at one another as they whispered.

One of the ladies, with long blonde hair that's braided to look like a crown, walks up from the crowd and puts her fan up her mouth. "Sir Rentsoss is a gifted mage and swordsman. He's ranked as a Gold Wizard by the state and a Master Swordsman. Only a handful has achieved such things in their time. Let alone at such a young age."

"Does being a Gold ranked Wizard mean you have the ability to see ghosts?"

"Lady Sila, let me explain to him. He seems to be far more... more imbecilic than I expected of our ways and customs."

"Oh Sir Rentsoss, you sure have patience to deal with their types. I could see why the Vampire chose such a man. The dumber, the easier to manipula-" a slash of wind flew next to her. Making the ornate flower clipping on her hair to fall. Unbraiding the left side of her crown.

"Lady Sila. I may tolerate hubris and risibility towards me as I know I am a foreigner here. But do make fun of my man in such a way, I will make sure you know how I feel about it. May I remind you that if you dare disrespect him, you also disrespect me."

Rentsoss pulls out his arm and slowly pushes the blonde woman back in the crowd. "Lady Sila, better not let your emotions take the better of you. That Vampire is not a normal one that we grew up knowing that it fears the Shining Star of Dawn." even though the girl was blistering with anger, magic glowing on her hands. The Noble in black relaxes her and he once again faces the two.

Still floating behind him, the gothic woman in the dark gown only has her head poking out of the pillar. The rest, completely gone. Walls were a mere afterthought to whatever this creature is.

"Sir Minuit, may I ask. How did you come to know of a Lady as fine as her?"

"It was through mere circumstance. Rather than giving up, I kept fighting, and in the end, I survived."

"A fight? Hmmm..."

"May I ask from where you might be?"

"I am not from Janishaire. I am from the Capital, born and raised in the Palace of Gareth. I've come to know almost all of the King's Courtiers and have done my fair share in leading and performing political acts. What about you, Sir Minuit?"

"I have a business that I run particularly well, fought for my nation, named a Colonel, then a General here. I've participated in some of the largest battles and wars any person has seen in their life and came back alive."

"Finally, I thought you were gonna continue playing the dumb card on me."

"Well, I cannot let the people here continue disrespecting Alana. I can take being made fun of, I am a foreigner myself after all. But not her. Not her." the Countess then turns to him. "My husband, I just said that, you know?" He then leans forward and looks down. "What? Do you think I'd let you have this one? I am the man here after all." She just smiles and blushes. Repositioning her body as she let off a sweet giggle.

The Nobles all whispered amongst each other, while the Duke in his throne just simply nodded. The Bishops and the Priests who were far away from the commotion ignored it and just continued on with their conversations. As if they were in an entirely different place compared to the Nobility of the Kingdom.

"Good. Then we may finally speak like true men."

"And what exactly do you want to speak about?"

"Are you aware of your Wife's plan to undermine Human Businesses? She has spread her lackeys all throughout the country, placing them in key cities to change and influence the sway of the Nobles. Do you know how much she's asking for her so-called perfect wine?"

"I've had the wine myself. I do say it's indeed perfect. All I am hearing here is a man that's unable to live up to the challenge he's faced with."

"Ahahahahaha, do you truly believe the dribble you utter? That woman you're married to has lived longer than your entire lineage from ancient times, she may have even lived longer than nations you've known your entire life." He once again laughs and then promptly collects himself once again. "She can make you do things you'd usually not do for her skills in the art of words and speech. Her looks, enough to even make me wish to have her in bed. Do you think a Human could stand up to such things?"

"Look buddy."

"I am not your buddy."

"Alright, let me give you this. I stood up, I stood up with great Knights, great people. We won, and look at me. Alive, thriving, and stronger than before. It can be done, you just have to push through it." Alana's hands then interlaced with his, their two gloved hands completely interlocked. "Do not make me out of some dumbass who does not know anything about your world. Do I look like someone who has been manipulated by a Vampire? I could easily leave her if I wish to do so and she'd not protest." He then felt a nudge on his hand and he shrugged. "Okay, maybe a little but it's not like she can do anything if I choose to leave."

A long silence then came. Rentsoss, just staring down Jackson while the Knight General kept his look at his bright violet eyes.

Though none of their hands were near their weapons, the tension in the air was heavier than when it was. Even the Bishops and Priests stopped talking and turned to look at them as the sudden silence caught them off guard.

"My, I must've underestimated you. I'll believe your words. As a Noble, I must know when the fight is over. This is where I end mine. Sir Minuit, I shall keep a close eye to you and what you plan. You and that Vampire share the same stare, whatever your planning behind those brown eyes of yours, know this. We of Gareth will stand to win till the end."

"Who says I'm planning anything involving you or your nation? I am here to help My Lady in whatever capacity I can."

"Impressive, truly. A Human and a Purebred Vampire. I do wonder what your offspring could come up with. Could it even come? Last I remember, your ancient Queen Elizabeth long tried to make you capable of reproducing through normal coitus yet even with all her Godlike powers and wisdom, she ended up as a genocider, enslaver of all species, and the one that forever marked New Vampires as the lustful vile murdering repulsive beasts they are."

Jackson could see a red Vampire Bat hanging upside down on one of the chandeliers behind them. It made a snarky expression and then put its finger on its own neck then pretends to slash it. The Bat then puts its tongue out as it wags its wings.


"Hm? Was there anything funny about what I said?"

"N-No. Please keep going."

Rentsoss just scoffs as a blonde man walks up to the two from the staircase.

"Sir Jackson?"

"Oh! Bannir!"

"Sir Jackson!"

"Well you're late."

"My parents told me to come when they found out the Cardinal was arriving. My brothers and sisters are all busy currently. What was that about? I arrived and you were staring at Sir Rentsoss and he was staring back! Just what happened?" Jackson just pats the young man's shoulders. "It's nothing. Just men being men."

The Knight General then smiles wildly. "Ah, well, tomorrow, okay? I'll try teaching you stuff about the sword." as the two exchange pleasantries and make small talk, the Noble in black walks to the two. "Honourable Vitavill, I presume?"

Bannir immedaitely bowed. "Oh! Sir Rentsoss! I welcome you to Janishaire. I've heard your parents and brothers came through here not too long ago. I can't believe you came with them." he sighs. "Lift up your head. Where have you called this man as Jackson?"

"Oh, I was outside at the time doing my morning duty in the city. Sir Jackson was preparing his Dragon for a trip to the Elven Fortress a few days away."

"Sir Minuit, you have a Dragon?"

"Uhhhh... funny thing about that."

The doors once again swing open, this time the Military band was first, playing a thunderous choir of trumpets and drums. "COURTIER AND FINANCE MINISTER TAUCITER LECHESTER FROM HIS MAJESTY'S PALACE, AND CARDINAL BISHOP BLAST ARCHHEIN OF HIS MAJESTY'S CATHEDRAL OF HEROES, LEADER OF THE HOLY SEE'S BRANCH IN GARETH HAS ARRIVED!" Everyone dropped what they were doing and got up to form a path to the Duke of Janishaire who had stood up with his wife and children.

The Cardinal was with the King's Courtier, both of them already chatting amongst one another as they walked down the Grand Staircase. On the edge was Alana and Paul, both of them watching the two powerful members of the Nation's society walk down nonchalantly as the blue armored Knights of the Holy See and Gareth's Blue and Gold Knights formed a two layer defense.

In the back of the parade were Jesters enjoyfully throwing balls in the air and using magic to make them form words and even images while others turned pieces of wood into small walking creatures that'd dance alongside them.

Walking past a peculiar couple, the Cardinal stops at his feet and notices the tall Vampire in the crowd.

"Tauciter, wait."

"Hm? What could be more important than the plans for taxes?" The Cardinal then turns to the single non-human in the entire room. "Who are you, ma'am?" Three Knights part away to make a clear opening to the Vampire and the Human she's with.

With the spotlight on her, the Countess elegantly bowed with her Lord, the two respectfully greeting the Holy man as he tapped his Golden Scepter into the marble tile.

"I am Countess Alana le Minuit of Manor Chaîne de Montagnes of House Minuit. I've come over to the invitation of the Nobility of Janishaire."

He then turns his face to Jackson.

"Knight General Paul Jackson Minuit of the Death Knights of Eldwood, I've come in order to accompany my wife on her trip."

"Interesting... absolutely interesting." Throwing his cape to his back, revealing his white cossack with gold sewn into it and the large greatsword on his belt, the old man walks near to the two and peers over them. "What a beguiling relationship we have here. Sir Minuit."

Jackson instantly stood at attention, as if he was meeting the President of the nation he used to serve. "Y-yes, your Holiness?"

"Would you die for a Vampire?" he didn't even flinch as he replied. "Absolutely." the Cardinal nods. "Would you forsake your humanity for a Vampire?" Jackson then looked at Alana and then to the ceiling where a Crimson Red Bat was hanging from. "... Yes."

"Would you die for your fellow men?" the Cardinal asks. "Of course." Jackson's reply was still the same, steeled and full of resolve. This made the man nod once again as he lifted his hand and put it on top of Jackson. "Oh Holy Deus Vrax. May you carry this man's soul to Paradise. He inhabits the best of your teachings, just as you gathered a party made up of each and everyone of the sentient species of Threa. He bore no judgment, Human or Not. He looked if you were kind, tamed, and loving. Deus Vrax, bless him as you blessed me and the Holy Loving Pope who is now bound to meet the Emperor of the Elves. I beg of you, thank you."

The Cardinal smiles at Jackson. "Do well, young man. Do well. You are the best mankind has to show for." he then steps to the left, now facing the Vampire. "Tell me, Vampire. Do you love this man? Not the love of a Vampire. But the love that is true." she didn't look him in the eye and continued to bow. "Of course, without a doubt in my mind."

"Would you forsake your immortality and eternal beauty if it means for this short lived Human to be able to walk just for a few more days?" she nods. "I will." Alana replied with such fierce resolve the Nobles all turned and looked at one another. "I do not care for such things. I've already lived long. But for a Human, now that I've been with one, our bodies have touched and felt one another in battle and in intimacy. I know how much a single day means to them."

This made the Cardinal nod. "Yes, yes indeed. Such is our life. Our fragile and short lives. Then, do you have something to call this love? Vampires do not share the same emotions as Humans. Our love is different from yours, how can you make it work?"

She then swiftly looks at Jackson and remembers something he said. "I... I do not have a word for what our relationship is. But we understand one another and respect each other's boundaries. We know what we like and don't like and it honestly feels like I am talking to another Vampire at times." The Knight General then turns his head to look at her. "Heh. And to me, it feels like I am talking to a normal person."

The Cardinal then rests his hand on her head. "Then, would you accept a prayer from the God of Man? Not the archaic Humanus, but Deus himself?" she nods. "Without a doubt."

"Look up."

In unison, the two stared right into the eyes of the Cardinal Bishop. With ten holy rings on all his fingers, a large Sword crosses over his vestment, the Holy man nods.

"The Pope won't believe me when I tell him of this story. A Vampire Lady of all things with a Human Knight. These are the things stories of Old would say. I cannot even believe my own eyes and ears as I hear and see this."

"Your Holiness, may I speak?"

"Of course, Sir Minuit."

"Do you support the new laws the Pope puts into place?"

"Hah. I see even the controversy has reached this far. But yes of course, I am with the Pope fully with his plan. I do not wish to go against it. Even the Emperor of the Elves I believe has an idea of what the future entails."

"Your Holiness, if I may intrude." the three of them then turn to the Financier of the Kingdom. "Of course Tauciter."

"Sir Minuit, just think of it as this. Beastmen are few and far inbetween, even if they breed with Humans. Their offspring a generation down the line would be unmistakable as Humans, as they live in a society of Humans, full of Humans. The only reason why they're still in such numbers is due to them being casted off from society, they breed amongst one another, keeping their strength and uniqueness."

"Oh, it's not that I am against it, Finance Minister. I was just curious."

"Good, I thought it was odd a Human whose married to a Vampire would react to something this small. Do not be mystified by this decision. The species could help one another and learn from each other. As cosmopolitan as this may be, seeing your economy and what we Humans could become in the future. This is a must."

"Of course, thank you sir."

The Cardinal then smiles at them both as the Finance Minister takes a step back. "Then, stand straight up. I thank you for answering my queries. I am already aware of your name. Minuit, I've drunk your wine, usually feasted with a whole roasted Great Plains Turkey. Thank you for providing us with so many things throughout history. We are ready to forgive the Elves, and the Vampires no less need to be forgiven."

He then looks to the ceiling, where the paintings of old battles of the King of Gareth were laid for all to see. "Because who are we if we cannot move from the past. Humanity has no time to think of what is done, but it needs time to think of the future. The Outworlders have opened our eyes to the potential of our species. Such magnificent machines that you could argue are magic to us, yet so simple to them."

Looking back at them, he smiles and reaches out his hand. "I believe a shipment is bound next week, correct? I look forward to drinking more of your wine, Lady Minuit."

"Thank you. My husband and I will do our best to continue to provide you with our finest wine."

"Hm." The Cardinal Bishop and the Courtier then returned to the parade and walked toward the Duke. Coming down his throne, he kisses the blue sapphire ring on the Holiness and bows as he gestures for his seat.

Now in the Throne, Blast lifts his hand up and a shockwave of divine rings washes over everyone. "You've all been blessed with great luck and endurance for today. Enjoy this gathering as Winter ends and we enter the Hot Season." The Finance Minister was already busy walking over to the most extravagant Nobles, with a glass of wine in hand. He'd move from one family to another opening conversation with them and just as fast did he leave to another.

None of the Nobles took offense to this and merely bowed in respect as he left to go to another circle.

Back in their corner, Jackson is met with the parents of Bannir. "I've heard you are the man my Son has chosen to train him for a day? I am Marquise Retphil Vitavill, pleased to meet you Sir Minuit." The middle aged man with long black ponytailed hair and green coloured eyes had a soft tone to him, he held his wine glass with such fragility that even Jackson felt that the way he was holding it was wrong and even at his advanced age, his handsomeness could still be clearly felt and his vigor was that of someone ten years younger. "Oh! Uhm, thank you. I am Knight General Paul Jackson Minuit. I've been a warrior for... a long time."

The mother of Bannir then introduced herself. "Countess Yue Vitavill, Lady Minuit, would you be interested in a party next week? Me and the Ladies plan on holding a tea party." The busty lady with long blonde hair with a silver tiara that held five rubies and a yellow gown. Just like her lover, all ten fingers on there hands were full of jewelry and her necklace having been made out of fine gold.

They both shared the same level of attractiveness as her husband, the Knight seeing where their Son got his amazing looks from.

The two then turned to Alana. Bowing and exchanging pleasantries, they soon moved towards the other Nobles leaving them with Bannir.

"Well, Sir Jackson. I hope our time together will be productive."

"Of course bro. We'll have fun, I'm sure."


"It's shortened for brother. Now go on!"

As Bannir nods and leaves, he then turns to Alana. "Bishop Rival told me that the Demented Crusaders are here. He feels like they could be connected to the assassination. What do you say?"

She then lifts her finger and rubs her chin. "It's certainly possible, M'Lord. Though I've only heard rumors of those Crusaders, I can't believe they're actually true. But then again, last year has been full of surprises." The Countess then walks to the pillar and leans on it. "One of the Bishops or Priests must be ordering them. They have no say on their orders if the rumors about them are true."

"So... this could be valid then?" the Countess then flicks her finger. "Didn't Bahamut say there was an underground fortress underneath the city?" popping out of Jackson's jacket, the Dragon nods. "Master, you handled that situation like a pro. Looks like you're well versed in this life huh?"

"Hah. I hope so." Alana then nods. "I agree with Bahamut. M'Lord, you handled that phenomenally. But we must return to why we're originally here. Did Bishop Rival say anywhere?"

Jackson then points to the windows opposite of them. Where the manicured garden of the Castle was. "Right there. The Cardinal seems to love flowers, so they might be patrolling that place more than the rest."

Bahamut then peeks back into the jacket. "Master, before we go. Give me a piece of chicken leg." he then looks at Alana who just sighs as if she had already had enough of the day. "Well, M'Lord. You've heard her demands." He then lifts his left hand, like a proper gentleman who has been birthed from a proper bloodline, trained since he was a youngin. He proceeded to slightly bow his body and head, making Alana giggle and took his offer. Gently placing her right hand on his left. The hands of Human and Non-Human, together.

"Then, lead me, M'Lord." he merely gestured to her with a slow nod. "Of course, M'Lady." and the two rejoin the crowd in the room. Becoming lost in sight as they become a part of the huge number of nobles. 

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