Relationships & Partners and...

By Lumna10

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Foreshadowing Techniques
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Adding Supense and Withholding Information
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What's A Major Character?
Lecture 3 from this book being How Are Characters Different From People
Lecture 4 Fictional Characters Imagined and Observed
Lecture 5 How To Properly Introduce A Character
Lecture 8 Integrating Dialogue within A Narrative.
Lecture 7 The Mechanics of Dialogue
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Punctating Dialogue Editing
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Word Choices: Adjectives & Adverbs
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Dialect And Slang
Onomatopoeia & Alliteration
Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases
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Punctuations: Colons & Semicolons
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Parallel Construction
Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers
Repetition Vs Repetitious
Sentence Combining
Sentence Variety
Stream of Consciousness: Medicine For Writers
Simile Vs Metaphors
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Answer Key For Some Correct Examples
Lecture On Style of Writing
Writing A Boring Piece Lesson
Copying To Annotate An A Response
Brainstorming & Outlining Lecture
Setting Lecture
Lessons On Creating Plots For Stories
Plotting with the Freytag Pyramind Lecture 10
Lecture 18: Evoking Setting & Place In Fiction
Lecture 2: Building Fictional Worlds Through Evocation
Lecture 20: Building Scenes
Lecture 13: How To Start A Plot
Lecture 14: How To End A Plot
Lecture 12: Narrative Without A Plot
Write The First Draft-Gabriel
Lecture 21: Should I Write In Drafts?
Lecture 19: Pacing In Scences and Narratives
Lecture 9: Turning Story Into Plot
Thirty Minute Essay & Beginning Drafts-Gabriel
Free Verse Poetry & Group Poem Lesson -Gabriel
Writing A Sonnet -Gabriel
Writing A Limerick -Gabriel
Writing Song Lyrics -Gabriel
The Art of Imagery-Writing Haiku -Gabriel
Writing A Blank Verse -Gabriel
Lesson On Line Breaks -Gabriel
Writing A Sestina The Final Challenge -Gabriel
Things To Decide Before Your Writing Hobby Begins
This Book Is Closed

Character Flaws 66- 76 out of 100 Character Flaws

3 1 0
By Lumna10

The 11 Character Flaws discussed within this chapter below they are.

#66. Over-Sensitivity
#67. Fear of Commitment
#68. Guilt
#69. Contrarianism.
#70. Anxiety
#71. Restlessness
#72. Gloominess
#73. Overcriticalness
#74. Patronization
#75. Procrastination
#76. Defeatism

Important Notice: Again these flaws can overlap with their predecessor flaws mentioned in the chapters of the same series names.

1. 66. Over-Sensitivity
Over-Sensitivity is the excessive sensitivity to criticism, opposition, or other external influence.
Why this is interesting: Over-sensitivity can create relatable characters, drive internal conflict, and shape relationships or plot development.
Example: Arturo Bandini in "Ask the Dust" by John Fante. Bandini's sensitivity, especially in the face of criticism about his work and his insecurities around love and identity in Los Angeles, play a pivotal role in the novel.
Key questions: Why is she over-sensitive? How does it affect her choices and relationships? How does her over-sensitivity drive the story?

2. 67. Fear of Commitment
Fear of Commitment is the fear or apprehension regarding dedication or obligation, especially in relationships.
Why this is interesting: Fear of commitment can explore modern relationship dynamics, create emotional conflicts, or be a hurdle for character growth.
Example: Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell.
Her fear of commitment affects her relationships and is central to her character's journey.
Key questions: Why is she afraid of commitment? How does it manifest? What are the consequences of her fear of commitment?

3. 68. Guilt
Guilt is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, or wrong whether real or imagined.
Why this is interesting: Guilt can drive characters to make amends or take certain actions, creating depth and complexity in both plot and character development.
Example: Locke Lamora in the "Gentleman Bastard Sequence" by Scott Lynch. Locke's sense of guilt over the wrongs he has committed and the friends he has lost drives many of his decisions throughout the series, leading to unexpected twists and deepening his character.
Key questions: What specific actions or events trigger his guilt? How does this guilt influence his behaviour and choices? How does it shape his relationships with others? What are the positive and negative outcomes of his guilt-driven actions?

4. 69. Contrarianism
Contrarianism is the habitual tendency to oppose or reject prevailing opinions or customs.
Why this is interesting: It can create unique character dynamics and conflicts within a story, making a character stand out.
Example: Tris Prior in "Divergent" by Veronica Roth. Her contrarian nature makes her diverge from societal norms.
Key questions: Why does she consistently go against the grain? How does this affect her relationships? Does it serve her well or lead to isolation?

5. 70. Anxiety
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
Why this is interesting: It adds depth and relatability to a character, opening doors to explore ideas around mental health.
Example: Brutha in "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett. His anxiety shapes his worldview and interactions with the divine.
Key questions: How does anxiety manifest in daily life? What triggers it? How does he cope with or overcome anxiety?

6. 71. Restlessness
Restlessness is an inability to remain still or satisfied often leading to a change of activities or interests.
In the classroom teachers usually call this out as being fidgety.
Why this is interesting: It can drive a plot forward through constant movement and change, reflecting a deep-seated dissatisfaction or longing.
Example: Kvothe in "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. His restlessness drives him to explore and learn but also leads to some of his downfalls.
Key questions: What causes his restlessness? How does it shape his life choices? What impact does it have on those around him?

7. 72. Gloominess
Gloominess is a persistent sense of Melancholy often leading to a Pessimistic outlook.
Why this is interesting: Creates a rich emotional texture that can affect relationships and choices within the story.
Example: Rincewind in "The Colour of Magic" by Terry Pratchett. His gloomy outlook often contrasts humorously with the chaotic world around him.
Key questions: What events led to his gloominess? How does it shape his interactions with others? What might alleviate this trait?

8. 73. Overcriticalness
Overcriticalness is an exaggerated tendency to find and highlight faults in everything often to detriment of relationships and self esteem.
Why this is interesting: It adds conflict and tension, especially in character dynamics and self-perception.
Example: Overcritical is another flaw of Musa's towards Riven especially in Season 4 but Nick did not make up any of these flaws they were always there in Season 2 starting in The Charmix Power episode.
It continues in the original version of Season 3 and the first movie of Winx Club and it Nick carries it all the way to Season 5 even in the song One To One Song Riven actually tells us by is own lyrics how much he changed since Season 1. But Musa refuses to open her eyes and see how much he changed throughout the time he was dating her, Skylights.
2nd Example: Thomas Covenant in "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" by Stephen R. Donaldson. His overly critical nature affects his self-worth and relationships.
Key questions: What drives his overcriticalness? How does it affect his decision-making? Can he overcome this flaw or learn to use it constructively?

9. 74. Patronization
Patronization is the condescending attitude of treating someone as if they're less intelligent and capable.
Why this is interesting: It can create conflict and resentment, unveiling power dynamics between characters.
Example: Mayor Prentiss in "Chaos Walking" series by Patrick Ness. His patronizing attitude controls others, reflecting his manipulative character.
Key questions: Why does he patronize others? How do characters respond to this treatment? Does it ever backfire on him?

10. 75. Procrastination
Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something that needs to be done.
Why this is interesting: It humanizes characters, potentially leading to growth or failure, depending on how they deal with procrastination.
Example: Students so reluctant to study are Procrastinators and Stella from Winx Club fell right into in Season 1.
2nd Example: Quentin Coldwater in "The Magicians" by Lev Grossman. Quentin's procrastination often leads to complex situations and missed opportunities.

11. 76. Defeatism
Defeatism is the expectation or acceptance of failure often leading to a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Why this is interesting: It challenges characters to rise above their circumstances or succumb to self-imposed limitations.
Example: Ged in "A Wizard of Earthsea" by Ursula K. Le Guin. Ged's struggle with defeatism after a failed spell adds depth to his journey.
Key questions: How does defeatism limit him? What events triggered this attitude? How can he overcome it?

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