Yuri Ocs

By Going-Dokidoki

4.2K 81 1.9K

You can Rp here, I'm happy to love me some yuri More

The Florist
The Strong One
The Immortal
The Unphased
The Silence
The Playful
The Troubled Sister
The Traditional Tomboy
The "Samurai"
The Constant Companion
The Friendly Coach
The Oni
The Wild One
The Curse Bearer
โ—‹ยฐ Fandom Ocs ยฐโ—‹
The Saiyan (DBZ/S)
The Sound Devil (CSM)
The Spider (Spider-verse)
The Hunter (Marvel Oc)
The Villain (BNHA OC)
The Musician (BNHA OC)
The Uncontrollable (DC Villain OC)
The Executioner (JJK OC)
The Listless (DBXV OC)

The Burdened (Marvel Villain Oc)

36 2 52
By Going-Dokidoki

"Whatever it takes. No one knows what that means until you truly do whatever it takes."

Name: Korra. No last name

Age: Appears to be in her mid 20's, actually 67

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance: ^Above^

Pronouns: She/Her

D.O.B: May 1st 1993

Height: 6 feet/ 72 inches

Weight: 162 pounds

Personality: Initially, in her early life, she appeared to have some charisma as she managed to perform and talk her way up the chain of command. Now she's the quiet, brooding type. Any smile she once was able to muster being long gone, not even having laugh lines on her face anymore.

Profession: Ten Rings Solider (Formerly), Rogue Villain (Currently)

Likes: Her family, or at least the memory of them. There's little more observed that gets her to show joy anymore

Dislikes: Anything and anyone that poses the remote chance of being anobstacle to her goal

Backstory: In this timeline, in this world... Shang Chi abandoning his father, failing to come back to his sister... it changed something within the over 1,000 year old war lord. He had lost his wife due to his willingness to put down his rings, yet he had lost his son due to his iron grasp on their lives after her passing.

Yet the time with Ying Li had humanised Wenwu, "The Mandarin", enough to where he had devoted his attention to his last remaining family member. His daughter: Xialing. He would not raise her as one would a normal child, however his goal was not to turn her into a soldier neither.

He tutored her on how to fight, yet when she got hurt he was there to clean her wounds and affix bandages to her. It wasn't something he was good at, being a father without Li by his side however he seemed to do well enough.

As Xialing grew, she became respected within the organisation. Of course for being the leader's daughter, but also as a capable and strong person in her own right. There was one however, one who respected her but not out of fear, listened to her but not out of duty.

This woman would challenge her occasionally, and always get humbled. Korra was good enough to be assigned to the Ten Ring's main headquarters but compared to Xialing she was little more then a foot soldier.

However it intrigued the heiress, someone so expressive in a sea of faceless muscle. And one early morning, as the mist and fog of the mountain base was still heavily covering the grounds Xialing found herself listening to Korra poorly playing an instrument outside.

Her fingering needed work, she lost the rhythm more then she held it yet she kept going. Something- no, someone so amateur amongst a place of experts. Perfection was normal here, so a mediocre person was... interesting.

"You play like you're self taught." Xialing spoke causing Korra to jolt, almost dropping the guitar on the stone steps that she sat upon causing a faint chuckle to leave the Heiress. "Though I now suspect that's the case." She hummed.

Approaching she found her seat beside the woman, able to see the training bruises and cuts on her face more clearly, the intrigue never leaving. "You're simple. You're... below average." She noted causing Korra to look away with a faint purse to her lips. "Taller then you at least..."

The "snide" comment created a surprising and unexpected giggle to come from Xialing who lifted her hand to loosely cover her smile. "This is what I mean. You-" And covering her mouth now had purpose, almost throwing up on the steps causing Korra to jolt her her feet.

So, of course, she was given the best doctor's within Wenwu's grasp when this was reported... and the answer was found very quickly. Xialing was pregnant... bad for Korra as she was seen with the woman the most.

After a long, humiliating and awful interrogation from Wenwu himself she obviously wasn't the cause. "It was just... a one night fling, father. Whoever it was, they're either long gone or dead." She confessed with shame lacing her tone.

At first the Leader had conflicting feelings, but his greater humanity gave... an opportunity. A grandchild, more family. He wouldn't pressure his daughter into keeping the child, however he didn't seem to need to.

And all the while Korra was sat awkwardly in the room, wrists chained behind her back still. "As we are three of the four people who know if this..." Wenwu trailed off as he slowly looked over to her. "I expect you to not be so easily forthcoming with this information."

So began a weird... duty bound pact between Korra and Xialing. Out of worry for his daughter Wenwu had assigned the unimpressive woman to be at Xialing's beck and call. Whatever she needed would be done, no matter the request OR ELSE.

Yet their relationship evolved, getting closer the more time went on. Korra was hesitant but the idea of a kid, an instant family... it sounded good. From cautious handholding like children, a kiss or so when they were alone to adoration of eachother.

Xialing was eventually moved to the family home, a place she had long since stepped foot in since the death of her mother. With this new opportunity though, a new beginning and a new family... the house seemed to have new life breathed into it.

"Anyday now..." Korra hummed as she laid on her side next to Xialing, her nails gently tracing up and down her arm causing small shivers and goosebumps to perk up as a faint smile appeared on the other's face.

"Yes, anyway now. I... Thank you for being here with me." She softly replied while glancing over, moving her hand to interlace her fingers with Korra's, their gazes meeting causing a comfortable connection between the two.

That was the last time Korra saw Xialing alive.

At 4 in the morning she went into labour, being rushed out into the bedroom to a pre-prepared room, having all they needed to make sure it woukd go smoothly. Yet complications during childbirth lead to her unfortunate passing.

Outside the room Korra waited with a pounding heart and adrenaline racing through her body. Wenwu would step out hours later, a baby wrapped in a blanket cradled in his arms and grevious news weighing heavy on his heart.

"Xialing passed." Two words was all it took for her to enter a state of shock, the world zooming out around her as her ears rang with such a high pitch that she became deaf to all else. All but the baby girl when it began to cry.

Despite the loss, despite the heartbreak and burden laid upon the two... the baby was alive. It was agreed, despite her pact being null with the death of Xialing, Korra may care for the child in her stead. As a mother, and Wenwu there the whole time.

But alas, she was not lomg for this world either. The girl passing at the age of only two. Sat upon the mantle in the home pictures of Ying Li, Xialing and the child sat with incense burning. There Korra would go everyday, spending hours just sat there.

Wenwu knew death, knew the hurt it could cause others and the hurt it caused him too. Yet he chose to remember what good memories he had with the lost, what life they lived and how it affected him. So he placed the Rings away and decided to live his life... human, mortal.

Korra was young, so so young in comparison. Her heart hurt, ached, longed for her family. Burning tears would streak down her face as she confronted her "father-in-law", emotions running rampant. "They made you ageless! They have to be able to bring them back!" She argued desperation and fury raging in her voice. "Let me have the Rings!"

"The Rings brought power, power takes from those who have it." He replied calmly, not a sage but just an old man who lived over 10 human lifetimes. "When I die, I hope to see them again." He added on, essentially denying her request.

Korra didn't take the denial well, suddenly swiping an ornate paperweight from the desk Wenwu sat at and... striking him across the head. Repeatedly. From his beaten body she stole the key to the box, acquiring the rings for herself.

With them acquired she marched to the Ten Ring base, killing all those in her way. There she found the greatest weapon forge she could and the mold for a ring, melting the Ten under the intense heat for hours to make just one.

In her haste, her desire to have all the power condensed into a single place, she put on the ring as it still burned a bright orange glow, burning and scorching her flesh, melting the ring to her finger.

With it she would stop at nothing, leaving destruction in her wake to find a way to bring her family back.

The Ring -

A weapon forged from the Ten Ring's, mystical artifacts of unknown origin. Where as the original granted the wielder eternal youth and great strength, this... New singular ring is different.

It was corrupted in the process of forging, Korra's rage, sorrow, desperation and misery tainted the object. The extended life has now been reversed, cursing the wielder with a shortened lifespan though it keeps their original appearance.

In terms of strength and abilities, it shares similar capabilities with the Ten Power Ring's from different universes.


All abilities trapped in the one ring bonded to her index finger ontop of the increased strength. Truly a monster, one driven by the Burdens of her emotions and memories. Ones she can never let go of, come to peace with.

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