Boboiboy Oneshots

By alexx00ia

5.6K 311 68

**Im doing this oneshots for fun. Everything is not canon. The characters may not be the same as in the anima... More

Unimportant message??
Grateful to have you
Polar Bear
Oneshot suggestion
Boboiboy's music life

"𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝑯𝑶𝑻𝑶𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑯"

470 30 14
By alexx00ia

Memory loss AU


















"If you want to save your friends and other crewmates from permanent coma , we need to make a deal. And it will be sacrifices.. Are you still in?" The unknown feline looking ask the capped boy.

"Im in. But may I ask what kind of sacrifice it is?" Boboiboy ask

"I know you would asking me that. So, the sacrifice is...


Boboiboy was shocked by that deal.

His memory will be deleted?

If his memory got deleted, does he will forget about his friends? His elementals? His loved one?

But what things matter is, he need to save his friends. He need to do anything to wake them wake up by the permanent coma.

You may be ask what things was happened? What was the cause of their permanent coma? Your answer is there was a villain who came up with a gun and suddenly pull it trigger that emitting a beam from that gun. It makes many beings got in a permanent coma including his friends.

He then answered.

"Alright then.. I agree with the the deal"

The creature then said

"If you say so..."

Time skip

"Huh?! Boboiboy sacrificed his memories?!" One of the crews yelled not believing the commander. How could the mightiest hero sacrifice his memories for them?

"How did you know about it, Commander?"

"An alien told me about that. She said Boboiboy has made a deal with her by sacrifice his memories. To save you guys..."

'To save us?...' The Kokotaim gang thought. Then they suddenly broke into tears

"Why would you that Boboiboy?.."

"Can you stop being selfless for once?"

"Does he really will be forgot about us?"

"My friend has just sacrificed his memories just to save a weakling like me... hiks Boboiboy..."

"We need to say thank you to Boboiboy for his sacrifice even though he doesn't know us anymore after he woke up"

"Understood commander..." All the crews including Kokotaim gang answered while saluting.

Without them knowing, there's 7 boys who are hiding from their sight. They have already break down to tears especially the one who in black and green.

"Ori will f-forget us?.." He ask

Six of them unable to answer. They can't do anything but accepting the hurt fact.

Flashback ends

At a city called Kota Hilir, Boboiboy lived by his own in Tok Aba's old house for about eight years. Boboiboy is just doing his own thing like doing his school works, chores, walking around the city and talk with the robots there.

He went back home and sit on the sofa. But something suddenly catch his attention. He look over the shelf under the TV and saw a thick book that he never realized that has been sitted there for a long time. He grabbed the book and sit at the sofa that he sitted earlier and read the tittle.


That's what the tittle called. Boboiboy then curious about it. He thought it was his grandfather's book. After he open the book, it was actually his book because there were his name there on the first page. He then turn to the next page. He saw picture of him and... Many people that he don't recognize? Are they perhaps his old friends?

Boboiboy Pov

There were really many pictures of me and people that i don't even know. I wonder who they are..

After a while i turn the pages, i only reached half of the book. Instead of pictures, it was a diary that was made by me that i could say years ago? Then I read it.

13 March 2016

2016?? Wow this book sure is old.. Hehe. I continued reading

Today is my birthday. I was really having fun with people around me. Morning earlier, Gempa woke me up from my dream world. I forgot that they can came out from my watch without i ask them. Thanks to Solar because he's the one who made this feature. Oh! Gempa said he took almost 10 minutes to wake me up.. Hehe! Sorry Gempa! I wonder how did he have the patience to wake me up...

Gempa?? Who's that? Not to mention but what did i meant by 'came out from my watch'?

He told me to go to the dining room to have a breakfast with Tok Aba, Ochobot and my other elements. It was really chaotic by Hali and Solar fight over popularity, Taufan, Thorn and Blaze messing with their foods and laughing really hard. Ice who's face that covered with food because he's sleep on it. Tok Aba just sigh and he told them to shut. Luckily they listened. They saw me and suddenly wished me a Happy Birthday in unison.

Now it's Ochobot, Hali, Solar, Taufan, Thorn, Ice and Blaze? Not trying to be rude but they do have an odd name.. Mehh i do have an odd name to..

In the midday, i went to Atok's Kokotiam to help him to served customers drinks. Most of the customers wished me a happy birthday and give me dozen of gifts. I can't accept all those gifts but they forced me to have it. Haihh.. So what did i can do? I just accepted it anyway..

At night, Tok Aba, My friends, Ochobot and other power sphera that willing to help decorate my birthday party really put their efforts. I can't help but felt overwhelmed by it. Birthday cakes infront of me, they sing Happy Birthday, really make me happy. But after that I saw someone that with a power sphera who i have waited for a very long time.. My Dad! I broke into tears and launched myself to hug him. But the fact that I cried infront of many people is really embarrassing... And Mechabot is teasing me about it too!! But what happen is.. I'm realy, really, really happy that my dad came to my birthday party. And lastly my elementals, I only expect that they just wish me a happy birthday. But i was wrong.. THEY GAVE ME A REALLY HUGE PRESENT THAT BARELY FIT A DOOR! And for Gempa.. Gempa LITERALLY GAVE ME a CRISTAL that may cost a million! Can you believe that??? That makes me cry!!

Im happy with my birthday party today. It was the best birthday party that i ever have! I wish i have this moment again!

I love it..

After i finished my readings, i feel like the three letters are echoed in my mind.

End of Boboiboy's Pov

Suddenly memories flashed right before his eyes.

"Hi Boboiboy!"


The girl just stares at me

"Ish! What does that for! I almost have a heart attack..."

"Hehe.. "

"You are Yaya right?"

"Yup that's me!"

"Oh! So.. Tok Aba told me to say " Thank you for the biscuits yesterday"."

"Your welcome! He must have loved that cookies right?!"

"Welp.. I don't know?"

Next memory

"What shop is this?"

"Dey! You don't even know your own grandfather's shop?"

"Uhh... "

"No worries.. I will introduces it... This is Tok Aba's Kokotiam! Bla bla bla bla.... "

"Uhh who is this?"

"Hmm it's Gopal.. A kid who always ask for free stuff" the elder man said

"There's chocolate cake! Ice cream chocolate! Cekodok chocolate! And the best of the best... Tok Aba Special Hot Chocolate!!!"

"Is he alright?"

"Bla bla bla bla.... Become a loyal customer like me so you will have a discount up to 100 percent!"


Gopal turn his head to Tok Aba

"What a nonsense you said!"


".......Im Boboiboy!"

"Gopal! Your new best friend!"

They both made a handshake

Next memory

"Boboiboy! Answer the call!"

"Alright Tok!"

Boboiboy answers the call

"Hai Tok Aba!"

"Uhh this is not Tok Aba.."

"Oh... Is this Boboiboy?"

"Uhh.. Yeah!"

"I'm Ying. I want to order drinks.."

"Oh, what is it?"

"One special hot chocolate please?"

"Alright! Tok Aba! Special hot chocolate satu!"

"I'll have it here.."

"She'll have it here!.. Eh?"

Boboiboy turn his head to his left

"Hehe thank you!"

"Hmm your welcome"

Next memory

"Oh dear ball.. How can i make Tok Aba believe me-"

"I know!"


I kicked

"Oh no!"

He go to the downstairs and went outside

"Wait... You are Adudu's power sphera!"

"Huh Adudu?? My name's Ochobot!"

"What do you want from me? Speak!"

"Of course I want to give you powers!"

"Huh? Powers?"

"Yes! Powers! Hiii...yarghh!!"

Next memory

The moon is about to rise


The boy suddenly disappeared.

"Wait, where is he?"

"Hmm.. Maybe he's run away?"

"Huh? Run away? AH MENG YOU SCAREDY-CAT!!"

"Dey, his name's Fang!"

"Oh, really?... FANG YOU SCAREDY-CAT!!!"

On the rooftop

"Huh! Scaredy-cat? You lucky the moon is about to rise.."

Next memory

"Wait.. Who are you guys? Why did you all face look like mine?"

"We are your power, master.."


"Yes, I'm Gempa. This is Halilintar, Taufan, Blaze, Ice, Thorn and lastly Solar.."

"Greetings master.."

"Im sorry but can you guys not call me master? I find it quite uncomfortable..."

"How about Your highness?"


"My prince?"


"My King?"

"Absolutely not"

"Then, what do you want us to call you?"

"You just have to call me Boboiboy! No need for the royalty name!"

"But.. It's disrespectful for us to call you by your name"

"A-ha! How about Original! Short form is Ori!"

"Huh Ori?"

"Yup! Basically we are like a duplicate from you while you are the original!"

"Now that what i like! Good job for suggesting simple yet a good name Blaze!"

"Ehe.. No problem Ori.."

"Welp.. It's Ori then now isn't it!"

"Not gonna lie, it does suits him better"


Next memory

"Ori! Ori! Look at my drawing!"

"Wahh it's so nice! What a good artist you are Thorn!"

"Thank you very much Ori!"


"Ori! Ori! Look! I raise my chickens very well"

"They looks so healthy! You are really good for taking care of them, Blaze!"



"Ori! Look at my hoverboard! Cool isn't it?!"

"Woahh it indeed looks very cool Taufan!"



"Ori i buyed you ice cream.."

"Awhh thank you Ice.. You does know that you don't need to do that?"

"I don't care.. Anything for Ori.."



"Ori, I have done do you schoolwork"

"Wait, what?! But why?"

"I'm bored. But then i remembered that you have a work that you haven't done yet from your teacher. So i might 'accidentally' do yours."

"What an accident that you did, Solar... Haihh but anyway.. Thank you for done finished my school work.. If not my brain would be produce smoke"

"Hehe anytime"


"Ori, i just bought you new clothessss"

"Oh my thank- wait.. What with the suspiciously long 's' in that 'clothes' word"


"Don't tell me you ended up buy everything in that clothes store"

".... Yeah?"

"Oh my goodness... I know you literally have a FREAKING platinum card, Hali.. But you don't have to buy the whole thing.. My closet would not fit for it.."

"I'll but you new closets-"



"But anyway.. Thank you for the clothes"

"I can just buy you gems tho.."

"Na-ah you will not my dear lightning element"

"Haishh alright, alright..."


"Ori i just cooked dinner! "

"Wahh!! They look so delicious! I'm certain that they're more delicious than it looks"


"Just like what I said! It taste like heaven..."

"Now, now.. Stop with the compliment Ori... Im getting shy..."

"Nahh your foods deserve the compliments. As so is the chef! And thank you for the food, Gempa!"

"Your very welcome, Ori"

Next memory

"Good morning, Commander Kokoci, Admiral Tarung!"

"Good morning, cadet"

"Hi Sai, Shielda!"


"Hey Nut! How's the power sphere doing?"

"Hey Boboiboy! The power sphera has now been fixed."

"That's good!

"Good morning Captain Kaizo!"

"Good morning Boboiboy"

"Hello Alien Mops!!"

"Mop, Mop!!!"

"Hello, power spheres"

"Hi/hello/hey Boboiboy"

"Good morning Captain Papa!"

"Good morning my disciples of justice!"

Memory ended

Boboiboy eyes widen because his eyes has been watery now and his tears has rolling down to his cheeks but he didn't noticed it due to sudden old memories has been flashed. He wiped them quickly and widen his eyes back







































THAT'S INSANE!! I manage to made a story this long and i really have many idea to make it unlike other stories that i made b4(≧∇≦)/ if it was possible, i hope i can continue being like this! Not gonna lie i did enjoy making this while listen to the song at the above(ノ*°▽°)ノ

Anywayy i hope you guys enjoyy!!!!


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