Billionaire Villainess (Unedi...

By HighInCoco

82.9K 3.5K 384

The MC may seem cringey in the first few chapters, but please give this story a chance. This story is an exp... More

Death (Edited 8/31/24)
New Appearance (Edited 8/31/24)
The Memories (8/31/24)
Her Options (Edited 12/25/23)
Meeting the Wellesters ( Edited 8/31/24)
She Messed Up (Edited 12/25/23)
Judgement (Edited 8/31/24)
Computer (Edited 8/31/24)
Orientation (Edited 12/25/23)
Annoyance (Edited 12/25/23)
Meeting (Edited 12/25/23)
Pushing To Her Limit (Edited 1/3/24)
Plan Failed (Edited 1/3/24)
The Fifth Male Lead (Edited 1/18/24)
Club ( Edited 1/17/24)
Accepted (Kind of) (Edited 1/18/24)
Private Talk
Aftermath (Edited 8/31/24)
Gossip and Planning
They Are Actually Not Bad
Verona (Edited 8/31/24)
Project Idea (Edited 2/29/24)
Phone Call With Her "Dad"
The Vandersons (Edited 3/1/24)
Boys And Girls Together
Splitting Up
Ferris Wheel
The End of A Fun Day
The Project: Planning
Allowance Cut
Job Searching
The Project: Design pt. 1
The Project: Design pt. 2
What Is She Up To? (Gabriel)
What Is She Up To? (Verona)
Got The Job
They Think It's A Game (Extended 7/14/24)
The Project: Development
Lines Crossed
Emergency Meeting (Edited 8/31/24)
Birth of a Rivalry
The Project: Content Creation
Walking Together

Thrills, Twinkies, and Tension

1.7K 73 16
By HighInCoco

The group exited the SUV, their excitement reaching new heights as they stepped foot into the vibrant atmosphere of the amusement park. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and the energy of the place was infectious.

"We're here, guys! Let's make the most of it!" Liam exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.

Judith and her friends eagerly followed Liam and the others as they made their way towards the entrance gates where the ticket booths are. The air was filled with the scent of popcorn and cotton candy, and the sound of cheerful music added to the festive ambiance.

With their tickets in hand, the group entered the amusement park.

"Where should we start?" Miranda asked, feeling like jumping up and down in giddiness.

Liam grinned, his eyes scanning the area. "How about we start with the roller coasters?" He suggested.

"Let's do it!" Hillary agreed, "I think it's better to go on it now before the line gets any longer."

"Good idea!" Judith nodded, "Roller coasters are popular. I don't want to waste the day waiting in line for my turn."

"How about it guys?" Liam asked the others.

The rest of the group voiced their agreement excitedly, except Charles and Zayden. Charles said a small, forceful "okay" with a frightful look. Zayden just shrugged with a blank expression and said, "Sure."

Judith raised a brow at the 5th male lead's response.

You are definitely not a social butterfly, she thought.

After they all agreed, the group headed to the roller coaster.

Back at the parking lot, a similar SUV pulled up. But instead of black, the color is white.

The doors swung open, and five familiar people stepped out.

They are Gabriel, Verona, Hollister, Jericho, and Marko.

"Thank you for inviting me to this amusement park trip, Gabriel," Verona said with a blush on her cheeks, looking at him affectionately, "I didn't know this place just opened."

Gabriel smiled warmly at her, his expression also affectionate. "Of course, Verona. Anything for my fiancee. I thought it would be a fun way for us to get to know each other and spend the day together."

Verona returned his smile, her heart fluttering at the thought of spending time with Gabriel. "I'm glad."

Gabriel nodded, his gaze lingering on Verona for a moment longer before he turned to the rest of the group. "So, where should we start?" he asked, his tone filled with enthusiasm.

Hollister grinned, pointing towards the towering roller coasters in the distance. "How about we kick things off with some thrill rides?"

Marko eyes followed Hollister's finger and nodded eagerly, "Yeah, definitely the roller coasters first!"

Verona's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Yes, let's do it! I've always loved roller coasters."

Jericho chuckled, his excitement evident. "I think we are all in agreement here."

"Then it's settled! We ride the roller coasters first!" Stated Gabriel.

With Gabriel holding Verona's hand, the group went to get their tickets, then joined the bustling crowd as they made their way towards the roller coasters.

Judith and her group stood in line at the entrance of the roller coaster. Right now, the line is not very long, which is a good thing. The line snaked around colorful barriers adorned with signs displaying safety instructions and ride regulations.

The order of their positions on the line goes like this: Liam - Hillary - Zayden - Judith - Xavier - Miranda - Charles - Jennifer.

As they waited, Charles seemed increasingly uneasy, fidgeting nervously and occasionally casting anxious glances at the towering structure of the ride. Sensing his apprehension, Jennifer, who stood behind him, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," she said softly, offering him a comforting smile. "We're all in this together," Jennifer continued, her tone gentle yet firm. "Just focus on having fun, and before you know it, we'll be screaming our hearts out!"

Charles managed a small, grateful smile in response to Jennifer's encouragement. Her words seemed to ease his nerves a bit, and he nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

Ahead on the line, Liam suddenly have the urge to eat something.

"I feel kind of hungry," he mumbled. He reached into his pocket and took out a wrapped Twinkie bar.

"That cannot be good for you," said a feminine voice behind him.

Liam turned around to see that Hillary just spoke to him.

Liam chuckled, holding up the Twinkie with a mischievous grin. "You mean this? This is just a delicious snack that will keep me energized while we wait in line for our turn on the roller coaster!" Liam replied, his tone teasing.

Hillary frowned, " Those things are filled with chemicals and sugar. I will never consume something that can decrease your lifespan. I'm studying Nutrition, so I would know." She said in a judgemental tone.

Liam rolled his eyes and laughed, carelessly tearing open the wrapper and taking a satisfying bite of the sweet snack.

"Well, you only live once," he says as he loudly chews.

Hillary gave a disgusted look.

Meanwhile Xavier took out his Rokia phone and began playing on it to pass the time.

"Hey, Xavier right?" Miranda asked from behind him.

Startled, Xavier jolted and lost his focus on his phone. He turn to face her.

"Yes?" He said like a question.

"May I ask, what are you doing?" Miranda said curiously.

Xavier look down on his phone, "Oh I'm just playing the Snake Game."

"Cool! What's your highest score?" She continues asking.

"...8350." He answered.

"Awesome! That's higher than mine! Mine was 8346."

Xavier's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, that pretty close to my score."

Miranda grinned, a competitive glint in her eye. "Maybe you and I should compete sometime. See who can beat the other's high score."

Whatever nervousnous he had disappeared and Xavier's lips curved into a playful smile. "Challenge accepted! But be warned, I don't go easy on my opponents."

Miranda laughed, a sudden blush appeared on her face. "Bring it on! I love a good challenge."

As they exchanged playful banter, the line moved forward more, bringing the group closer to getting on the ride.

Out of everyone, only Judith and Zayden hadn't been talking.

Judith decided to start a conversation with him.

She cleared her throat, shifting slightly to face Zayden. "So, Zayden, are you excited about going on the roller coaster?"

Zayden glanced at her, his expression still somewhat blank. "Yeah, sure," he replied nonchalantly.

Judith couldn't help but feel a bit awkward with his subdued response. "Have you been on many roller coasters before?"

Zayden shrugged indifferently. "A few, I guess. They're okay."

Judith tried to keep the conversation going, despite Zayden's apparent disinterest. "Do you have a favorite ride?"

Zayden shook his head. "Not really. They're all kind of the same to me."

Judith furrowed her brow, feeling a bit perplexed by Zayden's lack of enthusiasm. "Well, hopefully, this one will be fun," she said, trying to inject some positivity into the conversation.

Zayden simply nodded in response, offering no further comment. Judith sighed inwardly, realizing that she wasn't getting much of a response from him. Deciding to let it go, she turned her attention back to the entrance of the roller coaster.

Dude, I thought you were finally accepting me! I can't even make a conversation with you, She thought in frustration.

Appearing on the back of the line for the same roller coaster are Gabriel, Verona, Jericho, Hollister, and Marko. They didn't notice Judith since she is way ahead of them.

Verona glanced around at the bustling amusement park, her eyes wide with excitement. "Wow, this place is amazing! I can't wait to go on all the rides!"

Gabriel smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "It's going to be a fantastic day. I'm glad we decided to come. I can't wait for the two of us to share the rides together."

Verona smiles at him lovingly, " I feel the same way. I can't wait to spend every moment with you Gabriel."

Seeing the couple in their own little bubble, the three guys look on in jealousy without the two noticing.

They may be Gabriel's friends, but they can't help but find Verona attractive.

It's too bad that she is engaged to Gabriel.

Since Judith messed up the plot of this world, these three male leads would have already fought for the heroine's affection.

But Verona was taken very quickly.

Now they can do nothing but look on hopelessly as Gabriel courts his fiancee.

If Judith sees this, she would gagged at the scene.


Liam finally made it to the very front of the line.

The roller coaster operator at the entrance called out, "All aboard! Please secure all loose items and keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times."

Once Judith steps onto the platform, she saw that the roller coaster have 10 rows of two seats each. Realizing that she can only sit next to one person, she gave a glance at her friends.

The seats were quickly filled. Liam and Hillary sat next to each other at the front, followed by Xavier and Miranda, then two strangers consisting of a man and woman, then Charles and Jennifer.

The only seat available was at the very back of the ride.

Next to Zayden.

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