Kinza - The Dark Love

By Everlastdreamer

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๐˜ฝ๐™ฎ ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™Ž๐™š๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™จ ๐˜ฝ๐™Š๐™Š๐™† # 04 NOUMAN KHAN Dangerous, Cruel and ruthless underground mafia king... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Last Chapter

Chapter 1

1.2K 70 12
By Everlastdreamer


" Doctor  are you okay! " Sara rushed to me as she saw blood dripping down my arm. In front of me was a man in a patient's dress and he was holding the knife. All the staff was gathering around us trying to stop him. He wanted to meet his family, he begged and cried and then he finally decided to fight but the thing is he is fighting for the family who don't even want to see him. They are scared of him and feel disgusted by him. Just because he is a little different. They decided to judge him.

Just like me

" Yes I'm fine, please hand me the injection " I said, caring less about the blood that is now covering my dress. If anything, it's looking beautiful there . Sara stares at me but then she rushes and hands me the injection. I smiled towards her scared face. Then I looked at the man who was still holding the knife.

" Fine, I got it sir and I am going to drive you to your family " I said with my soft voice with a smile. He stared at me, gulping hard. Then he shook his head.

" N-no no you will send me to... To that room again " He said I smiled because I knew he was slowly lowering his guards. " No one will send you to that room. I will take you away from here. Believe me I did that " I said his eyes softened. " Please put the knife down "

He slowly started to put the knife down. I walk slowly towards him. With a smile that is what humans love right. Too many smiles.

" That's right you are a good person " I said when I reached near him enough to inject him. Quickly I injected him. He looked at me with sadness and anger so much anger but then he fainted. I hold him to me and sign the nurse to take him towards his bed.

As soon as the nurse took the man away the people went back to their work as well. I turned to walk into my room when Sara stopped me. " Kinza, are you not seeing that you are bleeding like hell? Let's go. I will treat this. " I stare at her and then smile .

" I am a doctor student as well. I know how to treat these wounds so please go and rest so I can handle " She didn't want to leave but now she was forced to leave .

As soon as I close the door behind me, I sigh and then I walk towards the mirror looking at the mess of blood. Beautiful. I smiled at myself. I pressed the wound a little and a hiss escaped my mouth but I smiled even wider.

No I don't like hurting myself but I like the thrill it gives. I live for thrills. And pain is a type of thrill. That's why I choose this field, because it gives me a thrill all the time. I live with people who are like me. And people call people like me mental.

I just kind of hide it better, that's why I am not called mental. We are not. In my opinion we are just different. We love unique things unlike normal people. I don't run from my fear. I run behind fear .

My parents knew this, they knew I'm different. They knew the moment I killed a snake and I was laughing looking at the blood. They were terrified by me . So I decided to hide this. I blend into people so well that I sometimes can't even understand who I really am.

I shook my head and treated my wound . I don't want to but then people will start to overreact and I'm really not in the mood of standing their shit . After treating my wound I walked out of the hospital. For air. There's a park in front of the hospital and I always go there . I wear my headphones and turn on music.

I smiled Appearing normal as I nod my head at each person passing. They smiled and returned the smile. By the way the sky is so beautiful today. I turn on my phone and open my Instagram. There Ayesha posted her picture with her husband sleeping. She is my best friend and the only human I can tolerate now. She is in an arranged marriage or more like forced one but turns out that man is not bad. Ahad Malik is bad for the world but to her he is the most best person.

" Leave me alone. You will hurt me !! " I turn my head as I hear a man's voice. I tilted my head when I saw a man in black suit sitting against a tree holding his knees and hiding his face in his knees. While some man who looked dangerous tried to take him with them.

But that man was fighting. More like he was crying and fighting. I decided to ignore them. Not now  they are some shit people and it's you peaceful time so stay out--

" I told you I don't want to go- papa will beat me again " I turn my head again towards them. The men were now dragging him with them. I huff and tie my hair in a ponytail. Looks like I'm going to get myself in danger.

I walk over to them and stand in front of them folding my arms over my chest.

" Mind leaving him now " I said those people look at me with blank expressions more like they are robots. " Go away from here, " one man said. I narrow my eyes at them.

" Let me check " I pretend to check my phone " Oh no it's a public place and I'm not leaving"

I walked near the man who was still hiding his face and struggling to get away.

" Come on, let's save you " I said, holding his arm. He looks up at me due to so little light I can't see his face perfectly. The huge man tried to stop me but I pulled that guy towards me. And make him stand behind me. And I smile towards the huge men. Gosh they are scary. The guy held my dress with his hand hiding behind me . " Please save me, " He whispered. I nodded my head.

" Miss we are telling you one more time-- "

I step near them with my chin up .

" Let me tell you guys something . Leave before I call people here telling them you are harassing me and my boyfriend. I'm sure it won't look that amazing when all these people will beat you three up " Their faces remain blank but I can feel them getting a little bit threatened. I raised my eyebrows.

" Do you want me to do this? " They glare at me and then turn around walking towards the exit. I shook my head as they disappeared.

I turn around towards the guy. He had left my shirt but he was standing there hugging himself. Now he is standing under light. And I can clearly see him.

He is wearing a suit, his height is taller than mine and his abs are showing through his shirt.

And his face....

It's so beautiful as if he is the masterpiece Allah made. His eyes are dark but not black they are a little bit grey and black. A perfect combination. His face is perfectly made with his sharp jawline. Right now his hair is a little bit messy but he still looks like a king.

" A-are they gone " He whispered, I came back to the world as soon as he said. He was staring at me as if he is scared of me as well but not as much as he is scared of those men.

He is a big man and looking at his body he doesn't seem weak. Then why is he behaving like this? Like a kid.

I stare at him and study his features. His eyes are soft like a kids and his lips are trembling .

Oh he has multiple personality disorder.

I can say this because I have studied about this topic a lot. I can tell what type of disorder a person has by studying their features .

So I slowly walked near him. He tried to back away but I smiled. " Hey, I won't hurt you " I said as he looked at me gulping and then nodding.

" Y-you saved me, I trust you " He said.

" Good, what's your name? " I asked because I don't know who he is and how I will handle him. " Nouman... Nouman Khan " He said more whispering as if his name was a danger. I nodded and I signed him to sit on the beach.

We sat there as he started playing with his fingers. They are large and beautiful. But there's some cut mark. " Why don't you want to go back home? " I asked while looking at the sky. He stayed silent. I turn my head towards him.

" My father... He sometimes becomes a monster. I hide then " He said looking at his hands. I wanted to Know more a little more so I asked. " What he does when he becomes a monster " He closes his eyes as if he is in pain.

I keep on looking at him. He held his head harshly, whimpering . I reach my hand out to hold him but then...

With one swift he harshly held my hand and pinned me to the bench. I stare at him with wide eyes. His soft eyes were now dark and ruthless. His soft touch was now harsh. And his breathing was heavy. He was clenched over my jaw.

" Leave " He said in his deep voice as if he was giving me a warning. He slowly left my hand and backed away. Holding the bench hard.

I stare at him not moving. No, I'm not scared, not even a bit. I'm curious..and thrilled.

" What's wrong with you? Instead of saying A thank you , you are telling me to leave " I said in my neutral tone. His dark eyes were not leaving me.

" Leave before I destroy " He said as if he was holding back something in him . I gulped but still I didn't move. What the hell  do you want to get killed by this... This guy.

" You can't threaten me to--- " My words died in my throat as he held me by my throat and again pinned me to the head of the bench. His hold was firm as if he was trying to kill me. I would be scared if I was a normal person but I am feeling this excitement.

" Whatever I tell you, keep it to yourself till you die and then bury it in your grave. I will kill you if you tell anything to anyone. And when I destroy someone their ashes are not even left. " He said getting closer to my face then he stared at my face as if he was saving me in his memory.

Then he got up and walk away. Leaving me sitting there catching my Breath but my eyes were stick to his back. I look down at my wrist there was a red mark.

So I was right he has multiple personality disorder. But he seems like one of those people who knows what problem they have. He knows and he is keeping up with these demons.

Thrill, this is what he gave me just now and even though everything in me is saying to stay the fuck away . I want to run behind this thrill.

Maybe I'm actually a psycho. I smiled, raising my eyebrow. Ops


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