The Dark Hero [BNHA X Male Re...

By Kentucky_Chimmy

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Ofc I watch old animes,so basically your Hiei L/n your a person who has dark power โš ๏ธCringe Warningโš ๏ธ More

UA entrance
Quirk Apprehension test
Hero test
Class Representative and USJ event
first date
Last day this week
Sports Festival
Sports Festival part 2
the coming Internship
Internships and Hosu Incident
Teachers vs Students
Tsuyu's Birthday
Valentines day
Teachers vs Students final part
Endurance pool training
Summer training camp
Summer Camp training day 2
test of courage & Vanguard Action Squad
Kamino incident
Kamino incident 2
nothin' to see here
Ultimate Moves
Ultimate Moves 2
Provisional License
Provisional licensing exam 2

Heights Alliance

70 2 0
By Kentucky_Chimmy

Hiei's pov:

I woke up early and did the usual,I put on my uniform without the blazer,eat breakfast,and began heading out towards the dorms,after what felt like ten minutes,I finally arrived and everyone was gathering so I played along them,and Dadzawa was Infront of us.

Dadzawa:"Nevertheless,its fortunate that Class 1-A are all here safe and sound."

Sero:"Seems like everyone got the permission."

Hagakure:"I had to work extra hard for it."

Jiro:"that's to be expected."

Ojiro:"After all,you guys were involved in the poison gas attack."

Tsuyu:"Not just us,the teachers are safe and sound too. After the press conference,I thought some will leave the school. I was really upset about it."

Uraraka:"me too"

Dadzawa:"Me too. Well, we've been through a lot." He stop for a bit "All right, I'll briefly introduce the dorms. But before that,remember what you learned during the training camp and get your temporary license. It's important. Listen carefully. Kirishima. Yaoyoruzu. Todoroki. Midoriya. Ida. Bakugou. Tokoyami." The seven of them tense up hearing their name "You seven went to that place that night to try to rescue Hiei." Dadzawa took some time and all of them were shock and surprise "Based on everyone's reaction here,it seems like you guys were aware of their plan." Just then a wind blow Dadzawa's hair "Since we're here,I might as will tell you this. If it weren't for the retirement of All Might,I would have already expelled everyone except Hiei,Jiro and Hagakure" I already felt bad about them though,I glance at Tsu and she had that face as if she did or say something she regretted,I decided to approach her.

Hiei:"Hey Tsu,what's up? You look sad"

Tsuyu:"oh uhm, it's nothing I was scared Aizawa Sensei might expelled us"

Hiei:"oh okay" I was suspicious about it,but decided to shrug it off

Tsuyu:"didn't you tell us yesterday that you won't have permission in moving out of the dorms because you don't have parents,why'd you come here? Ribbit"

Hiei:"well,the teachers sort of let me, without any parent permissions" we both look at Bakugo practically dragging Kaminari and use his electric quirk as he came out with 'saitama' face,I smiled knowing Bakugo was trying to make us laugh,as I walk away to the group,and Dadzawa opened the door,as he started introducing it.

Dadzawa:"One dorm for one school year. The right one is for female,the left one is for males. First floor is common area. Restaurant,shower,and laundry are all on the first floor."

Sero:"We even have a garden."

Ashido:"So spacious and beautiful. There's sofa too!"

Uraraka:"This is a mansion." Was she really that gobsmack that she fell on the floor?


Mineta:"Did I hear that correctly? Shower and laundry are in the common area. Is this a dream?" He started drooling

Dadzawa:"Separated by gender. Behave yourself."

Mineta:"yes sir."

Dadzawa:"The second floor and above are rooms. 5 floors in total. Each floor has 4 rooms. 1 person for each room. You have air-condition,toilet, refrigerator and wardrobe in your room. It's quite luxurious."

Midoriya:"Even balcony? Yay!"

Yaoyoruzu:"This room is just as big as my wardrobe back home."

Uraraka:"This is a mansion." This time I manage to catch her before she fell


Hiei:"Uraraka,did you notice Tsu's attitude today?"

Uraraka:"I thought no one notice,yeah,she seems off"

Hiei:"Do you perhaps know why?'

Uraraka:"I think its because she said something rather harsh towards the rescue squad"

Hiei:"thanks for telling me"

Uraraka:"Anytime" after our interactions,Dadzawa continued talking.

Dadzawa:"I've assigned the room and your luggage is in your respective room too. Today,just focus on making your room nice and cozy. I'll debrief you guys about our next goal tomorrow. That's all for today. Dismiss."

Everyone:"Yes, Sir!"

And with that,we separated and began unpacking our luggages,my room was just normal though but I don't mind,after unpacking,I took a quick shower and put on some new clothes.

At night,we went to the common area to rest,most of the boys were there, probably exhausted from unpacking a lot,but I manage to clear my mind after the bath,but it's impossible if you aren't tired unpacking the whole day,right?

(Your in fifth floor,next to Satou)

Kirishima:"Nice outfit Hieibro"

Hiei:"thanks,you too,damn it's exhausting today,but at least I get to move out with you guys"

Sero:"I'm really glad all of us move out in here,rather then others not be able to move out here"

Mineta:"oh man,why did Sensie just had to separate the showers,I was dreaming" I heard him muttering just last hour,I went straight behind him,and....


Him in the head.

Mineta:"What was that for?!"

Hiei:"stop being such a useless donkey for once"


Hiei:"You too Kaminari,as class rep,you should stop flirting other girls,only Jiro"

Kaminari:"oh man,why did you have to expose me,but I have to admit she's beautif-" before he could finish Jiro's earphone jack hit him,which made him spasm.

Jiro:"shut up! You idiot!" She shouted while her face was damn red.

Ashido:"Boys! Are you done with your room?"

Kaminari:"We're taking a break now."

Ashido:"You know,we were just talking."

Hagakure:"And we came up with something."

Ashido:"Should we hold a room exhibition?" After hearing the 'room exhibition',my eyes widen,but I thought for a while,and thought it was a good idea.

Hiei:"sure, we'll play along" I look towards Midoriya,and was screaming,but all of us decided to go to his room.

Midoriya:"No! Wait..." He screamed.

Uraraka:"All Might is everywhere. The room of a fanboy."

Hiei:"man,you sure is a real fanboy"

Midoriya:"he's my idol. This is so embarrassing."

Kaminari:"Damn it. The exhibition started..."

Sero:"But this looks fun." After Midoriya's was Tokoyami,I smiled,knowing Tokoyami was embarrassed to show his room,but Ashido and Hagakure manage to push him away and all of us went inside and it sure is really dark.

Hagakure & Ashido:"This looks dark and scary in there."

Tokoyami:"You guys..."

Kirishima:"The key chain. I remember buying this in junior high."

Ashido:"Boys really like this kind of stuff."

Tokoyami:"Get out."

Midoriya: "A sword. This is so cool-"

Tokoyami:"Get out!" We immediately went out and went to the next room and it sure was the opposite of dark,yep you know it,Aoyoma.

Everyone:"My eyes!"

Aoyoma:"No,this is not flashy. It is fab...." Just what I expected,it wasn't surprising but I went out along with a few.

Hagakure:"Just like what I thought."

Ashido:"Not even surprised."

Uraraka:"It's getting more fun. Who else is on the second floor?" We look at the remaining door,and it was Mineta...

Mineta:"Please come. I'll show you something cool."

Hiei:"ain't no way,were doing that" we walk away and went to the third floor, first was Ojiro's room,it was just an ordinary room,kinda normal to me.

Uraraka:"Very banal. Wow!"

Ashido:"This is what normal room looks like?"

Ojiro:"You don't have to force yourself to compliment." After him was Ida's,and we went inside and it sure look like a classroom,many bookshelves were placed and one weirded me out a bit,he has a stack of glasses...

Ashido:"This looks like some complex subjects. As expected from Ida."

Ida:"Nothing is weird in my room." Nothing weird eh? Me and Uraraka walk towards Ida's stack,and Uraraka grab one glasses as she started wheezing,I can't help but wheeze along!

Uraraka: "You have too many glasses"

Hiei:" I can agree on that" the both of us started wheezing to death,and I look like this

(The weird line in his neck and head are his scar that just healed after the kamino incident)

Ida:"What's so strange about that? It's because I expect them to be destroyed during our intense training."

What I didn't expect is that Ashido and Uraraka grab Ida's glasses and wore it,then we proceeded to the next rooms which was Kaminari's.

Everyone:"It's so gaudy!"

Jiro:"It's like he just used anything he could lay his hands on."

Kaminari:"what? isn't it great?" I walk towards his stuff and grab one baseball cap with black in white color.

Hiei:"hey man,can I have this?"

Kaminari:"sure thing bro"

Hiei:"thanks" I wore the cap and we went to the next room which is Koda's room.

Ashido/Uraraka:"There's a rabbit! It's so cute!"

Kaminari:"It's not fair to have a pet. Koda,you've gotta be doing this on purpose!"

Hiei:"to be honest,I agree with Kaminari, but I'm not complaining you know" after it,we rest for a while,and us boys were quite unsatisfied.

Kaminari:"Anyway,I'm not satisfied."

Ojiro:"Yeah,what a coincidence. Me neither. Not satisfied."


Aoyoma:"Yeah,me neither."

Hiei:"I agree"

Mineta:"It's weird for the boys to be the only ones getting picked on. You said this was a room presentation contest,right? Then,of course,we should also see the girls' room before we decide,right? Shouldn't we decide who has the best taste in interior decoration from everyone in class?" He said with rather a weird aura.

Ashido:"Sounds good!"


Ashido:"Um,okay,so we'll be deciding who has the best taste in interior decoration in the class,or who's the room king!"

Jiro:"Room king?"

Ojiro:"We don't have to decide anything like that..."

Todoroki:"I'm sleepy." After our discussion we started walking to Kirishima's room,and pass Bakugo's.

Uraraka:"The ones on the boys' side of the fourth floor are Bakugo, Kirishima,and Shoji,right?"

Ida:"Where's Bakugo? *Weird hand chopping in Japanese*"

Kirishima:"He said, "this is lame. I'm going to sleep," a long time ago and went to his room. I'm sleepy too." While in the middle of speaking,Ashido and Hagakure ran past him and excitedly head to Kirishima's dorm.

Hagakure:"Then,let's go to Kirishima's room!"

Ashido:"Let's keep this going!" As we arrived at his doorstep,he hesitate first.

Kirishima:"I don't really care,but I don't think you girls will get it-"

Kirishima:"The manliness!" I have to admit,I kind of love it though.


Hagakure:"This looks like it'd rank in around second for the room you'd least want your boyfriend to have."

Uraraka:"It's so hot! So hot and stuffy!"

Kirishima:"See? I told you."

Hiei:"your dorm is kinda interesting to me"

Kirishima:"Thanks Hiebro"

Hagakure:"Next Shoji!" Afterwards we head to Shoji's room.

Shoji:"There's nothing interesting here."

Ashido:"Nothing interesting?" We look at his dorm,and it was empty,only a futon and a mattress,with study table,nothing else,but let's not judge here.

Todoroki:"I didn't know you were a minimalist."

Shoji:"Well,I've never really liked having a lot of things." We then left his room,and to be honest,I'm freaking nervous,of how they think of my room,but to be glad it was the last one,while on the elevator Ashido and Hagakure excitedly decide who would be checked first.

Hagakure:"Next,let's go up a floor to the fifth floor boys' rooms!"

Ashido:"We'll start with Sero!"

Sero:"Are we seriously doing everyone?" As we went inside his dorm,it was freaking ASIAN-LIKE cool!



Uraraka:"It's lovely!"

Jiro:"Sero,I didn't know you liked stuff like this."

Sero:"Yup,that's me! Always expect the unexpected."

Hiei:"your really full of surprises,I'm impressed"

Sero:"thanks man"


Yaoyoruzu:"Next is Todoroki,right?"

Todoroki:"Hurry up and get this over with. I'm sleepy."

Sero/Ashido:"A Japanese-style room!" And as he open his door,the curious ones look like they were hit by a lightning bolt.

Kaminari:"Was his made differently?!"

Todoroki:"We have tatami at home,so I can't relax on flooring."

Kaminari:"Who cares about that?!"

Mineta:"How did you remodel it in a day?!"

Todoroki:"I worked hard." As he said that,a few left, surprisingly I am too.

Kaminari:"What's up with this guy?"

Hagakure:"He seems like he'll be a big shot one day."

Sato:"Pretty boys do things differently,huh?"

Ashido:"Okay,next! is the last two of the boys is..."

Sato:"I think mine's next." We went inside his dorm.

Sato:"Anyway,it's a boring room. Anyone's would be after Todoroki's."

Kirishima:"Something smells good...what is it?"

Sato:"Oh no,I forgot! I finished unpacking really early,so I baked a chiffon cake. I thought we could all eat it together. It'd be even more delicious with whipped cream,but you guys want some?"


Hiei:"I don't mind eating one" I grab a small slice of the chiffon cake and bite it,and stars suddenly shined in my eyes.

Kaminari/Mineta:"It's like an exemplary unexpected side!"

Hiei:"hmm,you make a good cake,your gonna be the baker of class A"

Uraraka:"It's delicious! So fluffy!"


Ashido:"I think he easily surpassed Sero"

Yaoyoruzu:"What a wonderful hobby you have, Sato. Would you like to bake something to go with my tea next time?"

Sato:"Oh,I didn't expect everyone to like it so much. I just make it as part of my training for my quirk. Buying sweets can get expensive"

Hagakure:"The last one of all boys is Hiei!" We went to my dorm and hesitate for a split second before gently pushing the door

Hiei:"I know it's not what you expected,but uhm welcome" I awkwardly said

Ashido:"This is cool!"

Hagakure:"I love this types of rooms!"

Uraraka:"Me too!"

Jiro:"do you play a guitar?"

Hiei:"yeah,I am,why?"

Jiro:"can you play for us? Please?"

Hiei:"hmm,okay" I grab the guitar just hanging beside my door,and began playing it

After playing it,I stopped and give them time to react

Jiro:"That was cool! You play really good!"

Hiei:"hehe,thanks a lot,thank you guys for taking your time listening"

Kaminari:"hey no fair,you get to impress her"

Hiei:"stop being stupid and she will be impressed"

Hagakure:"Next is our dorms!"

Jiro:"Aw man,are we seriously doing everyone? Is that all right?"

Ashido:"It's probably me, right?"

Jiro:"It's kind of embarrassing..." She opened her door and her room was filled with instruments,to be honest I am secretly a music lover for some reason.

Kaminari:"It's filled with even more instruments than I expected."

Hagakure:"It's because Jiro's a rockin' girl."

Uraraka:"Can you play all these?"

Jiro:"Yeah,at least the basics..."

Kaminari:"It's not girly at all."

Aoyoma:"Unladylike." As they both said how she is not girly,she immediately attacked them with her earphone jacks which made them spasm,and all of us sweat dropped.

Jiro:"Next. Let's move onto the next one!"

Hagakure:"Next is me, Hagakure." We went to the next room and it was filled with girly stuff,but who knows,they are girls anyway.

Hagakure:"What do you think?"

Kaminari:"O-oh. It's like a normal girl's! It's making my heart pound." Just then I caught a glimpse of Mineta sneaking in Hagakure's drawer,as he motion his fingers in a forward- backward motion

Mineta:"Plus ultra."

Hagakure:"Mineta,you went straight for it,huh?" Just then something hit Mineta that somehow kick him out of the room,which was Ojiro's tail.

Ojiro:"Did I do something?" He ask in confusion to which we just start to forget what just happened.

Ashido:"I'm next!" We went to the next room,but it's the same as Hagakure's,more girly.

Ashido:"Ta-da! Isn't it cute?"

Boys:"Wow." I'm not really into bright colors,but did not complain anyway,after it we went to Uraraka's room.

Uraraka:"It's not very interesting room..."


Ojiro:"I feel dirty going around looking at so many normal girls' rooms..."

Tokoyami:"A forbidden garden..."

Hiei:"To be honest,I agree with you guys for now." after that went to Infront of Tsu's dorm and now I realize,she wasn't with us...

Midoriya:"Next is Asui..."

Sero:"Wait, Tsu's not here.."

Uraraka:"Oh,Tsu said she wasn't feeling well.."

Sero:"We can't do anything if she's not feeling well."

Kaminari:"We'll just have to get her to show us when she's feeling better!" We proceeded to the next room which was Yaoyoruzu's.

Sero:"Then,last is Yaoyoruzu!"

Yaoyoruzu:"Well,I think I miscalculated...Unlike all of your rooms filled with originality,mine became a little cramped." As She opened the door,the bed was big,and everything look luxurious.

Kaminari:"It's huge! it's cramped! What happened, Yaoyoruzu?"

Yaoyoruzu:"It's the furniture I was using,but I didn't think the room could be this small"

Midoriya/Uraraka:"She's a rich girl,all right." After that,we went and gathered in the living room,and since Ashido told us to vote,I voted for Jiro,I mean obviously we are the same person.

Ashido:"All right, everyone,have you all voted? You can't vote for yourself! And now,here are the results of the first Room King competition,minus Bakugo and Tsu! With a total of five votes! The overwhelming winner standing alone at the top is.....Rikido...Sato!"


Ashido:"By the way,they were all girls! The reason was... because the cake was delicious!"

Sato:"What about my room?-"

Mineta/Kaminari:"You little- Aspiring heroes shouldn't use bribery!"

Sato:"I'm not bribing anyone! What the heck,I'm super happy!"

Mineta/Kaminari:"Don't laugh!"

Todoroki:"Is it over? Can I go to sleep now?"

Ida:"Yes! Since you had cake,don't forget to brush your teeth!"

Midoriya:"He was waiting until it was over,huh?"

Uraraka:"Oh, Todoroki,wait a second. Deku and Ida,too,and Kirishima and Yaoyoruzu, Tokoyami. Do you have a minute?" I thought about it for while,before silently following them,and as they got outside,I crawl and hid in the edge of the stairs,as I started eavesdropping them.

Uraraka:"You see,Tsu said she had something to tell you all."

Tsuyu:"I can't help but say everything that comes to mind. But there are times when I don't know what to say. Do you remember what I said at the hospital?"

Midoriya:"Yeah,I remember."

Tsuyu:"I hardened my heart and said some painful things."

Uraraka:"Tsu..." She started to pat Tsu's back

Tsuyu:"Even so,you still went. When I heard about that this morning,I was shocked,I thought I'd stopped you,so I was filled with disappointment and bad feelings...I didn't know what to say...I didn't feel like I could have fun talking with everyone...But...that made me very sad. That's why I wanted to tell you even if I couldn't gather my thoughts properly,so that I could have fun and talk to everyone again."

Uraraka:"It's not just Tsu that feels this way. Everyone felt uneasy and wanted the feeling to go away....that's why....The 'Room King' and everything was because they understood how you all felt...So don't blame them,but,you know....I mean,I know it's hard,but anyway...Let's all work hard together and laugh together again!"



Kirishima:"I'm sorry! Thanks for telling us!"




Midoriya:"Asu- Tsu!"

Tokoyami:" I'm really sorry Tsu"

Kirishima:"I won't ever do it again."


Yaoyoruzu:"Me neither."

Ida:"I promise!" I finally came out of my hiding spot and watch them as they started to comfort Tsu,I crossed my arms while smiling,when Midoriya saw me.

Midoriya:"Hiei? How long have you been here?"

Hiei:"I sort of eavesdrop you guys,and I'm sorry about it,but can you guys do me a favor?"

Kirishima:"What is it?"

Hiei:"could you um,give us a minute? Please?" The six of them look at each other before nodding and they left us,and went inside.

Tsuyu:"Look,I'm sorry I lied to you in the-"

Hiei:"why are you sorry?"

Tsuyu:"Ribbit?" I then lean in and give her hug

Hiei:"Please don't be sorry,I understand everything" she buried her face in my chest,as I feel a warm liquid in my shirt,and I realize she was crying,I gently pat her head,as she continues to cry,I gently grab her by the chin and wipe her tears with my thumb.

Hiei:"there,more beautiful" I give her a quick kiss,and hug her again before pulling away "we better go,it's almost Ten pm"

Tsuyu:"let's go, ribbit"

And we went inside,as we talk

Tsuyu:"can I ask you something?"

Hiei:"sure ask away"

Tsuyu:"can I stay in your room for the night? "

Hiei:"sure thing,but you should get some of your stuffs to bring in my room"

Tsuyu:"okay,ribbit,what room are you in?"

Hiei:"fifth floor,next to Sato's"

Tsuyu:"okay,I'll be there in a minute" and with that we separated ways,I went inside my room and clean some little mess,and as I was waiting,I play a bit of my guitar before hearing a knock on my door,I opened the door and it was Tsu in her pajamas,I move to the side and she went inside.

Hiei:"what do you think of my room?"

Tsuyu:"it's nice,I love it,ribbit"

Hiei:"thanks,I hope I'll get to see yours next time" she chuckled at this before yawning a bit.

Hiei:"your really sleepy,I think we should sleep for now"

Tsuyu:"Yeah,ribbit" and with that I plop onto my bed,as Tsu layed beside me,as she snuggled against me,everytime she gets way too cute,my mind would die of cuteness,but for now,let's give her some peace,she went through a lot,she slowly fell asleep and me too,but before I could fully sleep,I wrapped my arms around her,incase something happens, I'm being overprotective...

Random facts: The reason why Tsuyu and Hiei were next to each other in the summer training camp,was when Hiei gave a quick kiss to Tsuyu, Mandalay and Pixie Bob were inside the black car as they watch you both,that's why Pixie Bob always refer Tsuyu as your 'girlfriend',and they both decided to put Hiei and Tsuyu's bed next to each other

Random events:(Villain Hiei AU)
Hiei just recently joined the L.O.V. and he doesn't know a lot about being a villain,so Toga,Spinner,and Twice were chosen to assist you.

Toga: Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side
I know you think you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right

Spinner/Twice/Toga: You need to drag your feet. You need to nod your head. You need to lean back. Slip through the cracks. You need to not care

Twice: Uh,you need to not stare

Spinner/Twice/Toga: You need a whole lot of help

Toga: You need to not be yourself

Toga: You wanna be cool? Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once catch this feeling
Yeah,once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin',oh
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a villain(hey)
Chillin' like a, chillin' like a(hey), villain

Toga: You draw attention when you act like that
Let us teach you how to disappear
You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat
Gotta be wrong to get it right 'round here

Spinner/Twice/Toga: You need to watch your back
You need to creep around
You need to slide real smooth
Don't make a sound
And if you want it,take it
And if you can't take it,break it
If you care about your health

Toga: Seriously,you need to not be yourself

Toga: You wanna be cool? Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
Yeah,once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin',oh
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a -

Hiei: I really wanna be bad a lot
And I'm giving it my best shot
But it's hard being what I'm not

Spinner: Well if you don't,your gonna get us caught

Toga: He's right,we gotta stay lowkey
Now show us how bad can you be

*Hiei acts more villainous*

Hiei: Like this? (Yeah,yeah,yeah) Like this? (Yeah,yeah)

Hiei: Oh yeah,I think I got this let's go,I'm ready to rock this
And I ain't gonna thank you for your help
I think I found the worst to myself

Toga: You wanna be cool? Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
Yeah,once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin',oh
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a villain(chillin')
Chillin' like a villain.

(I didn't expect to reach this long but sorry for some mistakes and all,thanks a lot for taking your time reading my story,I'm sorry for posting slowly,exam is coming and I have to study hard,so yeah)


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