Dragon Ball V(tuber)

By normal_writer1812

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in a whole another world, where monster roamed and terrorize people. there were 7 legendary heroes who reside... More

the runaway warrio
biker bandets
welcome to Fatun town
The Predator
A warrior's rage
Taken In

the bird

212 11 1
By normal_writer1812

Around the forest, the bird chirped in harmony upon their nest, ants surrounding their hills as squirrels rested inside trees. The sun gives its light to nature as the flowers bloom, showing its beauty to the world. Leaves blowing against the cold breeze wind as ladybugs rested upon them.

(y/n) analyzed his surroundings, not wanting to miss a single part of nature's beauty. Feeling the cold breeze wind touch his skin lightly as his ears enjoy the songs the birds played. Slowly he walked to appreciate every second he stayed in the forest, far away from his home. There was no feeling of a heavy weight being strap against him, in fact it felt like it was being removed, and there was no one there to reattach it.

(y/n): So this is what it's like. No tower of homeworks, no teacher to tell me I have to do better, no telling me I have to be perfect. Just me, and my will to do whatever I want to do.

He spoke quietly to himself, as he held the four star ball that rested on his neck. Going into his pocket, he took out the photo of the 9 people to analyze it once more. Turning it around, he looked at it back to see the city name "RyūKyū town" one more time.

(y/n): Now where the heck do I go?

He asked himself, having no clue on where the exact locations of this town were.

(y/n): man I should have at least looked up where this place was before I ran. I don't even have a clue on where to even go.

He told himself puzzled. He looked around his surroundings one more time hoping to see if there was any clue of any kind that could help him tell him exactly where he was. Thinking that if he had a higher view he knew where to go, in a single jump, (y/n) jumped on top of the trees, gaining a better view. With his new view, (y/n) looked around as far as he could only to see that the forest goes further, possibly even miles upon miles for who knows how long. (y/n) groaned as he jumped down back to the ground.

(y/n): so I have no idea where I'm going and I'm basically lost in the middle of nowhere.

He told himself with annoyance, sighing to himself.

(y/n): great, this is what happens when you don't think ahead of things.

Once again told himself in annoyance. (y/n) scratched his head trying to think of something that could help him. He stool still, focusing all of his power into his brain hoping to have a big brain moment. Though sadly his mind came empty.

(y/n): ah man, can;t even think of anything even in dispret time.

He whined to himself, unable to think of anything else. He thought of something, that something the orange four star ball.

(y/n): maybe this thing knows what to do.

He told himself as he took the necklace off to get a better look at the orange ball.

(y/n): alright magic ball or whatever you are. You once belonged to my dad, my real dad. Maybe by any chance you can tell me where to go to find RyūKyū town. So if you can, please guide me to where I can find this place.

He asked the orange four star ball, pleading to it for any signs of where to go. He stares at it, hoping to be given a sign of any kind. He waited for seconds, until minutes passed, yet signs of any kind showed up.

(y/n): aw man, this isn't doing nothing for me.

He angerlying said as he glared at the ball. Anger by its lack of usefulness.

(y/n): what do you even do?! You're just an orange ball! Like you symbolize something, or do something magically!

He screams loudly in anger, causing nearby birds to fly away in fear. Violently he started to shake the ball thinking that would do something.

(y/n): like seriously! What so special about you! My real dad and mom thought you were special for some reason so now's your time to show me why you're special! So do something special that can help me!

He once again screamed loudly, his scream echoing through the forest causing more birds to fly away out of fear. After his tantrum, (y/n) quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down. Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath and released a relaxed sigh.

(y/n): look, sorry for screaming at you, I just... really want to know what to do in this situation. I have no clue where I'm going, heck I don't even know where I'm at right now. And all I want to do is to meet my real parents. So far you're the only thing I know of that might know where to find them since I know Xelena and Matara weren't going to tell me, and it's not like I can go back to ask them where to go find RyūKyū town. You really are the only thing I have right now, so please, just give a sign.

He pleaded with the ball one more time, closing his eyes tightly as he fell onto his knees. Holding the dragon ball up to the air hoping for a miracle to come and give a sigh on where to go. The cold breeze flew past him, touching his skin lightly as well as the leaves attached to the trees. The leaves move so slightly, giving space for light to hit upon the dragon ball, and like a magnifying glass, it focuses the light to point at a certain angle, causing the light to point at a certain direction into the bushes. Seeing this, (y/n) awe in amazement seeing what seems to be a message from the orange ball.

(y/n): thanks I guess.

He told the orange ball. Quickly he went to the directions that light had to him to go, walking up to the bushes he analyzed to see if there was something he needed to look at. Only to see that they were normal bushes, he then thought it was something behind him he needed to see, so he walked into the bushes to see what was on the other side. Once walking past them, he saw what was waiting for him.

He sees a large pond with a small waterfall that barely makes a sound. Bushes and trees surrounding the ponds as well as small rocks poked out of it.

(y/n) looked amazed by its beauty, its clear water and the calm and peaceful sound that the waterfall made. It was like candy for both his ears and his eyes, one that will always be sweet to him.

(y/n): whoa, this is really... something to behold at. Truly candy for me eyes, but how is this supposed to help with my current situations?

He once again stared at the ball hoping for it to answer him. Though this time it didn't seem like it was going to.

(y/n): maybe I was just lucky that the light hit you in a certain way that the light pointed me to this way.

He told him, as he continued to stare at the pond and all of its glory, admiring the view knowing he may never something like this ever again.


The sound growling causes (y/n) to look down to see his stomach growl. Feeling that it was empty and starving, he quickly looked back at the pond, to see that there were indeed some fish inside of it that swam together.

(y/n): oh, I guess that's why you wanted to show me this.

He looked back at the orange ball. His stomach continue to growl once again which started to bother (y/n)

(y/n): welp, might start fishing for my launch.

He told himself, he put back on the orange ball around his neck as he walked up to the pond and slowly put his feet into the cold water. Slowly he walked up to the fishes that swam around as quickly as possible, not wanting to make a single sound. As (y/n) became a few feet away from the fishes, (y/n) jumped towards like a predator catching his prey, though the fish swam away from him quickly. (y/n) instead hit the steep water with his face, missing his prey as they swam away.

(y/n): man, this might take a while.

He told himself.

Time skip

Hours have passed, (y/n) sat upon the ground next to the pond with his man made fire he started to spark flames in front of him. Above the fire were 3 fishes that he caught all by himself, cooking to the right temperature. (y/n) stare at the fishes with water in his month, imagining what they must have tasted like, desiring to chew down on them right now, though (y/n) had to hold himself back. Though his mouth water for food, his mouth also desires water as well. Though anxious to leave his food unmonitored, thinking that a monster will smell his food and take it for himself.

(y/n): ah if a monster shows up, I'm sure that I can beat it up within seconds.

He told himself as he stood up from the ground.

(y/n): besides I doubt there's anything nearby, I'm practically alone in this wood. Who else would be here?

He asked himself as he walked up to the pond to get a quick sip of its water. Leaving his food unmonitored. Walking up to the lake, he kneeled down and poured his hand into the cold and gentle water, lifting a small amount of water into his mouth, taking a sip. As he did so, a bush near his camp fire ruffled its leaves, two small hands came out of it, moving parts of the bush for eyes to show up. The eyes first stare at (y/n), who continue drinking from the pond, oblivious to what was hiding from him. Then its eyes looked upon the fish that laid dead, being roasted above the fire.

(y/n) once again pour his hand into the pond, carrying more water to his mouth, siping out of his hands.

(y/n): ah, that did the stuff for me.

He told himself, feeling less dry up. He stood back up on his feet, and turned around expecting to see his 3 caught fish ready to be served.

Only to see something else, he saw a blond-haired girl, seemingly around (y/n)'s age, with two ponytails, one with a white ribbon and the other with a black ribbon. A blue hat placed on top of her head, as she wore a white shirt and a light gray jacket with a blue skirt, eating his lunch.

Feeling that someone was staring at her, the girl turned her head to see that (y/n) had spotted her. Silence filled the air as the two of them just stared at each, not making a single sound. They kept staring at each other, until the girl then took another bite out of the fish, causing (y/n) to twitch his eye in anger.

(y/n): hey!

He screamed in anger, dashing towards her enraged, the girl screamed in fear as she quickly started to step away from (y/n). (y/n) though tackle her down to the ground, (y/n) pinned her down to the ground, raising his fist to the air, he plunged it towards the girl but quickly the girl moved her head out of the way, making (y/n) punch the ground. The girl uppercut him under his chin, causing (y/n) to lose grip of the girl which the girl then kicked him in the face with both of her feet. Pushing (y/n) off of her, the girl backfills away from (y/n), gaining some distance. Once a few feet away, she started to run away from (y/n).

(y/n): no you don't!

He screamed, (y/n) then jumped a great distance and landed right in front of the girl. The girl raised her leg and kicked (y/n) in the face, but quickly (y/n) grabbed her by the leg and spun her around, throwing her into the pond. Her eyes being filled with water, her vision became blurry, she shook her head to quickly dry it but (y/n) dashed towards and tackled her once again to the ground. Pinning her to the ground again, he raised his fist and swung at her face but quickly grabbed his fist mid punch, (y/n) raised his other fist and swung at her face again yet the girl caught his fist mid punch once again. Then the girl pulled (y/n)'s face towards her and headbutted him in the face, pushing (y/n) off of her. (y/n) fell on his back and the girl quickly stood up and started to run, passing by (y/n), quickly (y/n)'s used his tail to wrap around her leg, causing to trip and fall on the ground.

???: stop trying to attack me!

The girl screamed back at (y/n).

(y/n): then don't eat stranger's food you thief!

He screamed even louder back at the girl.

???: it's not my fault! It's ocean law!

She quickly screamed back as she quickly stood back up and started to run again.

(y/n): what even is that!

He screamed in confusion as he too quickly got back up on his feet. About to run as well, he stopped as the two heard a mighty roar like no other. The roar caused the pebbles on the floor to shake, the pond to vibrate, and the birds flew away once again. The sound of stomping is what they heard as they felt the floor under them shaked as if a mini earthquake had just appeared. The thunder crack grew louder and louder, the water vibrated even stronger and the pebbles moved from their positions. The stomps, getting louder and louder, the two looked around their surroundings to see what was causing the mini earthquake, only to see the trees that surrounded him. The two stayed perfectly still like a statue, not daring to make a sound that could bring attention to them. Hoping whatever caused the loud noise wouldn't notice them at all. Silence filled the air, the stomping had seemed to stop and nothing seemed to be coming out of the forest. So slowly the two silently started to tip toe away from the scene hoping to get somewhere safe.

Then out of the trees and bushes, the monster burst out of them. A monster that was 20 feet tall and 40 feet at length. The monster had red fur, paws with claws sharper enough to tear through metal, teeth sharper than blades. Eyes bloody red with pupils filled with darkness. Its head resembles the head of a wolf as its three tails on its back resemble those of a fox. The monster stared at the two like a mad dog that hasn't been eating for days, with foam coming out of its mouth.

The two stare at the monster, still like a statue, hoping that it wouldn't even notice the two of them. The monster huffed and puffed and let out a mighty roar, more ferocious than any normal animal. The monster then charged at the two like mad bull, quickly the two jumped out of the way, dodging it charge. The two jumped in opposite directions from the monster, gaining some distance. The monster then moves its head towards (y/n)'s directions, glaring at him with great hunger. It let out another mighty roar once more, turning its entire body towards (y/n) and once again charging at (y/n) at high speed. Once the monster came close to (y/n), it raised its large paw into the air, swatting it down upon (y/n) but he quickly jumped away from the attack. The monster smashed the ground that (y/n) once stood, as (y/n) jumped a great distance away from the monster.

(y/n) then jumped a high distance above the monster's head, raising his foot into the air, he launched his foot down upon the monster's head, slamming it on the ground. Seeing the opportunity, the girl quickly ran up behind the monster, jumped into the air as well, then launched both her feet down upon the monster's paw. The monster let out a roar of pain, letting (y/n) run under its stomach, (y/n) kicked it in the stomach with all of his force, launching the monster into the air.

The two watch the monster launch into the air until they couldn't even see it. They stare at the sky for a bit, until they notice the monster coming back to the ground so the two move out of the way of its landing spot. The monster then hit ground, causing a mini earthquake, causing the tree and bushes to rumble, causing birds and other animals to run away from the scene out of fear.

The monster lay on the ground, lifeless as the fall had killed it. The two stare at its lifeless body seeing if it would move a single inch. Staring at it for a few seconds, it didn't move at all, confirming that it was dead.

???: yeah! We killed it together! Yay to us! Whoa!

The girl screamed in excitement as she raised both her hands into the air, though (y/n) wasn't sharing the same enthusiasm. (y/n) looked back at her, his eyes glaring at her which the girl noticed.

???: hey! I just helped you take down a monster! So don't give me that face! So be grateful you got help from me!

She screamed at (y/n) with annoyance.

(y/n): after you stole my food!

He screamed back at her with anger as he clenched his fist in rage.

???: Okay well I save you so basically you own me anyways.

She argues back with a cheeky attitude, further annoying (y/n) even more.

(y/n): you didn't save me until after you stole from me!

He screamed back as he started to stomp towards her.

???: well finder keepers!

She screamed back at him as she too stomped towards her.

(y/n): that logic is flawed! Besides I found those fishes before you so you stole from me either way!

The two then stomp up to each other until they are face to face with each other. Staring at each other's souls through their eyes. Once up close, the two started to have a staring contest, both staring with anger. They stare at each other for a while, until (y/n) then raises his foot and stomps upon the girl's foot.

???: ow! You jerk!

She screamed in pain as she grabbed her foot in pain. (y/n) simply laughed at her suffering and walked away to start eating his lunch. The girl continued to hold her foot in pain, (y/n) sat next to the camp fire he created, taking a fish and starting munch on it. (y/n) chew the fish as the girl continues to hold her foot, still in pain.

???: ow! Gosh darn it! How strong is your foot!

She screamed once again as her foot was still in pain. While that was happening, (y/n) started to eat the third fish that he had caught, finally the girl's foot stopped feeling pain. And quickly she glared at (y/n) who had finished the third fish.

???: oh come on! Don't be selfish! You know I'm hungry too! Why did you think I stole— I mean borrowed your food!

She screamed at (y/n), pleading with him. Yet (y/n) only just scoffed.

(y/n): not my problem.

He aggressively repsoned back at her, causing her to clench her fist, then scoffing at him.

???: well fine then, I'll just find my own food!

She screamed in anger. The girl walked up to the pond looking for fish to eat, analyzing the pond she found 5 fishes swimming around each other. The girl smirked as she saw her pray. Slowly she walked into the pond, trying to sneak up the fishes, getting closer to the fishes, quickly she jumped towards them. But the fish quickly swam away from her, causing the girl to hit the ground face first.

???: ow! Dang fish!

She screamed in a burst of rage. Seeing the scene simply caused (y/n) to laugh, which the girl noticed.

???: Hey if this is so easy for you! Then why don't you try doing this!

She screamed at him in annoyance. Which (y/n) took as a challenge.

(y/n): fine, I'll show you how it's done.

He said with a smirk filled with confidence. Standing up, (y/n) jumped into the deep pond out of the girl's sight. She stared at where (y/n) jumped into, waiting for (y/n) to resurface, she waited for a few seconds, until noticing bubbles started to appear where he jumped then. (y/n) then re-emerged out of the pond, with two fishes in his hand.

(y/n): see, it's that easy.

He said with a smirk on his face, though the girl just looked at him with annoyance.

Time skip

(y/n) and the girl sat around the fire they have created with multiple fishes stabbed with fishes that hang above the fire. The girl held a fish in her hand, chewing upon the fish to fulfill her hunger. (y/n) stares at the fire and the spark it creates, with his mind filled with finding RyūKyū town. The girl munched loudly on her food, gaining (y/n)'s attention. He stares at the girl, who continues to eat her food, with curiosity.

(y/n): so, who are you, and why are you here?

He asked the girl, gaining her attention.

???: why should I tell you that?

She asked aggressively which (y/n) rolled his eyes at.

(y/n): well you don't have to be so aggressive.

He annoyingly said to her, which annoyed her.

???: well you didn't have to attack out of nowhere.

She responded back.

(y/n): well you didn't have to steal my food!

His voice raised at her. Which she simply scoffs at as she continues to eat her food, causing (y/n) to sigh.

(y/n): Well by any chance, do you have any knowledge on where RyūKyū town is?

He asked the girl, whose eyes widened as she stopped chewing on her food. Quickly she swallows her food and stares back at (y/n).

???: Did you just say RyūKyū town!

She screamed in shock, which caught (y/n) off guard.

(y/n): um, yeah. Do you know where it is?

He asked her one more time, but she simply shook her head.

???: of course not, if I did I don't think I would be here.

She told him as she took her bite of her meal.

(y/n): great, so we're both clueless on where to go.

He grumbled.

???: sucks I know. Though why do you want to find RyūKyū town?

She leaned forward, eager for more details of his reason to find RyūKyū town. (y/n) stare at her, annoyed, yet the thought of maybe having someone to travel with intrigues his mind. So he simply sighs, taking the necklaces off his neck to show it to the girl.

(y/n): this what I found.

He told her as she looked closely at the orange curiously, analyzing every inch of it.

???: What the heck is this?

Her eyes widened with interest as she stared at the strange ball.

(y/n): how the heck am I supposed to know, all I know is that my adoptive parents hid it from me and that this once belonged to my real parents.

Frustration filled his voice, still clueless on the whole thing. Though hearing what (y/n) just said, the girl looked at him with confusion.

???: Wait, you're adopted?

A spark of curiosity danced in her eyes, which (y/n) nodded his head too.

(y/n): yeah I know, bit of a shocker to me as well. Just found out yesterday.

???: and now I'm guessing that you ran from your home to go find RyūKyū town to hopefully find a purpose of some kind.

Her face got closer to (y/n)'s face as if she was trying to read (y/n)'s mind. Annoyed, (y/n) pushed her face away from him aggressively.

(y/n): if freedom is purpose, then yes. I ran from home because of that reason.

He told her, which the girl fist bump the air in excitement.

???: yes! I got it! Man, I should be a psychic.

She told herself proudly though (y/n) looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

(y/n): so, since I told you my reason on why I'm trying to find RyūKyū town. Why don't you tell me your reason for finding RyūKyū town.

He pressed for more information, though the girl scratched her chin, humming to herself whether or not to tell him her reason for wanting to find RyūKyū town.

???: hm, how about... no.

She said, with a smug grin, then immediately laughing. Falling to the ground as she continued to laugh, though (y/n) didn't share the same laughter. (y/n) glared at her like she was an immature child, but the girl didn't notice as she continued to laugh. Annoyed, (y/n) sighs as he gets up and starts to walk away.

(y/n): well if you aren't going to tell me then i guess I'll just leave you here.

He huffed in frustration. Hearing this, the girl quickly stopped laughing as her smug face turned into worry.

???: wait no!

She screamed in fear. Quickly running in front (y/n), blocking his path.

???: please don't leave here all by myself with my thoughts! I literally don't have anyone to talk to but myself! I've been in these woods for like 2 days and you're the only person that I've found and these forsaken woods! So please for the sake of me, don't leave me here! Please take me with you!

She pleaded with (y/n) as she grabbed him by the shoulder and rapidly shook him violently. (y/n) grabbed her arms, stopping her from shaking him.

(y/n): alright! Alright, I'll take you with me.

He groaned in irritation, making the girl smile.

???: yeah!

She jumped into the air in victory with a smile filling her face.

(y/n): just one condition.

He quickly stated, turning the girl's smile into a worried one.

(y/n): just tell me, who are you?

He spoke in a gentle voice. The girl looked back at him, annoyed. Yet not wanting to be alone, she sighs.

???: Okay fine.

She sighed, taking a deep breath.

Doki: my name is Doki, DokiBird but. You can just call me Doki.

She reluctantly said, which (y/n) smiled at.

(y/n): that wasn't so hard, now was it?

He said, with a smug grin, placing his hand on her shoulder. Annoyed, Doki aggressively shoved his hand off of her.

Doki: Okay, I told you my name, now you have to tell me yours.

She demanded (y/n), which he nodded his head.

(y/n): Okay fine, my name is (y/n).

He answered her question, yet she wasn't satisfied.

Doki: (y/n) who?

She asked him, which (y/n) looked puzzled.

Doki: (y/n) who! What is your last name!

She snapped out at him, demanding his last, though (y/n) wasn't going to be so reluctant to tell his last name.

(y/n): I don't have a last name!

He barked back, angering Doki.

Doki: What do you mean you don't have a last name! Everyone has a last name!

She yelled back at him with annoyance in her voice.

(y/n): Okay I do have a last name, but it belongs to my adopted parents! And I refuse to use the last name of the people who hid the fact that I was adopted in the first place!

He hissed at her.

Doki: Well then don't expect me to give you my last name then.

She huffed at him, turning her back at him.

(y/n): well with a name like yours I don't think I want to know your last name.

He scoffs at her, causing Doki to widen her eyes in frustration.

Doki: What's that supposed to mean?

She glared at (y/n), who just gave her a smug smile.

(y/n): it means what It means, why kind of name is DokiBird.

He gave her a smug smile, causing her to twitch her eyes.

Doki: It's a wonderful name! Unlike yours!

She snapped back at him, turning (y/n)'s smug smile into an annoyed one.

(y/n): oi!

He screamed back at her, though she simply laughed at her annoyance. (y/n) just sigh in annoyance.

(y/n): can't believe I have to be a duo with you now.

He muttered under his breath, annoyance evident in his tone.

Doki: oh yeah, since we're now basically a duo, what do we do now?

She asked him, which (y/n) just shrugged his shoulders.

(y/n): how am I supposed to know?

He shrugged, causing Doki to twitch her eyes.

Doki: Oh great so we're still lost in the middle of nowhere with no signs of any cities or villages nearby!

She gritted his teeth as she pulled her hair. Though (y/n) kept a cool head.

(y/n): don't worry, I'm sure that we can somehow find something that may give us a clue. We just have to keep on searching.

He said with a positive attitude though Doki didn't share the attitude.

Doki: Okay then, where do we start searching in this middle of nowhere forest.

She sneered at him, wanting to hear his answer only for him to shrug his shoulders.

(y/n): I don't know.

Was all he said, which Doki just glared at him in disappointment.

(y/n): but don't worry, I'm sure that we will find a city or a village that can possibly help us.

He said with a smile.

Doki: Yeah, right.

She responded with dripping sarcasm.

(y/n): trust me Doki, we have to at least try.

He quickly responded, which Doki just scoffed at him.

Doki: fine, whatever. Whatever it takes to get out of this.

She groaned in irritation.

(y/n): that's the spirit! Now let's not waste another second and start searching!

He said, with a confident grin. The two begin walking away from the pond and into the forest one more. This with each other in hand, no longer feeling alone. Hoping to find a city or village that may tell them where RyūKyū town may be.

This was only the start of their relationship. 

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