
By s1ytherin02

207 0 0

[A-tel-o-pho-bia] (n.) The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ A Theodore... More

1_ rivalry
2_ glory
3_ arguments in the library
4_ insults
5_ smoke and sorrow
6_ an unlikely pair
7_ common room fights
8_ false accusations
9_ study session
10_ dueling club
11_ quidditch match
12_ the duel
13_ halloween
15_ boggart

14_ secret sibling

11 0 0
By s1ytherin02


I'm waiting in the library for Nott, and it's already been over 15 minutes. And he's the one that suggested the time to meet this evening.

I finished all my work already too, so the most I can do is either sit here for him to probably never show up—since all he cares about is himself— or leave.

I'm just about to get up when he walks in from the other side of the library, clearly sweating and out of breath.

"Don't even ask where I was," he glares as he sits down abruptly.

"I didn't say anything," I reply.

"No, but you were thinking it, weren't you," he mumbles.

He sighs and then continues, "Malfoy made us stay longer for practice again."

"Again? Does he expect you to sleep on the pitch?"

He gives the slightest grin at this. "Apparently."

"So he thinks you're going to lose to Ravenclaw, huh," I say.

"No, his ego is just too big to lose again."

"Maybe he needs to be humbled again."

"Yeah, because that wouldn't piss him off," he says, "With Malfoy, if he's mad then he makes it everyone's problem."

"Seems like him," I shrug.

"I think I'd even take Potter as a captain instead," he remarks.

"Really?" I chuckle and raise my eyebrows.

"If it doesn't mean waking up before sunrise for practice, then yeah."

Now that he mentions that, I realize that he does look more tired than before.

Not that much, but his eyes look sleepier.

I'm about to suggest talking to Malfoy or something before he changes the subject.

"Anyways, forget about it—we have the project to work on."

"Right..." I almost want to give my advice anyways, but I decide against it.

"So have you done anything else since last time?" I ask.

"Yeah, here," he passes me the parchment.

"Please, don't say how shitty it is. I was half-asleep when I did it so I already know," he sighs, all hint of teasing and snide remarks gone.

I skim the paper and—honestly—I wouldn't have even been able to tell.

It was a litter less meticulous than his work usually is, but I have to admit I was impressed.

"Well?" He asks, his sharp tone back in an instant.

"It's great, we're head of track now—"

"Great, huh?" He says with a smirk.

"Great that we're ahead, dummy."

"Oh wow a nickname for me too? Don't tell me you're going soft on me, cara mia."

I roll my eyes, "I swear to god, Nott, if you call me that one more time—"

"Okay, cara mia. Whatever you say."

I just shake my head and continue talking about the project with him, explaining what else I had worked on too.

We were coming along further than I thought, and as bad as it was to deal with him, this project might actually turn out really well.

We continued working together for another hour or so, with only some snide remarks from him.

I guess the key is to pretend he doesn't bother you, and then he doesn't.

We were in the middle of discussing what to work on next- well, more like arguing over it, when a little Hufflepuff girl, probably a first year, came up to him.

"Theo," she pulls on his sleeve with a smile.

"Cecilia, I'm busy," he says.

"Busy studying again? You're so boring," she comments.

"What do you need?" Nott asks.

"Well if you don't want to see me then I won't show you," she says stubbornly.

I laugh a little—I like this girl already, though I still have no idea how she knows him.

He sees this and casts a glare at me.

"Hi, I'm Cecilia," she says to me happily.

"Hi, I'm Lenore," I smile.

"Ohhh, are you the girl Theo's always complaining about?" She asks.

"Probably," I chuckle.

"He talks about you all the time, but I'm surprised—you're super pretty and nice, I don't see why he doesn't like you—"

"Yeah I don't know... maybe it's because he gets mad at every little thing," I joke to her.

"I do not—"

"Yes you do!" Cecilia say, "You're always brooding."

"Okay, well that's not really my fault is it?" He says defensively.

Cecilia and I look at each other and hide a smile. At least I have someone on my side about this.

"Come on, Cilia, what do you need me for? We have to get back to work," Nott says more seriously.

"Okayy, I made you this..." she says proudly as she holds out a friendship bracelet in her hands.

"What's this?" He says with a smile.

"A bracelet, my friends and I made some last night," she beams.

"Well thank you, I love it," he says, holding his wrist out for her to put it on.

I swear, I think he might have been possessed. I don't think I've ever seen him so... genuine. It was really sweet to watch, but part of me wouldn't be surprised if it was just an act.

"You better not take it off," Cecilia warns.

Nott laughs and ruffles her hair, "Of course not."

"Hey! You messed my hair up," she yells but smiles.

"Better go fix it then, yeah?" He says.

"Bye Theo," she smiles and runs off.

"I wish I had as much energy as her," I chuckle.

"God, me too," he laughs. "She's... my sister."

Ah, that made more sense now. Although, for the longest time I thought he was an only child. Strange.

"She's adorable," I say.

"And annoying," he adds.

"Not as annoying as my brother," I scoff.

"Hmm, I doubt that," he shakes his head.

"Really? So Cecilia puts dead bugs on your head and trashes your room?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I'd take that over her attitude."

"How about we switch siblings for a day then? I like Cecilia," I joke.

"You know what, I'm not surprised you two get along. You're both incredibly bratty and stubborn-"

"Hey, I am not bratty."

"Just a little bit, Dalton. But I don't mind it."

Merlin, I wish it wasn't him saying that. Because if it were anyone else—

No. Nope. They're not butterflies, just him catching me off guard again. Just like our duel...

I didn't say anything back as we continue to work together—quite pleasently, for the rest of the evening.

"I think we're good for now," I finally say.

"Yeah, I'll see you next time?"

"Mhm, see you then Nott."

He smiles. Actually smiles, before walking away.

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