Embers of Frost

By ErikaTappy

120K 7.8K 1.9K

"To trust someone is to place your life in their hands, either a blessing or a curse. And if I were to be cur... More

Embers of Frost
Chapter 1 - Dawn
Chapter 2 - Dawn
Chapter 3 - Dawn
Chapter 4 - Dusk
Chapter 5 - Dusk
Chapter 6 - Dusk
Chapter 7 - Dawn
Chapter 8 - Dawn
Chapter 9 - Dawn
Chapter 10 - Dusk
Chapter 11 - Dusk
Chapter 12 - Dusk
Chapter 13 - Dawn
Chapter 14 - Dawn
Chapter 15 - Dawn
Chapter 16 - Dusk
Chapter 17 - Dusk
Chapter 18 - Dusk
Chapter 19 - Dawn
Chapter 20 - Dawn
Chapter 21 - Dawn (Part 1)
Chapter 21 - Dawn (Part 2)
Chapter 22 - Dusk
Chapter 24 - Dusk
Chapter 25 - Dawn
Chapter 26 - Dawn
Chapter 27 - Dawn

Chapter 23 - Dusk

2.3K 164 25
By ErikaTappy

"You're wrong."

Charles glanced over at him, an eyebrow raised. "And why do you say that?"

A smug smile twitched at the corner of Dusk's lips. "I had been living without magic or any riches before I came to Eldatrion," he said. "I know how it feels to be without anything, unlike you. But what about you, Charles? You've been serving the king since years now. You wouldn't know about peasantry. What will you do?"

It's too late to take back my words now. I know that I'm right about my magic, but I can't say the same about my life before I became the prince. Something's very wrong with my memories.

A dangerous spark of annoyance had flashed in Charles' eyes at his words. "Is that so?" he asked in a low tone. "Is that what you think?"

Dusk brushed away the twinge of hesitation that had popped in then. His smile widened into a full-blown grin. "Of course I do."

Charles made a clicking sound with his tongue, shaking his head. The annoyance in his eyes was replaced by amuse. "How naïve. So very naïve. You really need to get rid of this arrogant attitude of yours, my dear Dusk." He pushed back his dark curls from his forehead, stormy eyes glaring at him. "You'd do better to underestimate me. It's my duty to be prepared for all sorts of situations, including Gemageia's. I won't go down that easily."

Dusk leaned back against a tree, crossing his arms. His serious expression contrasted against that of Charles, as he regarded him with narrowed eyes. "How about we have a little challenge, Charles?" he finally said. "Or should I say, Cale?" He snickered at the name, only to notice Charles expression tighten. "We'll both have to return to Eldatrion once we're done with our mission." Even if we want to do something else first.

"And where are you going with this?"

"You know exactly what I mean, Charles," Dusk said. He raised his head high. And then he said, "I want this to be a challenge. A challenge to see which one of us lasts longer in Gemageia with no magic. And if I win-"

"-you'll fight against me." Charles cut him off.

Dusk scratched his head in puzzlement, before nodding. "Well, yes."

"It's no surprise that you'd keep that as your victory. You just won't give up on that childish whim of yours."

How can I when the only emotion I feel around you is anger? You ruined my life. I won't kill you, but seeing you lie defeated will be enough for me.

Charles stroked his stubble, a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he smirked. "I accept. But as always, I have my conditions. If I win," an ominous tone crept into his voice, "you will have to grovel at my feet and admit that you can never ever defeat me. And, of course, never demand to duel with me. Ever."

Dusk gritted his teeth. A scowl slipped onto his face. His first thought was to turn down the challenge at once. Groveling in Charles' feet was unacceptable in every manner. And never challenge him again? Impossible.

But a tiny voice at the back of his head made him stop. It urged him to think of the conditions calmly, instead of being rash like he always was. Sure, it would be pretty bad for him if he lost this challenge. But if he didn't, what would be the harm in accepting?

"Fine, I accept as well," he spat out. "And this time, I won't lose."

"I'm sure you won't."

Dusk opened his mouth to say something again, when he heard faint footsteps behind him. He spun around, only to find himself facing Geoffrey. "Oh, it's just you people."

He lowered back his fists. Marion and Walter were standing some distance behind Geoffrey. Walter was smiling faintly, Marion poker-faced like always. His gaze went back to Geoffrey, who seemed like he was suppressing a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Dusk asked him.

"Oh nothing." Geoffrey waved a hand in dismissal. "I was wondering what you two were talking about alone. Seemed intense."

"Did you hear anything?"

Geoffrey released a nervous laugh. "What? I never said we did- I did. Why would I care if you were challenging Charles to something or the other? It's not like I'm interested." He laughed again, his gaze darting to everywhere but Dusk's face.

How long have these people been listening? And how did I not notice them. Wait, did Charles know?

The man in question had already walked past him and toward Robin standing under a cluster of trees. The man was sweating profusely, one of his hands propping him up against a tree. Charles was whispering to him, a steady arm grasping his shoulders to ensure he wouldn't collapse.

Dusk frowned. "Can't you do something about this?" he asked Walter. "You're a healer. You should be able to help him."

"I'm afraid I can't," Walter said. "We magic healers are of mainly three types. There are the ones like me, who simply heal your injuries to an extent. And then there are those ones that can cure any exhaustion caused by magic usage. It's incredibly rare to find someone like that though."

"What about the third ones?"

A shadow passed over Walter's face, his lips pursing into a grim line. "The third group of healers have it worst." His voice lowered, Dusk leaning in closer. "They can cure the person of their exhaustion and heal their injuries too. But all the pain and suffering is transferred to the healer. If they don't rest in time, the pain becomes unbearable and tears through the body. Then they die."

Geoffrey was staring at him in horror, even Marion unable to hide the surprise that had appeared on her face at his words. Dusk couldn't believe that such a group of healers existed either. Charles had only told him about the ones that were like Walter, the other two completely new to him. He couldn't understand why he wasn't told before, especially when the king wanted him to know as much about magic as possible.

"That doesn't happen unless they overburden themselves," Walter continued. "Like I said, it's the worst yet the best form of healing. But if I were to be honest, I consider myself fortunate to not be one of them." He laughed, smiling at them.

Charles was striding toward them. His face was grave, the slight hint of worry visible. Dusk knew then that Robin was in much worse condition than he thought. Charles looked up at them and said, "Well, we should be going now. No time to sit around and idly talk."

"What about Robin?" Geoffrey asked. "We can't leave him here!"

"Robin can defend himself if the situation arises," Charles said. "He's going to rest here until his energy returns to him. We need to get a move on and find a way into the palace before nightfall."

"It isn't safe for him here, especially in a kingdom like Gemageia. Even if you say he can fight, does he look like he'll be able to? The man's going to pass out, for heaven's sake!"

Charles crossed his arms, fingers clutching the fabric of his tunic. "Are you questioning my judgement, Geoffrey?"

"Yes, I am."

"If that's so, then you're free to stay here and look after Robin," Charles finally said. "Or better, you could always return back to Gemageia when he's finally normal again."

"Wait, what?" The confident expression slipped off Geoffrey's face.

Charles nodded, a bit too enthusiastically. "I can see that you're terribly worried about our Transporter. It's for the best that you stay here than come with us."

Geoffrey fought off an embarrassed blush, shaking his head. "No, that's alright! It doesn't seem like anyone visits this hill much. No one will find him," and in a whisper he added, "even though he's a sitting duck."

"I'm glad we agree, Geoff." Charles beckoned to them with a hand. "We'll have to walk down this hill first before we make any progress in our mission. I'll explain everything down." Then he walked away and began his descend down the hill.

Walter smiled at the rest of them before running after Charles. Once the two of them were out of sight, Geoffrey scowled. "That stupid Charles! He never listens to me. Robin's life might be in danger over here, but no, he doesn't care. He's the king's personal transporter; we should be grateful that the king lets us use him in the first place!"

Well, it's Charles. Can't expect anything else from him.

Geoffrey sighed. His gaze flitted over to Robin now slumped down against the tree. Faint snores could be heard from the direction, head drooping to the side. There was a sudden rustling sound beside Dusk, as his gaze fell onto a ragged bunch of leaves. They draped themselves onto the sleeping man, covering his whole body.

"He won't be this easily noticed now," Geoffrey muttered. "It's the best I could do for the man who brought us here. I hope he'll be safe now."
"He will."

Dusk shot a quick look to Marion. She was smiling faintly at Geoffrey. "I've known Robin for a while and I have complete faith in him," she said. "He won't be harmed, I can assure you. Don't worry."

"Looks like I won't then." Geoffrey smiled back.

Dusk rolled his eyes and without saying anything, walked past the two of them and down the hill. Trees were lined on each side of him, an uneven rocky path carved into the hill. Rocks and pebbles of various sizes were strewn all around, the wind billowing harshly against him. The bottom seemed quite far off from where he was standing. Even if he jogged down, he knew it would take him at least a few hours. He sighed.

This is going to be a long day.


"It sure took you a long time," Charles said to him. "Then again, I'm not surprised."

Dusk was doubled over, his hands resting against his kneecaps. His breath was coming out in short bursts as he blinked away sweat drops falling into his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but the rapid beating of his heart drowned out the words. He had finally managed to reach the bottom but wasn't sure how long it had took him. Judging by the bright sunlight washing over him, he was assuming that it was sometime around noon.

"Why... couldn't you just..." he said in broken phrases, "transport us at the bottom... in the first place?"

"It would attract too much attention and we'd be easily noticed. Like that guard over there. He's already spotted us."

Dusk's head shot up then, just in time to see a man running toward them. His face was a pale white color, expression of puzzlement. He was dressed in gray armor, a long lance quivering in his grip. He stopped in front of them.

"W-who are you?" he stuttered out. "What are you doing here? How did you manage to sneak past me?" And then he raised his lance in a defensive stance, though Dusk could still see the man vigorously trembling.

"We're travelers!" Geoffrey said, offering a shaky smile. "We were just looking around the whole city. This seemed like a good place to start."

"But I was standing watch here the whole time! How did I not notice you, huh?"

This time Charles spoke for him. "I don't think we really need to explain anything to you," he said calmly. "You would have noticed us if you were paying attentions. You slacked off on your duty, that's all. What a pitiful fool of a guard."

The guard's eyes widened. "How dare you speak to me like this? I'm one of the imperial guards of Gemageia! No one sp-"

That was as far as he got. Charles had drawn back his fist and with swift aim, he punched the man square in the jaw. His eyes rolled back into his head, feet staggering back. He crumbled to the ground and lay still.

Charles stroked his knuckles with his other hand, shrugging. "Like I said, you slacked off," he said to the unconscious man. Then he turned back to the rest of them, smugly smiling at their dazed expressions.

"Now that we've got this pest out of our way," he continued, "let me explain what we're all going to do. Our mission is to capture King Asher and take him back to Eldatrion. With all the guards posted and the curfew after sunset, this isn't going to be easy. Once we get inside the palace, it's just going to get tougher. But we'll discuss about that part later. For now, we must concentrate on getting inside." He paused for a moment, before continuing. "It's our task to find a way inside the palace. Blend in with the locals and ask them questions. Dusk and Marion will go one way while the rest of us in the other one."

"What?" Geoffrey took a step forward, hands spread out. "You don't need me to come with you. You and Walter can handle things on your own. Dusk can't." Dusk started to protest but Geoffrey swiftly placed a hand on his mouth. "Look at the poor boy! He agrees with me too. I need to go with him or he might hurt himself. You know how he is."

Charles looked at both of them in turn before shaking his head. He pulled Geoffrey away from Dusk smoothly, as though he weighed nothing. "Even though Dusk is weak alone, Marion can keep an eye on him. You're not helping him this time."

I don't need Marion or Geoff's help. I'll find a way into the palace alone. And I'll also find out where my real family is. .

Geoffrey cast a defeated look in Dusk's direction, who gave him the briefest of smiles before turning to follow after Marion.

"Oh, and Dusk." Dusk glanced back at Charles. The man was staring at the sky, as he said, "Even the most beautiful skies of dawn can turn bloody from a single wrong move. We wouldn't want that happening now, right?" And then he looked back down, giving Dusk a sickeningly sweet smile.

Dusk didn't even have to think twice to understand the underlying meaning behind his words. No wonder Charles was so carefree about letting Marion go with him. Bile rose to his throat, as he gulped it down. "No, we wouldn't," he muttered. Then he turned back around and walked away, ignoring the puzzled stare Geoffrey was giving him.

The hill they had transported to was near to the central city, Dusk realized. They had only been walking for a few minutes when the cottages came into sight. The guards gave them a cursory glance as they walked, others completely ignoring them. The streets were a lot quieter than they had seemed in the morning, barely anyone to be seen.

Blending in, huh? If there's no one around to talk to, what are we supposed to do? But this is actually quite advantageous for me. Now's my chance to find out more about Marion's powers. I'll first have to make her trust me, otherwise she'll never tell me anything. Plus, if Charles threatened to harm Dawn, she must be close by.

The thought sent his heartbeat racing in delight. Finding his sister was foremost for him, no matter what Charles or the king might say. And he wasn't going to leave such an opportunity.

"So," Dusk started, clearing his throat. "About the duel that we had. Did you really use your powers, or not?"

Marion stared at him through her chestnut bangs. He thought she was going to ignore him as always, but she didn't. "Do you still insist on saying that I 'cheated'?" she asked.

"I just want to know the truth," he said. He was certain that she had until yesterday but wasn't so sure anymore. She seemed too honest to lie. It was slightly foolish of him to accuse her of something she might have not even done. Though somewhere in the back of his mind, Dusk still felt that her victory was a wrong one.

She said nothing at first, the only sound of their footsteps pattering against the brick pavement. The silence was stabbing at Dusk like a thousand icicles, each moment like a drag. Then she finally said, "No, I didn't. I would never cheat."

Dusk released his breath. He was expecting that answer. But if she was saying the truth, then it would only mean that he lost. No, it couldn't be. He never lost a duel; he couldn't have been beaten.

"How can I trust you?" he asked. "How do I not know you're just lying to cover for yourself?"

"How do I trust you to not be like Charles?" she countered.

"You actually think I'm like that man?" Her words flared up anger within him again. "I'm nothing like him. Why do you keep insisting?"

"Why don't you prove it to me? Why don't you show me that you're different and not just a younger version of him?"

They were almost yelling now, identical scowls on their faces. Dusk hadn't ever seen such anger on Marion's face. She always kept her emotions hidden from prying eyes like his, rarely speaking up unless the occasion called for it. He felt like he was seeing a different Marion altogether, one that spoke her mind rather than bottle up everything within. He knew right off the bat that he preferred her this way.

Marion averted her gaze first. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," she muttered. "I lost control of my emotions again."

"No, it's alright," he quickly said. "I'm just an ordinary peasant here anyway. Though I guess we always end up screaming at each other when we talk about the duel. I don't want to fight anymore. How about we just forget it and start all over?"

She only stared at him and for a moment, he thought that she hadn't forgiven him. But then she smiled, his fears washing away at once. "I think I'd like that."

A wide grin captured his face. "Brilliant! I guess we should try searching for some people who'll be willing to talk to us."

Lie. I am anything but interested to follow Charles' orders. The longer we stay here, the more I'll be able to find out about Dawn. And now that Marion trusts me, it should be easier to have my questions answered.

The two of them walked around the corner, the guard standing there giving them a mean glare. His glare only intensified at the smile Dusk gave him, as he quickly strode away from him. Dusk turned back to Marion, who was gazing around for someone agreeable to talk with.

But it was of no use. The few people that could be seen were just like the guard, glaring at them. He could have never thought that the people of Gemageia would be this hostile.

"You never told me about your," Dusk morphed his voice to a whisper, "powers that day. Can't you tell me now? Charles isn't here with us."

Marion shot him a pained look, and Dusk knew her answer. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Charles doesn't like his other students freely telling anyone about that. Unless he gives us permission, we can't. I'm no exception to this rule."

He sighed. "I understand."

Not really. I should have known he'd have something as stupid as that. But I wonder if there's some other reason she can't tell...

"Who's Alice?"

Marion's head snapped in his direction so fast, he was surprised she hadn't cricked her neck. "Alice?" she asked sharply. "What about Alice?"

"You seemed surprised when Charles said that your alias is going to be Alice," he said slowly, noting the defensive tone that had crept into her voice. "Do you know someone of that name?"

Marion bit her lip, twirling a strand of her hair unconsciously. Her footsteps seemed slower than before, Dusk grudgingly slowing down his own pace. "It's my sister's name," she finally said. "She's just a child. There isn't much to know about her."

To the contrary, a million questions popped up in Dusk's mind. He could have never guessed that Marion had a sister. Then again, he knew nothing about her. "How did Charles know her name?" he blurted out before he could stop himself. "Has he met her before? Why'd he give you that name particularly? And why did you look so unhappy when he did? Is she the one he's threat-"


Dusk swallowed back the rest of his questions. Marion was glaring at him with hooded eyes, her face guarded once more. "You can't just ask me questions and expect me to answer them," she snapped. "It's my life you're talking about here. It's up to me whether I want to tell you or not."

He wanted to argue but knew there would be no point. Getting information out of Marion was like asking a king to stand on his head in front of his courtiers. Both were nearly impossible, but that didn't mean you would stop trying.

"I got carried away, sorry," he said, refusing to meet her gaze. "Can I ask you something else?"

"Is it about my 'powers' or Alice?"

"No, definitely not!" Maybe in a roundabout way.

She nodded then and started walking again, as he fell into step with her. "How did you first meet Charles? I've seen you in the palace only a few times but we never really talked. Have you known him for long?"

There, I said it! Now just to hope that she'll answer this one.

Fortunately for him, Marion chose to answer this time. "I've known him since I was a child," she said. "I was only seven when I first met him... though not in the best of circumstances. Since then, he's been training me. Just like he's your master, he's mine too."

Dusk waited. He kept staring at her, waiting for her to continue. But she said nothing more and simply walked past him and into a narrow street. He sprinted after her at once. "That's it?" he asked incredulously. "That's all you're telling me?"

Marion raised an eyebrow and Dusk couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarity to Charles it had. "Were you expecting a speech?"

"Not a speech, but at least something more!" He paused then, holding up a finger. "No, wait. You won't tell me anything more, right?" Marion only smiled sadly but it was enough of an answer for him. He should have known that she wouldn't tell him much about her past. Maybe Charles had forbidden her – like always – or maybe she didn't want to share herself.

"Do you like Charles?"

Marion blinked. "Like," she mused. "I haven't associated that word with anyone since years."
"But do you or do you not?" he repeated impatiently.

"I might not like Charles, but I respect him. He may not seem like it but he always cares for his students, albeit in his own unique way. Even if it might seem like he's doomed us, his decisions end up being right in the end. No matter how wild his actions might seem, I have never been harmed by them either. A man like that deserves my respect and trust."

Dusk's jaw dropped at her words. That does not sound like the Charles I know at all. She's probably confused him with someone else, the poor girl.

"You respect him and trust him, but you don't like him?" Dusk's eyes widened. "How does that make sense? And you trust a man like Charles?"

"You're not understanding, Dusk," she said softly. "You don't have to like someone to trust them. You can admire someone and trust in them, but does that mean you must like them? I don't think so." Before Dusk could interrupt again, she continued, "And yes, I trust Charles. I know you don't like him – and neither do I – but there's a lot more to him than meets the eye. I always feel like he has these walls up around him, as if he doesn't want anyone knowing too much. For all we know, he might be a victim himself. But he won't ever let anyone know."

Charles and a victim? Ha, I don't think so. A person who'd risk his own brother's life can never be a victim. Marion must be really delusional to actually believe in something like that.

Before Dusk could disagree with her, he felt someone grasp the back of his trousers. He froze. Marion was looking at him warningly as he turned around to meet a pair of soft brown eyes. A scrawny girl, no more than six, was gazing at him. Her unruly brown curls were hanging over her petite face. The gray dress she was wearing was torn at the seams, mud stains splattered all over.

He knelt down to her height. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Are you lost?"

The girl didn't say anything and kept eying him. It was only for a moment but he saw her glance in the direction of his satchel. He took it in his hands and looked at the girl again. Sure enough, she was staring at it again, almost hungrily.

"Do you... want this?" He offered her the satchel but she immediately shrunk away from its touch. Her hands were clasped behind her back, footsteps shaky. There was a starving look in her eyes, as she swallowed.

"Food..." she whispered. "So... hungry."

Dusk looked back up at Marion. One of her hands was pressed against her mouth, head shaking side to side. No one would want to see someone starve right in front of them.

His gaze went back to the little girl. Sympathy for her welled up inside him. He had been living a life full of leisure in Eldatrion as the crown prince. While over here in Gemageia, people were starving for a morsel of food. He couldn't remember exactly but his gut instincts told him that perhaps a long time ago, he had been just like this girl.

Was this how my life used to be like? Were Dawn and I like her?

Without thinking, his fingers slid onto the buckle of his satchel and unlocked it. His fingers rummaged around until he felt the smooth surface of a golden raedo. He withdrew a couple of them.

The girl, curious to see what he was doing, crept closer to him. He smiled at her. "I'm Dusk," he introduced, pointing a finger at himself. "What's your name?"

"Isolde," the girl muttered after a couple of moments.

"Isolde. What a beautiful name."

A soft red blush appeared on her cheeks, as she grinned toothily. "Thank you," she said. "My mummy kept it."

"And what a right one she did!" He smiled wider and beckoned to her with his free hand. Isolde shyly took small steps toward him. "Now, Isolde, are you hungry?"

Isolde nodded vigorously. "Very. But Mummy is hungry too, more than Isolde. Isolde wants to help Mummy!"

"I'm sure you do." Dusk felt tears well up in his eyes but quickly blinked them away before Marion saw. "Why don't you take these raedos and run down to get some food for you and mummy?" He opened his fist to reveal the coins, a gasp escaping Isolde.

Isolde reached out a shaky hand and plucking off the raedos one by one. She curled her fingers around them, gazing at him with wide eyes. "Is this for me?" she asked. Dusk nodded. And then to his surprise, she threw her arms around his neck. She squealed. "Thank you so much, stranger. I will never ever forget this. Promise!"

Dusk stiffened at the sudden contact. He had rarely been hugged by someone, and never from a child before. It was a new thing for him, yet strangely refreshing. He finally put his arms around her and hugged her back.

Isolde beamed at him as she pulled away. She waved at him before running away, wild hair bouncing against her back. He smiled.

Dusk stood back up and faced Marion. She was staring at him with a dazed expression, lips parted. "You helped her out," she said, more like a statement than a question.

"I had to," he said, staring at Isolde's retreating figure. "She reminded me of myself, how I probably was when I lived here. I might not be a peasant anymore but when I saw her, I knew I had to help. I would have wanted someone to do the same for me. I hope they did."

"What do you mean?" she asked, head cocked to the side. "You surely must remember."

This is it, Dusk. Recall everything you know till now and connect the dots.

"I can't believe how I didn't realize this all these eight years," he whispered to himself, "...or maybe someone didn't want me realizing. Just that one memory of that day." A shudder passed through him at the mention. "It kept messing around with my mind, fooling me to think that I remembered. But I don't. Dawn, my dead mother and my peasant life that must have existed... it all spouted from there. I can't even recall whether I have a father or not. That burning feeling I get whenever I try recalling anything about Gemageia. It has to be because of this. It all makes sense now."

And then he said it.

"I don't remember anything about my life before I came to Eldatrion. Everything I ever knew about Gemageia, my life, my family is... gone."


A/N - I hope you guys aren't too confused right now, but I'll explain it here just in case! Basically, you know how Dusk keeps mentioning Dawn and how he needs to avenge his mom? That's 'cause it's the ONLY thing he remembers. Even the flashbacks that's been there in his POV till now have all been after his mom died. He never mentions anything about how his life used to be before he came to Eldatrion OR his father. Anyone would if they remembered, but he doesn't. So yeah. 

Anyway, I changed the cover and title... again! I know, I know, I do this a lot but it's just 'cause I'm really indecisive. But I'm probably going to stay with this now, so opinions? How does the new title + cover look? :) 

Aaaaand thoughts about the chapter? What did you think about Dusk and Marion's conversation? And Isolde? :D The next chapter's already written so it'll be posted as soon as I'm done polishing it up. 

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it! You don't know how motivating it can be ;) 


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