the descent

By Fandomfrenzy625

324 25 6

being dragged into a world of torture without memory of what brought him to this moment, espio and 4 of his f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

16 1 0
By Fandomfrenzy625

ignoring the pounding in his head the chameleon decided to take in the cell in which he was placed

it looked like a simple gray-bricked room but with only a few bare essentials

a springless bed without a cover or pillow and a toilet

however, looking closer at the wall behind the porcelain...

walking over there were traceable lines, ones that if he tried he could get his fingers between

(is this retractable ?) Espio questioned as he took his fingers out of the crevice

peering in he could not see anything but it was a good mental note

speaking of the walls he was not happy to find his gloves discovered a substance in an accident

placing a foot on the wall with his now weaponless shoes he found when trying to stick...he could not

his foot sliding without a feeling of grip

"great" Espio grumbled as he scuffed his shoe on the floor

Eggman didn't want him climbing

looking up he saw two reasons as to possibly why

a singular brick-sized hole just where the ceiling met

walking backwards and looking up he was disappointed to see nothing

perhaps it was an airhole towards an exit?

but unless he found a way to stop the walls from repelling his natural gift he wouldn't know

even standing on the bed didn't let him see anything

not that he could drag the bed to just try jumping as the single furniture, just like the toilet was attached to the room, the floor instead

both of which were opposite of the hole

and sadly, he now knew that whatever substance the walls were covered in, the ceiling was too

spitting as he tried to get rid of the taste from his mouth from his poor attempt at escape

putting that to the side he took note of the second noticeable object

a speaker with a blinking dot, indicating it was also a camera, protected by a metal cage in the corner

"at least I know how I heard his voice now" Espio took another note but now felt more self-conscious

knowing his actions were now being monitored he had to show off his ninja stealth

the only last thing to note about the room was the door

to the fact that there wasn't one!

there were the lines of a rectangular shape that seemed to slide when unlocked but he couldn't call it a door

with a sigh, he walked to the bed

putting a plan to explore the rest of his room when he had more energy as he felt the weight of exhaustion overcome him

or the weight of the large uncomfortable and tight collar around his neck starts to irritate his scales

just as fuzzy as his memory was of what brought him to this situation, was his memory of being collard, perhaps it was them that was scrambling his brain

unless it was a simple branding and humiliation tactic

whatever the reason he had yet to solve

sitting down on the bed to give his neck a break he realigned his mind to focus on what he knew

he was in an Eggman fort, with a very limited room with its mysteries to figure out

and he was 4th of 5 "subjects"

He did not doubt that who that could have consisted of

but whom out of Sonic and their friends as they were known were chosen

skill-based...but what aspects of skills were taken into consideration

to think Vector or Charmy were in rooms like these

(stop that!) Espio scolded himself quickly, opening his eyes to stare at the grey-painted (and horrible-tasting) ceiling

(at this moment I can only speculate, there's no use in grasping at straws without even having a cup) Espio thought, although curing himself at the remembrance of Charmys take on the saying

the sound of sliding alerted the chameleon to a new presence

"dinner time" the cheery voice of Cubot sang as a tray of food was slid under

only for the door to slam down just as fast

walking over to investigate he saw a decent-looking ham sandwich

not that would easily trick the reptile

"I'd rather starve than eat something that monster made" Espio scoffed as he kicked the food away

and even more annoying they hadn't given him any cutlery (tools) to equip himself with

so with another sigh, he placed himself back on the bed

ready to go to bed hungry and cold 

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