Fem! Deku Oneshots

By AubreyGizelle29

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What the title says. Requests are open! More

Request Page
1. (DabiDeku)
1b. Dabi
2. Gran Torino's Panic
3. Truth or Dare (DabiDeku)
5. The Monster I've Become (DabiDeku)
5b. The Monster I've Become (DabiDeku)
6. Monsters (ShigaDeku)
7. Made For Me
8. (Dabi & Kota)
9. Good Little Girl (AiDeku)๐Ÿ‹
10. Sticky Situation (SeroDeku)

4. A Monster in Husky's Clothing (DabiDeku)

138 1 0
By AubreyGizelle29

The puppy is what Dabi looks like as a puppy.

A puppy with white and dark red fur and ocean blue eyes limps down the path through the forest. He stops and turns around when he hears branches breaking. He sees a girl of about twelve with dark green, curly hair.

The girl sees the hurt puppy and rushes over to him. "Are you okay?" The girl asks the puppy.

As if the puppy could actually understand the girl, he nods, like he's trying to tell the girl not to worry.

"But you look hurt. I should take you home, maybe Mom can help you." She says, before carefully picking him up.

The girl walks back towards the city.

She makes it back to the apartment complex she lives in.

After entering the apartment, she makes her way to the living room, where her mother is on the couch, reading a book.

"Mom?" The girl calls out to get her mother's attention.

The green-haired woman places a bookmark in the book before closing it. "What is it, Izuku?" The woman asks, turning her head to look at her daughter. "Why do you have a puppy?"

"He's hurt, I thought you could help him."

Inko places her book down on the coffee table before getting up. She makes her way over to the girl and puppy. Inko carefully takes the puppy from her daughter and makes her way to the bathroom.

"Can we keep him, Mom?" Izuku asks, after Inko finished removing the glass from the puppy's paw, and carefully cleaning the wound.

"What if he has a home, Izuku?" Inko asks her daughter, not really wanting to have to deal with a puppy, which is probably not even house-trained.

"Then, wouldn't he have a collar?"

"Izuku, I don't think it's a good idea for us to have a dog right now."

"Why not?" Izuku asks, fat crocodile tears in her eyes. "I thought you loved me."

"Fine, we can keep him." Inko says, rolling her eyes.

"Yay!" Izuku celebrates, hugging her mother.

"What are you going to name him?" Inko asks, looking at her daughter.

"Mm." Izuku says, shrugging.

Izuku picks the puppy up and walks off to the living room. She sets the puppy down on the couch before walking to her room, to get her notebook. She walks back to the living room to see the puppy limping off to the front door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Izuku asks the puppy. The puppy looks to the door, as if trying to tell the girl he's leaving. "Come on, we still have to name you." Izuku says, picking up the puppy and walking off to the living room.

"It's been two years since the disappearance of Dabi. The police have confirmed they have no new leads." The news anchor says. "Again, if you see this individual please contact the police immediately; he is extremely dangerous."

Izuku is currently sitting on the floor in the living room, adding the new things about Heroes' quirks into her notebook. The puppy she'd taken in two years ago is now a full-grown adult husky, she'd christened Toya.

Izuku pets Toya's head as she writes. She'd turned on the news to listen for anything about Heroes.

Izuku lays in her bed, tossing and turning, her pajamas drenched in sweat. Toya jumps onto her bed and wakes her up. Izuku sits up and immediately hugs the dog, crying into his fur. Toya wraps his front leg around Izuku's back.

Izuku cries for about an hour before falling asleep from exhaustion. Izuku hugs Toya like he's a giant teddy bear and you can practically see the smile on the dog's lips.

Izuku's pushed up against the alley wall by her childhood friend. "Seriously Deku, you'll just get in the way. So, just stop. Stop trying to be a Hero. Not like a useless Deku like you could even get into a good Hero school."

"Yeah, don't you need a quirk to get into a Hero school?" One of Bakugo's goons questions, his hand brushing through his imaginary beard.

"A-actually, U-UA got rid o-of that rule." Izuku says, trying to defend herself.

"Like you could even get in." Bakugo says, a miniature explosion going off in his hand.

"C-can't I s-still try?"

"Sure, but it'd be a waste of time, I mean, there's no way a quirkless Deku like you would get into UA." Bakugo says, him and his goons laughing. "I'd just give up if I were you."

"B-but I-I've dreamed of being a H-Hero since I w-was little."

"A better job for a quirkless Deku would be spreading your legs for money."

"Yeah, but then if one of her clients gets out of hand, she wouldn't be able to stop them." One of the goons said.

"Eh, not my problem." Bakugo says before turning his head back to the girl he's pressing up against the wall. "Ya know Deku... I think you got your first three clients right now."

Izuku's eyes widen in fear. "N-no! I d-don't wanna!" Izuku says, trying to get out of Bakugo's grip.

"Even though you'll get money out of it?" The other goon asks rhetorically.

Bakugo leys go of Izuku's wrists, his left hand moving to her neck, his knee in-between her legs, and his right hand undoing his pants.

A growl can be heard from the mouth of the alley. The four junior high school students turn their heads to see a white wolf with piercing ocean blue eyes.

The wolf growls once again, scaring the three boys. The boys run off further into the alleyway, hitting a dead end. The wolf slowly stalks towards them, before pouncing, and ripping out their throats.

The wolf spits out Bakugo's throat before lighting their corpses on fire and walking back to Izuku, who has tears running down her face.

"W-why did you have to kill th-them, T-Toya?" Izuku asks the wolf, wrapping her arms around him.

Toya shapeshifts to his husky form and walks Izuku back to the apartment.

Izuku and Toya go to Izuku's bedroom and sit on her bed.

"Why did you h-have to kill them, Toya?" Izuku asks the husky again, her arms once again wrapped around him.

Izuku felt Toya's body change to that of a human. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her into his lap. "I'm sorry, Izuku. But they got what was coming to them."

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87.8K 744 24
the title guys send requests babes!!
10.8K 180 71
The title :) Request are open
465K 6.7K 47
โ”€โ”€ as the title implies. requests are closed! sally face โ”€ imagines ยฉ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ณ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ closed.
230K 3.9K 11
Hot Manz Hawks x (fem) Reader! Please vote it would help me out a lot :)