3. Truth or Dare (DabiDeku)

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When it says Class 1-A, just assume Shinso is included.
Also, when they held the 'king of the dorms' competition, they didn't see Deku's dorm.

Mina and Izuku are currently hanging out in Mina's dorm, when Mina gets a "brilliant" idea. "Hey, Midosis~?"

"What's up, Mina?" Izuku asks, not looking up from her notebook.

"We should have a sleepover."

"Why?" Izuku asks, finally looking over her shoulder to the pink girl.

"Because I said so. Also, I already texted everyone, minus Bakubabe of course. So, you're going to have to tell him, also Shinso's coming too since he's pretty much already a part of our class."

"What about Mineta?"

"Oh, I forgot about him. Um... What do you think we should do with him?" Mina asks, holding her chin up.

"I suppose we could ask Sero to wrap him up in his tape when we decide it's time to sleep." Izuku says, abandoning her notebook and turning in the desk chair to face Mina, who's sitting on her bed.

"Alright. Wait, couldn't we just not invite him?"

"Yeah, but that wouldn't be fair, considering he's a part of our class."

"Alright, I guess Mineta's invited too."

"Didn't you already text him?"

"Yeah... oh well."

All of Class 1-A later meets in the common room in their pajamas and sleeping bags in hand.

"So, what do we do first?" Denki asks, excited for the party to start.

"Truth or Dare!" Mina yells.

"Not happening." Katsuki grumbles.

"Bakubabe, you came so you're going to play." Mina says, linking her arm with his and dragging him to the spot where the rest of the class were sitting in a circle. Mina sits down next to Izuku with Katsuki on her right. "So, who wants to go first?"

Koji raises a shaky hand.

"You wanna go first, Koda?"

"U-um, no, I d-don't know how to play." He says, shyly.

"Who the hell doesn't know how to play truth or dare?" Katsuki grumbles from beside Mina.

"Katsuki." Izuku warns. All of Class 1-A feels a chill run up their spine, not from the fact that Izuku just called their classmate they've only ever heard her address as 'kacchan' by his first name, but from the menacing tone she spoke in.

"S-sorry, ma'am." Katsuki says, now scared for his life.

"Katsuki." Izuku says. "I'm not the one you should apologize to."

"R-right." He says before turning to Koji. "I'm sorry." He mumbles.


"I'm sorry." He repeats only louder so the whole room can hear him.

"It's alright." Koji says defensively, his hands up in front of him. "I-I've just always b-been too sh-shy to have f-friends, so I've n-never played truth or d-dare."

"It's fine, Koda." Izuku says sweetly before turning to Mina, who's still shaking in her slippers. "Mina?"

"H-huh? W-what's up?"

"Could you please explain the game to Koda?"

"O-oh, sure." Mina explains the game to Koda, and they begin the game with Tsu starting.

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