1b. Dabi

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Third Person POV
Izuku and Toya are holding hands as they walk towards the familiar door of room 315. Toya opens the door to see Rei sitting on the chair by the window.

Rei looks over when she hears the door close. She immediately smiles when she sees Toya. She gets up and hugs him. He hugs her back, but with only one arm as Izuku is still holding his hand. She's hiding behind him, nervous to meet his mother.

Rei and Toya break apart. Rei tilts her head when she sees his arm is behind his back. He smiles and steps to the side to reveal Izuku.

Rei and Izuku are introduced to each other. They begin talking and hit it off, Toya being forgotten about. He sits on a chair and falls asleep.

"Izuku, how old are you?" Rei asks.

"I'm fourteen."

"I don't have anything against you, but do your parents know about your relationship with Toya?"

"Yes, they do, why?" Izuku asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Just curious. I know you and Toya are dating, but is your relationship more?"

Izuku blushes deeply remembering the things they've done. "Y-yes." She says nervously.

Rei chuckles. "So, what exactly is your relationship?" She asks.

"W-well, w-we're dating and we d-do other th-things." Izuku says, nervously. "A-and..."

"And?" Rei asks, signaling for her to keep going.

Izuku took a deep breath. "A-and we're h-having a b-baby."

Rei's eyes widen. "You're pregnant?"

Izuku looks down at her lap, playing with the hem of the hoodie she borrowed from Toya. She nods, tears falling down her face. She thinks Rei is going to be disgusted with her and demand she leave. But she feels arms wrap around her, pulling her into a hug. It takes a few seconds for her to register what's happening, but she returns it.

Toya wakes up and tells her that they should get going. He left without Izuku as she wanted to stay and talk more with Rei.

"So, do you know the gender?" Rei asks.

"We're having a girl."

"What are you going to name her?"

"I want to name her Atra."

They talk for a bit longer until the sound of the door opening and closing is heard.


Fuyumi and Natsuo are chatting as they walk down the hall towards their mother's room. They open the door and close it behind them.

The two freeze when they see their mother talking to a girl they don't recognize. Natsuo clears his throat. Rei and Izuku turn to look at the newcomers.

"Who are you?" Natsuo asks the girl talking to his mother.

Izuku went to get up, but Rei held her arm, keeping her in place. "I'm Izuku Shigaraki. It's nice to meet you." She says, bowing her head.

"Natsuo Todoroki. It's nice to meet you too. How do you know my mom?"

Before Izuku could answer Fuyumi interrupts. "I'm Fuyumi Todoroki. And I'm sorry for my brother."

"Okay, but seriously, how do you know our mom?"

Rei was trying to think of an answer, but Izuku was much quicker. "My school has a program where they send us to spend time with patients."

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