2. Gran Torino's Panic

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Deku is a girl, she's just a cross dresser.
Also, my inspiration came from the pic.

'Jeez, today has been a busy day. Can't wait to get home. Huh? What's going on up here?' An old man thinks as he walks up to a crowd of people to find them observing a Hero fighting a Villain.

As he's standing there, waiting for the fight to end so he can continue on his way home, he hears some muttering beside him. He turns to see a boy with short, fluffy white hair and green eyes mumbling things about their quirks while writing in a notebook.

He panics and runs from the crowd to the nearest alley, where he walks through to the another street. He takes the detour to his home.

Once home, he grabs his phone and calls his friend's successor.

Phone call between Gran Torino and All Might:
All Might: "Gran Torino? What's wrong?"

Gran Torino: "Toshinori, is All For One really locked up?"

All Might: "What do you mean? Of course he is. He's locked in Tartarus, there's no way he's getting out of there."

Gran Torino: "Are you sure?"

All Might: "Gran Torino, I am one hundred and twenty percent sure he's not ever getting out of there. Why?"

Gran Torino: "Well, it's just..."

All Might: "Just what?"

Gran Torino: "Well, maybe he escaped and-"

All Might: "Why do you think he escaped?"

Gran Torino: "Well, today, I saw a boy who looked just like him, but with green eyes."

All Might: "Coincidence. Gran Torino, just because you saw a boy that remotely resembled him, you're thinking he escaped Tartarus and somehow changed his appearance to that of a young boy?"

Gran Torino: "You know, when you say it like that, you make it sound like I'm paranoid."

All Might: "Well, you are being a little paranoid. Aside from his looks, did he have any other likes to All For One?"

Gran Torino: "Well, he was mumbling something about quirks-"

All Might: "Okay... there has to be an alternative explanation to explain that boy's mumbling of quirks."

Gran Torino: "Such as?"

All Might: "Off the top of my head? Perhaps, he had a school assignment where he had to write an essay on quirks."

Gran Torino: "That's off the top of your head?"

All Might: "No, that's off the top of Present Mic's head, he's listening in."

Gran Torino: "Ah, that makes more sense. I still think we should go see him though."

All Might: "We could just ask if he's still there."

Gran Torino: "No, we should go in person. I want to see him with my own eyes."

All Might: "Alright... I'll call Tsukauchi..."

Gran Torino: "Thanks, Toshinori."

In-person conversation between Gran Torino and All For One:
All For One: "Ah, Gran Torino, what brings you to see Me today? When they told me I had a visitor, I assumed it would be All Might."

Gran Torino: "Well, I have a question I want answered."

All For One: "And that would be?"

Gran Torino: "Do you have a son?"

All For One: "Yes."

Gran Torino: "What's his name?"

All For One: "Tomura Shigaraki. Or would you prefer Tenko Shimura?"

Gran Torino: "I already knew about him. What I mean is, do you have another son?"

All For One: "No."

Gran Torino: "Then do you have a daughter who's a cross dresser?"

All For One: "Why? Did you meet her?"

Gran Torino: "What's her name?"

All For One: "Why do you wanna know so badly?"

Gran Torino: "Well, about a week ago I saw a boy, or I suppose a girl wearing a boy's uniform who I swear could've been you. So, what's her name?"

All For One: "Izuku."

Gran Torino: "What about her surname?"

All For One: "I figured you would've just assumed that."

Gran Torino: "Well, if you had a daughter that no one knew about, I assumed you would keep her under a separate surname."

All For One: "Fair point."

Gran Torino: "So, what's her surname?"

All For One: "Midoriya. Oh, and Torino?"

Gran Torino: "Yes?"

All For One: "Be sure to say hello to Nana's daughter when you visit them."

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