Diet Mountain Dew☆Jess Mariano

By annieshortlegs

8.6K 346 23

Diet Mountain Dew/Jess Mariano Diet Mountain Dew, Baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty ... More

Chapter: One
Chapter: Two
Chapter: Three
Chapter: Four
Chapter: Five
Chapter: Six
Chapter: Seven
Chapter: Eight
Chapter: Nine
Chapter: Ten
Chapter: Eleven
Chapter: Twelve
Chapter: Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter: Sixteen
Chapter: Seventeen
Chapter: Eighteen
Chapter: Nineteen
Chapter: Twenty
Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter: Twenty-Two
Chapter: Twenty-Three
Chapter: Twenty-Four
Chapter: Twenty-Five
Chapter: Twenty-Six

Chapter: Fifteen

269 9 0
By annieshortlegs

                   ☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆
                       ~ | Season 3, ep 4:
    "One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes."


"Here's your dead cow." Luke said as he placed a hamburger in front of Maren. Jess read his book next to her and shook his head at his uncles antics.

"How beautifully said." Maren said with a nod just as Layne bust through the door while the doorbell rang behind her.

"Hello, stars, Hallow. Whose ready to rock?" Layne asked no one in particular before sitting down with Rory and Loralie.

"Can we just have one day where absolutely nothing interesting happens in this town?" Jess asked as his eyes flicked up from his book to Maren.

"Well, that wouldn't be fun. Now, would it?" Maren asked with a smile.

"Yea, I guess you're right." Jess shrugged his shoulders and kissed his girls cheek before continuing to read his book as Maren ate her dinner.

Sam walked through the door with his girlfriend on his arm. He walked up to his sister just as she was finishing her meal.

"Hey, I'm walking home, if your ready to go?" Sam asked.

"Hm, oh yea, I'm ready." Maren kissed Jess on the cheek before walking home with her brother and his girl.

Maren was walking around the beauty store boredly the next day.

She picked out a few random products as Layne and Rory walked in.

Layne shouted about hair dye and rushed around the store.

"Watcha guys doing?" Maren asked, walking up to the girls.

"Laynes having a mental breakdown about hair dye." Rory informed as Layne scoffed.

Maren picked up a purple hair dye and waved it at the girl.

"You should totally do purple, but you'll have to bleach your hair first, or the purple won't show up at all." Maren explained as Layne smiled.

"You should totally dye it for me." Layne spoke.

"Me? I've only done a few streaks, not a whole head." Maren said nervously.

"Please." Layne pleaded as Maren nodded.
"I'll bring it up." Rory said as she gently took the dye from Layne while she went to grab bleach.

Maren walked up to Shae, who sat at the counter with a magazine in her hand. Sam had finally introduced the girl, and now she knew her name.

"Hi, shae." Maren smiled as the girls' face lit up.

"Hi Maren, it's so good to see you." Shae smiled.

"You too, my friends are just buying some hair dye." Maren informed as Shae nodded.

"Cool." Shae said as Rory glared at Shae and Layne dropped the bleach onto the counter.

"It's a good day today, isn't it." Layne exclaimed as Shae awkwardly nodded.

"Yep, 12.50." Shae rang up the products.
"And I've got a lot of change for you." Layne informed.

"Super." Shae said boredly as she bagged the products.

Rory gave Shae a weird look as Shae uncomfortably looked back up at her.

"You need something?" Shae asked as Maren looked at Rorys upset face.

"No. I just Um.. was wondering if there was a money back guarantee in case her hair fell out or something?" Rory asked coldly.

"Sure, if your hair falls out well, give your money back." Shae said with a small chuckle.

"Good, you heard that if you go, Bald, you can get your money back." Rory said while turning to Layne.

Shae and Maren held a confused look as to why the girl was being so weird.

"Rory, you're kinda putting a damper on my independence day." Layne spoke while Rory nodded and talked about getting out of here, and the girls left out the door.

"I am so sorry. I don't know why she was rude." Maren smiled sadly to the blonde.

"Oh, it's fine, really." Shae waved it off, and Maren nodded and waved bye to the girl before following the others.

Rory got the bathroom set up while Layne let her hair down.

Maren got the bleach mixed up while Layne took a seat with a towel around her shoudlers.

Maren out Vaseline all around her hairline and neck to make sure the bleach doesn't burn her skin and so when the colored dye goes on.

"Alright, here we go." Maren smiled and started applying the bleach to her raven locks.

"How are you doing?" Rory asked.
"I feel fine. I have never felt so naturally high in my life. Stings a little, tho." Layne smiled.

"That's normal. Just tell me if it gets unbearable." Maren said as Layne nodded.

"Just a little no biggie. Actually, it's more than a little. It's kind of a big little." Layne said her shoudlers twitching.

"Just tell me when you want me to stop." Maren said while applying the bleach.

"I can't quit now. But in that case, it's kind of a lot. Yep, yep, a lot of stings are happening here." Layne said with agitation from the bleach.

"Just think about something else." Rory said, trying to help her friend.

"Okay, thinking about something else. Something else. I'm thinking about puppy dogs. I love getting things in a mail. Letters and packages." Layne ranted.

"The package." Rory said, imitating Jim Carey.

"What?" Layne asked, confused.
"That's what Jim Carey says in Ace Ventura." Rory said while Layne nodded her head.

"Such a good movie." Maren added, almost finishing with the bleach.

"Thinking about the last movie I saw. Vin Deisel. I'm thinking about Vin Deisel now. I'm thinking about where Vin Deisel got the name Vin Deisel. Thinking about Vin Deisel's mysterious ethnicity. I'm thinking about how surprising it is to have so much to think about Vin Deisel. Who knew, who knew. I'm just thinking about the pain here." Layne ranted, waving her hands around.

"Go back to Vin Deisel." Maren spoke, trying to get the girl to not think about the stinging of the bleach.

"Ever light your head on fire? I know how it feels." Layne spoke agitated from the pain.

"Here, let's rinse it out." Rory said, walking over to the sink.

"No, we'd have to start all over again." Layne  said while jumping up.

"Im getting dizzy from the smell." Rory said while fanning her nose.

"Read the bottle." Layne asked while Maren picked up the bottle of bleach and turned to its instructions.

"Uh, do not apply to a broken scalp." Maren read off.

"Is your scalp broken?" Rory asked Layne.

"I don't know, maybe. I dont know much about my scalp." Layne shrugged her shoudlers while spinning around.

"There's nothing about pain." Maren said while turning the bottle around.

"A girl told me once that if your scalp is hurting, drink a 7 up. It has something to do with bubbles. " Rory informed.

"The Kim household does not have soft drinks." Layne said.

"What do you have?" Maren asked.
"Something called salad water." Layne sighed.

"We have to open this window, or we're all gonna suffocate from this bleach. You're supposed to have a well ventilated area or something." Maren said, going over to the window to open it.

"I have to do something!" Layne said freaking out.

Maren opened the window, and both Rory and Maren stuck their heads out of the window to breathe in the fresh air.

"Run around the block or something." Rory said with a huff with her head out the window.

"Why?" Layne asked agitated while she paced around the room.

"I don't know." Rory said.
"Good enough for me." Layne said before running out of the room and out of the house.

After a while of running around the block, Layne came back into the bathroom, and Maren washed with bleach out.

She was now happy and less agitated from the bleach while Maren applied the purple dye to her now bleached hair.

"So, have you mentioned dyeing your hair to the band yet?" Rory asked while applying the purple on the other side of Laynes head to speed up the process.

"No, but they've all got tattoos. Dave and Zach have musical themes, and Brian's got a snoopy." Layne replied.

"Poor brian." Rory frowned.
"He's a slamming bass player." Layne said.

"You haven't mentioned this to Dave?" Maren asked.

"I just said I didn't even tell the band." Layne said, confused.

"Not even Dave?" Rory asked.
"No, not even Dave. What's with all the pressing from you two?" Layne asked as Rory and Maren shared, knowing smirks.

"Dave's just different from the other two." Rory said, holding a strand of Laynes hair.

"Of course, he's the de facto leader." Layne said.

"I know, but also from the day you guys met,  there's a little something happening there." Rory said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Layne shook her head.

"Mhm, you totally don't talk about him." Maren said with a raised brow.

"Uh huh, and you go to unheard of lengths to make a statement to your mother. So you can have a shot at staying in the band." Rory smiled.

"You guys, Dave and I are professionals." Layne replied.

"I know." Rory said.
"The rock n roll highway is littered with casualties of band members who have dated and broken the band apart." Layne spoke.

"Righht." Maren said.
"That's a sensible attitude." Rory said.
"Very sensible. Dave and I are very sensible people. I'm in love with him." Layne admitted.

"I knew it." Maren said as she high fived Rory.

"Is it that obvious?" Layne asked.
"Only to a guy with sunglasses and a dog selling pencils." Rory said with a giggle.

"He's so cute and smart." Layne said while Rory and Maren agreed.

" That's such a rare package. It's usually one or the other." Layne spoke.

"It's wrong, but that's the way it usually is." Rory said as Maren waves her hand in the air from a cramp.

"It increases the competition for the Dave's of the world." Layne said.

"You're rare, too. Don't forget." Rory said.
"I've never felt this way before, I mean Henry, yes, but we never spent any real time together. It's not just puppy love. It's different. I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about him. I'll finally have my first love, and it'll be like what you and Den and have and what Maren and Jess have." Layne smiles.

"Aww." Maren smiled while Rorys face stayed neutral and in thought.

"Because you love Dean, and Dean loves you back. In my situation, I love Dave." Layne smiled joyously and looked up to Rory and Maren.

"Don't move, you'll drip. " Rory said coldly.
"God, you're so lucky to love him, and he loves you back. That's gotta be the best feeling ever." Layne said deep in thought.

"Feeling loved is one of the best feelings in the world and knowing that he cares." Maren smiled and looked worriedly to her friend, who looked deep in thought.

"I think the purple is gonna turn out good." Rory said lowly.

"I want that really bad." Layne said.
"You will have your first love and second love and any other love you want because your great and purple heads will not be denied. " Rory spoke, coming out of through.

"Okay, now that should be on the box." Layne pointed while Maren laughed.

"Okay, now head down, please." Rory asked with a sigh.

Rory and Maren waited on the other side of the bathroom door while Layne washed out the Dye.

"You okay?" Maren asked the girl as she leaned against the white wall.

"I'm fine." Rory said a little harshly while Maren nodded her head and didn't bother the girl anymore.

Maren looked to the bathroom door when she heard giggles coming from the other side.

"What?" Rory asked.
" it's perfect. i love it." Layne shrieked.

"Let us see?" Maren asked as Layne opened the door to reveal very purple hair.

"Wow." Rory widened her eyes.
"It's everything I thought it would be," Layne smiled.

"It's very rock n roll." Rory smiled.
"You're gotta take a  picture." Layne said while Maren grabbed the camera.

"'Should I scowl or smile?" Layne asked.
"Surprise us." Maren said while readying the camera.

"This is the craziest thing since my cousin Nam got caught reading Maxim at summer camp." Layne said while she posed and Maren took pictures.

The picture came out, and Maren gave it to Rory to shake around.

The girls heard a door open downstairs, and the smile drooped from Layne's face.

"That must be your mom." Rory said with a smile.

"Layne?" Maren asked, noticing her face paling.

"Layne, you're turning white." Rory said, inspecting her face.

"Layne?" Rory said louder.
"I can't do this." Layne said.
"Can't do what?" Maren asked.

"Dye, my hair." Layne replied.
"Uh, it's a little too late." Maren said with a frown.

"This will kill her." Layne said.
"It'll just shock her." Rory waved off.

"Yes, but the shock will kill her." Layne said before running to the door of her bedroom and shutting it.

"Go go, go, back to the store to get black hair dye." Layne shrieked while hiding a towel over her head.

"Go go, both of you and through the window. " Layne opened the window, and the girls went through it.

Shae was on the phone with Sam when Rory and Maren entered the store.

Rory went straight to the dye and picked up a bottle of the black shade.

Rory dropped the dye on the counter, and Maren walked closer, noticing Rory was clearly annoyed by Shae.

"Escuse me? I don't have all day." Rory spoke loud and Clear to the blonde while Maren awkwardly looked between the two.

"Hold on a sec. Will this be all?" Shae asked.
"Yeah, that'll be all. Im growing a beard here." Rory replied, barely giving her enough time to tap a button on the cash register.

"What's your problem?" Shae asked.
"What's your problem? I'm a customer, and you're supposed to be assisting me." Rory said.

"I am assisting you." Shae replied.
"Yeah, after you took your sweet time getting off the phone, which clearly was not a business call." Rory said.

"Un freaking believable." Shae mumbled.
"Rory, just go outside. I'll finish paying." Maren spoke up sick of her attitude towards Shae.

"No, yeah, the level of service in this place is just that, un freaking believable." Rory said.

"Have a nice day." Shae said, shoving the bag towards Rory.

Rory harshly grabbed it. "Thanks you too, and by the way,'bloaty' is not a word. There's bloated, bloating, but no bloaty." Rory said, smiling and walking towards the door.

"Come on, let's go." Maren said, gently pushing the girl towards the door.

"Thanks, that's fascinating." Shae said.
Rory pushed her hand off and spun back towards the blonde.

"How ice is made is probably fascinating. See ya." Rory said and walked out the door to leave a dumbfounded Maren and Shae.

"Your brother needs to keep that girl on a leash." Shae seethed.

Maren simply waved and walked out of the store to see Rory storming off.

Maren didn't feel like going back to Laynes, so she went home to take a nap.
Word Count: 2526

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