Chapter: Four

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                ☆  | Season 2, ep 10:
            "The Brace Bridge Dinner."

"Then you use the carrot as the nose." Maren described as she handed the overly large carrot to Clara.

"Like this?" Clara asked as she put the carrot in the middle of the face, and it slowly drooped.

"Yea." Maren nodded and placed a beat-up black hat on top of the traditional looking snowman.

"I think our work is done." Maren smiled as Clara joyously clapped her hands.

"Why don't we go see Loralie and Rorys snowman?" Maren asked, nodding off towards the mother and daughter.

"Yea." Clara grinned and grabbed Marens hand, leading her towards the girls.

"Lovely snowman or should I say snowwomen." Maren nodded towards the fancy snow women.

"Yes." Rory smiled and added finishing touches.

"Hi, clara." Rory waved at the young girl.

Clara hid behind Marens leg and quickly waved.

The girls laughed at the girl who slowly came out behind Marens leg.

"You have got to be kidding me." Rory frowned as she pointed towards the man power buffing his snowman.

"How are we going to have a chance at that." Maren sighed.

"I'm cold." Clara whined.

"I guess I'll see you two later. Clara's cold." Maren waved, and the two walked off towards Luke's to get some hot chocolate.

"Maren, you eat, right?" Sookie asked as Maren confusingly sat down a pot of coffee.

"Yeaaa." Maren drawled out as Sookie smiled happily.

"You wanna come?" Loralie grinned with happy hands.

"Come to what?" Maren asked as she walked closer towards their table.

"To an out of control over the top slumber party?" Loralie smiled as thoughts raced around her head.

"Sure." Maren responded.
"That's great. Bring your whole family." Loralie pointed at the girl.

"Okay." Maren grinned and walked back towards the counter.

"Deano, Maren." Lane smiled towards the twins.

"Hey, hi." Dean and Maren responded.

Are you going to the shindig at the inn tonight?" Dean asked Lane.

"I'm trying to trick my mom into not going with me." Lane responded.

"How's that coming along?" Maren asked as Lane frowned.

"How's that pixies reunion coming along?" Lane asked.

"Well, I guess we'll see you and your mom there." Dean said as the two waved to Lane as she walked away.

"What the hell is he doing?" Maren frowned towards Jess as he fought some boy.

"Whoa, hey guys." Dean yelled as he ran in between Jess and the boy.

"Break it up." Dean yelled as Jess swung towards the boy.

Dean grabbed Jess, and Jess swung at Dean, but he swerved out of the way.

Jess pushed against Dean, but Dean pulled him off.

Maren simply shook her head and walked back off towards home.

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