Chapter: Six

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              ☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆
                  ~ | Season 2, ep 12:
             "Richard In Stars Hallow."


"You're really gonna sit here while I work?" Maren asked as she looked towards her brother and his freshly dyed hair with a blue streak.

"I'm bored." Sam responded as he laid his head into his right hand.

"Go find a job. You could see if Gypsy has work." Maren spoke.

"I guess." He said as the doorbell rang.
Rory walked in with a blonde girl and sat down at the bar tables.

The girl covered her face with a menu.
"Coffee?" Maren asked towards Rory.

"Please." Rory smiled as Maren poured a cup and pushed it towards her.

"Whose your friend?" Luke asked Rory.
"Angela Lansbury." Rory responded with a smirk.

"You're the owner?" The girl asked.
"You've got some interesting people in this town." Sam commented as he eyes the blonde girl.

"Their your people now." Maren raised her eyebrows.

"Shoot." Sam frowned as Jess walked down the stairs.

"Where did he come from? Is that where you keep the girls?" Paris asked.

"It is, actually." Maren nodded towards Paris.

"I think she got you, Uncle Luke, you better give up." Jess added.

"Uncle huh so that means..." Sam stopped, and Maren threw a doughnut in his mouth.

"Do not add to this insanity." Luke gruffed.

"I used to be up there till he upgraded me to the bottom floor level." Maren frowned.

"An innocent boy like me should not be raised in an atmosphere like this." Jess tapped the pencil against the counter.

"Jess." Luke warned.
"I'm trying to be good. Life's just not letting me." Jess raised his hands in surrender.

"Rory, get her out of here." Luke crossed his arms.
Rory dragged Paris out as Jess mockingly waved.

"Bravo." Sam clapped.
"You gotta problem, buddy." Jess pointed his pencil at Sam.

"'Whoa there." Maren pushed the pencil away from her brother as Sam smirked.

"Jess, this is my brother Sam. Sam, this is Jess." Maren swapped her fingers.

"Oh, sorry, man." Jess nodded to Sam.
"It's okay, it's nice to meet the infamous Jess." Sam said

"You too, man." Jess nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go find a job." Sam waved and walked out the diner.
"Guys get there, girlfriends stuffed animals, jewelry, chocolate, but you built her a whole car." Maren said as she stared at the car before her.

"You don't think she'll like it?" Dean asked worriedly.

"No, I do. It's just that you committed so much time and money to give this to your first girlfriend." Maren replied.

"What? Do you think she's gonna break up with me, and then this will be for nothing?"Dean asked, growing annoyed.

"That's not what I meant." Maren defended.

"You always have to ruin stuff." Dean said.

"I'm not ruining anything. I'm just putting some thought into it that you clearly didn't." Maren defended.

"Don't talk to me." Dean said as he got into the car and drove off to Rorys.
"So you think you can hook me up with your brother. He's a total hotie." Lindsay asked.

"Seriously?" Maren rolled her eyes.

"Yes, please, I love that whole emo thing he's got going on. I'm a sucker for that." Lindsay batted her eyelashes.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." Maren laughed and pushed her shoulder.
Word count: 545

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