Chapter: Eighteen

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☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆
~ | Season 3, ep 7:
"They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?"


"Are you doing the dancing competition or whatever it's called?" Lindsay asked as she sat at the counter in front of Maren.

"Yea, Clara has been begging me to do it all year, so I can't let her down. But the good thing is that she will probably tap out less than an hour." Maren smiled as Lindsay laughed.

"I have no doubt for that. Im bringing a boy I met the other day. His name is Mark or something, he's cute and he'd say he would do it with me." Limdsay blushed.

"Ooh, I gotta good feeling about this one." Maren smirked.
"You should have made your boy do it with you." Lindsay gestured over to Jess, who was filling up a cup of coffee.

"I asked, but he refused. Although he said he would watch for a bit, and maybe if Clara quits, Jess could step in." Maren smiled, thinking up a plan.

"Good idea. I would love for that to work. I can tell how happy he makes you." Lindsay said as Maren blushed a deeper crimson.

"Aww, you're gonna make me blush." Maren waved as Lindsay laughed.

"Too bad you already are." Lindsay giggled at her red face.

Clara shook Maren awake ar 5:00 am. Maren groaned and pushed the girl away.

"Wake up, you gotta get ready. Mom already curled my hair and got my dress on." Clara said, growing annoyed by her sister.

"Alright, alright, I'm up." Maren got out of her warm bed and got ready for the dance.

She curled her hair and put on a knee-length black dress and flats so her feet wouldn't kill her.

Clara dragged her to the gymnasium, and the two signed in and checked out in the nurses station before walking in.

Maren found Lindsay and instantly glued herself to her by resting her head on her shoulder.

"You really aren't a morning person." Lindsay shook her head and noticed the small girl next to her.

Lindsay walked over to the small forester as Maren groaned from the girl leaving.

"Hi Clara. Your dress is beautiful." Lindsay said with a smile.

Clara's smile grew wide and blushed at the compliment.

"Thank you, it's a walmart." Clara said.
"Walmart has good taste." Lindsay smiled.

Taylor got to his speech desk and grabbed his microphone.

"Looks like we're starting. I'm gonna go find my boy." Lindsay smiled before finding her date.

"All couples without a number will be disqualified. All couples must be touching at all times. All couples must remain moving at all times. The only time you may stop moving or stop touching is when you hear this horn." Taylor said before blowing a very annoying air horn.

Clara covered her ears at the noise, and Maren winced at the sound.

"That sound means you have ten minutes to get a drink, get a snack, take a rest, or whatever you can do in ten minutes. In addition to the ten-minute rest periods, every person participating has been issued a yellow emergency card." Taylor said, still speaking his speech.

Maren ignored his yapping and took Clara over to grab their numbers. Maren put 34 on Clara's back and had 35 on hers.

"Now you promise you're not gonna want to quit ten minutes in, right?" Maren asked with a stern look at her baby sister.

Diet Mountain Dew☆Jess MarianoWhere stories live. Discover now