My Sister is my Shield! ||...

By strawberrryfraise

15.2K 736 339

The youngest grandaughter of the High Priest of Tรฌrvitae is met with a terrible truth. Given a revelation by... More

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1K 66 59
By strawberrryfraise

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟔.𝟒𝐤
𝐓𝐖: 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒆, 𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓


Warm rays of sunlight peered into the room, casting over my figure, as if the sun itself was trying to cheer me up. But I wouldn't work.

Curled up into a ball, I laid on my bed, staring at the wall across from me with tired eyes. Ever since that day.. It sort of felt like everything around me crumbled. The small semblance of peace and safety that I deluded myself into believing - it shattered.

My original plan was to cling to the leg of Athanasia, the female lead, for my protection.. But she doesn't want me. She doesn't like me, enough so that she'd gossip with her friends about me.

And Claude? Hah! I could never rely on him. I couldn't even think about such a stupid idea.

If the first official meeting with my father told me anything, it was that he didn't give a crap about me. No one here.. gives a crap about me.

And you know what? I don't want them, either. If they're going to reject me, then I'll just reject them first.

I'm okay being on my own. I don't need anybody else..


Soon there was a knock at my door. I didn't even need to wait to see who it was, I already knew, based on the way the door just flung open without even waiting for me to tell her she could come in.

It was Olivia, my so-called 'Nanny', and the Head Maid of the Ruby Palace.

She seemed to be in a pretty bad mood, and I already had a few guesses for what this was about. With her hands on her hips, she stormed through the doorway and stood in front of my bed.

"When you arrived here, I gave you very specific orders, young lady." She started. I was pretty used to her lack of respect for me at this point - It was obvious that no one here considered me an actual member of the Imperail Family. Except maybe Felix.

"And yet you continue to disobey! You went against me and not only bothered Princess Athanasia, but his Majesty the Emperor himself! You went and wasted their precious time, and now that's reflected poorly on me!"

Hah?.. What, did Claude or Athanasia complain to you? That why you're yelling at me now?

"I am your caretaker! You must listen to me!" The woman practically roared. Normally, I just kept my trap shut when the maids talked to me, especially Olivia. It's easier to let them vent their frustrations, they leave faster when I don't resist.

But.. I hated it. I hated how she, and everyone else talked to me. Treated me. You call this taking care of me..!?

Swinging my feet over the edge, I pushed myself off of the bed to stand upright. I glared at her, "Isn't it your fault for not keeping an eye on me? And I'd hardly call dressing me in rags and feeding me slop 'taking care' of me, you Hag." I spat, using the harshest tone I could muster.

I don't give a crap if she hates me, more than she already does. I don't care what anyone thinks anymore..

Olivia's face became bright red, her eyes becoming wide with rage and her teeth gritted together. I think this was the first time I've ever seen her look so discheveled.. pft.

I suddenly felt a hot, sharp pain in my cheek. My hand instinctively reached up to touch the tender skin, disbelief settling heavily in my chest.

She slapped me. That old hag really slapped me..!!

Anger burned in my chest. On my face, through my arms, to the point I started to shake. "How dare you, unruly brat!! It's no wonder that his Majesty and her Highness want nothing to do with you!"

I just stood there, seething in anger. In reality, what could I do? I can't go crying to my 'daddy' or my 'big sister'. It's also my word against her's, a reputable maid. Even if I tell someone and they believe me, they'd probably think I deserved it.

Olivia seemed to gain a bit of her composure, wiping her hands on her skirt. As if touching me once had dirtied her hand. "You will reflect upon what you've done. Don't think that you can run around the Imperial grounds anymore, child."

With that, she slammed the door. Good hecking riddance.


The hag didn't lie. After I eventually left my room, I noticed that two maids were standing by all of the doors leading outside the Ruby Palace. Well.. It's not like I was trying to leave, anyways.

There isn't anywhere for me to run off to anymore. I refuse to seek those people out.

So here I am, laying on the floor of some lounge room, a crayon on my hand and parchment in front of me. I was trying to write my name - Ambrosia. Tirvitae isn't big on education, if you aren't the High Priest or Priestress. So, I never learned how to read or write.

But I remember when I used to be able to. In my first life, when I was 'Hailey'. I loved to read, erm.. I was never good at stuff like writing and drawing, but I tried my hand at it sometimes. So I thought, I should remember how to do this, right?

..Wrong! As it turns out, this entire time I've been speaking a whole other freaking language!! English doesn't even exist in this world, hmph.. But even if it did, I'd still have a problem with actually writing what I knew. Cause with what I can do right now, I'm basically just scribbling.

I guess I lost that muscle memory when I died. Makes sense, I guess.

Still, I felt kind of annoyed by it. If I can't win the love of an important figure, I have to figure out a way to support myself. And that should start with gathering knowledge!

But- How can I do that when I can't even read or write? At my age, Athy was already in advanced education..!

I sighed, letting my forehead hit the carpeted floor. This is getting me nowhere..

Just as I was in the midst of throwing a pity party, I noticed a pair of feet stride across the floor in front of me. It certainly wasn't the shoes the maids wore, so I looked up out of curiosity-

..And it was Felix! Looking down at me with a lop-sided grin, I could only wonder what the redheaded knight was doing here. Part of me was glad to see him, since he'd been the only kind person to me until this point.

But the other half of me felt apprehensive.. There's no way Felix would just visit me off of a whim. So what was he here for?

"It's been a little while, Princess." He spoke with a casual tone, "How have you been?"

I gave him a blank look. How do you think..? I'm laying on the floor in dirty rags with no attendants. You think I'm doing great, after what happened last time?

Of course, I didn't say anything nasty to him, he didn't deserve that. But I didn't exactly respond, either.

It's not that I couldn't, or I wanted to spare his feelings. I just didn't feel like it.

Felix's smile faltered a little bit as we held eye contact. Still, it seemed he wasn't ready to give up on talking to me yet, as he knelt down on the floor, taking a look at my parchment.

"Oh! Is this a drawing, Princess? It looks beautiful!" It's a bunch of nonsense scribbles.. You're a horrible liar, my guy.

Still, I said nothing in response, shifting my eyes to the side to avoid looking at him. Maybe if I just ignore him, he'll give up and leave me alone.

The knight's expression dipped again, the longer he stared at me. I'm sure you're busy, don't you have anything better to do? Just leave already.

That's when I felt his hand softly grab my chin, coaxing me to look up at him - or, rather, so that he could get a better look at my face, inspecting me with his eyes.

"..Princess... Where did you get this welt on your cheek? Did you have an accident, maybe?" He asked, his voice growing softer in tone. Like he was worried about me. His face was filled with pity .. pity for me.

..I ripped my face from his hand. I don't want your pity, Felix. "Princess..? Are you okay?" He continued to pry. As if I could really tell him. Even if I did, nothing would be done about it, he doesn't have that kind of authority. And I doubt Claude would care enough to do anothing about it, either.

So I got up and ran. All the way to my bedroom, slamming the door and then sliding down to sit with my back against it. Leaving Felix out there to stand, without a word said to him.

I'm sorry. I'm such a weak coward.. But I don't want to see any of you.


It was a little over a week before anything new happened. Felix didn't try to show up again and talk to me, I assumed I'd pushed him away enough that he didn't see the point in trying anymore.

The idea hurt, even though it's what I wanted.

I really didn't expect to see him again, at least, not for a good while. But my expectations were shattered when the hag barged into my room again, the first time since our 'fight'.

"You have guests. Put yourself together nicely." She muttered, before taking her leave. She didn't even bother calling me 'Princess' anymore, not that I really cared.

While I got dressed, I wondered who in their right mind decided to pay me a visit. I didn't really think it would be Felix, since I was so rude to him last time. And it definitely wouldn't be Claude.. Could...

Could it maybe be Athy? Maybe she.. Changed her mind, about me?

Hopeful butterflies flurried in my belly. So much so that I had to shake myself, patting my cheeks with a huff, "Wishful thinking, I doubt it's her. But then.. who..."

The identity of my visitors is all I could think about, while going down the short walkway to the main lounge. As I rounded the corner, two figures came into my view- and you wouldn't believe who it was..!

The red-headed knight I tried to scare off smiled at me, brightly. I guess he wasn't a complete shock.. At least, compared to the person who was standing beside him.

With a completely disinterested expression, was Claude. My father Claude. The Emperor, Claude de Alger Obelia. Why in the heck was he here..!?

I felt a pit form in my stomach. Did that old hag, go and tattle to him about the other day?.. Was he here to kick me out?! What else would he be here for!

No. No..! I can't go back to Tirvitae, you can't send me back!! If you do, then I'll-

"Princess?" Felix was suddenly knelt in front of me, his hand on my shoulder. I hadn't even noticed that he moved towards me until he spoke. "Are you alright?" His voice was still filled with the genuine concern he had for me, the same as last time.

I stared into his grey eyes. That's, right, I had.. to calm myself. I don't know for sure if he's here to kick me out. If he was, I'm sure that Felix wouldn't have waltzed in here looking so happy.

..I'm sorry. I really feel bad now for acting rude to you.

I nodded my head, wanting to apologize, but that'll have to come later. I don't really want to do it in front of this guy, I thought, my eyes flickering to Claude, before retreating back to his knight's figure.

He smiled, relieved. "That's good." Standing back up, he gestured towards my 'father'. "In any case, The emperor came here to see if you would so kindly join him for tea? Since your sister isn't available at the moment."

I'm sorry. What? He wants me as a substitute for Athanasia, since she wasn't able to join her dear father for their daily tea time? Doesn't that sounda a little ridiculous?

I must have looked like I didn't believe him, as Felix continued to clarify. "You aren't obligated to, of course! It was just a bit of a last-minute idea."

Oh yeah, that's supposed to make me feel better. I'm the last-minute replacement? Even if I was just a normal, non-reincarnated 6 year old, that'd still sound really bad!!

Still, I couldn't say no to him in the end. With those eyes sparkling with hope, I had to assume this was his idea, an attempt to get Claude and I to bond.

Relenting, I sighed, and raised my arms to make grabby hands at him. "..Rini will come if Uncle Felix carries her." He's been good to me, so I guess.. I can do that much.

Felix's face brightened exponentially, a big smile spreading across his face. "Of course!! I'd be very happy to, Princess!" I was scooped up into his arms not even a second later, expertly sitting on his hip. It was comfortable, I guess he'd gotten a lot of practice when Athy was a kid.

I glanced at Claude. I just called your personal knight 'Uncle', but I've never even referred to you.. How does that make you feel, ya jerk?

Of course, I didn't see any difference of expression on his face. Patooey.

His eyebrows creased a little the longer I looked at him, as if to say 'how dare you look upon me?'. I hid my face in Felix's shoulder, hearing him chuckle a little in response.

"Where shall we go then, your Majesty?" Felix hummed as he started to follow Claude out of the room. I could feel the sun's rays on my back, and I knew without having to look that we were walking outside.

"The greenhouse. I already had the servants prepare tea for us."

Claude said, his tone reflecting the boredom he must've felt. Like spending time with me was a chore. It didn't really hurt, I was just surprised he was willing to spend any time with me at all. Even if it was just to replace spending time with Athy.

"Are you allergic to any flowers, my princess?"

Felix asked softly as we made our way outside, adjusting me on his hip and bouncing me softly as we started their trek towards the greenhouse. "Your sister is allergic to pollen sometimes during the year, so we make sure that no flowers are sent to her during that period. Are you the same?"

He was clearly trying to brighten the mood, since Claude and I were clearly two conflicting energies. The beast of a man who couldn't give a crap about his daughter, and me, who wanted to be anywhere but in his line of sight.

Before I could even respond, Claude interjected. "If she is allergic, we always have a doctor on-site. There's no need for those theatrics."

He spat, standing still as he waited for two guards to pull open the glass doors to our destination, frowning instantly as the smell of flowers and freshly watered plants wafted out.

I just rested my head against Felix's shoulder, staying quiet most of the time we had walked. I'm not going to lie, I was really tired, and didn't have the energy to bother Claude. I was just really enjoying the comfort of being in someone's arms, and the warm sunlight on my skin.

Disappointment replaced that warm feeling, as I was set down on one of the chairs. A thick pillow had already been placed there, since I wouldn't have been able to see over the table comfortably without it. Felix really went all-out trying to prepare for this, I thought.

I looked around, still seated. The entire thing was made of glass panels, with gold and marble supporting it. There was also a ton of plants; it reminded me of living in Tirvitae, how everything always seemed overgrown and flush.

That was one of the few nice things about that place. I really liked how nature grew through every nook, cranny and crack.

"..This belonged to my lover." Claude finally spoke from across from me. His voice was again, bored, but some sort of tiredness laced his tone. Or I think that's what it was, anyway.

I stared at him from my side of the table. I don't know what'd gotten into me that day, because I said something I really shouldn't of. "..This used to be my Mommy's?"

Everyone seemed to go still. The maids that stood off to the side, Felix beside me, and Claude in front of me. To be honest, I really didn't know a single thing about my mother. Grandfather refused to say anything about her, he always looked angry when I asked.

But if I knew anything, it was that what existed between my mom and Claude wasn't love. That'd be impossible, because he loved Diana, dearly so. The only reason he started to love Athanasia is because she was a cute reminder of his past lover.

So why did I ask that? ... I don't know. I was just tired. Of everything. I wanted to see him look uncomfortable, maybe even a little regretful. I knew that wouldn't happen, what was there to regret when it came to me? Making me exist?

I was right, about that. Claude's expression tightened, one of slight anger. Silently showing his offense that I'd assumed he thought of my Mom as someone he loved.

I just tilted my head innocently, fluttering my eyelashes. I'm a clueless 6 year old, are you really mad at me for not knowing anything? Of course, I did know the truth, but he didn't have to know that.

Before the situation could escalate, a cup of pinkish tea was set in front of me by a maid. The same kind was placed in front of Claude, before the woman went back to her previous spot.

With a rough sigh, Claude stared down into the cup of tea, and brought it to his lips. For some reason, deciding to not correct my assumption.

"This is your Sister's favorite tea, Princess! I'm sure you'll like it, too." Felix said, his voice a tad shaky from the awkward atmosphere. Ah Felix, always the peacemaker.

I looked back down into my cup. I guess this is.. Lippe Tea, then? If I'm remembering right, it's made from a flower from Siodonna. I remember that a big moment between Athy and Claude was when she had the exact reaction that Diana did to this tea.

Pfft. I'm not stupid enough to do the whole 'there's flowers blooming in my mouth!' line. That would just be weird, wouldn't it? I also have no connection to Diana, so it wouldn't be cute, like it was with Athy. It'd probably just make Claude more angry.

I was curious, though. I always thought the tea looked pretty in the manhwa, and wondered what it would taste like. I wasn't much of a tea drinker in my past life, other than just the normal sweet black tea a lot of places serve.

With that in mind, I wrapped my hand around the cup's handle, and-- nothing happened. I couldn't.. Lift it up. A bead of sweat ran down my temple- I'll just try again.

Once again, I couldn't lift it up. It is a rather large teacup, but..! I should surely be able to do this! I attempted once more, barely lifting it up with a shaking arm, before I had to drop it. The tea swished from side to side and splattered a little bit on the table cloth.

..Why can't I pick it up? I rubbed at my eye, everyone was watching me, s-stop, stop looking at me.. This is embarrassing enough, you know!?

I looked back at the fist I'd held to my eye. Did I lose some weight?.. ..Oh. That's why.

When you barely eat and vomit up whatever you do, you're gonna get a lot weaker. And more tired. I know that first-hand, but I still.. Let myself get like this.

I gripped the tablecloth. I felt everyone's eyes on me, making me feel even more shameful. Please stop looking.. I know how ridiculous I look right now. So please look away.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I raised my head. Forcing a smile, I choked out "R.. Rini isn't that thirsty." Judging by the looks on both Felix and Claude's faces, they didn't really buy my excuse. Darn it.

"But you haven't had breakfast yet, have you, your Highness? Please, have at least a small sip and a bit of cake. Or if cake's not to your liking, we can always order something different! I'm sure the cook wouldn't mind, princess." Felix rambled quickly as he moved to clean up the small splatter of liquid the cup had caused when it fell back onto the table.

How did he know that..? Ugh, whatever. I really didn't feel like eating at that moment, especially with so many eyes on me..

Claude watched uninterested as Felix picked up the cup himself, hissing slightly as the porcelain burnt his calloused hands, but smiled either way as he raised the cup to my lips. I get that he was just trying to help, but this just made me feel even worse!

"Blow on it before drinking, it's still a bit hot." Felix said happily, looking at me expectantly.

A small drop of tea fell from the cup and onto my lap, making the knight mumble a quiet 'o-oops.' One of the maids made a move to clean it up, but instantly froze up and scrambled back to her post with a red face, the glare that Claude had sent her enough to bury her five feet under.

Oh. That's why they were just standing there, staring at me, watching me struggle with my cup.

"If she isn't thirsty, there's nothing you can do about it, sir Robaine." Claude drawled out as he moved the spoon around in his own cup of tea, raising it up to his own lips and sipping, his jeweled eyes glaring into mine, almost like he was taunting me.

"And she's made it quite clear she dislikes eating in my presence, so why even bother putting out these treats for her at all?"


..I want to cry. My lips were so tightly shut, and my hands were clenched at my sides. Sweat dripped down me, showing how distressed I was, but did Claude stop? No, of course not. He just had to keep berating his unlovable daughter.

He continued to insult and berate me, meanwhile his knight stuck the tea I desperately didn't want to drink anymore right in front of my lips.

It was so fragrant. Sugary and sweet, with the scent of perfume wafting from it.. It made me feel sick.

My small chest heaved. It felt heard to breathe- why can't I breathe? It, it hurts. I looked to Felix- Can't you see me? I can't breathe..!

"Princess..?" He mumbled, raising his free hand to wipe away my short bangs, his fingers touching my forehead. He pulled back, looking at the film of sweat on his fingers.

I was hyperventalating. I felt.. dizzy. Nauseous, from the disgusting scent of the tea in front of my nose. The eyes stuck on me with lazer focus, like they were just waiting for me to slip up again and cause an accident.

A few even giggled amongst themselves. "..ah, ahh, haah-" I heaved, feeling tears start to whelm up in my eyes. My head felt so foggy. Foggy and heavy. Everything.. is too much...

"Prin--" I slapped Felix's hand away, something inside my chest snapping. The damn within my heart crumbled, spilling the emotions I'd bottled up and ignored all out in the open.

The cup in Felix's hand went flying, crashing into the floor and spilling tea everywhere.

"STOP IT!!!" I screamed, so hard that my vocal cords strained and my lungs begged for air. For once, Claude's expression changed.. But I didn't care to take a look at him.


Tears ran down my face like a river, my eyes tightly screwed shut. Hands balled into fists as I wailed and screamed my heart out.


Something warm ran down my nose and over my mouth. I felt more warmth, warm but bony hands wrapping themselves around my waist, lifting me off of the chair. I kept my eyes shut, kicking and screaming - no longer in control of myself.

It was like I was expelling all of the stress I'd built up all at once.

"Princess, please, calm yourself! The emperor didn't mean his words, you mustn't strain yourself in such a way!" I heard Felix yell out.

It wasn't just about that. Everyone hates me.. I'm tired of people rejecting me. I'm tired of people trying to force things on me. I hate that I still have to deal with this stupid eating disorder, even into my current life.

I hate that no one understands me..!

I pushed against the chest of whoever had grabbed me. My eyes were still shut closed, honestly, I was too afraid to see how everyone was looking at me. "EVERYONE WANTS RINI GONE! RINI SHOULD JUST GO AWAY FOREVER..!!" I continued to wail. My strength was waning, my voice starting to become hoarse.

I eventually gave up trying to fight, letting my body grow limp in the person's arms. I was gonna pass out soon, I could tell, that foggy feeling taking over my head, like it was full of cotton.

I creaked my eyes open, seeing that the sky had become overcast. I also saw Felix standing over me- I was on the floor.. In someone's arms. Wait, who was holding me if not--?

A flash of golden hair whipped by the greenhouse's glass, and a figure stood at the entrance. My vision cleared just enough for me to recognize who it was. Why is Athy here..?

"..Why does... everybody hate me.." I hiccupped, no longer having the strength to scream. My conciousness was fading in and out, and my body felt heavy. So I could've just hallucinated this, but..

I could've sworn.. I saw Claude's toga around me.

Everything became fuzzy, including my hearing. Like I was underwater, everyone's voices were muffled. I could still sort of see Athy's expression, she looked alarmed, worried.. Are you worried about me? Don't you hate me?

".. What's ... She's ... Get .. Here ..!" I could only hear their voices in small blurbs.

I'm tired.. I want... To take a nap. If there's really a God.. Please don't make me wake up.


My eyes slowly cracked open. It seemed God ignored my wish.

Everything around me was warm, and soft. As my eyes got adjusted to the light, I realized I was in a large bed. An unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room.. I certainly wasn't in the Ruby Palace. This place was much nicer, more spacious.

The second that I fully regained my conciousness, I winced in pain. Everything hurt- It felt like I had ran a marathon the night before. My muscles were all contracting and burning, and yet I felt so incredibly heavy, I could've move much even if I wanted to. It hurt to even breathe.

With that being a constant reminder, I decided to just keep laying down. I let my eyes wander around the room, taking in the pretty scenery. Pastel blue wallpaper with white borders, and gold trimmings. The curtains were a similar shade of blue, but there was also some pastel pink splattered around on the furniture.

This room felt familiar.. Have I seen it somewhere?

My eyes trailed to my right, where I found a pool of golden honey hair laying on the bed beside me.

It was- It was Athanasia..? She had her head laying on the bed, sat in a plush chair at my side. It looked like she was alseep, but I could only think, what the heck is she doing here?

Don't you hate me? Or at least, you're scared of me, right? So why..

Absentmindedly, I picked my hand up, watching it shake and tremble from such a simple action. I really had no strength left at that moment, but that wasn't what was on my mind.

My hand softly landed on the top of her head. Of course. The angelic, virtuous female lead would take care of a pitiful side character..


Athanasia stirred as soon as my hand had rested on her head. I watched her eyes slowly flutter open, first looking at me in confusion, before they widened and she sat up in an instant. "Ambrosia, y-you're awake..!"

Her eyes crinkled, tears collecting in them as her brows furrowed together, relief washing over her like a tidal wave. "Oh.. Oh, thank god..."

I didn't really know what to think at that moment. I just felt.. tired. And numb. I wanted to ask, 'what in the world are you doing here? Don't you dislike me?' but I couldn't find the heart to, watching my older sister break out in a soft sob in front of me.

My breath hitched as she reached up and carefully wrapped her arms around me, pushing me towards her chest, enveloping in a soft embrace. What- what are you doing..?

"I was so worried.. So scared... I had no idea they were treating you like that. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone there.."

..The Ruby Palace? I kind of assumed everyone knew how I was being treated, but they just.. didn't care.

I felt her trembling hand caress the back of my head. "I'm so sorry.. I was being selfish. Please forgive me, Ambrosia." She pulled away from me a little bit, so that I could look up at her guilt-ridden face.

"I thought that.. That you were here to steal my place. I know it sounds ridiculous," She sniffled, taking back one of her hands to wipe at her eyes. "It's a fear that I've had for a long time. That everything I have will go away one day."

I know.. I've read your story. I know all about you.

"So when I saw you, I got scared.. And I decided to ignore you. I acted nice in front of you, but then I avoided you. So I never even noticed.. That you were being mistreated."

I wanted to be mad at her. I mean, she knew what the Ruby Palace was like when she was growing up. And I'm just a 6 year old, how in the world can I take anything from her, when she's already Crown Princess..

But the longer I looked into her eyes, I could see the shadow of that girl who died all alone and scared, and I couldn't muster the energy to be upset anymore. We're both just trying to survive.

"..Do you hate me?" I mumbled. It was all I could think to say. In response, she quickly retorted, "No, of course not! I just, wasn't sure how to treat or think about you. Instead of confronting it, I ignored it, and in turn ignored you. I'm so sorry.. That isn't at all right. I was in the wrong."

Athanasia shook her head, looking disgusted with herself. "I knew you must have had a hard time living in Tirvitae. After the way I saw them treat you, I knew your life must have been tough there, but I still acted like a coward."

With my hand still in her's, she closed her eyes and brought my knuckled to her forehead. "I've been a very bad big sister. Please forgive me.."


..Athy is warm. So warm.

"..Rini forgives you." I said quietly, casting my eyes away from her. "Please.. don't leave Rini alone again. It's been scary.." I felt a little embarrassed confessing this to her.

When I looked back over, Athanasia was in tears again. You, you don't have to cry over something like this..!

Before I could say anything else, Athy had swallowed me into another, tighter hug. "Of course!! Your Big Sister won't let anything happen to you ever again! I'll protect you from now on!"

Urk..! You're gonna have to protect me from yourself, girl! I can't freaking breathe!!

I weakly slapped on her back a few times before she got the message, and she quickly sat back down in her chair, red in the face. "So- Sorry. I got a little excited.." She chuckled, a small smile pulling at her lips.

I could've teased her, but to be honest, I was too focused on the warm feeling in my chest. It was strange, but sort of familiar. The closest thing I could describe it to is when, in my past life, Granny and I would spend time together.

Is this.. What it feels like, to recieve love?

My cheeks warmed at the thought, but didn't go unnoticed. "Oh, are you feeling feverish?" Athy asked, concern taking over her expression. I shook my head - no way in heck would I admit what I just thought!

So instead, I tried to change the topic, to something I'd actually been confused about since I woke up. "Um.." I looked at her shyly. Should I call her Athanasia..? Or Athy? Or maybe Sissy? Ehh.. We aren't that close yet-

Like she was reading my mind, she just smiled. "Call me Athy!" I just nodded again before continuing. "Um.. Athy," I use that term a lot in my head, but I've never actually said it out loud before. "Rini was wondering- where are we?"

"Ah!" Athy smiled a bit wider. "We're in the Emerald Palace. Actually, this is my bedroom!"

..HUH!? I've been sleeping in the Female Lead's bedroom!? No wonder it looked so familiar!

I guess my confusion was evident on my face, because she quickly continued to explain. "After the incident, I refused to let you stay anywhere other than my Palace. After all, it seemed we couldn't trust the Ruby Palace maids to take care of you.. Not with how long you had to be nursed back to health."

"Huh..?" I murmured. "Was Rini really sick?"

Athanasia's smile dipped. She reached behind her to the bedside table, which I hadn't even noticed until now. There was a vase with different flowers in it, a few cards, and what looked like small gift boxes. She first grabbed the pile of letters,

"Everyone.. Was really worried about you. I wrote one to you, and so did our cousin, Jennette. Felix and my Nanny brought you flowers, and when I told my friend Ijekiel about your state, he brought a letter and some gifts from him and his father! There's also one from Jennette, too."

It seemed she wasn't keen on telling me about my condition, so I can only guess it has to do something with my .. eating disorder, and the 'incident' at the greenhouse.

Still, looking at all of the things people left me in hopes that I'd get better, it made me feel lighter. "..They really did this for me?" I asked, hope lacing my voice. I never thought I'd get gifts from people, let alone heartfelt letters wishing for my recovery.

..But I couldn't help wondering. "Did.. Did Father leave me something, too?"

I didn't even have to look at the table of gifts, I could tell just from Athy's face. She was trying to find her words, find a way to explain to me why our father didn't seem to send me a single thing while I was unconcious and sick.

"..He worries in his own way. I promise, Daddy was worried about you, too." Athy tried to reassure me, and lightly squeezed my hand.

I expected it, but I still felt the disappointment pooling in my chest. I bet that bastard didn't even visit me. Despite this whole thing being his fault.

Whatever. You should stay far away, anyway. Things only get worse for me when you're around, my so-called 'Father'.

The running of Athy's thumbs over my knuckles is what brought me back. She smiled softly at me, "But you know what? You have so many people that were worried sick for you. I'm sure it was lonely for you before now, but I promise, things are going to be much brighter from here on out."

She continued soothing me while she talked, "From now on, you'll live here in the Emerald Palace with me. After what happened, there was an investigation into your Palace, and we realized how much the maids had been mistreating you. It was actually Felix's idea to look into it!"

Oh, right.. The other day. Felix must have seen the bruise on my cheek, I guess he didn't just let it go. He was really that concerned for me..

I looked back up at her with anticipation, grabbing at her hand. "Then.. Then I can be with Athy from now on?"


"And wear pretty dresses?"

"Of course."

"And everyone won't hate me anymore?"

"Why in the world would they hate a girl as adorable as you?"

Athy caressed my cheek, her thumb wiping away at the tears I didn't know had gotten there. My chest constricted, and my vision became blurry as I began to cry. She scooted onto the bed and placed me atop her lap, as I clawed at her dress and rubbed my face in her chest, wailing like the tired little girl I was.

I didn't realize how scared I had been until that day. Scared, tired, and lonely.. The first signs of warmth and comfort had me releasing even more of the pent-up sadness I'd held in my short lifetime. And Athy happily soaked it up, comforting me with her kind words and loving touch.

After I'd calmed down, we spent the rest of the afternoon looking over the letters and gifts everyone had sent me. Athy read me the letters, and told me about the kinds of flowers I was given. Then after dinner (which she forced me to eat), she climbed into bed next to me, and I fell asleep feeling content for what felt like the first time in this new life.

For now, I think I can be a little hopefully about the future.


[ Chapter 6 End ]

never want to write that much in one
chapter again. I hope it wasn't too
much for you guys to read!

Anyway, this was quite the
emotional chapter! Even though some
bad stuff happened, at least now Athy
and Rini have made up, and she
won't have to deal with the mean
maids from the Ruby Palace anymore.

Things are going to get more fun from
hereonout! So look forward to the next

(P.S: there probably won't be as much art in the next chapters
as there was before. I might add more art in later, but
for now I want to focus moreso on the writing!)

Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like sneak peeks
or other updates (as well as other art), feel free to follow
me on instagram at (@strawberrry.fraise)! <3

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