By Geyahac

572 25 53

Singer Toya x Sunflower Akito "I could sing for your flowers if you want," Toya says with a soft smile on his... More

Author's Note
2 | Sunflowers and even more sunflowers!
3 | Good Luck!
New Cover! (NOT A CHAPTER)
4 | Accepted An Unknown Favor..!
5 | Puyo Puyo x Karaoke!?
break (not a chapter)

1 | That Unforgettable Melody

98 4 7
By Geyahac

(Holy shit im bad at naming these chapters, also i have no idea how to start a chapter help. also there's gonna be made up characters because im not doing all that)


I pick up a metal watering can and fill it to the brim with water from the sink faucet at the back of the shop. I turned off the water and slowly walked up to the flowerpots on the window sill. There I saw bright yellow petals of a sunflower, I smiled a little. My favorite part of my day was me taking care of my sunflowers, it might sound weird but it was oddly calming to me. I was just, passionate about this I guess.

I lifted the watering can above the flowerpots and poured the right amount of water on each sunflower. I set down the watering can and opened the building door to go sit down in a chair by the store. 

"Hey, Shinonome-kun, can you take those boxes from the back and set them outside for me?" A boy maybe a little older than I was insisted. 

"Why can't you do it yourself?" I asked him while turning my head towards the guy. Why can't people do things themself instead of giving all the workload onto someone else? 

"My girlfriend has some emergency or something and she told me to head over quickly; I'll be back when the matter is over though."

"You're seriously leaving work just like that? It's probably not even that important, but whatever do what you want I guess." I slowly stood up from the chair and pushed under the table and opened the door leading inside. 

As I slam the door I walked to the back of the building and saw the.. truck load of boxes. 


There were at least 25 boxes of who knows what inside. I attempted to carry one of the outside and holy shit were they heavy. What the hell is in this?! Unfortunately, I couldn't open it since it was taped shut with a bunch of tape. I lifted the heavy box that felt like carrying an entire ass car outside and dropped it on the pavement. 

I had to do that again for another 24 times. 

It felt like absolute hell and I hated every second of it. Where does one even get 25 boxes with the most heavy load inside of it anyways? I feel like I'm repeating myself too much, but it's just that horrible trust me.

I finished placing 10 boxes outside and decided to take a break. I'll do the rest later once I'm finished eating my left over lunch from school.

An hour has passed, though I should be doing my homework right now. I'll put the rest of the boxes outside once I'm finished with this nonsense.

Another hour has passed. I guess I'll finish placing the rest.

By the time I finished the sun looked like it was setting, probably because I was procrastinating on actually carrying all the boxes outside for like 2 hours. I sat down in my chair outside of the building once again and saw that boy, Inouye Jurou, running towards me.

"You're finally back Inouye-san, It's been like 3 hours." I sighed as I got up from the chair I sat in.

"Eh..? 3 hours? I apologize Shinonome-kun!" Jurou says.

"Whatever, my shift is done already. See ya tomorrow," I reply back. I grabbed my bag with all my things inside and start heading towards home. Honestly, my house isn't too far from here.

I finally arrive at my house and slowly open the door and close it as I enter. I take off my shoes and walk towards my room, I then flop down my bed and stare the ceiling. With a loud sigh and I turned over, I don't bother changing clothes. I'm too tired so I just suddenly start sleeping out of pure exhaustion.









A blinding light flashes my eyes as I open them. I stretch my arms and yawn. Another day meaning even more school. I don't really give a crap about school if I'm going to be honest, but I still go for some reason. It's not like I'm trying to keep my grades high or anything, they honestly suck. 

I get up from my bed and brush my teeth, after that I changed into my school uniform and headed towards my kitchen. Should I even eat breakfast? I have like less than 10 minutes to get to school. Eh, whatever I'm skipping breakfast. I usually do a lot. 

I trip on a rock or two as I head to school. Luckily for me I was not late somehow and I sat down in my usual chair in my class. 

From the corner of my eye, I see a tall unfamiliar boy with dark and light blue hair split in half neatly. Since when was that guy in my class. What if I was in the wrong classroom. What if he was in the wrong classroom? Maybe I'm overthinking and he's just some random guy who happened to move into my class which is most definitely the most likely possibility. 

"Oh, hello Aoyagi-kun! You're just on time," the teacher of the classroom states and she looks over to the new student.

"This is Aoyagi Toya, he just moved cities and was put into this school. He'll be in this class from now on so please do be nice to him! Okay, Aoyagi-kun, your desk will be at the empty desk right next to Shinonome-kun, the boy with orange hair," the teacher announces as she points towards right next to the desk next to me.

Oh boy. 

Imagine all the questions this 'Aoyagi Toya' is gonna ask me. I scream internally.  Whatever, it doesn't bother me. It's just a new student, who even gives a fuck about this random dude nobody knows about. 

That Aoyagi Toya guy sits at the desk beside me. I try to ignore him, but he attempts to initiate a conversation. 

"Uh, hi. You're Shinonome-kun right? It's nice to meet you, I might as well introduce myself since I'll be sitting right next to you the rest of the school year," Aoyagi says with a polite smile.

I don't really wanna talk right now, but I guess I will. I have no other choice! "Oh! Didn't see you there, what's up? I haven't seen you around," I say in the most outgoing way possible.

"Well, of course you haven't seen me around, I'm new to this city after all. Was that not obvious or..?"

My face heats up just a little. "Eh?! I apologize for that, I wasn't really paying attention.." Holy shit that was embarrassing, I very much heard the teacher's announcement. I want this conversation over already, "please forget this every happened!" I immediately turn away.

Aoyagi-kun seems to frown a little in disappointment at the corner my eye. He also turns away from me and begins to write something in what looks like a mini journal?

The rest of the school day felt extremely awkward, I couldn't focus at all. I just can't wait until school is over already, this sucks and I'm banging my head on a wall internally. 







It's about time I should head over to Vivid Street to head over to the flower shop. If I want to be completely honest, taking care of my sunflowers be for real one of the only reasons I'm still here today. My reason for living seems so out of place, it's probably so stupid to everyone else, but I don't care about what other people think of my passions.

I carry a light brownish bag on my shoulders as I stroll through Vivid Street. These streets were always so lively and pretty honestly. I usually hear a lot of music somewhere around the street at my flower shop. I find it pretty calming, it fills up that empty noise that causes awkwardness in the air. 

As I walk over to my flower shop I hear an unfamiliar singing voice. That voice... I can't help, but walk over to that soothing sound. Every note is so well supported and on key, who even was this? I looked around the corner of a random wall to see...

Aoyagi Toya. 


Who knew that guy could sing so well? Well actually I wouldn't even be able to guess anything about him since I literally talk to Aoyagi-kun for like 10 seconds and dipped out of the conversation like a wuss. 

I set down my bag that felt like a weight on my shoulder onto the concrete floor.

I continued to hide behind the wall, but still slightly peaking over to see that blueberry head sing so gracefully. His singing was music to my ears, literally. That melody, so unforgettable.

He stops singing and starts walking over to the place I was at. What if he knew I was behind this wall the entire time. Am I that obvious? What if-

I shake my head. There's no time to be distracted by some random guy! I'm gonna be late to work if I keep this up.

I picked up my bag from the ground and put it on my shoulders. 

After getting myself together, I attempt to walk away as quickly as I can. Hopefully he doesn't see me! If he does, I have to come up with an excuse of some sort right?

As I speed walk away , I feel a hand on my left shoulder.

I shiver and turn my head towards... Aoyagi-kun.

"EH!?!??!?!" I scream.

(sorry for the ugly ass drawing | ALL ART USED IS MINE, if not i credit the original artist)

//1578 words\\ 

Okay that was a very long first chapter uhm. I might've cringed at myself a little with writing this but thats fine!! My spring break is almost over and I'm panicking rn. I have all As except in math because i got an 81 on a math test i thought i 100% aced. 

I'm so sorry that this might've been out of character! God this chapter was horrible. Maybe the second one will be better! (hopefully.)

If you read this to the end I thank you for putting up with this cringe shit I wrote in like 3 hours. 

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