Warriors: A Lit Dream Sky 《Dr...

By Ebonykitty

676 39 0

All I could remember was the scent of flowers and the beautiful dreams they brought me. I watched happiness... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A Closer Look At Echopaw
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
End of Book One

Chapter 10

14 2 0
By Ebonykitty

As I stormed away from Ripplestar and Dustpaw, I accidentally bumped into something, I instinctively jumped back out of suprize.

"Sorry, are you okay?" I look up, as I begin to realize I bumped into another cat.

"O-oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize, I mean, I... sorry.." I meowed as I felt my face grew hot. The cat I bumped into was a handsome dark brown tom, he had a large scratch mark on his sholder, and part of his right ear was torn. He was about my size, and looked only a little older than I.

"Hi, I'm Oakpaw, you just be Echopaw." He meowed, and I opened my mouth as he spoke my name.

"H-how'd yo-"

"How'd I know? That's easy." Oakpaw meowed giggling as he looked past my gaze to my sholder. I began to feel someone's hot breath on my ear, and I quickly turned my gaze to the breath.

"D-Dustpaw!? You talk about me to even your ThunderClan friends!?" I asked as my face now burned with embarrassment. "Your father was bad enough!..." I meowed lowering my gaze to the ground. Dustpaw just shrugged, and began to giggle with Oakpaw.

"Why can't I talk about you?" He asked, as he brushed my pelt with his. I looked into his eyes and swiftly answered his question.

"Because it's embarrassing!"

Oakpaw and Dustpaw tryed to hold in their laughter, but couldn't hold it in for long. They both burst out with laughter as I thrashed my tail.

"Ooooh that's it Dustpaw!" I hissed storming off to Riversong. I let out a long sigh as I listened in on the conversation he and Frostglimmer were having.

"I hope leaf-fall isn't as bad as it was last year." Frostglimmer meowed as Riversong nodded in agreement.

"Seeing how leaf-fall is in half a moon or so, hopefully it is warm for as long as possible. We have more mouths to feed, seeing how Ashfoot is most likely retiring soon." Riversong meowed, as I turned my gaze to the elderly cat. Ashfoot's muzzle was turning a light grey color, and covering his black pelt to a grey color. His age was clearly showing, and even Ripplestar could see the elder warrior was soon to retire to an elder. Seeing how Ashfoot was now the 3rd in command, because of his age and experience, he would have to step down from his position. The first cat I would think of as next in command would be... Puddleleg. She was younger than some, but she was a very experienced and skilled warrior in battle, as well as hunting.

I slowly padded away from Riversong and decided to talk to Ripplestar, seeing how I still wished not to see Dustpaw's face. Just as I was about to say something to him, Ripplestar called RiverClan to line up for home. I quickly go into the line that began to form behind Ripplestar. So far, I loved gatherings, I wonder what it was like with ShadowClan and WindClan... as I thought RiverClan padded back to camp. My legs were sore, and I was just now starting to felt the affects of not sleeping half of the night. My muscles were developing, but I still got tired. As we reached camp, I noticed Dustpaw was trying to get my attention, but I just turned my back to him and continued on my way to the apprentices den. I silently entered the den, hearing Dustpaw behind me. I padded over to an empty nest in the corner of the den and plopped down into it, away from my normal nest location. Dustpaw can really aggravate me sometimes. That why I just need some space, but he never realizes that... I think as Dustpaw comes over to talk to me. He never gives me enough alone time, even when I'm practically begging to be left alone. I let out a sigh.

"Hey, Echopaw, I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you, or hurt your feelings." Dustpaw meowed sympothedically. I let out another sigh and calmly answered him back.

"It's alright Dustpaw, I just need some alone time right now." He quickly caught on and nodded, padding away giving me some much needed alone time. One good side to Dustpaw, he always catches on faster than any would expect. I close my eyes, letting the darkness envelope me, and I feel into a deep sleep.

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