The Force and The Ring


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Eight people were chosen from the Star Wars dimension and brought to middle earth. Еще

Arthur's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

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They made it out of Moria onto rocks and stones. Everyone that was close to Gandalf was grieving, the four hobbit's crying and Gimli was trying to go back into Moria and Boromir was trying to stop him. Legolas, Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewy were mourning quietly. While Din was tending to an upset Grogu. Aragon, Boba, and Rosalie knew they needed to move on before dark. "Legolas, and Luke get them up." Aragon said to them. "Give them a moment for pity sake." Boromir said to Aragon. "By night fall these hills will be swarming with orc's. We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli get them up. On your feet Sam. Frodo!" Aragon said. "Frodo come we must go." Rosalie said to him. Frodo turns and looks at her nodding. They began their journey to Lothlórien. Through the plains and rivers into the woodland.

They made it to the woodland realm of Lothlórien entering into the forest. All of them were looking around in awe of the woods. "Stay close young hobbits. They say a great sorcerer lives in these woods. An Elf witch of terrible power, all who look upon her fall under her spell." Gimli said to them. "Frodo." Frodo heard a voice calling him, he started looking around to look for the voice. "Never to be seen again." Gimli said. "Frodo your coming to us as the foot steps of doom. You bring great Evil here, Ring bearer." Frodo heard the voice again. "Mr. Frodo?" Sam asked Frodo turns to look at Sam then looks forward. "Well here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and ears of a fox. Oh!" Gimli said, and then was shocked when he realized he had an arrow pointed at him. "The Dwarf breaths so loud we could have shot him in the dark." Haldir said to them. The elves took them up into their talans. "Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil." Haldir said in elvish. "Our Fellowship stands in your debt. Haldir of Lorien." Legolas said back in elvish. "Ah  Aragon of the Dunedain, you are known to us." Haldir said in elvish, then Aragon spoke back in elvish. "So much for the courtesy of the Elves, speak words we can all understand." Gimli said rudely to Haldir. "We have not dealings with the Dwarfs since the dark days." Haldir said to Gimli. "And you know what this dwarf says to that." Gimli said then continued to speak in Dwarvish. "That was not so courteous." Aragon said to Gimli after grabbing his shoulder. "You bring great Evil with you. You can go no further." Haldir said to Frodo then to everyone else. Aragon was trying to convince Haldir to let them continue on to Lothlórien. Everyone was sitting around waiting to see what happened next. Rosalie, Boba, Din, and Grogu were in one corner. While Han, Leia, Luke, and Chewy were in another corner, and everyone else was spread out. "Gandalf's death was not in vain. Nor would he have you give up hope, you carry a heavy burden Frodo. Don't carry the weight of the dead." Boromir said to Frodo. "You will follow me." Haldir said to them. They continued their journey through Lothlórien. "Caras Galadhon. The heart of Elvendem, of Lord Celeborn, and of Galadriel Lady of light." Haldir said to them. They all stood there in awe at the sight they saw.

They walked up the stairs of the biggest tree to meet the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. They stood at the top waiting for the Lord and Lady to speak, while Haldir stood off to the side. When the Lord and Lady came down from their living area, the hobbits stood there in awe. Legolas, Aragon, Boba, Din, and Rosalie stood there with grim faces and sorrow. Boromir, Gimli, Han, Leia, and Luke were standing there somewhat in confusion and in awe. While Grogu was babbling nonstop. "The enemy knows you have entered here, what hope you had in secrecy is gone. Sixteen that are here, but seventeen had sat out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf for I  much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from a far." Lord Celeborn said. "Gandalf the Gray did not pass the boarder's of this land. He has fallen into shadow." Lady Galadriel said looking down and Lord Celeborn looked at her. "He was taken by both shadow and flame, a Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Legolas said to them. "Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose. Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart Gimli son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of error and in all lands love is now mingled with grief." Galadriel said to them. "What now comes of this fellowship without Gandalf hope is lost." Celeborn asked Galadriel. "The quest stands on the edge of a knife, stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow, and much toil tonight you will sleep well. "Welcome Frodo of the Shire one I have seen die!" Galadriel said to them, then spoke in Frodo's mind.

They were brought to a camp area that was already set up for them. They heard the Elves of Lothlórien were singing songs of sorrow and grieving for Gandalf. Legolas said something in elvish to Gandalf that none but Aragon understood. "What do they say about him?" Merry asked Legolas. "I do not have the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still to near." Legolas told him. "But they don't mention his fireworks, should be a verse about them. "The finest rocket I've ever seen, they burst in stars of blue and green, for after thunder silver showers came flowing like a rain of flowers." Oh that doesn't do them justice." Sam said to them. Later on in the night as everyone else was asleep, Aragon was walking around making sure everyone was resting. "Take some rest, these boarders are well protected." Aragon said to Boromir. "I will find no rest here. I heard her voice inside my head, she spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor. She said to me even now there is hope left, but I cannot see it. It's been long since we've had any hope. My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing. And now our people loose faith. He looks to me to make things right and I would do it. But I would see the Glory of Gondor withstood. Have you ever seen it Aragon? The white Tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver. It's banner caught high in the morning breeze, have you ever been called home clear ring of the trumpet?" Boromir said to Aragon. "I have seen the white city long ago." Aragon said. "One day our path will lead us there, and the tower guard will take up the call the lord's of Gondor have returned." Boromir said to Aragon. After they spoke to each other they went to rest.

The next day after lunch Galadriel wanted to speak to Rosalie. They decided to walk in the garden to talk. "Do you remember anything when you were younger?" Galadriel asked Rosalie. "No not really. All I can remember is falling through a portal and ending up in the dimension where Boba and the others are from." Rosalie said. "Well when you were still but an Elfling and came here with your mother and sister. You were so intrigued by the Elven warrior's that you tried to mimic them. So I decided to let you train, Haldir was actually your mentor." Galadriel said as she spoke Rosalie began having flashbacks. Rosalie stood in the training area while Haldir was teaching her how to use a bow and arrow. Sometimes he would teach her how to use a sword or daggers even short swords as well as duel swords. He even went easy on her when they fought against each other with swords. When it was time to leave for home she would go and hug Haldir before they left. "Goodbye Haldir I'll see you soon." Rosalie said to Haldir in her child like voice in elvish. "Rosalie what is wrong?" Galadriel asked her in concern. "I just had a flashback of being taught to fight by Haldir, before going home. But that's it nothing else." Rosalie said. "Perhaps you will slowly get your memories back if you're reminded of the past." Galadriel said. They continued talking until it was time to eat then went their separate ways.

A couple days later they are sitting around the fire eating. "Pippin remember when you asked me to tell you the story of how Boba and I met?" Rosalie said to Pippin. "Yes, are you going to tell us now?" Pippin asked in excitement. "Yes I will." Rosalie said to him. "Gandalf should be here for the story." Frodo said sadly. "All we can do is morn for Gandalf, but life must go on we cannot linger on the past it will not get us far." Luke said to Frodo. "Rosalie go head and tell them." Boba said to her. "I was in a Cantina waiting for a bounty hunter to come and get me." Rosalie said. "What's a Cantina?" Pippin asked. "A Cantina is like a Bar or a Tavern." Din said answering Pippin's question. "Ah okay." Pippin said. "I was just drinking while waiting, and in comes the great Boba Fett looking around for his bounty." Rosalie said. "While looking around the Cantina I saw my bounty wondering why she was just sitting there doing nothing but staring at me." Boba said. "He approached me to told me come with him to his ship. But instead of going with him easily I started fighting him. I did what I could to escape and he ended up on the floor. I took off running knowing he would catch up to me. I knew I needed to get caught in order to complete my mission." Rosalie said. "What mission?" Gimli, and Boromir asked at the same time, then looked at each other. "It was my own mission. I was supposed to take down an organization that kidnapped young women, and children. They took them and made them into Slaves forcing them to work and dance and many other despicable things. That they were forced to do it was not something you would see happen here." Rosalie answered them. "That's terrible." Sam said. "It is terrible and terrifying for them which is why I did it often and purposely getting caught." Rosalie said. "Now back to the story. I finally caught up to her and we fought some more until I caught her, and then brought her to my ship." Boba said. "I let him catch me though but he didn't know until the final time he caught me." Rosalie said. "Wait how many times did you catch her?" The whole group asked at the same time. "About five maybe six times. But she made it harder to catch her each time, but on the fifth time I finally asked why she kept letting me catch her." Boba said. "Which caught me off guard. Then I explained to him what I was doing and we made an agreement. He would catch me and bring me to those that would pay him. And I would free the slaves and destroy the organization including the buildings." Rosalie finished saying. "Wow but how did you escape every time?" Leia, Han, and Legolas asked at the same time. "I have elemental powers like air, fire, water, and earth but I also have healing abilities as well as being able to see into minds." Rosalie said looking at every one in the group. Plus elves standing around them listening to the story.

That night Lady Galadriel was walking through their camp. Frodo woke up and saw her, and decided to follow Galadriel down more stairs until they reached a small area. Lady Galadriel grabbed a pitcher walked over to a water fountain and scooped some up. "Will you look into the mirror?" Galadriel asked Frodo. "What will I see?" Frodo asked coming down the rest of the stairs looking at Galadriel. "Even the wisest cannot tell. For the mirror, shows many things. Things that were, things that are, and some things, that have not yet come to pass." Galadriel said as she poured water into a bowl to make the mirror. Frodo walked up the little bit of stairs and looked into the mirror, then looked up at Galadriel then back down. He saw Legolas, Merry, Pippin, and Sam looking sad and turning their backs to him. Then he saw the Shire it changed to it being on fire, orc's killing other hobbits, to hobbits being in slaved including Sam. Then saw the destruction of the Shire, then it became the great Eye of Sauron. He began to breathe heavily trying to pull away but felt like he was being pulled towards the eye. The ring fell out and started pulling him toward the water until he finally freed himself by grabbing the ring. "I know what it is that you saw. For it is also in my mind. It is what will come to pass if you should fail. The Fellowship is breaking. It is already begun. He will try and take the Ring. You know of whom I speak. One by one, it will destroy them all." Galadriel said and finished in his mind. "If you ask it of me, I will give you the One Ring." Frodo said offering the ring to Galadriel. "You offer it to me freely? I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this. In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me, and despair. I pass the test. I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Galadriel." Galadriel said then went dark, then went back to normal. "I cannot do this alone." Frodo said to her. "You are a Ring bearer, Frodo. To bear a Ring of Power, is to be alone. This is Nenya, the Ring of Adamant. And I am its keeper. This task was appointed to you. And if you do not find a way, no one will." Galadriel said to him. "Then I know what I must do. It's just, I'm afraid to do it." Frodo said. "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." Galadriel said to him. Frodo put the ring back around his neck and went back to camp to sleep.

The next morning they were to set out for the rest of their journey. The elves gave them elven cloaks that would help disguise them from unwanted attention and enemies. Although the elves had to make a larger one for Chewy. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes " Lord Celeborn said to them. "Lembas one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." Legolas said after taking a small bite, then put it in the boat. "How many did you eat?" Merry asked Pippin. "Four." Pippin said then made a face and noise like he was full. "Every league you travel south the danger will increase, Mordor orc's now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the western bank, strange creatures wonder the land bearing the white mark have been seen on our borders. Seldom do orc's journey in the open under the sun, yet these have done so. You are being tracked, By river you have the chance of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros." Lord Celeborn said to Aragon, Rosalie, Boba, and Din. Then proceeded to give Aragon a dagger and proceeds to speak in elvish. They loaded the boats and set out on six elven boats that would not sink even if it was overloaded.

They left in the boats and paddled for a few hours before they saw, the Lord Celeborn, and Lady Galadriel coming in their swan boat and a few others. "You were our guest but yet, we did not dine  with you. So we shall eat before you leave our boarder's." Galadriel said to them. They ate and talked for a little bit before they were ready to leave. But Galadriel wished to give them gifts. "My gift for you Legolas, is the bow of the Galadhrim. Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." Galadriel said to Legolas. Boromir was given a belt of gold."These are the dagger's of a Noldorin, they have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrine Took. You will find your courage." Galadriel said gifting them both a dagger and silver belt with gold flowers. "And for you Samwise Gamgee. Elven rope as and a wooden box of seeds from the flowers of Lothlórien." Galadriel said giving him the gifts. "Thank you my lady. Can I have one of them nice shiny daggers?" Sam said to her, Galadriel just smiled at him and moved on. "And what gift would a dwarf ask the elves?" Galadriel asked Gimli. "Nothing. Except looking upon the Lady Galadriel one last time. For she is more fair than the jewels beneath the earth." Gimli said making Galadriel laugh, then he grumbled turning away. "Actually ah, there was one thing no I'm talking nonsense stupid of me. But all I ask for is one strand of your golden hair." Gimli said to her. "I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear. For her love. I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish." Galadriel said then began speaking in elvish. "I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people. I would have her take a ship to Valinor." Aragon said in elvish to Galadriel. "That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make Aragon, to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Eärendil. But to fall into darkness, with all that is left of your kin. Farewell. There is much that you have yet to do. We shall meet again, Elessar." Galadriel said then continued in elvish, and also gave him a sheath that fits a sword that's gold and silver flowers. "For you Han Solo. I give you throwing knives and an elven shield." Galadriel said to Han while giving him the gifts. "And you Chewbacca I give you a elven shield and sword." Galadriel said giving him gifts. "Leia I give you a dress made with our finest cloth and set of daggers with a belt." Galadriel said giving her a beautiful gray dress, daggers and belt with flowers in gold. While Luke received a belt with gold and green leaves, and a dagger. Din was given a couple of dagger's and a belt that's silver. Boba received a sword with a sheath and belt with green leaves. Rosalie was given a Jeweled elven crown but also weapons such as a set of jeweled daggers and duel swords that matched, as well as a bow and quiver full of arrows and belt with jewels for flowers and leaves. "Why are you giving me all this? Why not just give me one and that's it?" Rosalie asked Galadriel. "Because you are my granddaughter. I have not seen you since you went missing, and all this is what you were supposed to get through the years you grew." Galadriel said to Rosalie. "Thank you!" Rosalie said and smiled while hugging Galadriel. "Now for you Grogu a elven helmet to help protect your head." Galadriel said giving him the helmet while Grogu babbled. It was put on his head then Grogu saw a frog and decided to eat it. The Elves gasped in shock and horror at this while Galadriel smiled in amusement. While the fellowship laughed at him, and all Grogu did was smile at them innocently. "Farewell Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out." Galadriel said to Frodo. They got in the boats started rowing. "I've taken the worst wound of this parting, I looked my last upon that she's fairest. Hence fourth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me." Gimli said. "What was it?" Legolas asked smiling. "I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three." Gimli said. They set out on the boats to continue their journey south.

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