The Ashes of The Chosen (RWBY...

By Carter-25

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"After all this time... you still have the nerve to think I'd bend to your will!? Such arrogance... such fool... More

He Shall Rise
All Will Be Revealed (Volume 7 Prologue)
Atlas Touchdown (Volume 7 Chapter 1)
A New Age (Volume 7 Chapter 2)
Out With The Old, In With The New (Volume 7 Chapter 3)
The First of Many (Volume 7 Chapter 4)
Updated Character Bio's
An Early Graduation (Volume 7 Chapter 5)
Uncovering The Truth (Volume 7 Chapter 6)
A Step Too Far (Volume 7 Chapter 7)
A Break In The Action (Volume 7 Chapter 9)
The Indomitable Spirit (Volume 7 Chapter 10)

The Start Of Arrowfell (Volume 7 Chapter 8)

77 5 3
By Carter-25

The flight back to the academy was silent and tense. It was voided of emotion; not a soul aboard was happy or upset, satisfied or unfulfilled.

Seen inside the manta, Grace sits next to Apollo. Across them, the Vacuan Huntress sits next to an Atlesian Huntsman.

Both sides mirrored one another; both males were broken, while both females looked on with worry and concern.

Apollo and the Atlesian Huntsman had just lost their loved ones right in front of their eyes. The memories played in both of their minds; how the Megoliath's tusk sunk straight through Heath's stomach, and how both of the Atlesian Huntsman's comrades were torn to shreds by the Grimm horde.

Apollo's hands were balled into fists atop his lap. He hadn't blinked in what felt like hours. Tears had stopped falling, but his eyes no longer shone. Grace couldn't help but glance at her old partner a few times, clearly worried about his mental state.

Oh, and physical state, too. Apollo looked like he'd been through a full war.

On the other end, the Vacuan Huntress slowly pats the back of the Atlesian Huntsman, who shares a similar expression to Apollo. He was also broken and dull; he was motionless and stationary. The Vacuan Huntress frowns, looking out the window to distract herself.

Today was supposed to be a simple patrol mission. It should've been a normal day.

Everyone involved expected today to be uneventful.

No one could've expected this.

Not a single soul.


The manta docks off at the entrance of Atlas Academy. The airship's doors open, forming a ramp to the ground below. The broken moon shone brightly in the night sky over the Academy, though with more clouds surrounding it than usual.

Atlesian Knights and soldiers stand guard by the ramp as slowly from the aircraft, Grace supports Apollo as the two walk down the aircraft. His arm slung around her back, his waist held, she supports him into the campus.

There was no need to worry about being spotted by students, thankfully. This was at a time when all students should be asleep in their dorms.

However, as soon as they enter the courtyard, Grace squints to see multiple figures run towards her. They reveal to be the main group as Ruby gets to Apollo first, quickly halting before him with a concerned look.

Ruby: Y/N!? Y/N!? Oh my goodness, are you okay!?

He slowly looks up, his lifeless eyes tattered by all the dirt and ripped clothes around his body. She gasps in fear as the rest of the group stops in front of him.

Blake: What happened out there!?

Yang: Hang in there, Y/N! 

Jaune: We heard from the General that something went wrong!

Nora: A massive Grimm attack, right? 

Ren: Apparently, something bad happened to him, too. But-

Oscar: H-Hey... where's Heath?

With concerned and panicked expressions, the group bombards Apollo with fevered questions. However, he remained monotonous.

Weiss: Grace? What are you doing here?

Grace and Weiss face each other. The Schnee then notices Grace's Ace Op outfit and gasps.

Weiss: The Ace Ops got involved...? 

However, Grace stands sternly after Apollo, still holding him around her shoulder.

Grace: Keep your voices down and relax. Physically, he's fine, but mentally... 

She glances at him and frowns.

Grace: I... think it's best I explain the situation instead.

She faces the group and takes a deep breath.

Grace: Let's go to your rooms. I'll explain it there.

Grace, still supporting Apollo, walks on ahead. The rest of the group follow suit. 

Opening Apollo's room, Grace carefully sits Apollo down on the chair while the group enters the room. With how many of them were inside, the room was quite cramped. Team RWBY sat on Heath's bed, while Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Oscar sat on Jake's bed.

However, as they all sat down, the door suddenly opens to reveal Jake, the boy panting and drenched in sweat. He raises a brow at the sight in front of him.

Jake: Why... are you all here?

Jaune: Hey, there you are!

Ruby: Where were you, Jake? We were looking all over the academy for you! 

Jake looks around him and notices Apollo on the chair. He then faces Ruby.

Jake: I was training, as I've been the past few days.

Yang: We messaged you so many times on your scroll! Did you not receive them?

Jake: I don't check my scroll when I train. 

Yang lets out a sigh.

Yang: Well, you better start checking it. 

Jake shrugs. He turns to face Apollo and notices his dull, blank expression. It un-nerved him; he's never seen Apollo this way before.

Jake: Did something happen? Whe-

Grace: Save the questions. I'll explain everything.

Jake hums and leans on the wall next to the door. Grace then takes a breath and starts her explanation.

Grace: As you all have been informed, Heath and Apollo were tasked to take care of the launch site today. It was all going swimmingly... until we suddenly received mass amounts of distress signals surrounding the launch site.

She folds her hands together.

Grace: It was a massive horde of Grimm unlike anything we've ever seen. If I were to classify the emergency in tiers... it would be Class S.

Weiss: And... that means...?

Grace faces Weiss.

Grace: It was region-threatening. There have only been 4 Class S signals since the city of Atlas was built, and this was the worst one yet. 

She lowers her head and spoke in a hushed tone.

Grace: This could even be re-classified into its own tier. Class Double S.

Blake: And Heath and Y/N were the only ones there? Just those two!?

Yang: How did you guys not recognize that sooner!? If it really was how you described it as, surely you all would've gotten those signals sooner! 

Yang and Blake stand up with gritted teeth, but their expressions soften as Grace nods solemnly.

Grace: I... on behalf of the military and the Ace Ops, we deeply apologize. However, that's what we thought, too. 

The pair sits back down.

Grace: It was almost as if that horde of Grimm was summoned from thin air. Our radar can track any Grimm throughout the entire region of Solitas, miles beyond the launch site and then some. We would've received those signals earlier on... which is why we're all confused, too.

Jaune: ... Has it crossed your minds that maybe your radar is busted? Or maybe your signals are broken?

Nora: That wouldn't surprise me.

Grace brushes off Jaune and Nora's snarky tones.

Grace: I assure you, we do indeed run daily check-ups on our active technology. We have received signals miles away from the launch site prior to this incident.

The group fell silent as they processed Grace's words.

Ren: Something... doesn't add up.

All eyes turn to Ren.

Ren: Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, so why would a massive horde of them come from seemingly out of nowhere toward the launch site? If it's as dangerous as you say, I doubt both Apollo and Heath could've mustered up enough negative energy to attract them all.

Grace: That...

Grace lowers and shakes her head.

Grace: That, I do not know. Though, the military is currently looking into the issue as we speak. Perhaps we might've missed something in the mines... maybe a Grimm that could summon other Grimm, for instance.

Ruby: ... I may have an idea or two.

Ruby speaks with a stern, serious look in her eyes.

Ruby + Oscar: Salem.

The two turn to each other, seemingly with the same idea.

Oscar: But, wouldn't that mean that she's aware of Ironwood's plan somehow? 

Ruby grits her fist.

Oscar: That's... that's not good. We have to tell the General to stop as soon as-!

Jake: I... heavily doubt that.

Now, all eyes were turnt to Jake, his arms crossed over each other.

Jake: Unless we're all blind and have somehow missed Salem's acquaintances in broad daylight, she'd have no way of knowing about the General's plan. And, I heavily doubt that her minions are already posted up here in Atlas. Something else is currently at play.

Grace raises her brows at Jake's comments.

Jaune: You mean... that something else summoned the Grimm?

Jake: I believe so. Whatever the case may be, Salem had no direct part to play in this.

Ruby: Then... what could it be? 

Jake shakes his head.

Jake: We'd all be grasping at straws and rhetorics. None of us will have any clue why that's the case unless proper investigation is conducted. No point in making up assumptions when none of us, except him, were there at the scene. And, I heavily doubt that he knows much more than we do.

Jake faces Apollo while the rest of the group ponders on his words. 

They hesitate, but they all soon mumble in agreement.

"I'm glad we can all agree. But now, I want to ask something else."

He turns to Grace, who mentally prepares herself with a deep breath.

"Where is Heath Slater?"


Jake's tone was deathly serious.

For what felt like the first time since he joined, the group acknowledged that Jake was showing his caring side.

All eyes fell on Grace, whose gaze was lowered. She remained speechless, causing some members of the group to lose hope.

Until suddenly, Apollo stood from his chair, and spoke in a coarse voice.

"He's dead."













That was all Ruby could whisper under her breath as a fearful look shadowed her eyes. Her throat starts to suffocate, her body starts to tremble.

It wasn't just her. Everyone present was also starting to shut down after hearing the news.

They all wanted to say, "That's not possible." They all wanted to say "You're wrong."

But, there was no doubt, no lie in Apollo's hollow eyes. There was only truth.

And that stung the most.


Everyone knew the risks and potential implications the moment they banded together on this journey.

They all knew, whether through this adventure so far or not, that the real world was cruel and dangerous. They knew to not take this lightly, especially now that they were huntsmen.

But, such a tragedy coming true on this day was far from what anyone could expect. It was supposed to be a simple perimeter defense mission, it was supposed to be a basic patrol.

Though perhaps, the fact that it was supposed to be such a normal mission had left all of their guards down.


Tears start to flow down Apollo's face as he grits his fists. He relives the moment once again - watching the Megoliath's tusks impale straight through Heath, hanging him up like a blade stabbing through paper.

He cringes and reels back, knocking into the table and stumbling across the room. He grunts and cries, unable to contain his grief. But, everyone in the room knew better than to stop him, as they all lowered their gazes and started to sob.











"No, he's not."

Suddenly, all eyes dart over to Grace as she lowers her scroll. 

"I've just texted the medical department. He's still-"

"Don't you dare LIE TO ME!"

Apollo suddenly punches the wall, causing Grace to flinch and stumble back. Everyone in the room gasped at his sudden outburst, as his eyes were narrow and ferocious.

"Don't play with my emotions! He's DEAD! H-He can't have lived through that! I saw it with my OWN EYES!"

He gestures to his stomach being pushed inwards.

"No man could live that. I refuse to believe it. How dare you have the nerve to lie to our faces like that..."

Although taken aback, Grace stands her ground as Apollo lowers his gaze, tears continuing to flow like a waterfall. She eventually stands upright and opens her scroll.

"I saw it with my own eyes, too. If the medical department hadn't confirmed it, I would've also been inclined to believe that he was dead."


"S-So he's alive...?"

Ruby gasps under her breath, her eyes wide. Grace nods.

"His pulse is barely beating, but I can confirm that Heath still lives under the doctor's approval."

Everyone lets out a relieved sigh and relaxes their shoulders. However, Apollo still remained tense as he snarled under his breath.


Grace crosses her arms and her brows furrow.

"Why do you doubt so much? Are you not elated that your friend still lives? Do you WISH he's dead?"

This ticks Apollo off further as he looks up to glare at Grace.

"Considering how Atlas failed to send in reinforcements in time for us, how could I not doubt!? I have all the right in the world to believe that you're just trying to make us feel better! Just admit that he's dead OR that he's not going to make it so that it'll be easier to accept it, dammit!"

Grace opens her mouth, but she hesitates. As much as she hated to admit it, Apollo was completely fair in his doubt. But, she shakes her head.

"So you'll continue to wallow in your despair? You're not going to hope for your friend's survival, casting him off as dead when he's on the brink of survival? I hope you know that just makes you a horrible person and a horrible friend to Heath."


Apollo stops and freezes in place. He grits his fists tightly, but he doesn't act.

"Heath Slater is alive, but he's clinging onto whatever life he still has in him. If you're going to be a good friend, how about instead of wishing for his death, you hope that he regains consciousness soon to confirm that he lives? Or are you too enveloped in your own grief to realize that?"


Apollo stumbles back slightly and falls onto the chair, having lost his aggression and intensity. He buries his head in his folded arms and starts breathing heavily.

"Y/N..." Jaune whispers under his breath.

Grace then checks her scroll once again. "The doctors won't know when Heath's condition will stabilize, but I'll make sure to let you guys know as soon as possible when I get the chance. They estimate it'll take about a week for him to regain consciousness... that is if nothing else unexpected happens."

Everyone nods at her explanation. Yang exhales under her breath in relief.

"That's one bit of good news, at least." she says.

Ruby faces Grace and nods. "Thank you, Grace. Please do keep us as informed as possible about his condition."

Grace nods back. "Of course."  She then turns to face the rest of the group. 

"Once again, as a key member of the Atlesian Military, we deeply apologize for tonight's incident. We'll try and do our best to make up for our mistakes; tonight's responsibility falls solely on us."

She bows her head low for a few seconds before rising up.

"In the meantime, I think you all should get some rest. You are all granted permission for the day off tomorrow. Good night."

With another bow, she salutes, turns, and walks out of the room.

The group was silent momentarily as they watched Grace off, but their attention was turned to the sobbing Apollo, his head still buried in his arms on the desk. With a frown, Ruby walks over to him and pats him on the back.

It was clear that he was affected by today's events. Some part of Ruby was glad she didn't get to see what Apollo had to bear witness to.

But there's also his case. No one in the group present knew anything about what Apollo was doing, other than he was taking care of some personal business.

The culmination of that and today's events had taken its toll on him. He was exhausted mentally and physically.

"I think I'll take up on Grace's offer." says Jaune as the blonde gets to his feet and walks out the door. Nora, Ren, and Oscar murmur as they follow suit back to their room, leaving Team RWBY and Jake inside as they continue staring at Apollo's slumped state.

Eventually, Jake lets out an irritated sigh and turns to walk out of the room.

"I'm going to get some fresh air."

He doesn't turn around to acknowledge Team RWBY's response as he walks out of the room.

Yet, as time continued to pass by, Apollo continued to weep into his arms. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang all stand by him with frowns as they try to comfort the Ignatius, but their attempts felt defective.

"Let's give him some space. He's been through a lot tonight." Yang pitches, to which Weiss and Blake nod in agreement. The three girls turn to walk out the door, but Yang notices that Ruby continued to stay by Apollo's side, not following the rest of her team. 

Ruby looks up at her older sister and nods. "You girls can carry on ahead. I'll keep him company for a little while longer," she says as she rubs Apollo's back. Yang nods and smiles back before heading back to her room, leaving Ruby to continue her attempts at comforting her best friend.

It was rare for her to see Apollo open up emotionally, but a breakdown of this magnitude was unheard of. It would've gnawed at her if she had left with the rest of her team.

She knew that Apollo wasn't perfect. He had his flaws and had shown them before. 

But, he was also a lot stronger than the rest of the group. Upholding his Ignatius profile in secret for all this time, dealing with actions from Salem and her accomplices, watching his loved ones get hurt constantly...

The fact that he was even here now shows how strong he was.

Even through the tears, even if he was bawling his eyes out from stress and grief...

Everyone reaches a breaking point, sooner than later.

But, that doesn't mean that Apollo had given up.

If anything, he was going to grow stronger from here on out.


The lights were out inside the academy, currently a time when no student should be awake.

But, seen inside the hallway was a silhouette of a shadow, slinking down the corridors with inaudible movements.

This shadow continues its move, phasing through doors and walkways until it reaches an elevator. The shadow phases through the said elevator and clicks on a button, taking itself and the elevator down to the central control center of Atlas.

With a loud ding, the elevator opened, but no one was seen coming out of it. Multiple military members look on in confusion at the elevator, the reason for its arrival unknown to them. But, the shadow continues to slink its way through the command center and towards the medical facility, scanning through multiple rooms until it stops at one specific room.

The shadow phases through the door, and a figure pops out of the shadow to reveal a dark-hooded yellow-eyed boy. Jake Austin walks over to flick the light switch on then walks over to the middle of the room, where seen inside a glass enclosure is an unconscious Heath Slater, the boy propped up and injected by multiple machines. Jake looks at the machinery stuck onto Heath and cringes, remembering how he probably looked the same way after his tragedy.

Jake looks over to the table at the corner of the room and walks over to the clipboard that is laid on top of it. Seen on the paper was the anatomy of a human body, a massive red circle drawn around its stomach. Jake glances back at Heath's unconscious state and walks over, gazing over his stomach filled with all sorts of equipment from the medical department.

Realistically, Apollo was right. If he was right in his story that Heath was fully penetrated through the stomach by a Megoliath's tusk, he should've died on the spot right then and there.

So how? How was Heath still reportedly alive?

The only way Heath could survive is if the Megoliath's tusk was removed while it was still inside Heath, but then they'd have to find a way to stop the blood loss.

If that's not the case, then Heath had somehow defied death itself.


Jake glosses over Heath's monotone expression. He wasn't sure why he had decided to come down here to Atlas's Command Center, where he would probably be reprimanded if he was to be caught. Call it a gut feeling, but it felt as if he was drawn towards here.

Some part of him wanted to see Heath. That's all he could understand.

And, now that he's seen him, he could feel a sense of satisfaction wash over him.

Was this another human emotion? Was this what they called caring for someone?

Again, Jake couldn't confirm for sure to himself.

So, as silent as he came, he turns himself into a shadow and walks out of the medical room.


For the first time since arrival, the sun's rays didn't shine through the windows of Apollo's room to signal daybreak. Clouds fill the sky, blocking the sun's light from breaching through.

As Apollo arises from his sleep, he takes a moment to let his brain and body catch up. He cringes as he remembers the events of the night before, looking over to see the hole he made from punching the wall. Letting out a sad sigh, he scoots over to the edge of the room and huddles into a ball, resting his head on his knees.

For today, it was just Apollo in his room. Qrow had been off on a mission for quite some time with Clover, whereas Jake was nowhere to be seen.

For today, he was alone.


He had never felt so defeated before. So lost.

Why should he, though? Heath was fine, and albeit the launch site had damage, it was successfully fended off from the Grimm.

He should be relieved. Exhausted physically, yes, but he should be proud of himself for yesterday's successful defense.


Another memory plays in Apollo's head. The night Beacon fell.

The night he witnessed his foster family's deaths. The night he witnessed an obsidian-tipped arrow sink through the stomach of his partner.

The night he lost nearly everything.


It felt all too familiar to what happened the other day. He swore to himself that he wasn't going to let that happen again, yet it did.

Apollo grits his fists and lets out a grunt. Then, closing his eyes, he lets out a cry and punches his pillow, before throwing it across the room.

"I failed to save another friend. I failed in my purpose of protecting others."

"What kind of Huntsman am I if I can't do something so simple as that!?"

Breathing erratically, Apollo pulls up his Huntsman license and stares at it.

"This!? I don't deserve this! I don't deserve to have this at all! I was just gifted this license, I'm the last person on the planet to DESERVE this!"

Memories continue to pour in, all of them related to his loved ones being in pain. From the defeated expressions of his friends when Beacon fell, when Ruby was kidnapped by the White Fang back at Mount Glenn, Akashi stabbing him through the chest, each and every single memory of his loved ones being harmed strike him like lightning.

He falls over to the floor, his vision blurry, his head sweaty, his breaths jagged. He tries to get up, but none of his limbs respond to his call as he crawls.

But suddenly, a knock on the door resounds, and everything stops.

The burden, the pressure, the pain, it all stopped.

"Y/N? Are you in there?"


Apollo's eyes widen at the voice. He gets to his feet and walks over to open the door, revealing Grace in a casual fit.

"Grace?" He asks in a bewildered tone. She waves at him and smiles, tilting her head to the side.

"Hey! Mind if I come in?"

Apollo steps back, but he recomposes himself and nods. 

Grace walks into the room and eyes the thrown pillow across the room, as well as the crack in the wall from Apollo's punch.

Apollo: I... thought you'd be in class.

Grace: It's rest day, silly! All students don't have class today. I thought that was a worldwide thing?

Apollo: Wait, is today rest day?

He checks his scroll.

Apollo: Ah.

Grace: Lost track of time already? You've not even been here for a week! 

She laughs, causing Apollo to rub the back of his neck.

Apollo: I've not been able to keep up with what's happening lately! Things have just been so hectic.

Grace muses.

Grace: I get that. I was the same way when I was promoted to an Ace Op. Lots of responsibilities and tasks in the blink of an eye.

She sits down by the desk and crosses her legs.

Apollo: Why... are you here?

Apollo asks as he walks over to his messy bed. Grace tilts her head to the side.

Apollo: Unless you simply want to spend time with me, I assume you're here for something. 

He sighs as he sits down.

Apollo: Am I in hot water for last night? Does the General want to see me? What's going on?

Grace puffs her cheeks and shakes her head.

Grace: Is it wrong of me to want to spend time with you?

A frown then emerges on her face.

Grace: Why have you been so doubtful of me as of recent? If you don't wanna spend time, I'll leave.

Apollo: No, no... ah...

He shakes his head.

Apollo: You... know our relationship right now is... complicated. You can't play dumb with me there.

Grace: Who says I'm playing dumb? And how do you mean, "complicated"? We haven't even talked about it!

She changes her sitting position.

Grace: Actually, when DO you want to talk about that? I'm down to do it right now, personally.

Apollo glances to look at Grace, but he slowly averts his gaze.

Apollo: Keeping it real... I have... more things in mind than our relationship, Grace. 

Grace: ...!

Grace's eyes widen - she hadn't expected that answer. But, she immediately calms herself down with a breath, realizing what Apollo meant.

Grace: R-Right... of course...

The two sit in silence. She eventually lets out a sigh and stands up to walk over to Apollo, sitting down beside him.

Grace: I... probably should've asked about that first thing through the door. How are you feeling?

Apollo remained silent momentarily, but he soon flashes a smile.

Apollo: So you really aren't donning your Ace Op persona today.

Grace pouts.

Grace: Okay, well, if you want me to act all strict and tight, then by all means! 

She lets out a sigh.

Grace: Judging by the fact you can still pull up a joke and flash a fake smile like that, seems like you're still sane. 

Apollo's fake smile fades away.

Apollo: I'm hangin' in there. Somewhat.

Grace: Mm. Good to hear.

Another silence emerges between the two. Grace then glances up as Apollo lets out a sigh.

Apollo: That... reminded me a lot of what happened to you.

Grace: Hm?

Apollo glances down at Grace's stitched stomach, still emanating an orange hue around its wound.

Apollo: It felt way too familiar. My body gave out, my words weren't coming out, all I could do was sit there and watch... it was like watching a horror movie, knowing full well what was going to happen in advance.

Grace's eyes widen as she realizes Apollo's body was shaking.

Apollo: I... I thought I was going to lose him... h-hell, I thought I did lose him...! Any other person... and they were dead!

A breath hitches in his throat.

Apollo: I promised him and his brothers that I was going to keep him safe! He... he didn't deserve that! His blood is on my arms...! I... I...!

Tears start to build up in his eyes. But, before grief could fully take over, Grace wraps his hands around hers, causing him to stop.

Grace: Stop that. 

Apollo turns to Grace.

Grace: Stop blaming yourself, dammit. I get that you're selfless, but you can't just blame yourself on something that was far out of your control.

She lets out a sigh as Apollo sniffles.

Grace: I know I wasn't there to see what happened fully, but if I had to guess, Heath ran in on his own and got himself in that situation. I highly doubt that a Megoliath had managed to outskill him; the most realistic outcome was that he brought that onto himself. 

Apollo grits his teeth and tenses up.

Grace: I know it's really hard to hear that, but you've got to accept that that was Heath's fault and not yours. You can try and cope all you want, but that's just how the cookie crumbles. He was being too reckless.

Apollo growls under his breath. It was clear that he was upset at Grace's words, but it'd be wrong of him to lash out at her. As much as he hated to admit it, she was right, and deep down, he had been suppressing those thoughts.

So reluctantly, Apollo takes a few deep breaths and calms himself down.

Grace: You need to allow others to take accountability for their actions, Y/N. Not only is that healthier, but it allows them to grow and reflect on their own problems, too. I'm sure that when Heath regains consciousness, he'll reflect on that situation and say that it was his fault, not yours.

She scoots in closer and puts her head on his shoulders.

Grace: But hey, I'm not invalidating your feelings. You have every right to be upset at what happened, that just shows how much you care about him. It shows how much he means to you, y'know?

Apollo: Y-Yeah...

Grace looks up to smile at him, but he moves away from her, causing her to frown.

Apollo: You say that and all... but you seem unbothered that a good friend of ours has just been impaled and will probably be unable to fight for the rest of his life.

Grace lets out a sigh.

Grace: Oh trust me, I AM bothered. Admittedly, I just don't show it. Whether you want to believe that or not is up to you.

He turns to glance at her, but he glances away once more. Grace lets out a sigh.

Grace: Welcome to the real world, Apollo Carter Jr. It's quite a cruel one. And, as huntsmen, every mission you take, you run the risk of losing a fellow member, or even worse, your own life. That's just part of the hidden contract we signed the moment we made the decision. But...

She frowns and crosses her arms.

Grace: I'm sure in your case... you never wanted to become a huntsman at all in the first place, huh.

Apollo glances at Grace, almost shocked that she had read his mind. But, he eventually nods, causing her to scowl once again. She then stands up and walks away.

Grace: I'm... sorry for what I said last night, by the way. It was completely out of line for me. I... hope you didn't take what I said too harshly.

Apollo responds with a single hum. Still looking away from him, she opens her scroll and scrolls through her chat logs.

Grace: The General has granted you as much time off as you see fit. He... sends his regards and his regrets. He's really sorry for what's happened.

She flicks further on her scroll.

Grace: Oh, and he's also sent Team RWBY to examine the cause of that Grimm horde, so if you're worried about that, your team's got you covered. 

Apollo: ... Sending more of my friends to their potential deaths, huh?

Grace turns around and sighs at his bitter tone.

Grace: They volunteered to go investigate for themselves, by the way.

She closes her scroll and crouches down to see eye-to-eye with Apollo.

Grace: I... know you're upset at us, since we basically screwed up the entire mission yesterday, but... please don't direct your frustrations at the General. He's... got enough on his plate as is, and he truly feels bad for what's happened. He's doing everything he can to make up for the incident, that I can assure you.

Grace pauses momentarily.

Grace: We'll get to the bottom of this. Trust us. And, uh... you're always free to vent out to our local therapist if you need it. That's what I did when I got into Atlas Academy day one, and it helps a ton! Just... lettin' you know that. And, uh... you can always let me know if you ever want to talk, too. I'll be there if I'm not busy, okay?

Apollo: ...

Grace: Alright. I'll get out of your hair, then.

She nods and stands back to her feet, turning around to walk back to the door. 

But, before she could leave...


She stops and turns around before stepping back in fear. Apollo, with his gaze lowered, had silently stood up to his feet, his body language indistinguishable.

"Did you seriously come because General Ironwood told you to? Was that all just a facade you pulled so that you can just relay his messages to me? When he could just come to me himself?"


Grace felt like cowering. Apollo, for the first time since she's known him, was intimidating her.

She WAS sent by General Ironwood to talk to him. That was true, and without such orders, she hadn't thought about going to check up on her old partner.

But, at the same time, she also wanted to find time to sit down and chat with him at least once. She figured that this would've been the perfect opportunity.


The fact that he had managed to see through her... was terrifying in itself.

So, with a lowered gaze, Grace doesn't respond to Apollo's questions... and walked out the door.





Next time on The Ashes of The Chosen:

Break In The Action (Volume 7 Chapter 9)

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