Blood Curse

By Nikolunamanu

110 4 0

In a world where Vampire's command, human have to live by the rules they've made. Vampires farm humans like a... More

I hate this
Kill me please
Why me
I want to die
My life Now
Don't feel
The beginning
Lab rat
friend or foe
Kiss me
New world


5 0 0
By Nikolunamanu

After those words slipped out of his mouth, my world changed. My hole life was meant to hate this people, their kind. But This guy is so strange and do things so differently. We go out of the shower and he got dressed with an elegant tuxedo, he put me a red cute dress, fancy too. we went down stairs and people where arriving. The castle where all decorated, people where dressed so nicely. Fast a couple walk to us.

-Prince Dorian, how's it been?- the woman says to him

-you know, this and that, hey have you met my new project- he pushes me in front of them

The man looks at me with disgust. -a human?- he says

-yes, company pet, I was thinking, why killed them all the way in the first, why not keep them, for tasks, like cleaning, or simple favors, they are the good working kind-

-yes that's what they say- the women adds

-exactly I'm thinking on bringing this new idea to the board, maybe they accept-

-sure- the man says looking at me, still holding the disgust at his face

-well see you later- Dorian pulls me with him

I look around and this place is full of them, they surely look evil. All looking over their shoulders, look at them, laughing and acting like superiors, while we are down there, fearing our day has come to die at their hand. The guy from the other day walks to us, the red head guy.

-hey , I got you an audience with him-

-really? you are not fucking with me?-

-why will I do that? now do you got the girls and the food?-

-well...the girls I got them, but the life stock is still pending-

-what? you have to hurry up, James don't joke around, he got the place separated for you, if you mess this up, I have to pay-

-hey chill, I got this-

-and what have you been doing? that you haven't been able to find the food-

-well, I trust you enough, meet me in my lab after the party-


-PSST! yeah right, he speaks more shit than any human I know-

I look at him fast, idiot, we barely speak, out of fear. I think to myself.

-well time to go and do the line, will you hold her form me Alex- Dorian give the least to the red head guy

-what? what line, don't tell me-

-no, no, not about that, is another thing, Ill be right back- he walked away and leave me with this strange guy I don't know. Silence filled our space, he was just looking at everybody, so quiet and calm.

He noticed me looking at him, I fast looked down. I don't know if this guy is a killer and hates humans as all the others. He then started walking towards a balcony, I walked fast behind him. we stopped right at the border, he rest his arms at the balcony and looked down.

-so, I'm pretty sure you are not mute, so tell me, what you and Dorian have? I know is not love, that's certainly, he can only love himself and a good blood, unless, that's it your blood must be amazing- he gets close to me, put one arm on each side, corning me so I don't move. -aren't you going to tell me, or I have to found out myself?-

I took I deep breath and look at him strait in the eye. -do whatever you want-

He then grabs my face and pulls it to the side, so my neck is visible, he bites fast, I feel him sucking, his bite is different from Dorian, is a little softer, I like it a little. He grabs my waist with his other hand and pulls me against his body, squeezing hard, I hear him moaning and breathing more loud than before. he then stops, he backs away with my blood dripping from his mouth. he cleans himself and looks happy.

-You taste amazing, I almost lose myself there, you feel good?-

I nodded. I feel great I thought.

-you don't look tired at all, maybe Dorian got you well trained- he pick a paper towel out of his pocket and cleaned my neck. -lets keep this a secrete, shall we?-

-I don't keep secrets from master, if he asks, Ill speak the truth-

-well trained indeed, how lucky, why I don't got the same-

-maybe because you kill before even asking a name-

-you should be careful on how you speak to people-

-or what?, kill me? I could see any better way to end this-

I don't know why but I feel more free on speaking with him than Dorian, he seems different, body language is less, scary I guess. Dorian find us.

-finally, why you guys move-

-we needed fresh air, so how did it go?-

-well... my dad wants to kill me, but the table accepts my offer-

-which is?-

-allowing to keep the humans if we want too, I proposed opening a human pet shop- he said opening his arms like he said something so incredible, he was so proud. my insides revolted, and without any warning I vomited on the floor.

-hey hey, what's going on with you- he screams at me, my vision got blurry and I fainted.

I appeared on the woods, I was just lying on the floor in a white dress, I hear someone calling my name, but I don't want to move, I just want to stay here and die, right here, in the middle of nowhere so I don't hurt anyone and nobody hears about me. But yet again I wake up, Dorian was Infront of me, he looked so worried for a evil man.

-oh shit nix, I thought I lost you, fuck, damm- he said brushing his hair back

I looked around and I was in the torture chair. No not again, I force the belts but they are tight.

-Don't you dare feed of her again - he pointed at Alex

-I wont, you made that clear earlier when you beat the shit out of me-

he fight him? for me? what a fake guy, really, why he even care, well I am unlimited food after all.

-Now, what I was saying is, she cant die, she is unique, that's how I am going to have unlimited Resorces for the club, of course nobody is touching her, I'm just taking the blood out and taking it to the club as an anonymous donators or something, but who cares where the blood comes from-

-I think is a wonderful idea but sooner or later James will want to know where the blood is coming from-

-yes but until then, it will work, and when the day comes ill figure a lie, I don't want people knowing about my nix, she's mine and mine only-

-she really cant die?- he asks

-yes, ill prove it to you-he grabs a knife out of the table and cuts my throat

I was floating again, then I see and old woman from afar, she says something, but I cant hear her well. I'm back again, I hate this. Alex was closed to me, looking at me like, I'm some kind of freak.

-this is amazing, she is amazing-

-I know, I'm thinking she is like an alien or something, maybe she crashed here a couple years ago and lost her memories-

-wait what if she has super powers? she will be able to kill us all-

-shh, don't say that, she'll never do that-

-you have to share her with me, we are partners, we are best friends, I tasted her already and I fucking love it, there's no way ill stop, you'll have to kill me-

-what you just said minutes ago- he stops and closed his eyes, took a deep breath.- fine but you better not be telling nobody or believe me ill kill you- his face changed and you can tell he is for real

-I will never share her with anyone, she is a treasure, mine treasure-

-what? she is mine-

-well ours-

I am doomed, what is going on here. what will happened to me for now on?

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