The Last One

Od live4h0y

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Redinfel was raised in Craven, in Northumbria. Born to a Saxon woman, but raised by Danes. Her father and bro... Více



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Od live4h0y

The walls. The fucking walls.

The massive walls of Winchester could strangle me in a way that I never expected to experience. I hated it there. I hated the castle. I hated the town square. I hated the entrance to the town. The way the shadows of the walls cast down at the ground as one approached them from the road strangled the air in my lungs in a new and damaging way.

The reprieve I would usually get from the crowded inns and taverns was swallowed up by the fucking walls of the damned town where I didn't even want to be.

I sighed heavily and put my head in my hands as I leaned my elbows on the table. I looked down at my bowl of swiftly cooling oatmeal.

"So you and Sihtric? Really?" Finan swooped in with his cheerful personality and endearing little accent and made me giggle despite my unease.

He sat across from me with his own bowl of oats and looked at me seriously, his forehead wrinkled in that endearing little way it always did. "And you just didn't think to mention it?" He took a bite of the oats, never taking his eyes off of me.

"Well.. I.." I didn't know what to say. We had been having a secret sex relationship that grew into more, and now we were like in a real relationship. It felt strange to be in the open with this now. People looked at me and knew I was with him, and I wasn't sure how that made me feel yet. My face flushed as I tried to come up with an answer.

"I would not have guessed it," he stated, "but I guess it makes sense. You are both young, both Danes, and the tension between the two of you, sheesh."

I laughed and then took a sip of my tea. "It was not planned.. it just happened."

He nodded. "Aye, that's what Uhtred said."

I flushed again. Uhtred was telling people? I looked at Finan in horror before he spoke up. "He just told me! It was only me that he told."

"Why?" I squeaked. Why, Gods, were they sitting around talking about my love life? I felt myself shrinking inwardly at the thought of being in the hot seat.

"Because he thought that I knew about it, but I didn't," he reassured me.

I sighed. I was still not pleased with this information, but at least it wasn't a gossip fueled chat between my friend and my Lord, so there was that.

"Is he mad?" I almost whispered.

Finan snorted. "Little late for that, innit?" He took a big bite of oats and then spoke around them. "But he wasn't mad. Surprised, maybe."

That was a relief, at least. Now, two people had told me that Uhtred wasn't angry, yet he still hadn't spoke to me on the subject.

"I can't believe I didn't even notice.. all the way from Rumcofa to Winchester, and you two were just keeping it a secret that is not a secret anymore." He chuckled.

"It's not a secret.. it just didn't come up."

He chuckled. "Where is he anyway?"


Finan laughed. "Your man!"

"Oh!" I blushed at my insolence. "I don't know. He was really drunk last night. Probably asleep? You and I are the early birds, Finan."

He chuckled. "True enough." He took a sip of his drink and silence settled between us.

"So what about the woman that you were courting?" I played in my oatmeal with my spoon, trying to convince myself to take more bites of it.

He shook his head. "Not gonna work."

"What do you mean it's not going to work?" My eyes widened as I looked up at him from my oatmeal.

He shrugged. "I just don't think she's 'The One' you know?"

I nodded. I guess that's fair, but she was so pretty and seemed to really be into him. "So you are going to break it off?"

He nodded again. "Aye."

I sighed and shook my head. "Why? She seemed so into you."

He frowned, and his cheeks turned slightly pink as he looked at me. "Well, she's not -"

The door to the tavern opened, letting in the soft morning light. Sihtric and Uhtred strolled in chuckling amongst themselves loudly and drawing our attention to them rather than our own conversation.

Sihtric went to the bar, and Uhtred walked over to us. He sagged against the table when he sat next to Finan and pressed his head against the cool grain. "Finan, you must make me stop drinking like this," he chuckled weakly.

"Ah, Lord, but then what would we do together?" Finan laughed.

Sihtric slid a bowl of oatmeal in front of the puddle of man that was our Lord, then sat next to me with his own bowl of oats. He smiled at me. "Good morning."

I couldn't help but feel on display, and all he had said was 'good morning'. This was going to be so new and weird.

"Good morning," I repeated the words and my face felt like it was on fire.

Uhtred chuckled as he looked at us, and I felt like I was literally inside of an oven. "You two do make a nice couple," he said this with a hint of amusement.

I covered my face with my hands. Why did I feel so embarrassed? Wasn't this what we wanted? Everyone was taking it so well, and even still, I felt like I was the butt end of some sour joke.

"You okay?" Sihtric whispered into my ear, and I felt a jolt shoot through my body. I was okay. I was so okay. Everything was going to be okay. Right?

I dropped my hands and nodded. "I'm just not used to so much attention."

He took a bite of oatmeal and eyed me. A spark of longing was within his pupils. I recognized it well. "Well, I'm not sure how that's possible."

"What?" I looked at him with an expression of curiosity?

"You are like the sun."

My breath hitched in my chest. What did that mean? I'm like the sun? "How so?"

"You are impossible not to notice."

"So if I'm the sun.. What does that make you?" I smiled playfully.

He grinned and leaned closer again. He whispered to me again, his breath hot in my ear. "Sköll."

The wolf that eats the sun? My eyebrows stitched together for a second or two in confusion before my brain caught up, and I giggled at his innuendo. Heat rose inside of me. He sure was feeling bold today, and I was feeling lost, but he had that way of distracting me from my problems and my thoughts of being trapped here.

"Oh?" I bit my lip to keep from grinning like an idiot. He smirked and didn't respond. I glanced to Finan and Uhtred. They were absorbed in their own conversation, so I felt a little more at ease. I leaned closer to him again, I felt so nervous, but his boldness always rubbed off on me in the worst ways.

"And are you going to eat me, Mister Wolf?" My voice came out as a soft whisper, and I felt him stiffen in response.

He pressed his lips against my cheek, sending lightening bolts streaking across my skin. "No," his voice puffed against my skin like a new strike of lightening with each word he spoke, "I'm going to devour you."

I literally couldn't speak. My tongue was a mass of flesh that pressed against the roof of my mouth uselessly. Heat spread over my entire body, and I tried to take a breath that felt like it rattled its way into my lungs.

He leaned back and took a bite of oatmeal so casually like he hadn't just lit me on fire just to watch me burn. I swallowed and found my will to speak again. I chuckled. "I'm pretty sure wolves usually aren't interested in human flesh."

"Mmh." He nodded and smiled softly. "Well, Sköll craves the sun, and Hati lusts after the moon.. Fenrir himself craves man-flesh.. but you are right," he took another bite of oats and chewed it slowly. "A regular old wolf probably wouldn't be interested in your meat."

I grinned. "I guess it's a good thing you are not a regular wolf, then."

He blushed slightly. "Aye.. a good thing I'm not."

This game was fun. I was enjoying the teasing nature of the whole thing, so I scooted onto the edge of my chair before I spoke to him again. I was aware that Uhtred and Finan were right there, and I definitely didn't feel that they would appreciate our playful back and forth of innuendos.

"What kind of wolf are you then?" My voice was soft, just for him. My gaze followed the spoonful of oats up to his lips as he took another bite. "The kind that eats pretty girls for breakfast?"

He scoffed and swallowed. "No, I eat oatmeal for breakfast." He grinned and leaned a bit closer again, his voice a husky whisper. "I save the pretty girls for dinner when I am.. ravenous."

Oh, Gods..

I hummed and felt like maybe I was the sun. Not because I was soaking up all the attention, but because I was so hot I felt like I might need to dunk my head in a bucket of water to cool myself. But I couldn't stop now; not when we were having so much fun.

"And am I a pretty girl?"

He raised a brow and gave a half smile that made me feel like I could turn to mush. "You are the prettiest creature I've ever seen," he said as he reached out and flicked my ear lobe with his finger, making me giggle like a child. My blood whooshed in my ears so loud that I couldn't even focus on anything other than the look in his eyes and the smile on his lips.

"Breakfast is oats. Dinner is pretty girls." I grinned playfully and leaned in a bit closer. "What about lunch?"

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, which made it extremely obvious that we were together here in this tavern. Now, it wasn't just Finan and Uhtred that knew, but everyone in the tavern would see this display. I felt the sting of eyes on me, but I pushed it away from my mind. I had to get over this. We were together now, and it was okay if people saw us being together. It was fine. My embarrassment and shame were not justified.

"I usually skip lunch, so I am nice and hungry for my pretty girl dinner," he chuckled and pressed his lips against my neck with a soft kiss. I shuddered softly as the contact made me feel things a lot lower than my neck as it shot little jolts of desire down into my core. He pulled away and took another little bite of oatmeal, then followed it with a sip of tea. His eyes were on me, though, and I couldn't say I didn't feel the need to keep them that way.

"And what if you get hungry? Maybe you sometimes need a little.. snack?"

A smile pulled at the corners of his lips again, and his eyes lit up again. "Good point.. maybe I need a little bite."

I nodded my head. We were pressed back against each other again, like being pressed together was the default that we were trying to avoid.

"Maybe.. bare en lille smag," I murmured.

He grinned, leaning closer again like he was about to kiss me and whispered in that husky voice again. "Just a tiny little nip to hold me over."

Sihtric's eyes flicked to my lips, and I felt my heart fluttering around in that familiar way he tended to make it behave. The moment lingered unbearably long, I felt like I was stuck holding my breath as I tried to will his lips to graze against mine. He leaned closer, so close that I could almost feel his breaths against my face. Then he redirected at the last second and blew a raspberry against my neck. I tried to jerk away, giggling wildly from the sensation. He didn't let me go, though. Instead, he held me tighter and did it again, blowing against my neck. It made such a loud sound that everyone was definitely looking at us now.

I laughed loudly and squirmed to try and get away from him. He was laughing too as he let me go. His expression was so light and full of playful care and desire. It was a nice new way to see him. It reminded me of how we had been in Dunholm.

"Ugh, young love," Finan groaned and rolled his eyes. Uhtred chuckled and shrugged in response.


Finan's voice abrubtly reminded me that we were, in fact, NOT alone, and I sat up straighter. I suddenly felt like I was on display again. "Right," I mumbled and tried to shake it off. "Uh.. I should go get my stuff ready. We're leaving today.. right?"

The reminder that I was in fucking Winchester came screaming back to me as I snapped back to reality from the flirty haze I had been trapped inside of. The fog was clearing, though, and that familiar sensation of unease pricked under my skin again.

Uhtred cleared his throat. "Yes," he paused to look at something behind me. I whipped my head around to see the sight of Aethelwold. I rolled my eyes as I turned back. "Go quickly, before he traps you in conversation as well." He chuckled softly.

It was a jest, but I took it to heart and fled the scene. I didn't want to get wrapped up with another conversation with that rat of a man ever again. I was all too happy to get out of the tavern and into the fresh air. Except, as I was constantly reminded, I was in fucking Winchester with its constrictive walls and packed streets. I groaned in my throat and started walking back towards the Inn and my room to pack my things.

I packed up my gear and gathered it all by the door when I heard a knock at the door. I strolled confidently to it and opened the door. I'm not sure what I was expecting but, what I found was Sihtric and his eyes of desire were on me. I took a step back to let him come into the room and he took that step greedily then another.

He grabbed the door and pushed it closed behind him. Then his hands were on me immediately. He grabbed me hungrily as he pulled me against his body. "You. Are. Mine." His words were gruff and heavy with the breath of his desire. I felt powerless to deny his claim to me as I nodded an agreement. He pressed his lips back to mine, and they danced together in a song old as time itself.

He broke away, and his lips went to my neck. His voice was a growl against my skin. "Du er min." I shivered and whimpered, his claims to own me set my body on fire, and it was all I could do to whimper incomprehensibly in return. His hands slid up my shirt and grasped my breasts, illiciting a breathless gasp from me.

I pulled at his shirt and yanked it off. My breaths came shorter and heavier as my hands slid up the toned muscles of his body. "Say it again," I whispered desperately into the air around us.

He chuckled. "Mine," he peppered kisses down my jaw line. "Mine," his hands gripped my breasts tighter, his thumbs teased across my nipples in soft back and forth movements that made me gasp and shiver.

"Mine," his lips brushed across my own as he spoke it again and again. His eyes pulled me into the abyss, and I couldn't deny him. He nibbled my bottom lip between his and grinned, sending a jolt of desire through my body.

"Jeg er den," I moaned my agreeance to be his as I tugged at his belt. This was escalating quickly, both the moment and the relationship. His breaths were heavy as our lips intermingled again, our tongues slid together, and I could so nothing but try to breathe through the pressure building in every cell of my body. He shoved my shirt up and yanked it over my head, forcing our lips to part for a moment, and my heart fell with the absence of his taste.

He pressed against me again. His skin was hot against mine, and I melted against him. My chest was heaving already with each breath, and we had barely even started this encounter. He leaned forward, and his forehead pressed against my own as his fingers touched the feather braided into my hair with fascination, and his other hand slid down my back softly.

My breath hinged in my throat. His touch had changed from desperate and needy to soft and tender so quickly, but it didn't quell the need for him in the least. My hands slid up and down his exposed arms, enjoying the feeling of his muscular upper arms beneath my fingertips.

His eyes were open, and they were so close that I could barely make out the details of his irises. His eyes dilated and undilated as he blinked slowly. His gaze searched into my pupils unblinking. "Bare min?"

My heart skipped a beat, and my hands stopped trailing up and down his arms. I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out as my breath was captured somewhere in my lungs, seized by the emotion that squeezed my chest like a vice grip. I nodded my head and tried to take a breath, but it rattled its way into my body.

"Say it," he whispered. His breath tickled across my lips as he spoke, and my entire body trembled in response. I could not deny his request anymore than I could deny how much I was enjoying his touch. My eyes were snared in the trap of his stare.

"Mitt hjerte," my voice trembled as much as my body, "bare ditt." The moment I admitted my own truth, I felt free. My body lightened, and my breath came more freely once more.

He smiled happily and touched his lips to mine again, softly this time. The way his lips took mine was like the brush of a feather on the skin, and my body softened into his arms. His hand slid down from my hair to the back of my neck and cradled my head as his lips parted and his tongue came to meet mine.

I sat on the edge of the bed, and his lips followed me down as I laid back on the soft fur. His weight settled on top of me comfortably, as his hand behind my head trailed to the front of my neck. His fingertips tickled their way down my collar bone. The simple touch of his fingers felt like heaven itself, and I knew it was going to get so much better from here. That thought alone set my body aflutter. Everything started to feel weak and trembly.

I let my hands wander down his exposed body, tracing along the muscles of his chest and downward across his belly. His breaths quickened slightly, and his thumbs brushed against the curve of my breasts as they went down my body. I gasped into his mouth and felt him smile against my lips.

I realized that his smile was not only about my reaction but also because my hands were pulling at his pants again without my active consent. I flushed with desire as I noted my own actions.

He moved his lips away, and I protested with a whimper. He smiled again as he moved lower on my body. He kissed along the inside curve of my breast and descended further, down my stomach. His hands slid down my body, too, and his fingers gripped onto the waist of my pants. His breath was like puffs of fire against the soft skin on my belly, and I wanted so bad for him to pull off my pants.

He was looking up at me like he needed permission, and I was unable to speak clearly as I imagined what he was planning, but I nodded my head desperately. He giggled, little puffs of dragon's breath against my skin, and he moved his hands inward and undid my belt and popped free my buttons. He looked up at me again as he gripped my pants and underwear again at the hip and started yanking them down.


He moved downwards with my pants and underwear and moved slightly upwards as he pulled them off one leg and then the other. He slid his hands along the insides of my thighs, up towards my center. I was entranced with his every touch and could only offer whimpers of breaths as my body trembled in desperate need.

His lips followed his hand's trail down my left thigh. He rearranged his body again, so his lips came so close to the sensitive skin between my thighs, his breaths puffed against it, and I squirmed urgently but was unable to force the contact until he was ready to give it.

Suddenly, a wildfire spread from my core upwards as his tongue slid along the shape of me, finding the sensitive spot and making me gasp. His hands slid under my thighs and gripped onto my hips, holding me in place. His tongue moved and rolled in the perfect rhythm as I lost control of my restraint entirely.

Gasps and moans came out of my body as I gripped his hands at my hips, just needing to touch something of him as he continued, pushing me further and further. I tried to move my hips up into his face, but his grip on my hips prevented me from moving much as he slid his tongue perfectly against the pulsing point of my desire.

My body started to feel waves of passion that slowly built tension as I curled my fingers into his hair, unable to even think as the tension rose to a peak. My vision blurred in and out of focus as I cried out, and the tension began to fall in rolling waves of euphoria. My grip on his hair loosened, and he climbed back on top of me.

"Mine," he whispered as he looked into my eyes. His gaze shifted to my lips, and he pressed his lips against them. The taste of myself slid over my tongue as his lips parted and reignited my desire. I moaned into his mouth and squeezed at his sides, wanting him closer again.

He slid his hands down my sides and then off of me. His hips arched slightly back away from me, and I could hear the rustle of fabric as he pushed his bottoms down. Excitement thrummed through my body and mixed perfectly with the aftershocks of climax that I was still experiencing.

He didn't hesitate this time and slid his length into me. My body reacted with a bloom of fire that made me gasp. Everything trembled, and my fingers dug into his sides as the world seemed to fade away. He groaned into the crook of my neck as he pressed into me.

He wrapped his arms around me, which pulled me more against him and started to make slow, intense movements against me. I was left breathless and without the ability to even think. All that existed in this moment was the feeling of him, the smell of him, the taste of him and of myself on his lips.

Everything felt heightened. I felt suffocated in the best way underneath him as he nibbled along my collar bone. I mumbled his name, and his movements became faster as if I had given some command. It was absolute bliss though, and he was hitting all the right spots with his powerful thrusts. I didn't want it to end. I never wanted it to end.

My hands squeezed at his shoulders and pulled for him, like we could get closer if I just willed it to be so, but he obliged. His hands slid down my back and gripped at my hips as he pressed against me more deeply, making his thrusts into more of a grinding momentum, that my hips rolled to match the rhythm of.

"Mere," I whimpered, the R rolled off my tongue like honey, and had the desired effect. He groaned deeply, and his lips dragged across my skin as they came back to my lips. He squeezed me hips, and pulled them against him with each roll of our bodies against each other which only intensified the feeling of closeness.

My body was reacting to his movements by itself, and I writhed against him, unable to control myself. His kiss became needy, and his lips danced against mine frantically as he struggled to maintain control. His breathing was ragged, his hands gripped at my hips so tightly it almost hurt.

The tension inside of me was building back up to a new climax as my breaths became shallow and fast. "Sihtric.." I gasped as I could feel it rising in my belly. "Don't stop," I pleaded. His attention was fixed on my every desire, and he didn't stop. He kept moving the same exact way, pushing me further and further until..

The sunlight from the window flooded into my vision as my eyes glazed over in a haze of euphoria. I cried out in a breathless moan that came out as more of a little whisper. His thrusts slowed, and his body went rigid against mine. I could feel his muscles spasming as his breaths became short. My hands loosened their grip at his shoulders, and grazed down his arms, making his skin form gooseflesh underneath my touch.

He moved off of me to my side, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me up against his chest in an embrace. His arms were hard and strong around my body and made me feel warm and cared for inside. My heart thundered in my ears as I looked at his face. My mind raced, I wondered if he was as caught up in me as I was in him. I searched his eyes for the answer, but I could not discern with any certainty based on his gaze alone.

Laying there, in his arms. I felt something new, something I had not felt in so long: security. The idea that I could be safe here, not just with the group, not just with Sihtric, but inside of a relationship with him made my heart rate pick up even more, and I took a shaky breath in an attempt to regain some sense of a handle on my own emotions.

His chest pressed back against mine with every breath he took in, and reminded me he that he was really here, holding me. I reached up my hand and my fingertips grazed across the soft flesh along his cheekbones. He smiled softly, in such a cute little smirk that made me want to kiss him again, but I was trapped in the moment. Lost in the feeling his body pressed against mine. Lost in the feeling of his skin underneath my fingers. Lost in his smile, in his scent, in his eyes, in his arms.

Or maybe I wasn't lost. Maybe this was what it felt like to be found; to be seen.

He pulled me tighter against him and kissed my forehead. "Its ironic that we are together this way, no?"

The sound of his voice shocked me from my train of soft pillowy thoughts and brought me back to reality. "Ironic?"

"Our fathers," he spoke so softly, like he was telling a bedtime story, "they tried to kill each other. If either of them had succeeded, we would not be here right now."

I nodded softly, looking back up at him again. It was true. If Kjartan had managed to kill Arne, I never would have been adopted by him. On the other hand, if Arne had killed Kjartan, Sihtric never would have been born. The squabble of our fathers that had ended in bitter rivalry, could have easily ended in one man's death, but the Gods had planned for something else. Maybe it was this?

"The Gods must have wanted us to meet," I smiled. My words made me blush at how ridiculously corny that sounded, but maybe it was true.

He chuckled softly. "Perhaps the Norns weave our fates together, hmm?" His hand slid down my back, stopping in the small of my back and tickling their way back up. His touch was soft, despite the callouses on his fingers.

I hummed softly, both at his words and his touch. "I hope so."

He sighed. "We need to go."

I internally rejected this idea immediately, I was safe here. The world outside this room suddenly felt too big, too open, too unsure. Being here was certain, I would stay here in his arms, pressed up against his body, and I would want for nothing ever again. Even still, I knew we had to go soon. Uhtred was probably already waiting on us and getting irritated at our tardiness.

"Not yet," I mumbled the request as I nestled my head into his chest.

He squeezed me tighter in response and chuckled. "Mitt hjerte, I would stay here endlessly if it were possible."

Did he have any idea what he did to me when he said words so pretty? I didn't think he did. I wanted to give him something back, to make him feel the elation I felt. "You make me feel..." I wasn't sure what to actually say. He made me feel lots of things, lots of brand new things. "Seen."

He pulled back from me far enough to grin at me. "I do see you."

Emotion pulled at my heart strings and made my eyes water. I nodded my head and took a deep breath to steady myself again. "I see you too."

He nodded solemnly and kissed the top of my head before pulling his body away from mine. "We should go."

I sighed deeply. "What if we just don't?"

He laughed. "And just, forget our duties, hmm?" He grinned as he pulled his pants back on and buttoned them.

I reached for him and grabbed around his waist, pulling his body back to me as I hugged him from the side of the bed where I sat. "Aye, and just stay in bed. They can wait a little longer, no?" I giggled playfully.

He groaned like he was actually considering my statement and rubbed his hands over my shoulders for a moment before pulling away again. I sighed and followed his lead. I tugged all my clothes back on and secured my weapons to my belt. Sihtric was ready before I was and he started gathering my stuff up that I had placed beside the door before his arrival.

"Oh, I can carry it," I offered.

He shook his head. "I think I can manage."

I opened the door and held it open for him, waving my hand out dramatically as if to say 'you first'. He rolled his eyes and stepped out into the hallway. I let the door close behind me, and followed him out of the Inn and into the street. It was mid-morning by that time and everyone was up and about. The city was a while bustle of activity that reminded me of a bee hive. It made my skin crawl just like a bee hive would too.

We slowly cut through the crowds and made our way to the stables. Finan was leaned against a support joist on the exterior looking annoyed. Uhtred was brushing his horse with a handful of hay.

"Ah, the lovebirds have arrived at last," Finan announced as he kicked off the beam.

Heat flushed through my entire body, like I was on display. I might as well have been wearing a sign that read:

Sihtric laughed at Finan's display and took my pack to my horse. I didn't want to just stand there looking helpless so I joined him to help saddle and pack my horse.

"Passion is to be expected," Uhtred said sternly, "but your duties to me come first."

Sihtric frowned. I diverted my gaze to the ground at my feet. It was true, and again I felt like a child in need of scolding.

"Yes, Lord. Of course," Sihtric said. I nodded my agreement which seemed to be good enough as Uhtred said nothing more on it.

"Good. Then let's go, we have to make up for the time we've lost."

We rode far into the evening and past sunset, trying to make up for lost time. I don't know if we did or not, but the attempt was made. The sun set with a vibrant display of yellow hues, that lit the clouds like a backdrop of fire. I looked upon it with great fascination until it faded off into pale darkness.

Sometime later, we stopped and made a quick camp. We did not have a fire, or meat on that night, but Finan did share some bread with me and I was grateful for that at least. Sleep came fast with the exhaustion of the day weighing heavy on my eyelids.

It wasn't until early morning that I was awoken for my turn to take watch. My mind was foggy with sleep and my muscles ached with the need for more rest, but I took up my watch regardless. In time the weariness wore off, replaced with my usual visions of the past, and dreams of the future. There were new pieces of the future now, new things I envisioned other than death and destruction.

I could imagine a life now. A life where I was happy even. A life where I stayed with Uhtred and his men. A future where I maybe even married Sihtric, and maybe we would live long happy lives together. I twirled a finger around the raven feather braided behind my ear absently as I thought of things not yet to occur, and for the first time my thoughts were consumed with hope instead of bloodlust.

Maybe things could be better now. Maybe I could be better. However, the thought remained, just under the surface like a parasite squirming underneath my skin; Erik still had to die.

▪️Bare en lille smag- just a little taste
▪️Du er min- you are mine
▪️Jeg er den- I am yours.
▪️Bare min?- Only mine?
▪️Mitt hjerte.. bare ditt- My heart.. only yours.
▪️Mere- more

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